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Cady McClain Critiques Daytime

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Maybe Luke hasn't gotten to first base, but he sure did get an eye full of the bat and balls in Branson... when Noah "accidentally" dropped his towel and took about three days to pick it up again. I swear, these two had more heat and sexual energy when they weren't together than they do now. Snapping towels, anyone?

QUOTE (Chris B @ Dec 2 2007, 11:51 PM)
Who cares if Megan McTavish, Julie Carruthers, Chris Goutman and Jean Passanante don't want to hire her again? She was kind enough to return to both shows and was given absolute garbage to do. I'm glad she speaks out and doesn't let these people walk over her.

Exactly. These hacks need to quit resting on their titles and start PROVING their worth by delivering good material. I don't understand what kind of favor they feel they're doing for these actors by giving them loathsome garbage to play. For Cady to come back to AMC and ATWT and to have played such garbage... I don't understand why she should be grateful to be given an opportunity to play something that goes against her integrity as an artist -- and be hired by people who don't respect and value that. She has a lot of good ideas and views. Although, I didn't necessarily agree with her idea on working with Thorsten Kaye on AMC, because I just didn't see any chemistry between them, but what can ya do?

There's a difference between an employee speaking out unhappily about their job/employer, and a person speaking out unhappily about the field they're working in over all.

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She's not on the show anymore. Her exit is a done deal. What I appreciate about Cady, Susan Lucci and the strikes from Broadway to Hollywood is the spirit of speaking out when an employer compromises their business integrity. TPTB in every industry should see that as constructive criticism instead of demonizing the few brave workers. We need a damn army of Cady McClains in this country, who will speak up while they're employed.

Whaaaat? :huh: He's just a kid.

I have no problem with any of those stories, because they're not inherently problematic. Only when they are written as plot devices instead of developments in character are they disappointing. But you can't only write about those things either. A show with 30 characters should have an incredibly diverse range of plots going on at all times, not just 3 quads and 3 baby stories.

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She makes many good points but stalls at the point of hitting it home. She circles without really zeroing in.

Frankly, I'm losing respect for her. More and more she's coming across as a flake to me. I have to wonder if she is dealing with some kind life crisis, or chronic condition. If she is I wish her the best.

Honestly, she lost me at, "I'm not a feminist, but..."

Honey, you have the type of life the feminists of 45 years ago could only dream about. Learn what the word means.

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The problem though is that modern daytime writes in templates, not human beings and when they do these stories they are heightened to sensational proportions. A story of a female friend stealing identity in small ways could be identifiable and funny but on soap it is inevitably going to lead to a psychotic break and fight to the death.

The same goes for money. It's never the more real stuff like stealing $500 -- it's stealing a company or mansion.

And because these 'characters' are not rooted in any kind of tangible universe with regard to real relationships, friendships, careers and finances, there are no consequences.

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