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AMC: Friday

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R Sinclair toda was GREAT epi! It was full of emotions.

ETA: Also the previews for Monday looks great. This storyline is going to be great! :)

AMC was GREAT TODAY! Gotta give it to the writers today!

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I got Bianca/Babe flash backs at the end of today's episode.

Babe: I am going to get you there. Don't you worry.

(Babe steps on the gas and starts speeding down the highway)

Awesomeness. :D

I thought that there was a nice contrast to Babe speeding up and Greenlee slowing down and chosing to run off with Spike while Babe was trying to save Kendell and baby Slater.

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Haha. Good eye.

Great show today. This all definitely reminds me of Bianca and Babe back in 2004. I feel really bad for Kendall, she needs Zach, and he can't get to her. Everyone's acting was superb too. This whole storyline should be awesome. Here's hoping that B&E don't screw this up.

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Operation Dumbo Ryan

So what is this guy's purpose now to charter a helicopter back to Pine Valley when it is not his child that might be born as of yet? Seriously the guy is an idiot and thinks that because he has this ego complex and good looks that he has to run and play deputy dog once again and make us barf and barf and toss cookies-oh wait those are the same thing! So here goes Ryan being the ippity bippity HO dog demanding that they get back to PV all so he can swoop down to save the day with Kendall when she has Zach that can help her out with anything (mind you Zach is a real man...he at least knows the alphabet unlike St. Turd Ryan). Why couldn't Ryan just stay in New York City and perhaps get run over by a bus, a subway, or gotten into a taxi and the guy is scared of him and drives them both into Manhattan's East River to be swallowed up by a ten legged lung shaped horny giraffe? Now that would at least take time and put Ryan through a lot of pain for a long time. Who knows maybe he could have gone to the Guggenheim and drew Dynamite Kiddo on the paintings and was arrested and swallowed by Tallulah Blacksmith in prison after she was denied her lunch for the day. It would put us and Annie our of our misery if this oaf who thinks two plus two equals a thousand is dead. Heck he probably thinks cleaning dishes is licking them all over and then putting them down his pants for a "rinse" if you know what I mean. Operation Dumbo Ryan here we come back to the Valley. Run for cover!

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Kendall didn't want Spike to see her upset and since Spike's car seat was already in Kendall's car, so they just switched. Went in seperate cars because they wouldn't be enough room with the products they were bringing

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Okay, I just finished catching up. I bypassed Thursday's installment of Mandy's Trilogy, but did watch Friday's since you all are so hot over it! I have to admit, the Kendall/Greenlee/Zach/Ryan stuff I enjoyed (Oh, Babe was there, too? :unsure: Not in my version, she wasn't :mellow: ). But the rest of the show was a redundant snooze. Adam left alone after being victimized by the trailer trash whore -- and Tad coming to gloat (dumbass :rolleyes: ). Zzzzzz! Um, backtracking, making Liza this caring, understanding, loving mother -- after the writers did everything in their power to destroy the Liza character to prop Krystal. Oh, brother. :rolleyes: How many more conversations do we need to witness of Tad and Adam's children trashtalking Adam? Let's either shit or get off the pot. The JR/Amanda stuff -- fell asleep (and that's a shame, since I had a good night's sleep last night. I shouldn't have been so easily tired first thing in the morning :unsure: ).

Didn't you love it? :wub::wub: I admit to rewinding several times to just simply gawk! :wub:

I got chills when SabineLee stopped the car, the music hushed and the camera slowly pushed in on her saying Spike was meant to be hers from the moment he was created -- then it all shot to hell with the psycho babble after that. Way to ruin a moment, people! :angry: It just came out of nowhere. She acted like Spike was radioactive for weeks, and now she wants him again? :rolleyes: CONTRIVED for a PLOT DRIVEN EVENT!

And what's worse is that Zendall and Spike have to suffer for it.

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