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GH week of 8/27

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well I'll have to DA. I dont think Jason fell out of Sam last summer or else he wouldnt have taken her back. It was killing him not to be with her and he was happy once they were reunited. As far as Liz, she isnt as innocent as she'd like to beleive and whether she realizes it or not, she did play apart in the disintegration of that relationship. She was constantly on Jason, going out of her way to see him, be near him, have him hold her hand, and fix her problems. All the while she used the "friend" card, yet ever since they parted ways in 2002, she wasnt on him like that. They talked from time to tiem if they ran into each other on the street, but she wasnt going to his PH and putting herself out there like that until a year ago. And 90% of their interactions were intiated by her. Jason wasnt going out of his way to see Liz the way she was with him. Sam noticed this and like most girlfriends, she questioned this unusual sudden attachment this other woman had to her man. She confronted Liz and asked her to stay away and Liz just told her she wasnt going to and if she had a problem with that to take it up Jason. There was nothing about "just friends" from Liz's end. You dont tell a man in a commited relationship numerous times that you are in love with him and confess to wanting a life with him. Id be livid if I were Sam and I heard that.

Jason and Sam wanted to have children together. They are were trying together. Yeah she wanted it but he wanted it too and was right there with her. However once Liz told him about her baby, he immediately, dropped any plans he had with Sam and shut her down with any hope she got. All of a sudden it was too dangerous for him to have a child bc of his business but he wasnt saying that before when they reunited. One thing Jason and Sam's relationship had was that for the most part it was an honest one, but Liz got him to start lying, keeping secrets and being shady. He wanted to tell Sam the baby secret but Liz begged him not too and he listened. That right there played the biggest role in why Sam and Jason started to go down and it was bc of Elizabeth. She claimed she didnt want Jason to be a part of this baby's life bc Lucky was going to be the father, but she didnt miss an oppurtunity to use her baby to get close to Jason and shove him in his face. She called Jason, he ran to her. He was having this whole other life that he kept seperate from Sam and did not let her in on and it had a huge impact on their relationship yet, he didnt share it with her.

During those months, Jason started to grow distant and Sam felt it. When Jason went to prison, he didnt even tell Sam. She had to find out elsewhere and when she went to go see him, he pretty much threw her out and didnt want her to see him. So instead she went and threw herself back into her work. Yet he had no problem with Liz constantly showing up and visitng him. Thats why when she found out about the baby, she started to make sense of things. But even then she was not angry at Jason or mad about Jake. She was upset that he didnt trust her enough to tell her. She was happy. She wanted Jake in their lives. She was ready to welcome him with open arms. Her mistake was just not coming out and confronting Jason. She thought she could fix her relationship by regaining the trust by giving Jason the chance to be honest and lord knows she gave him plenty of chances. He wouldnt and she got messed up and then the kidnapping came and that was the final nail in the coffin. Yes Sam made mistakes, as did Jason, but Liz is no innocent and she was instrumental to them breaking up. She gets no free pass and Sam has every reason to resent her

well she could but what would be the fun in that?

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It's true that this gives us a story, but I think this is the worse storyline we've had in ages. It has ruined nearly everyone involved. None of the actors (much as I like BH) have enough talent to pull it off. It has been boring, endless suckitude for months now. I really just want it to end now. If Sam must have a story, she should have one with her mother. KM is doing better with this story than she has in the past, but the truth is that she just doesn't have much talent (IMO). At least NLG can elevate her. And we want to see that Sam has more to her than a Jason obsession.

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The Paternity Storyline can exist just fine without Sam's presence. Get her out of there.

Move her back into the storyline with Amelia and build on their tension and Everyday Heroes. All she's doing right now is interfering in something that, really, has nothing to do with her. She made the choice to break it off with Jason (like she continuously bragged about doing), so there should be no "I CHOSE to break up with you, so I'm out for revenge."

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Actually it cant. Without Sam, it would be the same boring repetitve crap its been for the past year or 6 months if you want to go to the Jason reveal. Liz lying, Jason looking constipated bc he cant be with his son, Lucky looking like a fool, not knowing any of this. Sam brings another element and gives this story something else besides that crap that is beyond played out and has been for months.

Theres no story potential with Amelia. Its been used up. That dragged on for months and its a good thing the writers have put a halt to it bc like the paternity secret, that got boring and reptetive. What I would love to see with Sam is explore her Cassadine roots. Give her a big story with Nikolas and Alexis and even bring back Helena. And if they want to go the Sam revenge route, they should play on the show's history as this is really just another round of the Cassadines (Sam) vs Spencers (Elizabeth). Have Helena show up to coach her bastard step grand-daughter in ways to get revenge. Helena uses Sam for her purposes to hurt Luke through Lucky but at the same time sets Sam up to fall and hurt big for the fact that she is Alexis' daughter and another reminder of Mikkos' infidelity. Through out this, Sam actually does fall for Lucky, but thanks to Helena, she's screwed herself over. Play out Alexis' reaction to her daughter's unholy alliance with one of her biggest enemies. Get Luke involved and explore the ripple effects of another Spencer falling for a Cassadine. All this leading up to Laura's big Nov sweeps return. Nah, GH aint gonna do that

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There has to be an antagonist in this story. For the moment Sam is the one who is driving the conflict in this paternity storyline. She is the pot stirrer and with out her there would be no drama for Jiz or Liz and Lucky. If Sam wasn't in the storyline we would be seeing the same thing we have seen for months now. Which is Liz and Jason sneaking in the bushs and lying to Lucky that the son he believes is his isn't.

Sam atleast is bringing in another shade to this dismal storyline and it's the best part actually. Liz and Jason need to suffer.

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I'm just including part of your quote to keep this shorter. I don't disagree that he still loved Sam but I do think he was in love with Elizabeth when he slept with her. It may be debatable as to whether he was in love with her all along but at that point, I say he was. Elizabeth was wrong to ask Jason to keep secrets and she was wrong to lean on someone's bf like that but she did obviously want to be with Jason and wanted him in her life. She was wrong all the way around. It was Jason's responsibility to draw the line and if he valued his relationship with Sam then he should have done that. Sam shouldn't have gone to Elizabeth, she should have gone to Jason and worked it out with him. I personally dislike when women confront the "other" woman instead of taking it up with their men because if not her then someone else. The problem begins and starts with him since he has a mouth to tell Elizabeth to get lost. The relationship fell apart because of Jason and Sam not Elizabeth. If not for a bunch of different events, Elizabeth and Jason wouldn't have had an opportunity to sleep together no matter how many flights of stairs she climbed to get to him. And he could have told her he wasn't going to keep secrets from Sam because he loved her etc.

Blaming Elizabeth to me is like saying that Jason didn't have a choice and I see he doesn't do anything he doesn't want to. He didn't love or trust Sam enough to draw the line with Elizabeth which is an indication that he chose to put her first just like he basically chose Carly over Robin despite what they had.

I don't think Elizabeth is flawless and IA that Sam should resent her because that's a normal emotion. Do I think she should go on this vendetta? No but it's needed to make the story work. Unfortunately, all it's doing is making the character look bad but they can fix that with a recovery from a breakdown. They do need to work on better defining her character though because they have her all over the map and most of it makes her look terrible. She should be angry with Jason for misleading her and coldly dismissing her since they had a relationship. But centering her life around him sounds stupid and not taking responsibility for her poor choices is very stupid. I like Jason but I don't see a cause for any woman to self destruct over him. She should have stepped the minute she saw she couldn't handle him and the words coming out of her mouth sound too selfish for me to think that the litany of sacrifices she recites was all about him. It sounds more like after all I did for you so you'd love me, you did this and Elizabeth must pay. If he didn't ask her to do all of that and she did it willingly of her own accord then she needs to kick herself for that. She's basically playing matchmaker now.

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There does have to be an antagonist and Sam is serving as the thing that is going to end Lucky and Elizabeth's farce of a marriage. The only thing that will bother Elizabeth is that she does care for Lucky and she doesn't want to see him get used in that manner but since he is aware that Sam's out to get him into bed and he's all for it then Elizabeth's concern is all for nothing. He might be hurt when he finds out that he mistakenly placed his trust in Sam since he doesn't know she watched a baby get taken and he doesn't know she staged the incident in the park. Will he be able to forgive Sam for that? My guess is yes because he'll somehow be able to understand what motivated her but maybe it will take time or maybe it will be instantaneous. I do think it's going to cause him a problem because he will question his judgment and the biggest slap will come when he learns that he's not Jake's father.

The people who will suffer the most from what Sam is doing will still be her and Lucky. Sam's actions will serve as a catalyst for the truth about Jake's paternity coming out, Elizabeth will probably go to the slammer for perjury to make Ric look bad and delay Jason and Elizabeth being together. I doubt you will see Jason and Elizabeth suffer because they want to be together so how is all this revenge going to hurt either one of them? All it's meant to do is make the audience root for them and feel sorry for Lucky who gets it left and right.

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I must disagree here. But overall good post. I think Sam has a right to be outraged at Jason's treatment of her and I believe that she has a right to be angry at Jason and want to make him pay for treating her as if he was dust on his shoe. She gave EVEREYTHING up for that man and he shows no type of gratitude or any type of reaction towards all of her sacrifaces. Jason is an ingrate IMO and Sam has a right to feel the way she does, IMO. Yes she probably shouldn't have made all of those choices to stick by him. But Sam was desperately loyal to Jason and did alot of sh!t for him and it doesn't seem to move or make a difference to him any of ther way. She held him when he was sick, she got shot for him, she protected him and was even the key to his freedom and he doesn't give a damn. So if Sam wants Jason to pay all the better. She is righteously angry and has every right to want to punish Jason.

Sam is livid at Liz because she feels that she stole Jason from her. That's resonable. She is blamming the other woman for ending a relationship she gave up everything for and put her heart and soul into. Makes sense. Is it reasonable meh..But it is realistic.

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I just can't believe that this is what's left of JaSam. I hate Sam and I despise Jason...but I used to love JaSam and I followed them from day one, so I can't and won't buy this Liason BS. Guza is trying to make us believe that Jason can just let go like that. That he never really loved her, and pined for Liz the whole time. Screw Sam, he's got baby and baby's mama', and that's all he's ever wanted. :rolleyes: Serisouly? I guess I'm the only one who hates that Guza has to completely torpedo couples to make others work. There is aboslutely no reason that JaSam had to end like this. NONE. And I think it's sick that people are buying it.

This is why I hate Guza and GH, and why I'm terrified for the stuff that I've heard is coming up for my favorite couple. It's really sad, when rumors and spoilers are starting to spell out a storyline I've wanted for years, and I'm so terrified of Guza and how he "writes" that I'm thiscloe to turning off the TV. :huh:

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The fact that Jason is so cold isn't doing him any favors. It makes him look fickle and unbelieveablly detached from humanity. He is willing to kill the woman he loved for 3 + years and have no qualms about doing it. It makes him look worse IMO.


Kylie can you PM the spoilers?

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What I'm actually saying is that even though she may be having a natural reaction, her anger is still misplaced. It would be natural for me to be angry with the other woman if my husband cheated on me because she helped bring me pain but my husband would be the true culprit because he shouldn't have gone there. I could kick myself for believing in him. sacrificing, etc. and be as mad as I want to at the woman but it still wouldn't be llogical since the problem would have begun at home with us. Emotionally it makes sense but logically, it does not. Elizabeth is a symptom of the problem in their relationship but she wasn't the cause. Ultimately Sam will hurt herself the most. But I'm not knocking the story, just the way it is written. I think the story has its fair share of drama.

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