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Interviewer at Westboro Church rally...


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I'm sure you've all heard of the Westboro Church. You know, the people who run "GodHatesFags.com" and "GodHatesAmerica.com?"

Well, there's this hysterical clip here. About halfway through, they show a journalist interviewing one of the leaders while he holds up a hateful sign outside a fallen soldier's funeral. The journalist hits on the leader by grabbing his ass, and their reactions are hilarious!

What psychos!


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Wow - these people are CRAZY.

So everyone that died in 9/11 were gay...and so were the tsumani victims. These people are whack!

I had no idea they were this bad. I loved the Fox News interview...I wish I could have seen that full interview - I'm surprised that made the air! I loved that Fox News lady pretty much calling her a whacked out [!@#$%^&*] who needs to die.

Anyway - where in the US are these people based out of? I'll be sure to avoid that area along my travels.

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According to them, they were either gay or supporters of the evil 'gay agenda.'

The leader's sermons were disturbing. Talking about fag feces and dyke feces being smeared on the Bible, and how he thanks God for the tsunami and for all the bodies that are now fertilizing the ground... what a NUT.

And yes, they're absolutely insane. They're the types of people you could see murdering as an act of love an appreciation for God, as if they're fulfilling his wishes. What nutjobs.

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These people are NUTS! I don't know what more to say. Some people like these were in town last winter, protesting outside a funeral for a man that died serving in Iraq. I believe after that, a law was passed to keep protestors like them from being able to protest outside of funerals. It's crazy to think someone has to deal with that kind of ugliness and hatred even after they have left this world and their loved ones can't even mourn in peace.

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Those Phelps idiots have to be aliens from some other galaxy. That's the only way I can explain away their behavior.

That bunch of whackjobs were planning to protest at a soldier's funeral in Abingdon, Maryland a couple of months ago. They didn't show up.

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