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AMC: Tuesday

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Love the Annie/Kendall friendship. Best scene of the day. I loved Kendall thanking her for being such a good friend and Annie saying she's given her plenty in the friendship department as well. Thsoe 2 rock together. Im glad that Kendall has her as opposed to Greenlee who was nothing but poison. Annie is a positive influence on her

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Panic Room Ryan

Uh oh it seems like Ryan just panicked at the idea of everyone living under the same lovey dovey room as he figured there would not be enough room for everyone so why bother with the idea? Geez well there could also be a multitude of problems arising as to why this would not be the perfect situation for everyone like well they all have brains except for Ryan so he is the odd man out and then there can be playing Roe Sham Boo but to Ryan the name of the game would be "Dyna Mite Kiddo" and nothing good would come of it. So finally after much easier persuasion and other techniques, St. Ryan decides hey hey this could be a great idea after all. Then one day they can all go ship themselves out to the HIGH HO seas and become shipwrecked and title themselves the Swiss Family Dufuses. Talk about having an exciting sequel for Disney to produce and the biggest challenge would be to see who has enough chest hair to pull it off and make a pathway to the nearest nearby ship. Ryan being an idiot would think Annie has the most but she is a woman and hence has no hair on her chest. Duh! Perhaps then they all run into a galapagos turtle and Ryan predicts that it will die in seven seconds. But silly him needs to recognize that they have very long lifespans so yet again there goes one point down the drain for Dynamite Zippo. Maybe he can zip his mouth shut and try hard not to come off sounding like such an idiot all the time. Or he can pick the hairs off of a crab and have his whack whack hurt

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Please don't take this the wrong way, cause I do not mean any offense at all, but it's ZacH with an "H" and Kendall with an "A" not an e.

Sorry it just bugs me when I see their names spelled wrong.

I don't mean to hurt feelings or anything.

Meh Mannah, she'll be loonier than she was and there won't be any Kendall/Zach/Hannah. SH won't be around very long, she lives on the West Coast and commutes like Terri Ivens did.

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LMAO! :lol::lol:

Kindred spirits, darling, because I've been biting my tongue for the absolute longest. But I didn't want it to be taken the wrong way, so I kept my mouth shut. But it's not just here, it's everywhere. I get irritated beyond belief when people write Zack, Kendell, Erika, Derrick, Marion, Lilly, Jonathon, Shawn... OLIVIA! My GAWD, the "Oliva" thing makes me SCREAM! That's not only a misspelled name, but it's an entirely different name altogether! LMAO! :lol:

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I don't know. A lot of East Coast soap actors commute. Ty Treadway commuted on OLTL. Walt Willey lives in New Mexico and commutes. Bill Christian (ex-Derek) commuted from LA to NY.

ETA: And we all know the infamous Amsterdam to Los Angeles thing Tony Geary has at GH! :rolleyes:

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As much as I hate Jonathan, I loved his scenes with Lily today. Lily: "I'm sorry Jonathan, Ava's a lesbian!" That was too funny.

Thank god there wasn't any Zendall scenes at the hospital today, finally a change of scenery.

I can't really get into Aidan/Greenlee, it just seems forced. I really prefer her with Josh. Greenlee choking on a hot dog was hilarious.

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