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AMC: Thursday

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Freakin phenomenal episode. Alicia Minshew definitely has her Emmy reel right now. The girl reached deep within herself and brought her A-game. I am so glad the story is playing out the way that it is. It's a very balanced story, giving all the actors involved their chance to shine and I can say nothing but good things.

I rarely cry at things on the soaps (I can count on one hand the times that I have). Tearing up is different, I do that a lot. But today....wow.......go AMC!

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OH MY GOD is right! :o

Alicia Minshew and the Directing Team just won their Emmys! Seriously, I haven't seen Alicia that good or convincing IMO. She brought it today.

The directing was amazing - and I was crying my eyes out when they brought in Spike just as Kendall was going to surgery - and they passed each other and in slow motion Kendall looked to her left and saw Spike go by...and she screams! OMG! That was heartbreaking! And the direction of that was what will win the Emmy.

I thought today was the most emotional, edge-of-your-seat, and perfectly flowing episode we've had in years! The transitions were amazing, the balance was perfect, and the acting was top notch by everyone. One transition I especially loved was when Ryan made the comment about how children are the parents' #1 priority no matter what the situation is - and then it goes to Jackson who is there for Greenlee when no one else would - and even though he knows she was taking Spike, he was there for her bc as a father he needed to be.

I felt so bad for everyone, no matter their actions. Erica! Jack! Adam (loved that he called to send flowers)! Josh! Ryan! Zach! Annie! Greenlee! Even Jonathan....Jeff had tears, so no complaints today.

Loved the show - and hope they keep on with the momentum!

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Drop Zone Ryan

Yay they finally found Spike and it looks as if they did the smart thing and lifted him up into the helicopter and away from Ryan. Lord knows those bug eyes cannot come anywhere near Spike or else they would scare him and cause him to move about and possibly drop out of that hammock like structure and down into the drop zone. But what is even more amazing is the Dynamite Kiddo strength employed by Ryan to get down that 20 foot drop like he has abs of steel and a whack whack full of steel and yippee he just makes it down. But you would think him formally being a doctor (remember he pulled Greenlee out of her psychotic stupidor?) that he would know how to tend to Spike. What happened to his holiness' healing powers? Did they get lost like his brain did once he married Greenlee at a castle that harbors a four eyed octopus who smokes a bong full of M&Ms? Sheesh who knows what could have happened to Ryan's brain...maybe someone thought of it as spaghetti and had a nice meal with it and his only option is to buy one off of eBay. Hey it worked for Paris Hilton so what is to say it could not work for his holiness? But being that Ryan is too busy saving the world from the demented Dr. Davish whose powers include turning condoms into scrotum shaped lily pads and making them shoot evil darts full of the stupidity virus he just won't have any time to purchase his brain. A discount is in store. Two ho brains for the price of one ho...Ryan and Greenlee! Let the fun begin.

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Can't wait to see what you thought Adam!

And Devoted...c'mon man...the Ryan rants are a little 'NOT NEEDED' right now while he's dealing with Spike. I mean please hate him all you want, but writing about how his eyes are going to make Spike drop from the helicopter and die? That's lame and no one wants to read it.

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Let's face it Ryan's whole life is one woe is me story after another so the rants would always not be needed if I were to just rant when it is not woe is me. His entire life is one sob story after the next and he has no sympathy from me so I will continue hating him. As for Spike, well I'm just saying Ryan is dangerous around him with those bug eyes that it could cause him death...I'm looking out for Spike now :)

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These aren't real people. Devoted's rants are just as needed or not needed as B&E needing to write about Greenlee driving over a cliff with a 13 month old.

I, personally, like the rants -- although Devoted has yet to make me howl as long and as loud as I did when Ryan and Annie went dancing into the psychedelic vagina at their wedding. :lol:

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