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GH: Marlena's column is out

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Marlena is right on the money! About Liason baby -- which has ruined Liz, IMO, and I love Liz -- and about Kate.

Megan Ward is fine, she's pretty good as Kate, actually. But hearing all this talk between Sonny and Kate about Bensonhurst and the past... It made me wish for some Sonny and Lois interaction. It also made me miss Sonny & Brenda, terribly. When Sonny would talk to Brenda about his past, he wasn't just reminiscing, he was entrusting her with a piece of himself he always kept hidden.

Hmmm, I haven't thought about Brenda in a long time -- but this week I've really been missing her. GH has been missing her. Vanessa Marcil needs to come back.

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The baby drama has ruined Liz? Yes, but I don't care about her. What bout everyone and couples that were ruined to get to his point? Ric and Alexis. Sam and Jason. Lucky and Liz. All there couples were mutilated beyond belief. Ric's character may never recover. Lucky is being made into a fool. Jason and Sam are being dimolished, and even though I was never a JaSam fan, they didn't deserve this. Guza has done so much frickin damage to so many people for this kid. It's sick. IMO, Liason better happen, because I didn't suffer through all this [!@#$%^&*], and see my Rexis be treated they they were for nothing. :angry:

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i love the laison baby and all the drama that came with it.

and really? imo no one was to far out of char... i mean, does anyone remeber who ric was? some people cant chnage forever. and sam is a slut. so why wouldnt they sleep together? liz has always had this thing with jason. and lucky was an addict - good people to become addicts.

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Sorry, but that's a bunch of crap that the Liason fans spin to justify all of this. Rexis was torpedo'd. Rexis was ruined. Rexis was torn to shreds and it was done so that Jason and Liz could be the angels in this storyline. I didn't say I thought Ric was necessarily out of character, more that based on what had just happened with Rexis, he was out of character. I don't care about this kid one way or another, and Liason better happen, otherwise Guza ruined a family he already had that was loved by most fans. THat was cute. Smart. Sweet. Lovable. And normal, for nothing.

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After "dating" baby Emily

If she feels this way about Emily.... I can't wait to see how she writes for Lulu! She must be 9 years old and is making her rounds of Port Chuck. With Jason possibly one of her next conquest.

The age thing with Sonny is a bunch of crap! Get over with it! I can't wait for the day when ABCD corrects the wrong they did by destroying Sonny & Emily!

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It was so stupid. One mintue Ric is in love with Alexis and the next he's all about bringing Jason down and so in love with Liz. He was confessing in church about his love for her and he was tryin to get in between her and Lucky and Jason in order to win her back. Completely threw Alexis aside and for what? Guza completely dropped this angle and Ric from the Liason story and Im nto sure why he even brought him into it if he wasnt going to follow up on it

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