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DAYS- Stephen Nichols bashed for comments he made in his blog

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That's terrible. I felt so bad for that person back then. It's truly horrible.

Once again, I don't get why I am now being accused of bashing the whole J&M fanbase. I am a J&M fan for heaven's sake. If those accusing me would simply read my post, they would see there is nothing to get upset about.

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I am not going to continue to argue with all of you about what was wrong with your post. I stated my opinion too. I do know that because of this thread yesterday which I asked the mods to pull because of the original bashing, the MF board has been closed off. Then I was made fun of by a poster for saying that. Then I was told it was only a joke. I don't really care who here likes J&M, but I do care when J&M fans are bashed...which they were. I find it interesting that the things that appall you about J&M fans are things every fan base does without exception.

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All joking aside, how can any rational adult think that any of the bashing that takes place on the fan boards/official sites is normal? When the S&K fans or the J&M fans or the B&H fans start bashing the actors and getting personal, it's so obvious that it's because their favorite isn't front and center and that they are jealous.

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Honestly Tim, there is no need to try and explain. There are some that believe what they want and damn what you type. The thing that Shawn went through was completely ridiculous, and the admins at the place that shall not be named allowed it to happen. They allowed threads to be made, dedicated to bashing Shawn, it was ridiculous.

I read what you wrote Tim and I didn't have a problem. I got jumped on a few years ago for having the audacity to like both J&M and J&K. While there were many who respected my opinions, there were some who said I should "have my fan card revoked" or some crazy fan-girl BS like that.

In ALL fanbases, there are a few bad seeds that give the fanbase a bad name (trust me....GH fans aren't that different). But the actions of those people do not reflect the opinions of everyone associated with that group...however if they condone it then no one can get upset for grouping them in with the bad seeds.

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Yes but the topic is focused on J&M, not those other groups. This originated on a Deidre Hall fanboard and the topic was brought here yesterday. If you notice my first post, it said "fanbases are killing Days." It didn't say any which one. It was a general statement.

I also find it funny how whenever something negative about J&M turns up on any board certain people who do not post regularly turn up and then things take an ugly turn. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and, in many ways, the the negative comments towards J&M in this thread have been considered bashing. Perhaps you should stick around at this board more often and you would see that we are full of fans of the whole show and don't particularly lean towards bashing any fanbase, couple, character, etc. If you want to merely see "We love J&M" posts" then go make a thread in "Love it/Hate it" or something. Then, you won't see any negative J&M comments in there. Otherwise, it's fair game because we all have differing opinions that we are allowed to debate.

I think it just need to be stated that all opinions are welcome, positive or negative, and that they should all be accepted with equal weight as long as everything is kept respectful and within the rules.

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