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DAYS- Stephen Nichols bashed for comments he made in his blog

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Hey i have to give the john and marlena fans props, they are apassionate group..and when they come out, its in droves..but it is funny when you never see them post here except to defend themselves, when the occasional thread like this pops up...

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Is there anything wrong with people defending themselves when posts from a completely different board are moved over and ancient history is being dragged up here for the singular purpose of bashing them?

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No, it was because some people can't tell the difference between fiction and reality, and took it upon themselves to be complete and utter assbags by making a guy's life hell. There was no reason for those people to do what they did to Shawn, but i guess it was ok b/c he was "talking about the fanbase" right? GMABFB


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Where is this alleged "Deidre bashing" on the S&K board you and sarap speak of? I'd love to have a link to check it out for myself, because I don't see actor bashing on the S&K board, unlinke what I see on Dee's official message board, so I'd really like to know what you both are talking about.

I also find it VERY interesting that some members of other fanbases have a burning need to spy on other fanbases and their message forums. Nothing better to do?

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OMG I love how the minute I bring up what happened to me, the lovely members come sign up for accounts and line up to take aim at me.

What happened to me was real, lovely ladies. It was worded wrong in the magazine, with my saying that it was the whole fanbase that were nuts instead of just a sweet little bunch, but it happened.

Ryan was there when it did. He listened to me and he helped me out. He knows its true.

The JIGGS is up though dears. This board won't tolerate the utter filth that you spew forth in the name of her majesty Dee. She is loved here, but the members don't want to BE HER.

If you want to start a war, you've come to the wrong place. You will not get to me again. Your juevenile antics are just pathetic.

*end of rant*

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Wow. Just wow. I'm actually afraid to type anything else because I'm afraid anything I say will be misconstrued.....oh well, who cares. Here goes.

I don't think an actor should be bashed for any reason by any one. There are characters on DAYS I don't care for, but I try hard to never let that carry over to the actor who is simply doing his/her job. SN's blog was very positive and informative, and I find it surprising that anyone would bash him for it. If you don't like what he's saying, don't read it. I have been around to enough DAYS sites that I do realize there are some crazy fanbases out there (I'm terrified to actually go to some of the fan boards), as well as a lot of normal, rational people that just have their favorites. But following someone around on the internet and making their life a living hell because they like a certain pairing--that is psychopathic behavior. Whoever does that or condones that needs to have their TV taken away, their cable shut off, and given a big dose of Valium. It's just fictional characters on a TV show, people!

I love SON because for the most part we're soap fans who can express our opinions respectfully and get along....but some of the posters in this thread only show up at certain times, to cause trouble and misconstrue statements. I've read every post and didn't get the impression anyone was bashing Deirdre. I think it's fair to wonder if she knows what's going on with her board; this is her co-worker that is being bashed. Maybe she's not involved in her board much and doesn't know; she's a working mom and has a very busy life.....and maybe other actors have the same thing going on with their boards....I think it's a fair topic. But certainly nothing to get so crazed about.

As others have said, these fanbase wars are killing DAYS (and other soaps as well). People need to get a grip on reality. And by "people" I mean the crazed, rabid ones and not the sane, rational, normal people who (thankfully) comprise the majority of the viewers.

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Hey Ryan, I still lurk here 'n there. Too busy with life and work to be watching a lot of soaps and reading about 'em. But when a red flag is raised as a cheap shot against my girl Dee, I have to go into defense mode! :P Can't classify me as a rabid fanbase-fan though, cuz I'm a fan of THE SHOW! Fanbase wars are for teenyboppers. B)

Speaking of hiding, Mikey... ;)

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