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OLTL Discussion: Week of November 26th

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Welcome to the One Life to Live Discussion Thread for the week of November 26th, 2007. It looks to be another great in Llanview. Hope you enjoy your visit and are prepared to discuss the interworkings of Llanview, PA and OLTL. If so, then you're in the right place. So let the discussion of the good, bad, and ugly that is Llanview, Pennsylvania & One Life to Live begin...
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Dorian is crazy! Nora has been trying to come between her and Clint since they got together? Someone needs to smack some sense into her

Jared pretenidng to be the Buch son is a rehash of the old David pretending to be teh Lord son story. Jared cant be with Nat bc they are blood related just like David couldnt be with Tina bc they were blood related, all while fighting their attraction. Jared will have to choose between the money or the woman. Same story, jsut different players

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I am still loving the show but I agree this fake Buchanen son story seems to have been played SOOOOOOOOOO many times before inthe past 15 years alone that I have zero interest. (And Nigel handing over the envelope THAT easily? Wouldn't he just try to convince peopel Jared was lieing first or something?)

I had one WTF moment today tho in the opening scene with Marty and Cole. Cole says something like "Man I really hate this place"--refering to the inside of his cell and Marty says "Your father would REALLY be :huh: upset to hear you say that" as a sort of reprimand. WHAT? :huh:

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I loved the Viki and Charlie scenes, I think they were my favorite. But over all I enjoyed the entire show, nothing I wanted to FF.

Really enjoyed the Antonio and Talia scenes, they are really enjoyable together.

The end with Viki and David was great and I cannot wait to see what happens tomorrow.

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My fav scenes today - 11/27- were between Nora/Clint.

David hit the nail on the head when he called them on their kiss - said that it woud not have happened unless they both wanted it since they ae the types of people to think everything through.

At the end when they shook hands on their agreement to continue living in the house together , it was obvious that Nora has feelings for Clint. He was harder to read but if the kiss made him consider moving out, he must be on his way to realizing they are much more than friends. Due to Bo, he will probably deny his feelings for a while.

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