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AMC: Grade The Show/What Do You Think?

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ITA with this. There is still way too much Carey and Carey propping for me so that keeps my grade down a bit. I also hate that Adam is being made to look like a demented fool (even though DC is kicking butt in the acting department) and we're all supposed to believe that Carey's = love :angry: . I"m also not thrilled that Tad is stuck being the father of a tramps kid and as far as I'm concerned Krystal will always be one.

However, I love the vets being back in front and showcased more lately. As a Jack/Erica fan its tough watching a marriage crumble for no good reason but the writers are really giving us great material and making sure Jerica has rooting value throughout it. I love that there is more K/M family interactions lately too.

I love seeing Lily front and center and I am one of the few that can't wait for a Aidan/Ava romance :D

I love Colby and Sean together and separately now that the writers have toned them down.

So right now I'd give AMC a "B+" with a bullet :lol:

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I'm giving amc an B- I want to reflect on the good and the bad:

The good: The vets are getting more air time and the show is slowing but surely getting more balance.

The Bad: The carey propping has got to stop, its already ruined two characters that I used to like josh and binks. Babe/kwak are on too much still. My own personal peeve is that they still need to put susan lucci with a real male lead, hello adam is available because jack and jeff don't cut it. An about josh, I could like him if they got him away from babe. The fetus thing never bothered me that much, because I really do like erica having a son, but instead of the writers having him focus on his new family they have him obsessed and stalker-like over babe.

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I give it a B for now with the potential for B+ in May if the improvements continue this quickly.

The good: Adam and Tad in a frontburner storyline, Erica & Jack having adult conversations, Barbara finally dealing with her treatment of both Sean & Bianca, Di getting more airtime, Kendall's attitude toward Bianca/Zoe, Hannah is the strongest new female in years, and Janet's return.

The so-so: Di/Aiden don't work as a couple for me, Babe has stopped vacillating between Josh & JR and is no longer the center of the show.

The bad: Tad, Jamie, & Krystal blaming Adam for his reaction to her betrayal, Colby & JR turning against their father because of the hobags, Ryan/Annie and Zzzzendull bore me, Ava doesn't interest me at all, Josh is still there and still the Unabortion.

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Garde All My Children here!

Right now it went up by .5 to a A

Theres actual storylines that are so much better

The acting as been excellent

The balance is so MUCH better! with the vets back lik Stuart, Joe, Adam, Erica, Jack, Mirian, and even Opal!

All My Children is still on a roll!!

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If we were going by yesteryear's standard's, the show would get an F, possibly a G!

But because the industry standards are so far beneath par, even with today's standards, the show deserves a D...I'm being generous because AMC has really good lighting.

The stories are ridiculous and they take ridiculous turns. ACS as the Satin Slayer , Zoarf, Bianca the trisexual, Adam's revenge...

Only a few interesting characters (Erica, Adam and possibly a few others). I hope a new writer can liven up these people. Sit back and really look at how dull this cast of characters really is.

Waste of the small talent the show has. Example: Adam's revenge has the man looking like a clown. David has proven he can do anything, but it's wasted on this foolishness.

Not enough power actors. You can count the exceptional actors on 1 hand, and that's with about 2 fingers missing. David Canary is the ONLY power actor on the show. Michael E. Knight and Thorsten Kaye are fantastic actors - both have been wasted for far too long although MEK has been given some meat lately. As for the woman, when Julia Barr made her LACK OF exit, the show was left with no o/s lead actresses. And no...Alicia and Alexa don't count. I said "POWER"...

Dead weight just continues to latch onto the rest. Jamie, Julia, Jonathan, Ava, Lily, Annie, etc.

There are so many other things, and as I think of them, I will list them.

Oh, and how on earth could any writer worth their name on a piece of paper totally misuse someone as hot as Aidan Turner?!!!!! It's not like he is just eye candy. He can actually act - unlike Mr. Mathison!

I hope AMC gets better because I really want to be totally into this show...

Here's to hoping!


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