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AMC: Wednesday

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Saw Ryan

Annie decides that she is going to use a knife on Ritchie but I have a question...why not use a saw? She can then take out Ryan as she swings it around as if she is some Wonder Girl who can take out even a four eyed monster and a five armed horny rock. Who knows what she can do but I say she should go for the saw and St. Ryan can teach her how to use it just like he can teach anyone how to use anything. Gosh Ryan just is all knowing and all powerful we might as well call him omnipotent and get it over with ya know. But I just do not see someone like Annie using a knife on her brother since she really is not that crazy...sure she has lost some of her marbles (who wouldn't around Ryan?) but not to the point where she would just be attacking somebody. Now if she were to just use that saw on Ryan and saw off his legs and then he could not walk then it would be a god send that Ryan would not be all that powerful. How I wish someone would just attack him and get him to the point where he begs for mercy and has blood gushing out of his body. But alas ABC is too in love with this character so let's make sure to warn everybody of the ABC trolls going out there to pimp his holiness Ryan. We cannot take anymore of the praising and propping of someone so pathetic he thinks two plus two is five hundred. He cannot even count Liz Taylor's ex husbands when they are right in front of him! Yep nothing good ever comes when Ryan is around a weapon unless it means his fans rejoice.

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Keep Sabine PLEASE! (LOL.) This is getting old.

Seeing Aidan and Greenlee as an undercover duo isn't actually the best. She should stay put when it comes to those stuff.

On the other hand, it's too early for me to care about what is Dre's problem.

Krystal finally rejecting Adam... I wonder how long it will take for them to end up in another conversation...

And why... oh why... does Ryan have to be in every episode? He better stay put on that island for weeks.

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ITA that the Adam/Colby scenes were fantastic.

Why would Aidan using Greenlee to go undercover in the first place? With all the bodyguards and undercover cops that he's friends with, there are no females? :rolleyes:

I'm sick of Krystal and Adam going back and forth. I hate how Adam keeps saying he loved her as he did no other woman. Imo, the true love of his life was Liza with Brooke close behind. Krystal doesn't hold a candle to them.

I'm still spoiler free for the most part, but I'm starting to worry that TIIC are going to have Annie be right about her brother after all. This storyline could have been great if she were the insane one instead of Richie, partly because Annie's so much more interesting as a nutcase and partly because it would mean Ryan would have to admit he was wrong.

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The Greenlee undercover thigns was SO unprofesional for Aidan and I can't believe I'm saying this but I found it... kinda cute and goofy and enjoyable (and really not unlike something AMC woulda done in the early 80s--dumb or not). I don't want it to be a recurring thing though ;)

Krystal and Adam have undeniable chemistyr but I agree it's getting old. OTOH the softening of Adam--while I think it happened too suddenly and I prefer the character not too soft is ctually being handled pretty well--and he's still the same old Adam to people liek Tad which is good.

I'm spoiler free too but myprob with Annie being insane is it would be too much like recent stories (John's personalities, etc) for me... even if handled better. Still I am kinda enjoying the story and how nutty she's acting. I think we should bring her dad back into it though...

Don't really care abotu Dre's problem but I have to say, even with all the slang, the band kids aren't all that annoying surprisingly, and I do appreciate that they're keeping their word to introduce them slowly

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Well I like Greens and Aidan and the undercover work was pretty funny. Greenlee looked horrible with the cornrows though! lol!

Wow, Dre/Ren/Corrinna are a serious waste of time.

Colby and Adam were great, love seeing them mend their relationship. That's really all I remember, nothing else exciting going on.

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I hate how Dre is the 'angry black man'. There better be a good reason why he's being a jerk - and why would these kids be his friend in the first place after the way he acts? Speaking of the other kids...I don't like the weird kid and chick.

LOVED LOVED LOVED Adam/Colby - talk about great scenes.

Greenlee looked hilarious - but her voice was even better! The Jack/Aiden/Greens stuff was enjoyable for me.

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