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GH: Week Of Oct 8th

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Well with luke returning this week i guess its obvious why they made the truth about scotty being logans dad finnaly come out and also have scott start defending logan. This should be good! GH did such a great job casting Logan. Cant wait to see some luke/lulu scenes!

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Oh yes! I am very excited about this week and the Lulu/Logan storyline now that Luke is back and he and Scott (and Tracy) will be featured more!

And I totally agree with you on casting Logan! Josh Duhon is great! But GH has done so many good casting choices this year... Megan Ward, Sebastian Roche, Brandon Brash (Johnny), Stephan Macht (sp?) (Trevor)... and what's amazing is how I've come to love all those characters and how much I enjoy them! :)

Here's to a good week on GH! B)

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This week is gonna be AWESOME. Looking forward to the Luke and Logan scenes personally. I wanna know what route they have Logan go with Luke Spence. Will he be strong and have a backbone or weak...

Loved the use of those old scenes from the wedding. Classic.

Damn I miss Tamara Braun in the role of Carly....that is TB right? Or is it Sarah? The picture looks a lil fuzzy on my screen. While I do think Laura Wright is doing a decent job I just hate the character so much nowadays. At least back then I cared about Carly.

OMFG STAVROS! Insane...yet hot! Thanks for posting that scene. Can't you just feel the chemistry in that room. Its electric. They really should have explored Carly and Stavros together.

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I was just going to post the same thing. Even though tamara was still a touch green in that clip, she at least got me caring about the character of Carly -- unlike the Shrew version we have to day. I really wish somebody would take Laura Wright to one side once in a while and say "Hey, laura -- great hair, by the way! -- screeching does not equal emoting."

LOL, Stavros. I wasn't nuts about him back then, but RKK did exude animal sexuality in the role. I am mad, though, that McTavish unwrote Stefan being Nikolas's father. The Stefan/Nikolas relationship was one of the most interesting things on GH. And Stefan was a far more interesting (and better acted) character than Popsicle Stavros.

P.S.: ICAM on the Logan/Luke/Scotty scenes. I think Josh Duhon, along with Megan Ward, has really given GH some verve and spark recently.

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TB will for ever be my fave carly. I miss her and wanted carly/starvos so bad.

and carly/zander was hott...

but i am loving LW in the role. its written like [!@#$%^&*] but her acting is great.

the actors who play Coop, Logan, Kate, & Diane are great finds, IMO.

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Tam's is one of my fave Carly's too JackPeyton (hey, you sound a lot like a poster here who was called DegrassiKid!).

Coop needs work on his character, but Jason Gerhardt has a lot of potential.

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I'm the only one not big on Josh Duhon or Logan. I can take or leave that character at this point. But I do think that GH generally does a good job in casting.

ITA that Stefan should have remained Nikolas' father instead of deep frozen Stavros. Maybe after they get through with this am I my father's son s/l they will undo it all by saying that Stefan is really his father.

I know I'll prefer Luke/Tracey scenes to any of the Luke/Logan/Scott stuff because even with Logan part of it, it still is the same old Luke vs Scott plot in the end.

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I can take or leave the character. I don't really care much about Logan. I don't want him with Lulu. I don't like a lot of people with Lulu though. The only Lulu pairings that I have liked are her pairings with Dillion and her sparks with Johnny. Other then that I don't really care for any other Lulu ships.

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I would prefer to see them explore Johnny and Maxie because I think that might be more interesting but will take Johnny and Lulu over Logan and Lulu any day.

Logan is just sort of there for me and making him Scott's son doesn't do anything to boost the character because it will probably be another round of Scott vs Luke with Scott taking up for Logan even when he's wrong, just to be adversarial to Luke. Logan and Lulu didn't have much or a relationship to even find any rooting value in them unless someone just thinks they are cute together. There isn't any substance or anything dynamic about them together and they can be any cutesy pairing at all in that they are interchangeable and it could be Coop and Lulu easily. Logan doesn't have enough of an edge and he's probably just a sleazier version of Coop right now.

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