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Days:SOW spoilers

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Main story is about Tony resurfacing to try and take Sami's fetus to save Stefano. He orders EJ to deliver Sami to him in an hour. EJ chloroforms Sami and takes her to him at a warehouse. When Sami wakes up, Tony flirts with her (because that is how he always was with her) and said he's happy to see her. But then his guards strap her down and he announces to her that they are going to operate to remove her fetus - Thaao says that Tony plans to take the fetus to Stefano in case they need it later, meaning there will be no child. But EJ is stunned and steps in, saying he won't allow him to do that and tells Tony he has feelings for Sami. He takes Sami and tells Tony that if they want to shoot, they'll have to shoot them in their backs as they leave. Tony lets them leave for now, but isn't giving up the quest for the fetus

There's also a 2-page interview with Thaao Penghlis (Tony DiMera) called "Dissed Count"!

Sneak Peeks

Week of May 21

Shawn, Belle and Phillip join forces to stay alive.

Steve threatens to kill Bo.

Chelsea believes Nick is two-timing her.

Kayla attempts to deprogram Steve.

Can't Miss - Thurs May 24 - Everyone fears Claire is dead.

Highlight of the week - DOOL Fri May 25 - Marlena and Belle realize John is waking up.

Week of May 28

Sami offers a truce for the DiMeras and the Bradys.

Willow confronts Shawn regarding their baby.

John responds to Belle's voice.


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I'm sure people will think the fetus stuff is lame, but i like it...I think this will be a way to somewhat redeem EJ as he will be protecting Sami...

Nice to hear Marlena in the previews with john waking up...

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The Tony stuff sounds incredibly dark but Thaoo also said not everything with Tony is as it seems so I am hopeful that this isn't going to end up as bad as I normally think it would based on this. I like EJ standing up for Sami. We are seeing the human side of him so I like that.

The rest of the spoilers sound good. Good to see Marlena in spoilers and finally John is waking up. Can't wait. I wonder where the Claire stuff is going. Sounds like a good week ahead.

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Well geez. No wonder Thaao commented about wanting to lighten up Tony a bit. It doesn't get much darker than trying to cut a fetus out of a pregnant woman. That's...pretty dark. In writing it sounds like they're going too far, but since I love the Dimeras and the idea of the whole storyline so much, I'll wait until I see it to form an opinion.

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Dont like the sound of it.reminded me of the Tony I never wanted to see again.I do look forward to these scenes..they can be either very good,or really bad.we all saw how the kidney stuff with John happened on screen...

quest for the fetus! this summer on NBC. :rolleyes:

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Wow! I'm not sure that I like Tony being written that darkly... but I do prefer dark to cartoonish. Wanting to take Sami's unborn fetus is incredibly dark and disgusting and vile... and I LOVE IT!

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Wow! This stem cell storyline sounds awesome. Some may say that it looks like Tony is back to being evil Tony, but I don't think that's the case this time. He's not harming anyone. He is trying to help his father by using the unborn fetus. Yes, he is taking Sami's child from her, but in his mind, one life will save another. Tony, like a lot of the people in society, may not feel that a fetus is a human being and is worth getting rid of if it makes someone else live. I think EJ felt this way at the beginning. But now, he is starting to feel a connection to Sami's unborn child and now that he knows that the baby could be his, he doesn't want to harm the child. We are starting to see some humanity. And I love that EJ is the one that saves Sami from Tony. I can't wait to see that scene where EJ carries Sami out of the room. It'll be a moment in the making for EJAMI fans. :)

I'm glad that Shawn, Belle and Philip are finally going to be one side. They need each other to survive. It's about time. It's too bad Claire won't be there though. I hope they each blame themselves for what has happened. They are all to blame.

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So i'm starting to think that EJ convinces Tony to let Sami keep what could be his baby, and agrees to find another fetus/victim...Then the week after he delivers Willow to Tony, and that could be the last we see of Willow and her baby...Willow's last airdate is June 4th, and Stefano first appears on June 6th.. We've heard nothing about Willow's exit...All we know is the week before Belle finds out that Shawn is her baby's daddy....So I could totally go for Willow either being paid for her unborn fetus, then leaving the show or her being killed off and Stefano using her unborn fetus to survive...

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