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AMC: Soapnet Promo

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I watched it yesterday because I was visiting my mom on my day off. To each his own is right, I haven't been this bored and disgusted with AMC ever!

BTW, it seemed obvious from yesterday's episode that the next mystery will be who killed Alex Cambias, Sr. Those voiceovers were so laughably bad. :P

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I'm not sure where you're reading a lot of positive reactions. There are a handful of people on this site who love it, but if you browse around sites like the Pine Valley Bulletin, Soapnet.com, Eye of Soaps, Soap Opera Central, etc., you'll find many more who hate the current state of AMC. For the vast majority of long-time viewers, there is nothing left that's enjoyable.

I think the ratings bump came from the misleading commercial that gave the internet-free viewers hope that Dixie might be alive. I expect the ratings to plummet for the week after it was revealed that Babe is alive instead.

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It seems Zendall fans like it. While I think Zach & Kendall are a decent couple, they can't carry the show and make me want to tune in everyday. The serial killer story turned out to be a total flop. AMC is a show that can give you some awesome scenes and episodes (even in a horrible slump). That's why I think it gets jumps in the ratings from time to time. But it won't hold. Just see, in another few weeks the show will be at a 2.4 again.

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I'm a Zach and Kendall fan but I did not love this story. I liked that it really built Zach and Kendall up as a couple but there were so many problems with this story outside of them and that is largely due to the fact that this story was about cutting cast members first and a storyline second. I do think it was leaps and bounds ahead of Greg Madden in a box for a month, fake affairs, Tad is a murderer, Jonathan Lavery is going to be redeemed by a brain tumor and marrying a just turned 18 year old autistic girl, Dixie hiding in Pine Valley for months, Ryan's sperm escapades, the Josh/Babe/JR triangle which will not end and Ryan's rage issues but I guess that's not saying much but I don't think this story flopped like those but again that's not saying much.

I do also feel AMC has strong episodes and even a strong week or two but then the plot points and the propping get in the way.

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