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PSNS: Tabitha and Endora take on Spike

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Dear Tabitha Spoilers/soapcentral

Sheridan tries to force Fancy to tell Luis about Pretty, but Fancy begins to hyperventilate.

Fancy blasts at Luis and Sheridan with a gun!

Tabitha casts a spell on Miguel.

Eve and Julian discover disturbing news about their son

Rae's funeral begins

Fox starts losing his hair.

Fancy watches frightening video footage from Alistair's cameras.

Spike accosts Jessica in her bedroom and warns her she'll never be rid of him.

Tabitha and Endora decide to take on Spike.

Valerie informs Julian and Eve that there son had been abused as a child.

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I want the stalker revealed already!!

Here's what he know, feel free to add..

Spike was the original masked person who raped Fancy during the stakeout (We saw this)

Then another stalker popped up and started stalking Fancy & Luis, killed Rae when she discovered who they were.

meanwhile there's a stalker who is suffering from gender identity and is blackmailing Theresa.

Spike knows the "HeSheIt" because he sent Jessica to them.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but the person stalking Luis and Fancy is not a man-woman are they?

Maybe Vincent is the one stalking Theresa because he thinks he's entitled to run Crane since he's Evian's son. Perhaps he's suffering from gender identity because of the abuse he suffered as a child??

Another suspect could be the guy (forgot his name) who was suing Crane Industries (Ethan was his lawyer) because he created a high tech gadget and Crane screwed him over? Could that gadget be the talking box that was sent to Theresa?

I wonder if it's just one stalker or two or three? :unsure:

So much stuff unanswered, I really just wish it would be revealed lol

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Here is what I was thinking...

We've got the 'original' peeping tom, who was Spike, like you mentioned, the guy from the stake-out, which I'm assuming is pretty pointless at this point

then we have the one who came in is stalking Fancy/messing with Luis and killed Rae ~I think that this might be Pretty, and I definitely think Sheridan was or is involved, so some extent.

then we have the 'man-woman' who has said that they want Ethan, and they are terrorizing Teresa. I think the man-woman is the Evian son, an heir to the Crane empire

but, who really knows, guess we'll just have to wait and see, whenever that'll be, LoL

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"Sheridan tries to force Fancy to tell Luis about Pretty, but Fancy begins to hyperventilate.

Fancy blasts at Luis and Sheridan with a gun!"

Much as I hate to say this, based on THESE spoilers, I'm startin' to think Fancy really did rape Pretty with a blunt object when they were kids. It's sick, yes, but it goes in line with the show's mantra, that everyone has a secret. It also goes in line with the fact that there are some REALLY screwed-up rich [@#%@#%]es out there who, on the surface, seem to have it all and are well adjusted -- but are sick, black human beings, or were at one time. I've seen richies act shameless in many unspeakable ways, thinking it's all just a game. I could see Fancy, another version of her, a younger, immature version, having fun while drunk, maybe wtih Esme, raping Pretty for kicks.

It's sick but that stuff does happen. :unsure:

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No, Spike did not rape Fancy at the stakeout. At the very least, it was never proven it was him beyond his having a cut on his hand. I think it was a false lead to make the audience believe it until the overall plot unfolded.

I think Spike's going to end up being Julian and Eve's son. JER flirts with incest, but he rarely goes through with it.

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The Fancy raping Pretty storyline seems weird, but I know that with JER anything is possible. Maybe what she did was drug Pretty and let a "boyfriend" of her's rape Pretty.

Something like that was actually in the news a few years ago. Some woman allowed her boyfriend rape her little sister after drugging her because the boyfriend wanted to have sex with a virgin.

I feel slimy even just typing that. I really hope it's nothing that awful but they are building it up so much that I think it must be something really horrible.

I can't wait for Tabitha and Endora to "take on" Spike although I hope they don't have any scenes together. Slimy Spike in the same room as beautiful Tabitha and Endora would be awful. I hope it all happens via "the bowl".

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I think the same. Notice how it says Evian's child was abused. I beleive Spike was abused and I have said for years Spike is their kid. Why else would his ass still be on the show? He doesn't get much time other then to abuse Jessica.

Nice to see Tabitha and Endora doing something.

This stalker stuff is far too confusing. I don't know who did what or how many there are but I am not that invested, especially if that appalling Fancy rumor is true. Maybe JER's endgame is to destroy every single character in Passions history. If so, he only has a few more to go.

if it weren't for the actors, I would totally stop watching this because it is getting to be way too much in terms of the focus on assault and female violence. How half this stuff makes it to air is beyond me.

The stalker reveal will be very predictable though. I think we all know that Pretty is involved and that Spike was at some point. That much is obvious. Of course, Passions always goes the predictable route with these things so those you thought of right away as the stalker or stalkers are probably who will turn out to be the right guesses. God know all this show does is letdown with big reveals over the past two years.

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I defended Passions well past many on this board. Just ask JSF. I just finally get fed up and I have just as much right to be critical of it as you do to praise it. I give credit where credit is due. Sorry if you don't like it but JER is to blame for why so many are angry and he is also to blame for the way I and others think. He sets the standards and he has taken the predictable and easy way out too much recently. If he shocks everyone with a surprise, I will be the first to eat crow but I don't expect him too. I warned you all about the reveal of Chad's lover being predictable and you and JSF jumped on me and I was right...it was predictable. If I am wrong, fine. However, I don't think I am and any of those on the list is predictable. Sorry if you disagree.

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