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AMC: Favoritism

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Very rarely did the Carey's get the number one spot. Babe just barely got the top spot over Kendell last year and even then it was only by one episode that Babe won. You are completely right it's not new. Most of these character's were airtime hogs during the Megan days (with the exception of Annie). But there is a major difference. Zendell/Greenlee/Ryannie are the ONLY dramatic story on this show. No one else is doing anything. B&E are mostly just doing fluff.

I don't agree. I don't believe Megan crammed Ryannie down veiwers throats. I think that was an interim writer thing. Annie only started getting major airtime when nuGreenlee arrived on the scene, prior to that I don't remember her being on as much.

Also there is a difference between B&E and MMT. Even at her worst Megan had other stories going on(craptastic as they were), B&E only have Zendell/Greenlee/Ryannie storyline that sucks up almost the entire week while they fill everything else up with Fluff.

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I wish Thorsten was getting the juicy stuff. Wish that the current story, was just dealing Zen with a premature Ian. Don't get me wrong , Thorsten and Alicia are keeping me interersted in this story, just wish it was a Zen and Ian not a Zen and Ian and Ryannie and Spike and Greenlee story. JMHO

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Uh how has Zach been getting juicy stories for years now? :huh: He's JUST started getting a storyline that was his own with the satin slayer storyline, that was the FIRST time he's gotten a storyline that was about HIM and no one else.

PUHLEEZE, Zach and Kendall just started getting the airtime they've earned. Personally I'm sick of the bitching about it. Zen fans are finally getting to see their couple for more than 2.4 seconds McTrash constantly gave us for years. Zen is FINALLY getting their own storylines that doesn't revolve around Ryan, Greenlee or Ryan's sperm

WORD Ryan & R Sinclair B)

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I don't agree. Zendell started getting the good storylines back in April/May of 2006. Are we forgetting that Zach went to pregnancy island and kidnapped Kendell and then ended up on that boat and they were married? Are we forgetting about how Spike came into the world? Zendell started getting thier own storyline back then. The whole Dixie affiar that summer was a Zendell story. Their entire breakup/make up was a Zendell story. As was a portion of the Madden murder mystery

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Soaps should always be an ensemble. Too much of AMC is focused on Zendall, Greenlee, Ryannie, and Ava. Plus, Zendall, Ryannie, and Greenlee are in the same orbit, that's not a good thing. These characters need to go off and do their own thing, they can still be connected, but right now they're TOO CONNECTED. It's hard to think of one without the other.

It would be nice if more characters were added to the mix, to have a strong B story. Right now, AMC's B storyline is almost nonexistent.

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While I would agree that it has become the Zendall-Ryan-Greenlee show, I actually don't see that as a problem. This is a major storyline, one that the writers say will drive stories for the next year. For that to happen, it has to have a great deal of attention now. And while the focus is on those four, it's also showcased Erica, Jack, Annie, and Josh, and brought out the best in most of them (even making Annie and Josh likable). There are so many interesting directions it can go in from here. I would argue that this is a real umbrella story, which is gradually involving more and more members of the cast. I think soon it will branch off into many different stories.

I'm really thrilled to see so much cast interaction in this story. My primary show is gh (though I've watched AMC on and off for years), so I'm used to characters being completely isolated. It's lovely to see one story here involving so many characters. And unlike the baby that ate Port Charles, this story has a lot of potential and should result in a great deal of character growth.

So yes, the story isn't perfect, but I think B&E have done a pretty good job with it. I'm optimistic.

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