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Days:Dustin's Rumors 4/11

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April 11 -

Thanks to Diane for many

Kate and Lucas will both find out what happened the night Sami saved Lucas, but their reactions will be surprising (Please oh please let them do something different for a change and not the same ole same ole!)

Willow will learn there is a problem with her baby.

With the news that the Brady-DiMera feud will be back this summer, the old spumor that John is Shawn Sr's son with Daphne DiMera is going back around.

Rumor has it that we will get an explanation as to what has happened to Susan and Kristen (unfortunately Eileen Davidson is on B&B now and won't be coming back).


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I really wanna know what happened to Kristen and Susan, but if this is true, it better not be something where Kristen is dead or something. I would think that since B&B still owes DAYS a favor for the one-sided Koslow/Mascolo trade, they could let DAYS borrow Eileen for a few days since Joe's no longer on B&B.

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I'd like Lucas to side with Sami and want to protect her because she was victimized. He loves her so much and won't fault her for saving his life. However, he is deeply traumatized by EJ raping Sami that he has a hard time being physical with Sami. As he draws closer to her emotionally he begins to distance himself from her romantically. Can their love, which has always been very physical and sexual, survive this new twist?

As for Kate, she begins to see EJ for who he really is - Stephano's son. She is worried that all the women in his life will turn out like she did as a Dimera prostitute and takes dramatic lengths to ensure that Sami and Billie do not follow suit. As much as she hates Sami she would never want her to follow the same path she did. She goes to Stephano to get him to discipline his arrogant son.

That's what I'd like to see. Surprising and emotionally driven stuff.

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I do think the Lucas/Sami/EJ/Kate stuff will be different this time but I think the surprise will be Lucas sides with Sami while everyone else kind of turns on her. Or maybe everyone sympathizes with her for once. I don't think this will be the typical "Sami is exposed and loses everything" climax.

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Lucas standing by Sami will surprise alot of people, though not me. However, I will be amazed if Kate also sides with her. Maybe she'll be reminded of being abused by Curtis and will empathise with Sami's situation. That would be a great twist and would finally bury this stale Kate/Sami feud. Bravo to Hogan if this is what he has planned.

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Maybe Hogan will bring back Kate's depth and layers. Lucas is going to feel betrayed by Sami. I believe that 100%. That's just the way Lucas is, or the way the real Lucas is. As for Kate's surpring reaction, I think Hogan's going to have Kate reflect on her past. She'll remember her days as a call girl and the countless time she was probably sexually assaulted, not to mention the abuse she took from Curtis Reed all those years. I would love it if this incident will be the thing that breaks down the wall between Kate and Sami.

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I would love it if Hogan gave Kate some of those layers back and had her sympathize with Sami. Kate needs to be redeemed and Hogan already has redeemed Chelsea and Sami. Kate needs to build back some of the sympathy and rooting value she used to have that has been lost in the past few years (especially under JER).

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Hope Lucas will forgive Sami right away and not leave her again. This one wasn't her fault actually.

Don't care about Willow.

Hoping John is Shawn's son!

It would be great to see what happend with Kristen at that sultan dude, as well as Susan in the UK and how Elvis was taken from her and Edmund.

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