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GH week of 8/27

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Anybody is capable of doing anything when push comes to shove.

Just because Lucky is the heavenly child of Luke & Laura (arguably Daytime's most recognizable supercouple) it doesn't mean that his life is supposed to be perfect and he would NEVER do anything bad.

If anything one would think that Lucky would want to rebel since his father is Luke and hes always heard about his exploits...etc. I'm sorry I just don't see how Lucky choosing pills over Elizabeth is destroying the character or changing him. It happens to the best of people.

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This I don't believe at all because Lucky will do whatever the writers write him to do. Even real people do things that are out of character and that people don't expect. I've heard people on the news say their killer neighbor was a really nice and quiet guy and they're genuinely shocked he turned out to be a killer. I don't see why it's impossible and implausible for characters to be written to do something opposite of what is expected of them. Would you have expected Lucky to sleep with Elizabeth's sister? I wouldn't have but he did. I would have expected her to never look back at him after that but she did and oh well.

All those versions of Lucky could have been written to be hooked on pills or worse. The true test of how well the character is written or portrayed is in how he overcomes adversity. The problem for me with this s/l is that Lucky is too stupid. He acts whipped as if he has no reason to exist but a woman.

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I've never thuoght he acted like that. When has he ever compared the two? He's hurt by the fact that Liz slept with Jason, because all summer long she was sneaking off to be with him. *Of course* he's jealous. Wouldn't you be, if you found out that your partner, who was repeatedly sneaking off against your wishes to see his/her ex was revealed to have slept with him? I don't think he's tried to justify sleeping with Maxie.

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it took Elizbaeth 6 MONTHS to forgive Lucky for his indiscretions and throughout those 6 months she was bitching at him, throwing it in his face and giving tons of attitude. Why should Lucky be expected to suddenly forgive her when hello she is STILL playing him for a fool with her constant lies. Lucky has no reason to forgive her and move on bc she is still guilty. Unitl she confesses and TRULY wants complete forgiveness and redemption for herself, he has every right to give her the cold shoulder. Its no less than she would have and has done to him

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I don't think that's supposed to be what ails him. I think that Elizabeth is his universe and he can't deal with the fact that she lied to him and because she continued to see Jason and defend him and whatever else, he knows he can't trust or believe her anymore and he's hurt. She basically defines his existence and now all of that is shattered. This is why I believe they need to give him a back bone as a character and stopped writing him to be played by all these different women.

That said, the benefit they derive in not strengthening his character is that they can have him make a whole lot of bad choices, stupid mistakes, etc., and expect the viewers to take pity on him. He's the only one in the dark right now so most of what he does to ease his pain is supposed to garner sympathy for him. Whatever happens with him and Sam will be laid strictly at her feet because Lucky is the innocent of whom she takes advantage. It would be nice if they strengthen him after that.

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So much WORD! I haven't seen anything great about LnL2 since JJ left. Once JY took over the role, it was obvious the writer's had no intention of recreating what Liz and Lucky once had. The whole "programmed by Helena" ish was just BAD *shudders*

I second what Sin said: WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B)

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IA that there was no LnL2 with JY's Lucky. The entire time they were together, Lucky was pretty much brainwashed. It was all convoluted and then they used that stupid diamond to erase his love for Elizabeth. It was a mess. However, I saw the magic was reignited with GV's Lucky. 2005 was amazing for them as a couple and the love was there. They were solid and happy and LnL2 was finally back. They were normal and they were real. That put them on the backburner but they worked great as a couple. Unforuntely Guza doesnt leave anything untainted so he went and f-cked them and their fans over last summer and has been doing it since. Lucky is better than this. Elizabeth is better than this. They were sacrified in the name of Jason. I would rather they had stayed on the backburner and not seen then to see this abysmal display of destruction

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The two situations are totally different and if you can't see that then I can't help you. Liz had a right to bitch and whine at Lucky for descrating their home and their marriage with drugs and that slut Maxie. Lucky and Sam pushed Jason and Liz towards each other. If not for their stupid actions the ONS would NEVER have happened. Its not like Liz went over there intent on getting preggers.

So no Lucky has NO RIGHT to compare several months of a disgusting affair with a horrible excuse for a human being with a one night stand that occured between two very close friends. He can be mad but he has no right to be that mad and act betrayed when the truth of the matter is that karma is a bitch. He should just be glad that Liz didn't continue sleeping with Jason and that she actually felt bad enough for him to not wreck his life. A lesser woman (aka Sam) would have dumped Lucky in a heartbeat and jumped straight to Jason immediately following the ONS.

And finally for the love of God shes not playing Lucky just for the fun of it. Shes doing it to protect her kids. And I don't see how that makes Liz a bad person or some kinda of villian. It may not be right and it may not be smart but it definitely doesn't equal the horrible crap that Sam or Lucky has pulled.

And lets face it...Lucky is WEAK. If she had told him the truth he would have LOST HIS MIND. He would have gone back to drugs. He would gone back to Maxie for them. And he would have ultimately destroyed his life. This isn't speculation. Its truth. Liz lying to him kept him together and sober. And even NOW this lie that Sam keeps sreaming about is the ONLY thing thats keeping their marriage viable according to Lucky. Cuz if I remember correctly they've said many times that if not for the kids he would have left Elizabeth. The funny part is that Lucky is doing EVERYTHING in his power to destroy their marriage by lusting after Sam in such a BLATANT manner so its obvious he cares NOTHING for his "children".

Screaming at your wife everytime she walks in thru the door while the kids are upstairs is not a sign that you want to keep your fam together or that you're even a good parent. When Jake went missing...who found him? JASON. When Liz is in trouble...who usually helps her? JASON.

In short Lucky is a weak person and his lust for Sam is yet another example of his weakness. Once he wakes up after hes sampled Sam's "Goodies" he'll realize just how empty his life has become and he'll realize that he's sunk to even lower level of pathetic behavoir

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ICAM. I don't think L&L2 will ever be as magical as they were in the days of JJ, but I think there's a tendency to forget that L&L2 version 3.0 was also a great couple. Those two really loved each other, and he was such a great husband and stepfather. I loved them! I agree, they were a very real couple. The had money troubles, and fought, but you could tell that they really loved and respected each other.

They were absolutely sacrificed for Liason.

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This discussion is just going around in circles. The bottom line for me is that Liz has no right to lie to Lucky about the paternity of Jake and she is a horriable human being for doing that for over a year. Now Lucky is deathly emotionally attached to that child and now it's going to hurt all the more when he finds out that he isn't his son. No matter what Lucky did with Maxie or Sam HE DOESN'T DESERVE THAT.

He doesn't deserve to be lied to and now Elizabeth has set him up for an entire whirlwind of pain when the truth finally comes out and Elizabeth is dead wrong for that. Anyone who is assisting in this lie (I.E. Jason, Lulu, Spenilli, ect.) Are wrong as well. Lulu even more so because that is the brother who raised her since she was 5 years old.

There is no way to spin it or lessen it. Liz was wrong for lying and she is wrong to keep lying even now and every day she keeps this lie she looks worse and worse and there is no way to talk it out from just being wrong. On top of this she has been emotionally cheating with Jason for a year plus and also commited adultry. She is no better then Lucky hell she's worse, Why? Because this paternity lie is a million times worse then what he was doing.

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Lying about paternity is more wrong than ADULTERY!?

And anyone who understands Elizabeth's plight as a MOTHER of two children who she doesn't want exposed to a dangerous lifestyle is WRONG? I totally disagree.

And yes Lucky does deserve every bit of pain he experiences. So what Elizabeth had to deal with during Lucky's drug cravings and his lust for all things Maxiepad was just a walk in a park?

Lulu shouldn't feel guilty at all because she knows what her brother has been thru and she doesn't want to hurt him anymore and she can see that he truly cares about those boys and Elizabeth....or at least he USED to care about them.

Elizabeth lying was a bad thing but that doesn't make her wrong for doing it and it defintiely doesn't make her a worse person than Lucky or that slut Sam. If I were in her shoes I'd make the exact same decision 100/100 times with no regrets.

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:lol: Ya'think?

Not to veer incredibly off topic -- but it is a holiday weekend, and we have no soap until tomorrow, I am DYING to ask you something.

How can you drastically, severely condemn Liz for lying about Jake's paternity -- calling her a horrible human being for doing that for over a year -- but yet, your avatar is a pic of one of the absolute WORST characters on ABC daytime right now for not only stealing her best friend's baby and lying to her for a year, but also kidnapping her own baby and telling the father that the baby died in a helicopter crash?

I'm sorry, but your viewpoints and principals (?) seem to be contradictory.

Babe's just a flawed good girl, even though she did probably one of the most disgusting things ever when it comes to babies and lying. Sam gets cheered on even though she witnessed a baby stolen and said nothing, and then had two men point guns at Liz and her two kids -- but Liz is a horrible human being for telling a lie? Why isn't Sam a horrible human being for keeping this lie and using it to manipulate those around her -- including Lucky?

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