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Variety: PASSIONS Heads to DirecTv

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'Passions' heads to DirecTV

Segments to begin airing this fall

By JOSEF ADALIANNBC is closing in on a deal that will keep sudser "Passions" alive via an unusual outlet: DirecTV.

In what would be its biggest-ever original programming initiative, satellite provider is set to acquire original episodes of the soap opera from NBC U TV Studio. Segs would likely begin airing this fall, after the sudser ends its run on NBC.

There will be some changes, however.

Instead of five days per week, "Passions" will air only four times per week. It's also expected the show's budget will be reduced further to accommodate the different business model.

Neither NBC nor DirecTV would comment, but insiders said a deal could be finalized by week's end. It's unclear how much DirecTV will pay NBC, but a typical sudser costs a little more than $1 million per week to produce for network TV.

DirecTV has been edging further into the original content business, airing several first-run skeins on what it calls the 101. It's unclear if the company will program "Passions" on that channel or use the sudser as part of a larger programming initiative.

Peacock said earlier this year that it was canceling "Passions" after an eight-year run on the net (Daily Variety, Jan. 15).

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Somebody will have to clip the episodes and put them on the internet for people who don't have DirectTV. :D

Where are all my Jim Reilly fans!!??? The power of JER lives on. LOL

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I am happy they are staying alive but big mistake. First off, alot rides on what happens with the cuts. Secondly, not many people will pay for DirectTV just to watch Passions. This is going to be bad. NBC better find a way to air episodes online or something. This just isn't going to work in the long run.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm in love with the "Passions" brand more than any other, but I don't HAVE DirecTV! What about US, huh?

Guess we'll ALL be reduced to BREAKING THE LAW, having to get the show from torrent Web sites from those generous souls willing to post it! Thanks a lot, NBC!! I would have MUCH preferred CW or Fox or something oh, MOST of the fanbase could get!

(Sorry if I sound bitter, but I just can't watch my favorite show after it ends on NBC , so shouldn't I be ticked?!)

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Even if it doesn't work, at least they're trying.

If this model works (we don't know the details yet), this could be the beginning of a new era for soap operas. As network ratings get lower every year, soaps will need to find new ways to survive, whether it be on cable, the internet, or satelite.

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...or the nets could just promote them A LOT better and put them in later time slots. Let's face it, the ratings erosion may be blamed on a decline in quality, but if quality did improve (and I don't agree with that theory by the way; AMC rocks), NO ONE'S there to watch them live! Just move 'em later in the day and presto! Problem solved.

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Unfortunately, I doubt "Whitney" will stay; unless we get a horrid recast; because Brook Kerr didn't have faith and already jumped on a pilot for HBO or Showtime whichever it was.

I don't know if Theresa would stay; Lindsay, I see, as a network actress, if anything. To her, it may be a step down.

I think, personally, that my prophecy will come true. It'll be Jessica's "Passions."

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Endora going to school could also be a story. We get to see Nicole Cox grow up (if Passions stays on for a long time). She's such a cutie. :) "Endora's Passions" sounds way better than "Jessica's Passions." ;)

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To all those naysayers that said Passions was DEAD come Sept 7th, Come on out of the woodwork :lol::P

If Passions does well, I wonder if the future of soaps coule be on satellite? Sounds like they will use the UK soap format? 40 minutes 4 days a week with an omnibus (sp) at the end of the week?

At any rate, I am very happy that PSNS has been picked up. I don't have DirecTV but my Grandma does, So I will be having her record it for me.

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Soaps need to live on network television. Airing them on DirecTV makes it worthless for me, and because of that, I couldn't possibly care less about this development. It does the genre no good.

Passions should stay on NBC, end of story.

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