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DAYS: Tuesday, August 14

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Well i'm watching the show on my dvr right now, and i'm loving it..it really is a good balance of vets and newbies today...First off the Andre, Bo, and Hope scenes are very intense...Steve and Kayla are sweet, love this baby storyline..Its so nice seeing the sweet/softer side of Steve, as opposed to the crazy/raving lunatic he was for months under EJ...

But the younger set got a whole lot more interesting today..China Lee is a riot, and i love her and Chelsea facing off...In fact this is the chelsea i love today, sticking up for Nick..and being proud of Nick for sticking up for himself..

Also we got some nice insight into Jeremy's childhood today...Trevor Donovan has really stepped it up, and is doing a great job...I'm at the point where Jeremy just told max he's been smuggling women into the states from eastern europe...Love that they went there..good twist..

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Maybe Hogan has swayed me to the darkside, but i officially like both Stephanie and Jeremy now..the characters are finally being fleshed out..and aren't making out 24/7...both Shelly and Trevor are doing a great job lately...I'm still not completely sold on Jett yet...Marcus Patrick looks incredible in his naked playgirl pics, but the character isn't that interesting yet..

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Almost a whole intolerable hour of Valley Girl fake Stephanie trouncing around sulking and acting like a twitty brat. No thanks. This brought everything else on the show way down.

If they can manage to stick to the other stuff the show has some spark.

But where did Anna Dimera disappear to? Haven't seen her in a long time.

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Love seeing Chelsea beeming when Nick was standing up to China and telling china that chelsea is the girlfor him. I love this Nick, has a little edge, but still geeky lovable nick. I do love china though, the actress does have great delivery and plays a great b**ch well. Keep her and get rid of Jett.

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I agree that today has many good scenes, like Chelsea supporting Nick, Nick standing up for himself, Jeremy trying to get in touch with his parents and confessing to Max, Steve/Stephanie in the hallway.

My complaint for today's episode is why didn't see actually see Andre stab Bo, instead we just saw Andre swipe the knife at Bo and then it quickly went to commercial. The scene was totally butchered by the directing and editing. There was no sense of drama at all. The atmosphere was perfect with the raining. It could've been a really good scene. SHOW US Andre actually stabbing Bo and then have a follow up of to that scene like Bo on the ground and Andre yells at him about being Stefano's son (instead of having him saying that by voiceover) and then have Hope come running out while Andre runs away.

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I kind of feel the same way but I hate that we have to think we've succumb to the dark side just because we find these characters likable now. Why couldn't they have been written this way with layers from the very beginning? Although I do hate that it looks like Jeremy will get the Salem get out of jail free card by blaming everything on the DiMeras since he's a Horton. Still doesn't explain why he dunked Stephanie in the hot tub and was all psycho that one ep. I just wish they could invest in some continuity for this show's characters, ALL OF THEM.

LOL at the China Lee-Nick wedding footage. But damn that pointA-to-pointC storytelling robbing us of what could have been some really funny scenes had we actually gotten to see the whole wedding happen? So sick of Chelsea-Nick at this point. I just want both of these characters to make a clean break at this point so they can develop independently of one another. I have no clue who Nick is any more other than some idiot obsessed with Chelsea getting played by women all the time and I want to believe there is something more there.

The Bo and Hope keeping Andre's appearance in Ireland a secret I guess is to allow them to later bust EJ's spot when he wants to blame the ice truck thing on Andre, but it still doesn't make any sense for Bo and Hope to keep this a secret from Roman or anyone for that matter. Of course why should I expect these characters to behave sensibly and with consistency when characters are nothing but plot vehicles under Sheffer and not their own entities to be treated with respect for their integrity and care for their history.

Steve and Kayla are firing on all cylinders right now. Thank you MBE and SN for sticking through the crap of the last year and still being able to give these great performances now.

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