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GH: Week Of Oct 8th

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he gave it to Skye when he caught Carly embezzling. Skye ran it but it disappeared by the time she started up the Haunted Star Casino with Luke which has also disappeared. Actually the set for Club 101 was used for Carly's other club, The Cellar, but that has been abandoned as well

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The irony in this was that even though neither Alexis nor Lucky could claim that Elizabeth has had her kids around Jason they made this great plan to show that Jason has been seen holding Jake in public, and so far the only danger Jake has faced has been from Lucky's lover and Alexis' daughter Sam. I'm beginning to think that Lucky won't be enlightened about what Sam did because they seem to like him clueless. They just need to get on with his finding out that Jake is not his biological son so his plan to get sole custody will go up in smoke.

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I didn't care for Dillon and Lulu because of the circumstances. But I do completely agree with you on the rest. I can't say enough how going overboard with the Lulu worship might result in the opposite of what they hope to achieve. Whenever Frons and/or his headwriters make these premature proclamatiions on super couples, they tend to be wrong. Trying to train the viewers can lead to mixed results.

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I love how GH has used Cruel Intintions to base its teens off of. Maxie = katherne. Diego/Logan/Random new boy = Sebastian. Lulu & Georgie = Reese Withersoopn's char with a mix of Selma Blairs. lol.. anyways... I really do think GH has the best set of under 30 on its show. JMB is a huge find, IMO, and i hope they keep her for a longtime to come. IDK, maybe its just me but she doesnt seem like the "soaps are beneth me" type. And Kirsten Storms - wow. Now i have always been a fan of hers, but i srsl; do think she has improved so much since leaving days. I think its a combo of a show that expects more from you, fans outrage at RR being fired she had to overcome, and the fact this is char has layers, shes not one noted.

Also, I am loving Kate Howard. Like you ahve no idea how much. She is such an amazing char and the actress (who i just relized was in Joes Apt!!) is great. Im loving her in the hospital and hope she starts a magazine and hires on maxie & sam... but i dont want it to be all fushion like on amc... ugh ...

also hello anyone else think its time for a skye/jax/kate triangle?

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Lucky just said yesterday he would, "Fille for sole custody"....if that doesn't sound like trying to take away Elizabeths kids I don't know what else would.

Lucky is a jackass plain and simple. The funny part of the whole thing is that neither of those kids are TRULY his children and I can't wait to see his reaction when that bombshell is revealed. If he gave one flying flip about them he wouldn't be stirring the pot with Elizabeth and he'd let HIS lawyer deal with it while Elizabeth has HER lawyer deal with it.

Bottom line is that Lucky wants a fight. He wants to drag Elizabeth thru the mud just so his ready made whore Sam will look somewhat decent in comparision. Too bad it won't since Elizabeth's relationhip (or lack thereof these last few weeks) isn't anything compared to Lucky's addiction to drugs....

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I hate S&C but the rest was pretty ok i guess.

Nancy Drew was J&B~! so sweet when Jax gave her the collection of them.

Oh man, why must they make robin crawl for him, just get her another man.

I want some more nik & nadine..lol i'm loving Tyler's s/l.

It's so funny when people are like "why are we watching NS now?"

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Oh please don't mention Sam. It's been amazing without seeing Lucky's new bed bunny.

haha - I LOVE Kate. She's my favorite character ever. Her being in the hospital is a great move, and so much fun to watch her with Epiphany and the Andy/Kelly scenes.

Tamara!!! Oh I miss her so much. :(

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ITA on the random pairings.

For me it's not the accent (re: the actress playing Leyla), it's she's coming across to me as trying too hard. She seems to be speaking deliberately slowly for some kind of effect which is lost on me at least. Robin has always been a bit of a whiner to me and it doesn't help that she has this nasal thing going at times, but nevertheless, I have been able to empathize with her character (when she's not too far up on her high horse). This is a whole new brand of pathetic that I don't like seeing because Patrick is not all that and even if he were, she should still maintain her dignity. I like that they ended things because they have different goals in life, and I expect the love hurts angst that goes with a break up but if she can eat her pint of ice cream without confronting Leyla and trailing Patrick on his pitiful date.

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Even though ITA with you that Lucky is stupid, I'm going to take another perspective on this for the fun of it.

I don't think he wants a fight or to drag Elizabeth through the mud, he was just following Alexis' advice. She told him that if he gets full custody of Jake then Elizabeth would let him have Cameron because she would not want them separated. I thought her conclusion was stupid because why would a mother hand over one child because she was forced to give up the other? I know Alexis' situation is somewhat different but did she volunteer to give Kristina to Ric after she lost Molly to him so the girls would not be separated? I think the writers need to put their crack pipes down when they come up with this stuff and try to be more consistent so that the characters don't end up looking like flakes with bad memory.

The stupid thing Lucky did was to go and antagonize Elizabeth by threatening her. They should have just had her laugh it off and tell him adios. If the writers were on their game they would have her kicking herself for remarrying him in the first place because then there would be no divorce or custody battle at all since she wouldn't have bothered carrying on with her useless lie. She foolishly put herself in this situation.

Despite the fact that Elizabeth was the one that perpetuated this farce of a marriage and the blame for setting it in motion lies solely at her feet (even though she didn't force Lucky into it), technically, he's the adulterous one who came back and threw it in her face so she should prevail. The fact that he's okay with dragging her through the mud and is willing to lie about the kind of mother he is to get what he wants in the form of protecting his rights, show what kind of man he really is. There was nothing wrong with him working out a visitation schedule with her and then going to court over custody, if she didn't uphold her end of the agreement. It might be awfully sexist but she is the one who nearly died giving birth to Jake so I don't see the problem.

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I definitely see your point there....but at the same time shes kicking herself I would also expect her to be FURIOUS with Lucky. How dare her just barge into the changing room of a hospital where he has NO RIGHTS to be in and threaten Elizabeth with taking her child away?

Perhaps they should have gone the middle road and had her laugh but at the same time be bitchy about it and threaten him back...lol. That way we'd both be satisfied.

As for Liz pertuating the farce of a marriage she does hold responsiblity for that one. But at the same time Lucky was basically guilting her into staying and keep screaming at her, "DO YOU WANT TO WORK THIS OUT ELIZABETH!" every day for several weeks. So I guess she felt obligated due to her lie and her kids.

And yeah I think have 2 kids coming out of you definitely gives Elizabeth a BIT more when it comes to rights. Lucky is being completely paranoid and stupid. I mean what does he expect Elizabeth to do. Send her kids over to be babysat by The Ho while Lucky orders more pizza and beer?

However I still think Lucky is doing this as a passive agressive thing no his part. He wants to hurt Elizabeth cuz he still feels hurt...although his hurt is nothing compared to what Liz must have felt when she found about Maxie AND the drugs.

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