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AMC: Question about Susan Lucci

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Okay so does she have it in her contract with All My Children that Erica is never to use the words "grandma" "grandson" and "granddaughter"? For once I would actually like Erica to acknowledge that she is a grandma and has grandchildren. For some reason, they never have her say the words. It is always "my daughter's son" or just "Spike"

Please AMC I just want to hear Erica refer to herself as "grandma" or Spike as her "Grandson"

I still love La Lucci :)

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It's silly. It causes more attention tot he fact that she's a grandma when she says things like "my daughters children". Nikki and Victor on Y%R are never called Grandma or grandpa either. Say what you will about Kim Zimmer I love the fact that she doesn't shy away from Reva referring to herself as a grandma.

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Does Susan really strike people as that vain? I've never once read or heard an interview with her that presents her anywhere near being hte type of woman who would make these aassinine demands. When her real life grandson was born last year she gushed big time, and talked about how excited she was to be a grandma. So whatever the issue with Erica calling herself grandma or the kids her grandkids, it all comes from AMC.

Plus, I don't see what the big deal with Erica not saying it. It doesn't mean she loves them any less. And I think not calling herself grandma is absolutely within in the relem of Erica Kane's state of mind.

I don't see what the problem is, she loves her kids, and her grandkids, I don't think it matters if she calls them her grandkids or not.

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I don't see what the problem/big deal is with us wanting to hear Erica acknowledge the FACT that these three children (Miranda, Spike and Ian) are her grandchildren? Tad and Zach refer to JR and Spike respectively as their sons sans the "step." JR and Jamie call themselves brothers sans the "step." Colby calls Jenny "Our Baby."

It's a little thing, but a big thing. Sometimes, it's comforting to hear the people in our lives express their own connection to us, rather than their connection to us via someone else. If you're good friends with, say, your best friend's sister -- it's kinda soothing to hear the sister say "Oh, this is my friend, Jane," instead of "Oh, this is my sister's friend, Jane." It affirms YOUR connection with each other. Erica saying "my daughter's son, Spike," is a little impersonal. Just like I love it when Tad refers to Opal as "Mama" instead "Opal," since he never calls Ruth "Ruth," I'd like to hear Erica say "My grandchildren." It's less distant and removed.

And coming from a personal perspective, it warms the cockles of my bitchy heart to hear my aunt, who is total diva, refer to me as her nephew -- instead of her "oldest brother's son."

I just think, at the end of the day, it would be more touching to have Erica thumb her nose at all the critics and naysayers who think she is vain, and have her say these are her grandchildren WITH PRIDE.

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Lets be honest here Erica Kane is the the vain one. Characters and real life people like her refuse to be called grandma so it is completely in character. I know I have heard Susan and Liza refer to her as grandma in interviews after Liza had her son.

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