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AMC: Monday

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Loved todays episode!

I loved the Joe/Tad scenes! It was so good to see Joe back! :D I loved their talk about Love!

The Krystal/Adam scenes were good too! Loved them! So great to watch!

The Zack/Kendell scenes were good also! Kendell finally is considering on getting implants!!!!

The only bore wat Adian/Greenlee!

Tomorrow looks good! Lily asking Josh about him and Hannah!

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IA. They should keep JQ on as a recurring character. His scenes with Kendall are too cute. Id love to see him interact with Spike

I didnt mind the Krystal/Adam scenes either. I actually thought she was funny today and I havent cared for her in a long time. Do NOT want them back together though which is what hte show seems to be hinting at

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While I do not want them back together, Adam and Krystal were awesome in their scenes today. The back and forth jabs at each other. It was just funny soap and great to see two great actors bantering with each other. Tad, STFU. I did enjoy his talk with Joe though, but when he was at the mansion I was like get your ass out of there.

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Bobbie Eakes and David Canary play off each other so well. Krystal was a hoot today - and I loved their scenes.

I loved how we got 4 Tad/Joe scenes dedicated solely to a father/son friendly/advice-giving conversation. That was good stuff. I loved the Joe/Kendall hug at the end too.

Greenlee was pretty funny in the beginning with her flirting.

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Identity Ryan

Whoopsie! They get to the morgue today the beloved Dynamite Kiddo and bis beloved Annie Fannie and low and behold but this Ho has not seen the ho known as Ritchie who has been a Ho for HOws long we have no Ho way to no Ho how. Geez so it just takes a little glimpse at the guy and Annie says buuyah that is not my beloved baby brother who was put behind bars for no reason. But then again there is injustice in Pine Valley when Ryan is not spending time in prison for being a dumb dolt who can flick cards faster than a cheetah humping an elephant's legs or heck even throw in a hippo washing its whole body including that 500 pound a$$. Ryan could grow to be that size with all of the a$$ like traits in him ya know? Gosh now I just wonder what Ritchie will do to torment St. Ryan some more. Well anyone who can drive him crazy has my vote for being a cool character and then Ryan tells another woe is me sob story. Yes Ryan we understand nothing good ever comes in your life and that you would be better off six feet under to reunite with Gillian and become the Prince of Heaven. Yes that is where you belong, not out shooting arrows at a one armed trapeze artist with an itchy arse. While you are it, try and buy a brain on eBay you dumb sh1t. Yes I called you a bad name now whip out your superhero powers on me. Heck I think I can take on this numbnutz, what about you? He is about as weak as a confused baby in a topless bar! Ryan just gets me going ya know? Well kow blow Ho here he comes.

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ITA, I don't want Adam & Krystal back together either but their scenes were compelling yesterday.

Thanks to the Beall/Hall combo, even Aidan/Greenlee were tolerable.

Annie's little breakdown was quite entertaining.

I loved the Tad/Joe and Kendall/JQ scenes. I'm relieved that Tad isn't really in love with Krystal and was just getting Adam's goat. I'm glad Kendall finally listened to reason and is going to look into cochlear implants.

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