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ATWT Monday December 3

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How HORRID is "As the Babies Turn"????

THERE. ARE. NO. WORDS. Today was horrible. I got a vision of how completely empty the Jack/Katie/Brad triangle would be, if Carly didn't exist. Could Jack have sounded any less enthusiastic about having a child with Katie? "I love Katie...if that's what it takes to get her back, I'll agree to have another baby." Way, underwhelming there, Jack.

I will say, Brad's moment with the toy doll was funny. He's WAY too good for Katie. And no matter how he tries to spin it, he's doing this hoping Katie will unhinged her sour puss and wake up in love with him one day.

Sigh...the Willen baby mess. Gwennie puts on her sad face, thinking yet another child is being ripped from her arms. :rolleyes: The first time was sad...but it gets progressively less sad when this is the third potential child in like three months they've "lost".

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Words escape me for how awful today was! Brad made me laugh a couple of times but that was it. And sadly I think these are the two big stories for the week! :o

And Jack certainly was underwhelming saying he would have another child, despite not wanting one, if that would give him another chance with Katie.

I used to love Henry and Vienna but have to desire to see them obsessing over a baby too.

I'm glad the Gwen/Will baby drama is winding down, but geesh I am tired of it!

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Not wanting to raise Cole's child is the only thing that makes sense to me. Gwen considers him as bad as Iris, and I think she knows adopting his child would make it possible for him to make demands of her in the future. Then there's the whole "selling" aspect, and Gwen knowing Sophie didn't want to give up the baby.

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I think the biggest thing for Gwen is she knows that Sofie doesn't want to give up her baby and Gwen having gone through that, knows how it feels. I would imagine she is also afraid that she and Will could get attached to the baby and have Sofie later try to get the baby back.

Ultimately my guess is Gwen and Will actually will still end up adopting the baby.

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Word! It was awful! I ff almost the whole show! The only bright spots were Barbie and Iris plus Brad and the baby doll. Everything else was bad, awful, terrible. I just dont know what to say about Jack. The character is a moron. He has totally lost his way. I cant believe how low Jack has fallen. His talk with Emma was pure [!@#$%^&*]!! And Vienna....wow...I guess she isnt on Jack's side anymore...lol....the only bright spot. Glad she told him off!

This was one of the worst episodes for ATWT!!

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Honestly, that talk with Emma took the cake! It's like EVERYONE'S just forgotten how Jack acted while Carly was sick! He HAD the chance to be Katie's "husband"....he was too busy being Carly's nursemaid. What's next...Emma telling Meggie to go shack up with Paul while Rosanna's in her coma?

Gone are the days when Emma was the voice of reason.

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Oh gawd I agree. What has happened to Emma. She has been ruined by Jean P.'s pen!!! I was like NOooooooo when Emma was giving her advice. How I miss the Douglas Marland years. Emma would have slapped Jack silly and told him off! Katie is no prize...but he didnt love Katie...if he did he wouldnt have left her for Carly. GMAB....you b i t c h writer!! Awwwww...that felt good. :D

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You've got to bless Austin for trying to put some lipstick on this pig, but this story SUCKS. Trying to see through the "silliness" (which is a nicer word for STUPIDITY) is their job as actors. It's not my job as a viewer. Honestly, this isn't DOOL doing some sci-fi "silly" story. (and I'm sorry if I insulted any DOOL fans reading this...) Shoving Katie down my throat, while two men fight for the "honor" of impregnating the Twit, is not MY idea of a good time. I know there are Katie fans out there who think this is just Smurfy-licious, and that Katie's karma has turned with her "maturity" and "goodness" since Mike left her. All I see is a heavy-handed job of repairing last year's damage to Katie, while Jack and Carly both look like desperate cariactures of themselves as they "unfairly" put Katie through the romantic grinder.

This story isn't any better than the Hell Quad. TIIC threw away a great chance to make it compelling when they chose to have Carly lie about her recovery. And time is running out---making it about another Baby Quest is going to get real old, REAL quick. Austin must not watch his own show. I don't know how anyone could see another Baby-centric story and think it would be "fun" for the audience.

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How long has it been that Katie was with Mike? Seriously, talk about moving fast into another relationship. Katie should have been backburned. Instead we got too much of her and CarJack was ruined in the process. Which makes me real mad!!

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