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DAYS: James Scott Interview

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He's right. The rape was a poorly conceived, horribly executed plot device that has failed miserably and done the show a lot of harm, not to mention inciting the fanbases and fueling the Lumi/Ejami wars. I'm glad he's brave enough to speak his mind about it, in a very honest way.

If the daytime dramas are not going to deal with rape in a realistic, responsible manner, they need to stay away from the subject completely. And therein lies a big problem with the genre as a whole--they need to deal with current, serious social topics but they can't seem to do it without making a mess of things. So instead we get endless triangles, WTD, and vapid teenagers/young adults partying in hot tubs.

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Wow, that's harsh. You know, I enjoy the hell out of Sami and EJ, and think that they have amazing chemistry. But, however it came across on screen, the ultimate intent was to portray it as a rape. Of course, EJ gave her a choice; its either let me have sex with you, or I won't help save Lucas. To me. she had no choice. Maybe in the real world she could have gotten help somewhere else, but in the DAYS world, there was no one else, and she wasn't going to let Lucas die. What EJ did was cruel and nasty. And yet, I still like EJ and Sami, because it's a very complex story. But, I still believe it was rape.

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The actors says it's rape and the writers who write the show says it's rape..........

It's like......if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck.....it's NOT A DUCK?! No?

I love it actors speak up about questionable writing.

Stenbeck, I wish Ingo would speak out too.

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Excuse me? I stand by my assesment. James loves Ejmai he did not like 180 done on EJ just to try to prop Lucas and Lami at time. Besides, it didn't work for show then and still doesn't. Thus, the reason Lami is being dumped and Ejami is being promoted.

The fact is the whole sl was a debacle and the fact its still debateable only proves that.

I always do laugh though when some bring up rape, rape, rape and forget their guy let Sami go to jail and death row for a muder he knew he committed. That is so far worse in my book. Those is glass houses should not throw stones!

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