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PSNS: We saw the stalker today in Canada...

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Today in Canada we saw the stalker from behind.

The left side of him/her is masculine, and he has short black hair and man hands.

The right side is feminine and has long black hair, high heels, and long, painted nails.

So it's definitely a man/woman combo.

I think Beth and Alistair's bodies were mashed together when the train exploded. Maybe Alistair tried to use teleportation to get them to safety, but their beams crossed and their bodies combined into one.

Either way, I'm lovin' this story!! :D

And Alistair raping Fancy makes perfect sense, so I am going with Beth/Alistair combo.


there is another creeper in addition to this one. While we are seeing this baddie, someone in white gloves drugs Luis' tea at the inn, and then gases Fancy's room. This one could be Sheridan though, as she storms out of the cottage enraged with Chris.

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Oh, GOD!!!

This is shaping up to be the "Passions" sleeper hit storyline! I am absolutely in LOVE with this story! I don't care who the hell it is! This is surely a daytime first! The man-woman serial killer.

It's just TOO juicy!

And those RED PUMPS while the suspect is out on the prowl...SO hot.

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When the camera panned over the body, I was like "WTF!?" And I was certainly shocked by the 2nd attacker drugging Luis. So now we know for sure there's 2 stalkers.

I have no idea where JER is going with this and it's very exciting. The Night Stalker(s) has certainly made Passions interesting again.

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Oh, I agree.

And I'm just going to say it.

I thank God that I can say this, not knowing if I'm right, but evidence sure seems to suggest it's true:


They tried to make her look too "obvious" at first (a nice ploy, guys!) but now we see there are TWO stalkers, so it all makes sense, and therein lies the REAL shocker.

Sheridan, is indeed, the other woman in black.

And I, for one, am LOVING it.

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Sheridan as the other stalker is predictable, which means it's probably the case despite it being massive character destruction.

The man-woman thing is outrageous and, frankly, it may be too much for me to swallow. I will see how it plays bt I don't like the sound of it. Sounds like it is too out there for my taste.

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Anyone going with the simplistic notion that the "he/she/it" stalker is either J.T. (not really dead), Rebecca or Gwen? Doesn't make a lick of sense, but when this stalker (in a male voice, no less) called Theresa "Terrisita," I immediately thought of Rebecca and/or J.T. Plus the stalker said on Tuesday's show (2/27) that "Ethan is MINE." But then what's the deal with half the body being a woman, and half being a man? Can't figure it out, but I love that I can't! JER hasn't had me this intrigued in years, and I'm addicted to PSNS once again!!! Also, to those who feel that Sheridan is the 'other' stalker (now wearing white), this stalker laughs like a man, with the same laugh as the "he/she/it" stalker! :lol:


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