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AMC: Cady's blog - 1/30/207

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Cady wrote in her blog again today....again very sad and I feel so sorry/bad for Cady :(

I love how much she adores MEK - all of her MEK talk makes me more sad bc Tad/Dixie is seriously my #1 daytime supercouple!!!

Anyway here is the entry from her personal website, www.cadymcclain.com :



January 30th, 2007

…and THANK YOU for all the memories…

What to say?

I sat with Carolyn Hinsey to watch my last show. She convinced me to sit still and watch by promising me a bottle of wine and some control of the remote. Although she lied about the remote, the wine arrived in a timely manner and I took some deep sips and turned my head towards the TV.

What can I say?

So many lovely and touching performances by my fellows.

Some beautiful flashbacks that reminded me of hairdressers I knew and obviously forgot to tip. (What WAS that ski slope hair in 1992?) Why didn’t I listen to my Mother when she said “don’t pluck your eyebrows or they won’t grow back!!!” The days when shoulderpads made us all feel like we were larger than life, and then we realized, no, we were larger than Arnold Schwarzenegger.

And then there were the scenes with Michael. You know, I told Mike a few years ago, that when I met him, I really DID fall in love with him. When I went to his real life wedding, I sat in the back row in a leather jacket and cried, even though I knew his wife was a lovely woman. It was a childhood love, a crush grown on the imagination and the proximity to a beautiful, beautiful man, full of talent and inner demons, like all of us artistic types. He was something beyond what I thought I could ever attain.

So we worked together. I was disaplined in my training and held to the rule of not dating a co-star you had stars in your eyes for. He knew I was a kid and had his own set of values about that. So it all went on the screen. All that love, all that frustration, all those dreams, all that lost hope.

Well, I DID get to marry him THREE times!!!

But that’s how it stayed and at some point we realized that how it would remain. In some way it is so perfect and beautiful, because we shared it with all of YOU. That somehow, YOU were a part of that love, those highs and lows, those terrible angry times, those moments where we were barely able to be friends, and then the laughter, always the incredible laughter that defined who we were and are as friends.

As far as soaps go, I believe that this is what they are all about. Simple, crazy, love.

I feel so lucky to have spent so many years in my profession getting to explore this rhelm of our emotional existance WITH all of you.

Thank you for being there. I hope you do keep watching All My Children. There are so many talented actors, and the history will continue and grow. Mike is still there and he needs your support, as does Tad. He needs you to clap your hands, like with Peter Pan, and keep him up and flying, moving forward and through these next adventures with “our” daughter Kate.

I deeply appreciate your thoughts and expressions of support, but please don’t quit. Daytime needs you! Mike needs you! Kate needs you!

As for me, I will continue, somewhere, somehow, and in the meantime, I will be HERE! Please keep sending me your email addresses. I PROMISE, I will keep in touch.

Much love, and again, THANK YOU.


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Wow, that was beautiful. Usually, I just skim through her blogs, but I read all of that one. She adores MEK, I'd heard that story somewhere...LOL, I think it's cute. :) Good luck to Cady. She's a talent, and I hope some show somewhere snaps her up.

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Awww, I just love what she said about MEK. It was the chemistry and relationship of MEK and Cady that made Tad and Dixie so special. It's such a shame that they had to end it just as they were getting to the good part that many fans were waiting for. I will never forgive TIIC for that.

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Haha - well she just had a crush - she started AMC when she was a teen - like 18 or 19 - so when she first met MEK, it makes perfect since for her to have a major crush and then to top it all off, she was going to be his leading lady!!!

And then AMC's #1 supercouple was born (IMO).

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