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Loving Liz telling Jason "Jake couldn't have a better father than you." That does my Liason lovin' heart good. Ugh! to Lucky fighting with Jason at the PD and Ric hearing the tail end of that conversation. Now his antenna's are up and Ric won't stop until he finds out "Why little Jake would be in danger".

WAY too much Sonny on for my taste. Thank God for the FF button.

The killer is getting really bold now. He's moved on from texting afterwards to basically giving out warnings before hand.

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it does seem simi sonny havy this week, but it really hasnt been too sonny heavy recently, IMHO. and i love his scenes with Kate. Im glad Kate is holding her ground and not caving into sonny.

yeah... i assume ric is gonna help lucky somehow. lame.

and maxie! oh no!!

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