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Was she in fine form Monday or what?

And if you ask me... Jason's reaction to Lizzard was pretty much the same as it was when Sam was letting the loser go. So that great PjUiKzE wuv was just not jumping off the screen - it was more of Lizzard leading the witness. But that could have been Steve's method of nonacting...

And Slutzilla was really full of herself because she just "knows" that Jason wants her as much as she wants him. God, I hate her!

Lucky, you are getting closer... Please think a little harder. The slut wife of yours is giving off all kinds of signals. The moment she gets clearance to Jason, she's visiting him??? Come on Lucky, you can do this... He and Sam didn't look bad yesterday.

Logan is such a hottie (PLEASE KEEP HIM AWAY FROM LULU because she can't be trusted to look out for those she claims to care about)... Does he have an accent? I swear he and Ingo could pass for brothers.

Carly and Alexis was the most ridiculous thing on GH in a long time. This is what Alexis has been reduced to? I was hoping that the cancer would finish Alexis off thus freeing NLG of this sh!t... Guess you can't have everything...

Ric giving a speech about psychos? That is just too laughable to comment...

Anna and Eli/Noah - I'm at a loss for words.. From a spy to a groupie? HUH?????!!!!! And if Eli Love is this huge INTERNATIONAL rock star, why has NOT ONE patient at the hospital or any member of the staff mistaken Noah or even mentioned that he looks exactly like Eli Love? Does this not make sense to anyone else??? This nonstory should not be happening. It's a complete embarrassment!

Please kill off the following in the most painful manner possible:








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I agree with Jerry Jaxx, Elizabeth, Carly and I midly am starting to come around to the awfulness that is Lulu.

I'd add in three of those useless newbvies and ICAM with your post.

Did anyone else think that Lulu's reasoning for not telling Lucky the truth was just plain pathetic. "Jason please don't tell Lucky that Jake isn't his because then that will make me look like a horriable sister. I only agreed in the first place because you promised it would never come out!" That was just good awful.

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yup.. liz needs die like yesterday!

I love Alexis b/c NLG does comedy really well and its kinda interesting to see Carly & Alexis away from Mob Co.

I was just excited to see Lucky & Sam scenes and I was like "just please tell him" but stupid Liz.. obviously your husband didnt want to see Jason and yet you go for what reason.. nothing new then the last time you went... but i'm sure she'll get what's coming for her..

not a fan at all of groupie Anna, like really you couldnt write her a better s/l

as for LULU! she did not need to go see Jason and I hope when Lucky finds out she kept the truth from him, he rips into her along with lizzard. lulu's reasoning is plain pathetic.

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Haha..I love Lizzard and Jason. Jason and Liz are the first couple I've really rooted for in a LONG time.

Lucky and Sam should hook up really!

I loved loved the Alexis/Jerry/Carly scenes

"I love biting their heads off" ..Jerry is the best.

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Liz is a SELFISH bitch. She says to Jason. I want my family with Lucky, Cameron Jake and you. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. How greedy and selfish can she get? She wants both men to herself and is completely disrespectful to both of them. It would serve her right if they both turned their backs on her. I hate women like that

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It would be wonderful if both Lucky and Jason dumped the liar. But the only one that will leave will be Lucky and they will never get back together. Jason will stand by her and they will get together much to my hatred of her and now him.

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