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I Just Need to Vent


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I wish I could have a thick skin like some of you, but it's very hard to do...Instead of developing a thick skin, I'm just at a point of keeping my thoughts and feelings to myself. It seems better to do that rather than having the feeling that folks you care about or want to care about hating on me.

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Hey I don't know who made you feel offended or even which discussion it was in, but you should never feel like what you said you were wrong for saying. You should always be able to say what you want and never let anyone make you feel like crap for saying it! Im sorry you were offended and whoever offended you really owes you an apology.

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I want to say thank you for your own thoughts on what I posted.

I for one don't like feeling set up for an ambush, especially when it comes to the color of my skin. I am proud of who I am, and when ignorant people, whether they be in my face or on the net, start to putting their hate on matters, always throwing color into the picture just because they can, it bothers me.

There are alot of folks here on the board that have respect for other people's opinions and thoughts; even apologizing when someone feels slighted; however, there are some very rotten apples that can really cause alot of hurt and anger....Tuesday, I not only felt anger, but I felt annoyance, and also felt like I was being used for someone's own agenda.

To those who shared their viewpoints, thank you.. :)

It's not a question that an apology is owed; they should have common sense to not be ignorant or think that what was said were merely words...Words do have an impact on someone;

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Vee, I can't imagine anyone attacking you for any reason. You are possibly the kindest person here and I suspect your kindness comes from a lot of effort. If only most of us would try as hard as you do...

I didn't see the thread in question (glad I didn't) but if the subject of racism came up, there is no winning it if you are not part of the oppressed group. You would never understand. Racism exists, that's reality. I never understood it, not even with mixed race nieces and nephews (who were close enough in age to be little brothers and sisters) , until I fell in love with someone of a different race. He's a doctor and is still treated like trash in WAL MART of all places. In - oh so much better - CANADA!

A certain person may be on an occasional rampage, her opinions may be extreme, as are her conclusions, but her facts are pretty much correct. I can't believe I saw a post that said American slavery ended 400 years ago. I hope it was just a typo. (you know who you are)

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