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ATWT Tuesday September 25

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Okay P.J.!

I know we don't agree, but I do think it was an original gift. Jack took Katie to her first hockey game. Today he gave her her first jersey and I'm not entirely sure he intended for her to wear it to bed. I think she just did. If he would've given her a t-shirt, I might see it differently.

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You could have knocked me over with a feather the other day when Ro brought up the fact CARLY had taken care of RoryBillyJohnny for a while, when asking Carly to testify. History? Who knew? But the point is, the baby switch has been milked dry. Gwen already knows what happened, EVERYONE knows Craig did it, they just can't PROVE it. Yet the writers are hammering this into a plot for Paul's revenge. If Paul wants to investigate Craig with a fine toothed comb, and dig up something else Craig did (but was never punished for...which is a lot of territory) or catch him in something new that proves he hasn't changed, that's one thing. But yammering on about the baby switch, which both Paul and Meg participated in after the fact and were never punished for is INSANE. And worse yet BORING.

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Good show today. I felt no sympathy for Jack. He was still being an a$$ towards Brad at the farm. The writers have sure made me hate him. I want Carly to get well and throw Jack to the curb. :D I still cant believe he married that fluffhead. The Craig stuff was boring. I am tired of the baby switch story. Jen is gone. The baby is gone. If charges are going to be filed ....Paul should be charged as well...GMAB!!! Tomorrow's show looks good except for Gwen and whatsherface. :rolleyes:

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I have to kind of agree with you on that; plus too, I didn't recall or remember the Bulls t-shirt comment between Jack/Carly.

I think they focused on the shirt mainly because it said "K Snyder" and then had 01 on the front, mainly to signify that Carly is Jack's number 1 priority now (because of her dying) and that Katie may in fact not have that spot as she truly believes. That's what the showing of the shirt at that time frame, matched with Jack crying meant to me.

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^^^well, I guess we're even, since I had no clue the shirt had 01 on it. I did manage to see the "K. Snyder" before I hurled though. I'll gladly loan Katie a book of matches so she can start a HUGE bonfire of these empty tokens when Jack dumpes her. :D

But I still think it's a subliminal message that Jack is transferring feelings from Carly to Katie. :) That it ties in to the miniscule Kack history is, well...Katie ended up unintentionally hurt, thanks to Jack's invite. LOL!!!

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I admit I'm not watching the ATWT show itself -- I promised myself after Jean Pissanante left AMC that I would never subject myself to her bullshitty writing ever again. But I am watching the Nuke storyline on YouTube thanks to the fabulous work of LukeVanFan -- unfortunately, in order for me to be able to catch up on the backstory of Nuke, I had to watch that horrible, horrible, horrible mess that took place this summer in Branson via YouTube. I mean, really. Cleo tying Gwen and Jade to the railroad tracks? What is this, a silent movie from 1929? Jean Pissanante sucks ass.

But I do enjoy the Luke and Noah element of the storyline. Richard Culliton (who, I think, should stick to script writing) and Peter Brash -- who both have written a majority of the Nuke scenes -- have done a fabulous job. They are so right on with the dialog and the interactions between Luke and Noah, that I'm able to forgive the silly Pissanante plot. I've either thought about having or have actually had similar conversations in my situation, with me experiencing things from Luke's point of view. SOOOOO many things he has said, I've either felt, thought oro vocalized.

This storyline has come along at the right time. Thank GOD for YouTube.

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