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Newt Gingrich admits to having an affair while probing Bill Clinton's affair


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Perhaps you folks have forgotten, but Clinton was not impeached for having an affair. Instead, he was impeached because he committed perjury.

Claiming that Clinton got impeached because he had an affair is a BOLD FACED LIE.

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Well, I wouldn't go that far....but I would say however that the Republicans' hands were not clean in that investigation either.

Just goes to show you that the Republicans at that time were not all high and mighty like they thougth they were....

they were having affairs too....including the man at the top of the party.

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What I find very funny in all this is the fact that it all boils down to Clinton lied about having sex.

Big deal...how many people lie about having sex everyday? How many people have affairs and try to cover it up?

Exactly........it happens all the time (as we have seen, even by the people who want to punish others for doing the exact same thing).

I'm not saying that cheating is right....because it is not, but it deals in comparison to some of the scandals the Republicans have been involved....

or have we forgotten about Watergate, Iran Contra, Mark Foley intern scandal, the Scooter Libby incident and all the others?

What I'm getting at is the Republicans better watch when they throw stones at the Democrats because "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

I know the Democrats have been involved in their fair share of scandals as well.....but so have the Republicans. And it's high time they drop their holier than now attitutde.

I guess being a 'Conversative politican' means you can have an extra maratial affair these days. :blink:

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Scotty, you're right that many people lie about having sex. However, you are missing the point:

It is not that Clinton merely lied about an affair, it is that he lied about it while under oath in a court of law, thereby committing a crime. (And having a sitting president commit a crime is a "big deal.") On the other hand, the vast majority of people who do lie about having affairs do not tell such lies when under oath.

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I get your point, however a lot of people do lie about things under oath. If they didn't we wouldn't have lie detecter tests.

And no matter how you look at it....we live in a corrup society where sexual affairs are deemed moral and just by our society. For the most part, people lack the respect and ethics that they used to have. And by that I am referring to everyone, regardless of party.

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Thanks for understanding my point of view, Scotty. And, I get your point, too. It is indeed reprehensible for Gingrich or any other Republican to have an affair while claiming to belong to the party of moral values.

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Newt's a special being, which still leads me to wonder how on earth these women sleep with him and not want to recoil in horror. Then again, the situation with the first wife is no secret (married his high school teacher and filed for divorce while she was in treatment for cancer).

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