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OLTL: Heather Tom appreciation thread


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I'm sending out the search party for Kelly and Kevin they are MIA and its tiresome. What is going on at this show? I was so excited that we were going to see some great acting from Kel this week as her dreams of a Cramer Buchanan baby were crushed and I wanted to see her comfort Kevin who was equally crushed. Except the scenes only showed up in the recaps.

I can't imagine how frustrating it would be for the actor involved.

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Well according to the recaps at abc.com she and Kevin were on Monday and Wednesday. They only showed up on Monday's show which had the cliff hanger of her trying to "push" Kevin's buttons and him trying to tell her the bad news but being interrupted by the call that the verdict was in.

Wednesday's recap includes the reference to Kevin telling Kelly that he is sterile but those scenes didn't show up. Interesting that they were previewed at soapnet.com on Tues night for Wed's show.

I join you in your anger and I'm sorry but after what is essentially a year with no story I have zero confidence that there is anything on the horizon for her. They do nothing at all to promote her. No bumper and the last time I looked at the gallery shots they were all the ones taken when she joined the show, no recent ones.

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Big waste, and it's unfortunate because Heather deserves SO much better. I thought after she left Y&R where they wanted her to take a pay cut she'd do better at OLTL.

But of course OLTL just focuses on the same characters all the time. There are some who'd rather see Kevin/Kelly than Todd on trial AGAIN :rolleyes:

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There is a huge difference between Heather and Michael. ME can't act his way out of a paper bag. HT brings it in every scene she's in. I'll take actors like HT on 24/7 any time with no complaints.

Funny there weren't complaints years ago about balance when it was Clint, Dorian, Tina, Cord, Viki, Max, Gabby 24/7.

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I'm sick of ME/REG/MA. They seem to be the whole show now while great actresses like Heather sit around and do nothing. It's a good thing she's doing some movies these days. I think she is unhappy but isn't allowed to say much about it.

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