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DAYS: Edward James Scott is starting on August 29 2007

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I have heard all over it's August 29. I guess it fits with Days current way of taping.

Whatever the case, it is obvious Ed's influence is already being felt by yesterday's episode which showcased a different feel, better execution (very character-driven), no SFX, different music at times, different camera angles, and the all important focus on flowers, which was a Y&R staple under Ed.

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I don't know if we can say that Ed Scott's influence is there yet. If Scott's not scheduled to be there until August 29, then he's not going to be working there until then. I think the chagnes we've seen so far come from the fact that Stephen Wyman is currently gone. That doesn't mean Ed Scott had to come in and immediately replace him. Corday is probably in total charge right now, and that's why we are seeing the changes. Wyman is the one that loved the SFX and since he was the one in charge of the day to day production, and now Corday has control, that is probably why we have seen changes.

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