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Everything posted by beebs

  1. Again, the Dr. O stuff is really good. I can't wait to see what happens. Felix/Brad/Lucas is really interesting. I hope that continues to play out, it's making me really like Felix so far. Still not sure why a 20 year old has to do what his mother says, but I've always been more independant than the average kid that age so maybe Nina has more control over Sebastien that way. Either way, good job filling in some holes I had in the story. Good work!
  2. I like the Qs any time they're on screen! Keep that moving! Very interested in this Dr. O and Anna's baby story. Can't wait to see how that turns out. Loved Patrick vs. Robin. Robin's always been far too consumed with Jason, and it's always bothered me. I'm glad that you're giving that unhealthy relationship some consequences. Hopefully Robin wakes the f--- up. VERY good show.
  3. Good show. Lots of great scenes happening, and I really liked the conversation between Cass and Felicia. You really understand their relationship well. Great to see Cass and Frankie back together. Lots of romance in the air, loving it. Can't wait to see the showdown between Gregory, Sharlene and John. I'm excited! I guess there's lots of trouble ahead for everyone connected to Reginald. Can't wait to see it all play out! Good work!
  4. Good episode, dude. I really enjoy the fact you're using more directions in your scenes alongside the dialogue, it really helps make it feel more real. Daisy getting out of jail is gonna be dangerous for everyone. And I loved Keemo and Gloria's tension. Very good conflict and you can feel the love they have for each other. I'm intrigued by Nikki's story to come, and I like Chance and Victoria together already. Good choice!
  5. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 35 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Ciara, Johnny and Chase walk together down the path toward the Brady Pub, Hope not far behind as they walk. Hope is on the phone to someone and stops near the door of the pub, as the kids talk a bit further away. CHASE: My dad says that he fought a bear once and won. JOHNNY: COOL! Ciara looks at Chase, unimpressed. CIARA: So? No one cares what lame fights your dad's in, Chase. I bet he made it up. CHASE: Did not! CIARA: Well did you SEE him fight the bear? CHASE: Just cos I didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen! CIARA: Then I don't believe you. CHASE: Shut up! Chase pushes Ciara, and Ciara pushes back, just as Hope notices and Aiden arrives. They both scuttle to stop the kids from fighting. HOPE: Hey hey hey! AIDEN: What's going on here? CIARA: He pushed me. CHASE: Did not! CIARA: Did so. Hope steps between the kids as they begin to grab for each other again. HOPE: Okay, okay, enough! Ciara! Come into the pub with me, we're gonna have a talk, okay? Ciara folds her arms and frowns in an almost melodramatic fashion. CIARA: Fine. Ciara stomps into the pub, closing the door behind her. Hope looks at Aiden with a knowing look of parental frustration, but Aiden is not appearing to understand. Holding his son against him as if to protect him, he shakes his head at Hope. AIDEN: Why is it SO HARD for you to control your child? Hope raises her eyebrow, upset by Aiden's accusation. HOPE: Excuse me? --- Theresa crosses her arms in frustration as Billie sits across from her at the table at Club TBD, unable to contain her disapproval at Theresa's relationship with Brady. THERESA: Uh oh? What? What's wrong with Brady? BILLIE: I mean....it's not that he's a bad guy. I've known him since he was a kid, he's a great guy but...Theresa, he's in a really bad place right now, and...having been an addict myself, I know what this could be for him right now, and I don't think it's healthy for either of you. THERESA: Billie. Were fine. We have a lot of fun together and I let him take a lot of weight off his shoulders. Is that really such a big deal? BILLIE: Honey, if he's using you as a distraction for his real problems, yeah. It's a huge deal. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Will looks at Marlena with an unimpressed look as he stands in her office. WILL: Grandma, come on. This isn't something to celebrate. MARLENA: I know. I know, but...well, you know how much I love EJ DiMera. WILL: Oh, I'm sure there's enough warmth there to heat our entire apartment block. Marlena and Will laugh. Will puts his hand on Marlena's shoulder reassuringly. WILL: I know you're just looking out for her. But I have a really strong feeling that, if they can get through this, they might just make it this time. Marlena gives a half-hearted smile to Will. She stares at the ground a few seconds before looking to him. Will looks to her the entire time, wondering what she's pondering. MARLENA: Will, I don't know if I've ever talked to you about this. But I think you need to hear it. Because I really don't think you truly understand my hesitation at your mother marrying EJ. Will nods slowly, a bit confused as to what Marlena's leading to. WILL: Okay. What do you mean? MARLENA: Well...as your mom told you, EJ...he forced your mother to have...sex with him. And... Marlena takes a moment and breathes. She fights back tears as she tries to muster the words. Will rubs his hand up and down Marlena's arm in sympathy. Marlena's fight slowly is lost as she recounts her story to Will. MARLENA: I have been in her shoes before. WILL: With EJ? MARLENA: No, no. It was...so long ago. Before your mother was even born. I was engaged to a man named Kellam Chandler and...he raped me. And I...I just don't know if it's possible for any woman to be able to truly, completely trust and believe in that man after he does something like that to her. Now, your mother has been so strong for so long, and has really fought this feeling about EJ for a long time but...I think the realization of what EJ did to her...it's finally sunk in, Will. And if I'm being completely honest...I'm so glad for that, because now she can see that man for the evil, evil creature that he is. Will, stunned by Marlena's story and her perceptions of Sami and EJ's relationship, leans in to hug his grandmother, so very much on his mind, he can only stare ahead, eyes wide open. --- Jenn looks at Liam, confused and slightly hurt by his rejection of her evening plan. JENNIFER: What do you mean? LIAM: Jenn, I just have a lot of work to do tonight. I know you wanna help take my mind off it but..I've just been so distracted lately and I really need to finish this project for tomorrow. I hope you understand. Jenn smiles as Liam speaks. She feels reassured and puts her hand on his shoulder in sympathy. JENNIFER: Liam! It's okay. I understand. You shouldn't feel guilty for being dedicated to your job. LIAM: I figured you'd understand. Look, we can always get together tomorrow night and I'll tell you how everything went. Okay? JENNIFER: I'd like that. LIAM: Alright. I'll see you later. Liam kisses Jenn tightly on the lips. Jenn watches as Liam heads off for his car, a smile a mile wide across her face. As Liam takes off, she hears the phone ring. Jenn scuttles back into the house, closing the door behind her. She picks up the phone, and hears from her mother. JENNIFER: (into phone) Hello? ... Laura Horton sits at a desk in her office at a Portland clinic. She appears relaxed and content, wearing a huge smile as she begins to talk on her office phone to her daughter. LAURA: Hi Darling. It's your mom. ... JENNFER: Mom! How are you? ... LAURA: I'm well, honey. I just wanted to call to let you know I'd be coming to town in a few days. ... JENNIFER: Oh that's fantastic! Uh...where are you staying? ... LAURA: I'll just be staying at the Salem Inn, it's just for a couple weeks while I work with a patient at the hospital. Marlena asked me to help her with it. ... JENNIFER: Absolutely not, we'd love to have you stay with us at the house. ... LAURA: Are you sure? I know it's a really busy place right now, and I wouldn't want to impose. ... JENNIFER: Mom! Don't worry about it. I'll build a bed for you if I have to. Just...please come stay with us, will you? ... LAURA: Alright, darling. Oh, and by the way...how is Abigail doing? ... JENNIFER: She's actually doing much better, Mom. Apparently she's just started a new job today working for Countess Wilhelmina. I don't know how I feel about her working for the DiMeras though. --- Sami, Abigail, and EJ stand in the hallway at the DiMera Building. EJ is shocked and upset after Sami's news. Abigail is also a bit uneasy, not having realized that she'd be working so closely with EJ in her new position. EJ: Samantha, why didn't you consult me about this first? SAMI: I didn't think it was a big deal. What, you don't want Abigail working here? ABBY: I'm sure he doesn't. That's fine, EJ. If you'd rather I not take this job, I can always find another job. EJ: No. No, Abigail. That's not what I meant. Look. Samantha. Can I have a word alone with Abigail for a minute? I just...I don't want her to misunderstand. Sami looks at Abigail and EJ, feeling something is going on that she's unaware of. She lingers on their eyes. Both of them fixated on the other. Sami turns to EJ and hesitates before speaking. SAMI: Sure. I'll be in my office. We can talk later. Sami walks back into her office, before shutting the door, the turns back to Abigail. SAMI: Oh! Abigail. Don't forget to head down to HR at 3:00 and pick up your new ID badge, okay? ABBY: Okay, thanks Sami! Sami closes the door to her office. No sooner has she done this than EJ has taken Abigail by the arm and dragged her into the adjacent board room. Abigail is surprised and tries in vain to fight EJ off, but he overpowers her. He lets go of her, and Abigail falls against the board room table. ABBY: OW! What the Hell, EJ? EJ: You're going to have to explain to me how you figured I wasn't working closely with Samantha at this company. ABBY: I didn't think of it, okay? I figured you were busy working with Stefano. I didn't think I'd be working alongside you all the time. EJ: Did you ever think of letting ME know before you accepted? ABBY: Why would I do that? What business is my work to you, anyway? EJ: It's my business because we have a secret between us that we need to protect, and the more we're together, the more difficult that will be. Abby in tense as EJ is approaching her with anger every time he speaks. She tries in vain to back away, her legs pressed against the conference table. ABBY: Well, we just have to make the best of it. EJ: We absolutely do not, Abigail. EJ turns away a minute, running his fingers through his hair with a pensive look across his face. He stops a second a turns to Abigail, a more subdued, inquisitive tone in his voice. He asks with less hostility: EJ: You never told me what happened with your job at the hospital. Abigail tenses again after relaxing a moment. She looks at the ground as if searching for somewhere to look away from EJ. ABBY: It was nothing. EJ: Oh ho ho, come on, little girl. You know, that's not it or you'd be fighting to get that job back right now. What happened? Abigail doesn't speak, her mouth quivers as she tries to speak, but fails to come up with a good lie. EJ's anger rises, and he desperately lurches toward Abigail, grabbing her by the shoulders and shakes her, as if to loosen the words from her throat. EJ: Tell me what happened, damn it! What happened at the hospital, Abigail! ABBY: It was Anne! It was all Anne! EJ stops, taking a step back. EJ is confused, barely knowing Anne. EJ: Anne? ABBY: Anne Milbauer. She heard everything. She forced me to quit or she'd... EJ holds back from screaming, a great tension in his face turns away from Abigail, a burning rage in him he struggles to keep from letting out. ---
  6. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 34 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Marlena is in her office, on the phone to Laura Horton. The old friends are chatting happily as Marlena sits at her desk, having a chuckle. MARLENA: (into phone) Alright, so I'll expect you in a few days then? Excellent. Thank you ever so much, Laura! Bye bye. As Marlena finishes her call, Will steps into her office. Marlena's smile widens upon seeing her grandson. MARLENA: Will! What a lovely surprise! Marlena gets up and gives Will a warm hug. She looks out the door as Will walks in. Will clues in immediately to what Marlena's looking for. WILL: I didn't bring Ari with me. She's with Gabi this afternoon. MARLENA: Oh. Well that's alright. What can I do for you? WILL: Well, I'm hoping that that was the person that'll be helping mom you were talking to on the phone. MARLENA: Ah, yes. That was Laura. I don't think you've seen her since you were about as tall as my knees though, so I don't know how well you remember her. Will and Marlena share a laugh. WILL: Well, you know. It's been a long time but I vaguely remember her. But I have to admit, I am worried for mom, even now. MARLENA: Why's that? WILL: Well, I didn't tell you this when I saw you yesterday but...when Mom was at our place the other night, she...she was going to cut off her engagement to EJ. Marlena almost reacts with glee at Will's announcement, but holds back, overcompensating with concern. --- JJ opens the door to head out for his community service. There at the door, about to ring the doorbell is Liam. JJ doesn't hide his dislike of Liam from his face. LIAM: Oh hey, JJ! Is your mom home. JJ: Yeah. She's inside. What did you want? Liam smiles awkardly, trying to stay cool in the face of JJ's hostility. LIAM: I, uh...I had a little surprise I wanted to give her. Our date last night went really well so... JJ: Great. I'm glad. Isn't this like...your third or fourth date or something? LIAM: Yeah! I think things are going really well. Do you mind if I-- JJ: ...I'll go get her. One sec. JJ turns to go back inside, letting the door swing shut behind him, but Jenn is not far behind him and catches the door before it closes. JENNIFER: JJ. I got it. JJ: Kay. JJ heads out, rolling his eyes at his mother and Liam. He brushes past Liam on his way out. Jennifer gives a disapproving look JJ's way as she leans in the doorway, before looking back to Liam. JENNIFER: Sorry about that. How are you? LIAM: GOOD! I'm doing fantastic! I had a little something for you. Liam presents a box of chocolates to Jenn, who smiles widely at Liam. JENNIFER: That's really sweet of you, Liam. Look. I'm sorry that JJ's not taken with you. He's... LIAM: He's young. He misses his dad. It's okay. JENNIFER: I'm glad you understand. God, it's like you've known me forever. I really appreciate the time I've spent with you, Liam. LIAM: Jenn, you're a beautiful, special woman. And that's a rare thing to find. I just hope you feel the same about me. JENNIFER: Absolutely, I do. Look, what are you up to tonight? LIAM: Oh I just...I have some work to catch up on at home tonight and-- Jennifer looks to Liam seductively. She grabs the lapel of his jacket and pulls him in slowly as she speaks. JENNIFER: ...Well...Abigail is working late tonight at her new job, and JJ is going to visit his Grandma Jo for the weekend, so...how about I go to your place and make you a nice quiet dinner, and distract you a bit. Liam stops her and pulls away suddenly. LIAM: I don't think that's such a hot idea, Jenn. Jenn frowns, confused by Liam's sudden rejection. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Billie sits down at a table at Club TBD, a coffee cup before her. She checks her phone for messages, a look of concern across her face. Shortly thereafter, Theresa comes stumbling in, a bit panicked, in a way that Billie seems familiar with. Billie stands up with a smile and arms reaching out. THERESA: Oh my God, I'm sorry I'm late. Theresa rushes over to give Billie a hug. BILLIE: It's okay, hon. I was prepared for you to be a bit late anyway. Theresa pulls back from her hug, a mock-serious look on her face. THERESA: Hey now, come on. I'm not ALWAYS late. BILLIE: I kinda doubt that. Theresa rolls her eyes a bit, jokingly, as she and Billie sit down at the table. THERESA: Okay, fine. I'm...usually-- BILLIE: (laughing)...always late. THERESA: Oh whatever. (laughs) So what's up with you, I haven't seen you since I left LA. BILLIE: I'm alright. I...I'm kinda shocked I'm back in Salem, but...my mom needed me at work so... THERESA: Ooo! Does this mean you're gonna be doing more amazing cosmetics work? Some 48-hour concealor that won't come off with an ice pick? Billie and Theresa have a laugh, as T passes, Theresa stops him. THERESA: Oh, T. Mimosa for me. T looks down at Theresa, a bit of annoyance on his face, but still within the realm of professional appearance. T: Only if you say the magic word. Theresa shoots T a look of daggers. THERESA: Please. T: One moment! T walks off, Billie giggles, and Theresa scowls. THERESA: Can you believe the lousy service I get here? BILLIE: Well, don't you have a bit of a rep around here already? THERESA: That's not my fault. That's Jennifer Horton's fault. BILLIE: Now, come on, Theresa. I've known Jennifer about as long as I've known you. She's really a great person-- THERESA: ...Oh my God. You too. Really? I've heard this speech like...a thousand times already from my parents, from my grandmother, from my aunt Kayla, from JJ, from Daniel, I don't need to hear it again from you. She nearly had me thrown back on a bus to LA with a slight detour at the county penn. I will not forgive that prissy bitch. BILLIE: Theresa, seriously. I know how you feel about her but-- THERESA: ...But nothing. Jennifer Horton and her perfect little life where nothing bad has ever happened can go straight to Hell. BILLIE: Theresa, stop it. Jennifer and you have way more in common than you think, honey. She's not had it very easy. I promise you. Theresa rolls her eyes dismissively. Billie leans in closer to Theresa from across the table. BILLIE: I'm serious. I don't want you to think I don't support you, but we have all been where you are. Trust me. Jennifer as well. THERESA: Well, I do feel for her, whatever she went through, but that doesn't mean I'm going to suddenly become her closest friend, okay? Look can we talk about something else, please. BILLIE: Like? Theresa slowly cracks a smile. THERESA: Liiiike the hot rich guy I'm seeing. BILLIE: Oh my God. Who is it this time? THERESA: Brady Black. Billie's face drops upon hearing Brady's name. BILLIE: Oh no. --- Nick studies his iPad in the elevator at Titan. An article from the business section at the Salem Spectator is on it, detailing the scandal at the EnerNext press conference and what it could mean for Titan. The article specifically mentions that Titan TV, long on the decline in the ratings game, could be shipped off to pasture by the Titan board this coming week. The article puts a smile on Nick's face as the elevator dings, and the doors open. Nick steps off the elevator and heads over towards Kate's office. There is no secretary sitting at the desk, so Nick simply walks in. Kate, focused on work, barely looks up from the paper in front of her on her desk. KATE: I see your brush with death didn't instill any manners in you. Nick stops in the doorway, reaching back to the other side of the door, and he knocks on it loudly. NICK: (loudly) Can I come in? KATE: Only if you've come to resign. Nick walks in, and immediately begins to pace the room. Rarely looking at Kate, he almost seems to be making a grand speech. NICK: Sorry, Kate. No such luck. I do, however, have a proposition for you. KATE: Well that can't be a good sign. What are you going to blackmail me into doing now, Nick? NICK: Oh come on, Kate. I'm not here to do anything like that. But if you insist. I have a little request. Kate keeps her eyes on her work. Clearly disinterested in Nick's grandstanding. KATE: Spit it out, Nick. I'm busy. Nick walks quickly towards Kate, which throws her off a bit, but she tries to not make it obvious that he's startled her. NICK: You need to drop that attitude. I'm making your pathetic little company millions upon millions of dollars and I'm treated worse than the unpaid intern. Kate finally looks up at Nick, looking him straight in the eyes with a piercing quality that shows she means business. KATE: There's an easy way to fix that, Nick. Stop threatening my family, and stop trying to take Ari away from her family. NICK: I have absolutely no intentions of that. But I don't want that little girl to grow up with your morals, or Sami's morals, or heaven forbid, EJ's morals. KATE: That's rich, coming from a would-be rapist and murderer. NICK: Enough! Kate. You're going to understand something. I hold all the cards here. So follow what I say, or you're all going down. Got it? Kate pulls her reading glasses off her face. She stays fixated on Nick. KATE: Is this how you're going to conduct yourself? Go around town, day in and day out, making demands on people and blackmailing them if they don't agree? NICK: If I have to. KATE: Well, then you're of little use to me as an employee, aren't you? People will start to see through you rather quickly. NICK: Oh, I'm sure you can cover for me. Kate finally loses her cool. She slams her fists on her desk and stands up, now enraged. KATE: Damn it, Nick! What do you want? Stop playing these stupid games and just tell me what you want. Nick smiles, finally having got a rise out of Kate. He goes back to pacing the room, as though all is well once again. NICK: There's a vote coming up. A very important vote. It involves our local TV station. KATE: What about it? NICK: It's incredibly important, for you, and for everyone else, if you vote against keeping Titan TV under Titan's control. Important enough that if you don't vote against it, it'll be the last vote you ever take part in. Got it? Kate narrows her eyes, and shakes her head. Kate's face shows a sense of dread that is unmistakable. --- EJ walks through the hallway at Countess Wilhelmina towards the elevator, deep in thought. He looks over some files as the door opens and he goes to step on without looking. Just before stepping on though, he sees Abigail about to get off at the same floor. EJ looks shocked to see Abby there. EJ: Abigail! Wh-what are you doing here? ABBY: Well...trying to get off the elevator, for a start. EJ: Oh, sorry. EJ steps to one side. He still has a look of confusion on his face, as he goes to ask Abigail a question, Abigail cuts him off. ABBY: I didn't realize you were so involved with Countess W. EJ: Samantha and I try to run the operation together as much as possible. Abigail's eyes widen, surprised by EJ's statement. ABBY: I had no idea. Sami, seeing EJ and Abigail's tension, steps into the hallway to greet Abigail, almost as a rescue mission. SAMI: Abigail! Glad you made it! EJ motions to Abigail, still rather confused, but concerned at what might be happening. EJ: Samantha, I-- SAMI: Was just greeting our newest addition to our promotions department. Today's Abby's first day at Countess W! EJ looks to Abigail, his uneasiness with the situation painted on his face. Abigail looks nervously up at EJ before quickly looking away, an awkward smile on her face. ---
  7. BLONDE BOMBSHELL BLONDE BOMBSHELL BLONDE BOMBSHELL!11 (I'll be seeing it in my dreams tonight, LOL) Great show! Very punchy and kept me on the edge of my seat. Daisy and Victor were a hoot. I love Gloria and Keemo's scenes, and you write Phyllis as being just as obnoxious as I always saw her on TV (which is GREAT, btw). Such a great show. Keep doing this!
  8. Loving the exchanges. Especially between Iris and Cory. Iris really needs someone on her side in that family. I quite love how vulnerable she really is, you show that side of her well. Christy is giving me life. And I love Rachel standing up to Reginald. He better watch his back going up against the likes of her! GREAT show.
  9. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 33 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Billie looks over at Daniel, who has stopped her at Horton Town Square, concerned with the company she's keeping. Billie is not impressed. BILLIE: I'm sorry? DANIEL: What were you doing talking with Theresa Donovan? Billie leans back, arms folded, floored by Daniel's audacity. BILLIE: She happens to be a very good friend of mine, thank you. DANIEL: Well, I guess you're not quite the person I thought you were then. BILLIE: Excuse me? Daniel approaches Billie, a bit of menace in his walk. Billie still stares him down, unblinking. DANIEL: Oh yeah. I went there. You remember your friend Jenn? Yeah, that girl you just were speaking to put her through a living hell these past few months. And me. And JJ. BILLIE: Oh, I'm aware of all of that. I'm also aware of the hell that girl's gone through before she ever met you or Jennifer or JJ. So you can spare me your holier-than-thou attitude about things you know nothing about, Daniel. Daniel's taken aback by Billie's impassioned defense of Theresa. --- Sheryl and Jordan are sitting at Club TBD in a corner booth. Sheryl is on her laptop, attempting to access a file. Jordan looks over to her, looking occasionally to the laptop, and to the door. A certain tension is across Jordan's face, and she appears jumpy. Sheryl is focused on the work ahead of her. Finally, Jordan's fidgeting and twitches gets to Sheryl. SHERYL: Would you stop fidgeting? JORDAN: I'm sorry. I just...you know this is crazy. I mean....anyone could catch us here. SHERYL: Well, yes. If you keep acting like a complete nut, yes, they might. JORDAN: (sighs) I'm sorry. I just...I'm really concerned that you're going too far again, Sheryl. Sheryl turns abruptly to face Jordan. Jordan's words set her off like a switch had been flipped. She speaks with a quiet rage, not unlike a hot pressure cooker. SHERYL: Again, hm? Like I did in Canada? Are you seriously gonna say that now? That operation was neccessary, Jordan. We have absolutely no choice but to do that. And if you think this is any different, then you need to go back to Birmingham, and never come back. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- EJ approaches Sami's office desk, still reeling from her decision to move out. Sami draws herself up and back with every step EJ takes towards her. EJ: Samantha, I-- SAMI: EJ. Please. Please don't...come any closer. EJ fights the anger he feels from the sting of Sami's sudden fear of him. He fights the urge to lash out. EJ: Samantha, I...I don't...I don't think this is a good idea. SAMI: EJ, I can't. There is no other option. EJ: What do you mean, Samantha? I can't...I don't know how much more space I can give you. You're already at the opposite end of the house as it is. And you know father's conditions for your freedom were that the entire family live under one roof. SAMI: EJ, I never said I was taking Sydney, and Johnny away from you. EJ: (sigh) You don't get it, do you, Samantha? YOU are my family as well. You are as much my family as my brothers, my sister, my children and my father. SAMI: Look, I...I do love you. But I...EJ, this feeling, this fear I have in me...I buried it for so long. I tried to hide it and allowed myself to forget that that....side of you existed. I gave myself a sort of....selective amnesia. Our fight last night, it...I need to take some time on my own, away from everyone to just...heal. It's not about not loving you or not seeing you as a part of my life or...or...family. I just need time to truly move past what you did to me. EJ closes his eyes as Sami speaks. He doesn't look up. The shame he feels washes over him, and he stands solemnly, feeling the gravity of the effect he's had on the woman he loves. He takes a deep breath before speaking. EJ: Okay. You take the time you need. But remember something. I love you. More than anything in this world. You NEVER lose sight of that for one moment. Who I was then and who I am now are...galaxies apart. Sami smiles, trying to look at EJ, but she can't, and looks away. SAMI: I won't. Because I love you too. But I don't know if I'll ever be able to see the man I wanted to marry, without seeing the man who raped me. And I wish I could. EJ's heart sinks, as does his head, as he fights back tears. --- Victor slams his briefcase on the conference table at Titan. Around him sit Brady, and Tyler. All three men are in foul moods after the disaster that was the press conference. Victor opens his briefcase, sorting paperwork as he speaks to the other two men. VICTOR: Well, that was quite possibly the most spectacular disaster since the Hindenburg. I'm sorry your introduction to the Titan board had to be this mess, Tyler. I expect the rest of your time on the Titan board of directors goes somewhat more smoothly. BRADY: What I can't figure out is how Nicole, who was supposed to be helping promote the project, managed to be working to demonize this whole project to the public. TYLER: It's obvious. And I think it should be obvious to all of you that there is a lack of editorial control at Titan TV. And it has become a complete liability to you. VICTOR: If you're suggesting we divest ourselves of Titan TV, you can save your breath. We need that TV station, particularly if we want to see this project accepted by the public. BRADY: Grandad's right. But...I also think we need some changes if we are to retain controlling interest in the TV station. Victor furrows his brow at Brady's suggestion. VICTOR: What in the hell do you think I was going to suggest? Let that lazy sleaze Miles lay back and light Cuban cigars with my money in his office? TYLER: Well, with all due respect, that's essentially what he's done by allowing Ms. Walker's report to go public. If Miles is gone and Ms. Walker goes with him, I support retaining Titan TV. Otherwise, it's too big a liability, and it would also be a major conflict of interest. BRADY: I second that. Nicole had no right to go ahead with a line of questioning like that. VICTOR: She had no right being unleashed on this planet. If she isn't ousted, I'll personally drop kick her from the building. Now, if the rest of the board agrees to this-- BRADY: ...I talked to Kate after the press conference and she supports us. VICTOR: Then that's four. BRADY: If her little lap dog of a son follows mummy's lead as he usually does, that'd be five. TYLER: Which would put us over the top. VICTOR: So then it's settled. We'll put it to a vote Monday. I'll round up the troops and we'll get this sorted. BRADY: Sounds like a plan. TYLER: Good work, men. The three men, exchange handshakes, standing up from the table in a subdued happiness at their damage control. --- Nicole looks directly at Nick, clearly unsure of her decision, but she breathes deeply and chokes out her answer. NICOLE: Alright. I'm in. I'll do it. Nick smiles widely with his trademark sinister smirk. NICK: 'Atta girl. I always knew you were smart. Nicole grimaces, knowing she's made a mistake, but fearing the consequences too much to go back on her word. She folds her arms and shakes her head. NICOLE: So how are you going to make this work. NICK: Oh I'll find a way. And don't worry about moving your stuff out of your office. It's not going anywhere. I can guarantee it. --- Daniel approaches an enraged Billie, whose back is turned him as she reaches for her phone in her purse. His demeanour is one of a sudden calm. DANIEL: Look, I didn't realize that Theresa's past was so rough. But she had no right to treat Jenn, JJ, and I like that. BILLIE: I know that. I'm sure she knows that too. Look, I...I shouldn't have even said as much as I did to you. But know that Theresa isn't the bad person you think she is. She's hurting inside, and she's doing the best she can with that pain in her heart. DANIEL: (sigh) I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come down so hard on you. Billie pulls herself together quickly, looking at her phone quickly and noticing a missed call. She looks over to Daniel with a sudden smile on her face. BILLIE: Don't mention it. I won't hold it against you, as long as you don't do it again. Got it. Billie pinches Daniel's cheek before stepping away, leaving Daniel puzzled by her wildly changing emotions, but also intrigued. Once Billie steps away, she calls back the missed call. She whispers loudly in the phone. BILLIE: Mom? It's me. Sorry I didn't call sooner, but I think I got something big that could help us. Billie holds the tiny flash drive in the palm of her hand, looking it over as she speaks. --- Jordan looks taken aback by Sheryl's reaction. She tries to motion to Sheryl to calm down as she's drawing attention to herself. Sheryl looks around and appears to relax, though she's still visibly upset. Sheryl returns her attentions to her laptop screen. She doesn't look up at Jordan at all from here on out. JORDAN: Look, maybe I should choose my words more carefully next time. SHERYL: Ya think? JORDAN: Look, just...tell me what you're trying to do. SHERYL: Okay, you remember that computer we were on at work? JORDAN: You mean the one Nick Fallon caught us at? Sheryl rolls her eyes, but continues to focus squarely at the screen. SHERYL: Well, I snuck a little device on it that allows us unrestricted access to the Titan executive database, and no one can trace it. Jordan's skepticism begins to melt as Sheryl explains. Jordan looks over Sheryl's shoulder in sudden interest. JORDAN: You're kidding! SHERYL: Nope! Just about to get us into the frameworks now. Sheryl hits enter on her keyboard with a flourish. The login fails. Sheryl's face drops in shock. SHERYL: Oh God. JORDAN: What? Sheryl finally breaks her gaze with the monitor and looks at Jordan, a look of panic across her face. SHERYL: The key's not hooked up to the system. Someone found it. ---
  10. Yeah, I'm definitely on Vic's side on this. Though maybe I don't know the situation well enough. JT's totally just telling Victoria no because he's butthurt over being cheated on, to my eyes. Really nice seeing the mother/daughter relationship with Victoria and Nikki. I liked the scenes with Noah and Nick, though I'm surprised Nick would be so quick to assume Noah sleeping with a random immediately is a scam to trap Noah. The scene later on made it work better, and I could definitely understand why Nick would think Van's trapping Noah by that point. Absolutely great episode in many ways. Can't wait to see Keemo's fight to beat Jack down with McCall.
  11. Okay, this show had a lot of awesome things going on. Loved seeing Keemo wanting revenge on his dad, but we all know there's a price to pay for that. Scotty and Van was so sleazy it's ridiculous, but I loved what it said about Scotty. The boy can't get it up for a small girl like Van, he needs a MAN. So good. Philip is definitely the kind of person Cane needs right now. I see him really helping get Cane back on track! Jack is in for a very unpleasant surprise. I loved him telling his dad about it. Great stuff.
  12. WOW. I'm intrigued by your venturing back into the Lumina story. That is exciting and hopefully you'll be able to make this story way better than the writers were able to on TV! I think you will though The scenes with Sharlene and Steven were excellent. So sad to see Lisa go. Hopefully she doesn't die from her injuries! GREAT GREAT show!
  13. OOOO that was good. Really intrigued by Anna and Obrecht's story. And LOVE Patrick's situation with Britt right now. Can't wait to see how that's gonna turn out. Very nice, focused episode. I really like where everything is heading. Good stuff!
  14. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 32 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Billie walks alone through the Town Square, a look of concern across her face as she makes a call on her phone. BILLIE: (into phone) Yeah, I got something for you. I'll need to run a test on it when I get back. Meet you at the station at 7?...Great. Billie hangs up, pulling the tiny USB drive she found in the computer at Titan in her hand. She ponders what it could be and how it got there. She's knocked out of this place of concentration by a familiar voice. THERESA: Billie! Billie turns around to see Theresa's smiling face looking back at her. BILLIE: Theresa! Oh my GOD, honey! How are you! Billie and Theresa hug each other warmly, Theresa clearly excited to see her friend. THERESA: I'm okay. Had a bit of a rough week but I'm holding up well. BILLIE: I'm glad. THERESA: I didn't realize you were in town! How long are you gonna be here? BILLIE: Well, I'm...I'm actually gonna stick around for awhile. I think it's time I called Salem home for awhile. You know? THERESA: Well, it's no LA, but knowing you're here makes tolerating this one-horse town a whole lot easier to swallow. BILLIE: Oh, it's not that bad. Theresa rolls her eyes at the mere thought of Salem as her home. THERESA: That's what you think. Hey, are you free tonight? I was thinking of getting together for a drink at the Club TBD. BILLIE: Oh I could probably do that. I have a couple things to take care of first but I'd love to catch up. THERESA: Great. I'll text you later and we can meet up. BILLIE: Sounds good, honey. See you later. Theresa and Billie go their separate ways, and Billie goes to make another phone call, but before she can pull her cell phone up to her ear, she's interrupted by another voice. DANIEL: What were you doing talking with her? Billie turns around, a confused look across her face as she looks to Daniel. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- JJ looks to Jennifer, who is standing in her office with a departing Liam. JJ has a disappointed look in his eyes, which Jennifer immediately recognizes. JENNIFER: Liam and I were discussing meeting for dinner tonight. JJ: Mom, don't you think that's a bit soon af-- JENNIFER: No. No, I don't. JJ, Daniel and I have been apart for a very long time now, and... Jennifer suddenly stops herself, knowing Liam's there beside her, and wishing to spare him the discomfort. JENNIFER: Liam, you don't mind if I talk to my son alone, do you? LIAM: Not at all. I'll see you tonight. JENNIFER: Absolutely. Jennifer and Liam kiss quickly before Liam steps away. JJ looks off, unimpressed by Jenn and Liam's display of affection. Once Liam departs, JJ, shaking his head, turns around, pointing out towards where Liam just was. JJ: Really, Mom? JENNIFER: JJ, you really need to stop worrying about who I'm dating and focus on school and your community service, because I swear to you, you don't want to push me right now. JJ: Why not? Look, I feel responsible for what happened with Daniel-- JENNIFER: ...And you should. Look, I am grateful to Daniel for helping you out and keeping you out of prison, but you've got to understand, JJ, this is my life to live. And I want to live it seeing a man who respects my decisions and my right to raise my family the way I see fit. Daniel-- JJ: Daniel didn't, I get it. Okay? But Daniel did all this to help me, and not because he liked me, not that he should've, but because he loved you that much. So much that he was willing to risk every kind of punishment, to have my back. And I know I certainly don't deserve that. But you do. Jennifer smiles at JJ, putting a hand on his shoulder. JENNIFER: I know you're grateful to him. And I understand why you'd feel that way, JJ, I do. But you need to understand how important honesty is to me. And if the man I'm with can't trust me with something as important as the safety of my children...then he's not someone that I should be with. JJ nods reluctantly. He looks to his mom, a bit defeated. JJ: I get it. I do, I just...you know...Liam...he... JENNIFER: Now don't you go saying anything against Liam. You hardly even know him at all. JJ: Yeah, Mom, but...I dunno. He just...he kinda weirds me out a bit, you know? Jenn laughs a bit at JJ's comment as she steps behind her desk, in a bit of an attempt to distract herself, and ease a bit of the tension in the room. JENNIFER: Why do you say that? JJ: I really...I wish I could tell you what it is but...when I was talking to him at the party the other night...something about him just makes me really uncomfortable. Jennifer furrows her brow a bit, unsure what JJ means, but still a bit concerned by JJ's reaction to Liam. --- Now away from Jenn's office, Liam gets a phone call. He answers in somewhat hushed tones. LIAM: (into phone) Yeah. No, it's going well. I can't be on the phone with you here, okay? I'll see you when I get home. Liam looks around, trying to not look suspicious in doing so, but naturally, not being successful at it. He heads for the elevator. --- Nicole lunges for the file in Nick's hands, but Nick pulls away just in time. Nicole is enraged and afraid of the sudden shift in the power dynamic between them, and stands with a distinct discomfort that wasn't there a moment ago. NICOLE: How the HELL did you get your hands on that? NICK: God, Nicole. For someone as smart as you, you'd think you'd at least be smart enough to take something like this to the paper shredder at LEAST. NICOLE: Don't be evasive, you weasel. How did you get ahold of those files. NICK: It's easy when you work in the building and know computers. Oh speaking of which, I took the liberty of wiping your backup copies of these from the server so you can't send them to Eric before I do and make yourself look like some kind of heroine or anything. NICOLE: Bastard. NICK: Language, Nicole. I actually just wanted to get all your research from you so you couldn't junk it. You reporters have sources far better than anything I could get my hands on, but...THIS. This was such an amazing find. Totally not what I was looking for but somehow SO much better! NICOLE: You're sick! I mean, really. You set me up and now you're going to pit my career against my relationship with Eric? Are you out of your mind? NICK: Lot of people think so. But for the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm seeing things clearer than I have in a long time. Percy, do you mind taking these files with you and putting them somewhere safe? PERCY: Certainly, Nicholas. Percy approaches Nick and takes the files from him, shielding himself from Nicole. Nicole folds her arms, not even making an effort to grab them now. Percy heads out of the room, leaving Nicole and Nick alone. NICOLE: You'll never get away with this, you know. NICK: Wanna throw a few more cliches in there, Nicole? NICOLE: Sure. How about, 'Go to Hell', 'You don't scare me', and 'I will make you pay for this'? NICK: Good choices. Not gonna help you at ALL but...nice effort. So, what's it gonna be? Are you going to keep working to help Percy and I shut EnerNext down? Or will I have to take YOU down? NICOLE: How am I even gonna do that? I'm suspended. Even if I'm able to keep working here afterwards, they're going to block me from carrying on with this story. NICK: Don't worry about that part. I'll handle it. You just stick to building a case against Titan and EnerNext, and keep building community resistance against it. I'll handle everything else. Nicole shakes her head at this entire scenario with disbelief. NICOLE: And I'm supposed to what? Trust you?? Really? NICK: If you do the right thing? Absolutely. Nicole, you can help a lot of people with this. All kinds of people who don't have a voice right now. And you can do this and have everything you want in your life. Eric, the respect of the journalistic community, a fantastic career. I will make sure you can have those things. But you have to do exactly what I ask of you. Or else... Nick points towards the door Percy walked out of. NICK: ...your future ends here. It's up to you. Nicole rolls her eyes at Nick, but is in serious, strenuous contemplation. --- EJ steps casually into Sami's office, after interrupting her conversation with Kate about Gabi. Sami is startled by EJ's arrival, and is uneasy with him approaching her, which is not lost on Kate or EJ. EJ: I'm sorry if I startled you. SAMI: Wha...what do you mean? I just...I was caught off guard, that's all. EJ: Well, I apologize for that. A momentary uneasy silence fills the air before EJ breaks it. The tension makes the moment of silence feel ten times longer than it is in reality. EJ: As for Gabi's modelling contract, I am slightly dubious of the source from which the idea stems, however, I am willing to concede that, in the grand scheme of things, this will stack the deck in our favour when it comes to dealing with Mr. Fallon. KATE: Thank you, EJ...I think. Sami, this is the only way we can both keep tabs on Nick. SAMI: Look, I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I just...I don't like the idea of Gabi having so much freedom when she's been so...naive about Nick. I mean...this could backfire and, heaven forbid, Ari could end up living with Nick and Gabi somewhere and Will would end up powerless to stop it. KATE: That won't happen. Look, don't immediately go to the worst case scenario like this. Gabi wants Will and Sonny to be a part of Ari's life. It's important to her. And as dim as she can be som-- SAMI: (interrupting) Most-- KATE: ...most of the time, she really does want what's best for that baby. Give her some credit there, at least. SAMI: You're right. (sigh). You're right, I just....ugh, I have so much on my mind right now and-- EJ: That's my fault. SAMI: No, it's...not. I mean it is but...look, EJ, I need to talk to you. Kate, sensing she's inserted herself into a bit of a touchy situation, gets up from her seat and heads for the doorway. KATE: That would be my cue to leave, I have a feeling. SAMI: Hasn't stopped you before. KATE: Charming as ever, Sami. EJ. Kate saunters out, leaving EJ and Sami alone. EJ stands by Sami's desk, arms folded, while Sami sits, uncomfortably, behind hers. She takes a moment to breathe, not looking up. EJ: Are you alright? SAMI: No. I'm not. I've been a complete....basketcase all week. EJ: I'm sorry for that. SAMI: Like I said...it's...not completely your fault. I just...I need to tell you something. EJ: ...Okay. SAMI: I think...I think I need to move out of the mansion for awhile. The colour drains from EJ's face. Truly at a loss for words, he stands, dumfounded. ---
  15. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 31 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Jennifer slams her folders on her desk, seething after her confrontation with Anne. Liam is not far behind her, knocking gently on her door with a concerned look on his face. LIAM: You alright, Jenn? Jennifer looks up at Liam as she sits down at her desk. An exhausted, upset look on her face. JENNIFER: No. I'm not. LIAM: Well, do you need a...someone to talk to I could just...stay with you a minute, if you liked? Jennifer smiles slightly, but can only manage a bit of a smile. JENNIFER: I'd love that, but I think I need a few minutes to myself, or I'm going to explode, and I'd rather you not be here for that. LIAM: (laughs) Fair enough. Look, if you want to, we can always stop into the Brady Pub for a bit and you can sorta...vent your frustrations. I know that tends to do me a lot of good sometimes. JENNIFER: Thanks, Liam. I appreciate it. Maybe I'll see you at the Pub for...7? LIAM: Absolutely. Jenn opens her office door for Liam and there is JJ in the doorway, surprised, and unpleasantly surprised to see Liam. JJ: Mom! What's going on? --- Billie steps into the office where the computer had just turned off. Turning on the light in the room, she begins to inspect the computer. Not finding anything, she pulls out the tower, and inspects the back, stopping when she reaches the USB drive. A small drive that barely looks like more than the size of a thumbtack has been inserted into the drive. Finding this odd, she pulls the key out and looks it over closely. Billie gets up, putting the USB drive in her pocket. She hastily exits, turning off the light in the room before leaving. --- Sami is in her office at Countess Wilhelmina, on the phone with a client, when a knock on the door breaks her focus. SAMI: (into phone) ...And so these figures need to be addressed, ASAP, because we cannot go into fall with an overrun like that...and... The knocking continues, and Sami struggles to ingore it. SAMI: (into phone) ...I don't want MadWorld thinking, even for a second, that they've got the edge. You understand? ...I....I gotta call you back. That alright? Okay. Sami hangs up the phone and marches, angrily, to the door. Opening it brusquely, she finds Kate on the other side. Sami is unimpressed. SAMI: Kate! KATE: Well that took you long enough. SAMI: I was in a call, Kate. You know, doing work, that thing I do when I'm at the office. KATE: How quaint. Kate steps into Sami's office without asking permission. She saunters slowly. KATE: Mind if I come in and ask you something? SAMI: Why do I have a feeling you won't take 'no' for an answer. KATE: Because you're smarter than you look? Sami glowers at Kate, while Kate turns to face Sami, looking her up and down. KATE: On second thought-- SAMI: ...What do you want, Kate? KATE: I just want you to hire Gabi to model for you. Sami looks to Kate, confused. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Sami looks to Kate, utterly baffled by her idea. SAMI: Why would I hire Gabi to model for me? And why are YOU suggesting it? KATE: Well, if we want to elminate Nick Fallon, we need to remove any power he has over Gabi. SAMI: I really don't think he has much power over Gabi. Kate rolls her eyes at Sami. KATE: You know, for a woman who's been on death row, you're probably the most naive person I've ever met. SAMI: I just don't see it, Kate. Where is all this power he has over her. He's barely associated with her since he got back from downstream. KATE: Oh come off it, Sami. Nick has been obsessed with getting back with Gabi for months now. Look at what he did to her the night we tried to kill him-- SAMI: SHH! Kate jumps back at Sami's paranoid jumpiness. KATE: Stop that! There's no one here. SAMI: Sorry, I'm just...trying to be careful. KATE: Well stop it, and start listening. He was after Gabi before, he's after her now. So we need to nip it in the bud before he tries something else. We all know that guys like Nick Fallon don't give up out of nowhere. He's up to something. We need to keep Gabi from being in any way reliant on Nick, and if he does insert himself in Gabi's life again, that we are both in close enough proximity to him to suss him out before he gets too far. Having Gabi working for you works almost like a mouse trap. Lure him in, and nab that bastard. EJ: Kate's right. We need to do this. EJ startles Sami with his appearance in her office. Kate seems smugly satisfied by EJ's agreement, but Sami is incredibly uneasy with him. --- Nicole and Percy stand in the MadWorld lab, looking over to Nick, who is obscuring Nicole's file folder while looking out the window. NICOLE: Usually when people talk they face each other, Nick. Nick turns around, still hiding the file folder behind him. NICK: Alright, Nicole. What's the trouble? NICOLE: Oh you know damn well, you sniveling little rat. You set me up! NICK: Oh I did now! How exactly did I do that? NICOLE: Don't play innocent, Nick. You knew all along that Titan was behind the EnerNext deal. You wanted to make sure that the Titan press coverage was against the news to make them look bad. And you tricked me into playing along. NICK: Right, Nicole. Because obviously it's not at all up to the person doing the story to maybe...you know....do their research? It took me a whole ten seconds to make the connection between EnerNext and Titan. So what's your excuse? NICOLE: EnerNext had worked with Titan before, but it was nothing to do with this project. The only publicized reports on their partnership was from at least two years ago, which means the only reason you knew about this connection was because you had an inside track. Nick approaches Nicole slowly, almost menacingly. Percy stands to one side, cautiously observing the situation. NICK: And what if I did? I'm trying to help Percy here to keep his home. I'm trying to stop these corporate nutcases from turning the entire town into a toxic waste dump so they can line their pockets a bit more. I'm trying to do the right thing. I know that's really hard for you to conceive of, knowing your history, but I'd think you'd understand someone wanting to change for the better, no? Trying to stand up for what's right? NICOLE: I do. But you don't get that by deceiving the people that are here to help you out. And that's exactly why I'm not helping you anymore. Nick isn't at all shocked by Nicole's revelation. Percy is stunned, but Nick clearly has anticipated Nicole's reaction. NICK: What did you say? NICOLE: I am dropping this story. PERCY: But you can't do that! NICOLE: Just watch me. NICK: Percy. Don't panic. I knew she was gonna pull something like this. NICOLE: Ah yes. Mr. Omnipotent. You've got my number. Can't hide anything from you, can I-- NICK: ...You aren't going to drop this story, Nicole. Okay? You're going to keep working on this with us. NICOLE: Says who? NICK: I do. Nicole laughs sarcastically at Nick's assertion. Nick slowly walks over to the window, where the file folder was. As Nicole carries on, he grabs the folder. NICOLE: Well, now I know you've lost your grip on reality. Seriously, Nick. You have no legs to stand on here. I am suspended from my job, thanks to you. I may be fired. Which means I would have no place to broadcast this story to. I look like a loose cannon as it is, again, thanks to you. And frankly, since you're doing so much good for my reputation right now, I don't think I'd want to work with you, anyway. So, I don't know, Nick. You tell me, why should I keep working on this story? Nick turns around quickly, the file folder opened. NICK: Because I don't think that Eric would be too keen on finding out how much you know about...Dr. Chyka, is it? Nicole is stunned into silence by what Nick's just revealed. ---
  16. LOL @ Scotty and Van. You are killing me with this. I love Scotty and Fen knowing that Scotty's into dudes. Good drama. Michael's scene with Sheila was golden. I LOVED everything about it. Your dialogue in every scene is getting stronger and stronger. I feel more in the scenes than ever before. Great work!
  17. BAM! Back from the dead! This is gonna get good. A nice episode. Not overly long, but packed a real punch! Great job! I loved seeing Janice come out, recalling everything that happened with Reginald. The big reveal at the end, fabulous! I can't wait to see what havoc Reginald's gonna cause next
  18. Ohhhh Connie's alive. Oh God. I don't know much about Anna's baby, but this sounds interesting, at the very least. I really like the stories you're putting out there, Cary. Keep up the great work
  19. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 30 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson SPECIAL GUEST STAR: Jerry VerDorn as Tyler Houston, CEO of EnerNext. Nick walks over to the elevator at Titan HQ, heading down to the Titan TV floors. He looks down at his phone, and sees a text message from Percy. Nicole Walker on the rampage. Headed your way. Look out! Nick thinks for a moment, before turning to the elevator door as it opens. He presses the button to the 8th floor. The doors close behind him. --- Brady, Tyler, and Victor stand in the now-deserted town square after the press conference. The three men, all in suits, are despairing the mess that their press conference turned into. Tyler bends down to pick up a page from the newspaper that had blown in in the hustle of the crowd's exit. The headline reads "CONTROVERSIAL ENERNEXT TAR SANDS ANNOUNCED TODAY" TYLER: I see we've got friends all over the press. Victor and Brady turn to read the headline. VICTOR: You know, I remember when all you had to tell people was that there were well-paying jobs being created, and everyone was satisfied. BRADY: Well, people would've been convinced if Nicole had kept her mouth shut. VICTOR: It's not entirely her fault. BRADY: How do you figure? VICTOR: Well, clearly the public education system failed her as well, how else do you explain such fundamental stupidity? TYLER: Look, I think what we have to consider is, quite simply, how to proceed. VICTOR: What's all this "we"? Didn't you quit? TYLER: I stepped down. But that doesn't mean I don't have a stake in this, nor does it mean I won't be involved. Victor and Brady are intrigued. --- Theresa steps off the elevator at the hospital, where Anne is planted at her usual coffee station. Anne is more than a bit annoyed at Theresa, who is making a beeline for Anne's side. ANNE: Look who shows up! You know, honestly, you're getting to be as bad as the remaining Horton? THERESA: Okay, I'm sorry. Rough night. Now what is this about being "down one Horton". ANNE: Shh shh. (nearly whispering) Abigail Deveraux. THERESA: What about her? ANNE: I, Anne Milbauer, detective extraordinaire got the goods on her. And she quit last night. THERESA: What?? ANNE: Quick, okay, come to my office, I'll explain everything. Jennifer storms out from the elevator. Maxine, standing at the nurses' station, looks over to her, concern in her eyes. MAXINE: Okay, what's wrong with you, Honey? You look like you could stab through someone's heart with that look in your eyes. JENNIFER: Maxine, don't tempt me. Have you seen Anne this morning? MAXINE: Aha! All you needed to say. She just went with your best friend Theresa to her office. JENNIFER: Thanks. Jennifer storms over to Anne's office, where the door is closed. Jennifer opens it without knocking. Theresa and Anne look over in shock, but Anne suddenly smiles smugly when she sees who is at the door. ANNE: Good morning, Jenny! How are you this wonderful sunny day? JENNIFER: You are going to explain to me right now what you did to my daughter last night one way or another. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Jordan and Sheryl walk back to the elevators at Titan. Jordan is panicked, but Sheryl is attempting to keep a cool head. JORDAN: Well now we have no choice. We have to help Nick Fallon with...whatever plan he's got. SHERYL: Why are you so uneasy about him. JORDAN: Well... SHERYL: It's something to do with Rafe, isn't it? Rafe doesn't like him because... JORDAN: Because Nick was married to his sister and he did some pretty unspeakable things to his sister's baby's dad and they got an annulment and Rafe's...well he's protective of his sister. And I can't say I blame him, really. SHERYL: Okay, but realistically...Jordan...you know, Nick...I think he's on our side in this, legitimately. And the guy's a computer genius. He could really help us out with taking these guys down! JORDAN: I just...I don't know, Sheryl. SHERYL: Besides, it's not like we have much choice in the matter, do we? The elevator dings and opens, Jordan and Sheryl step in. Jordan sighs as the elevator door shuts. JORDAN: Not if we don't want to get caught. The door to the adjacent elevator opens at that moment, and Billie steps out, into the deserted office floor. She looks around for any signs of Sheryl or Jordan. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a light in the office Jordan and Sheryl had just exited. As she looks in, the computer monitor shuts off, as the desktop they were running turns itself off. Billie is concerned, and looking around her, steps into the office, using her key card. --- A few floors down, Nick is at Titan TV's floor, heading for Nicole's office. Nick is mumbling to himself as he walks. NICK: Gotta get those files before Nicole gets here. He scans his key card to gain access. It fails. Nick thinks for a second, before pulling out his tablet to quickly access the Titan server (which he's hacked), changing his key card access. He tries again, this time unlocking Nicole's door. He steps inside and walks over to Nicole's desk, using only the natural light from outside to guide him. The somewhat ill-lit room is still light enough that Nick doesn't trip on anything on his way. He stops at her desk, recalling his previous encounter with Nicole while she was going over the story with Percy. ::: FLASHBACK to DAYS OF OUR LIVES #26 Nick and Percy are in Nicole's office, Nicole seems hostile towards Nick, and Nick is treading carefully in order not to step on Nicole's toes and ruin Percy's chances of getting his story told. NICK: Do you have any of this documentation in electronic form? I...I ask because I feel like...as a technologically inclined person, I just...I find paper copies to be very... NICOLE: Old hat? NICK: Insecure. NICOLE: Look here, felon-- NICK: Fallon-- NICOLE: Whatever! I like keeping hard copies in addition to keeping electronic copies on the cloud server. It's harder for people to deny inconvenient truths when they're on paper. NICK: Understood. ::: Nick recalls Nicole pulling the file from her bottom right hand drawer prior to this exchange. ::: NICK: Gotcha. Nick makes a beeline for the bottom right hand drawer. Opening it up, he discovers immediately a folder exactly like the one he recalls. He scoops it up hastily and puts it in his laptop bag. He exits the room and heads quickly back to the elevators, hoping to get back to the MadWorld lab before Percy and Nicole get there. --- Anne has her hands on her hips, enjoying every moment of goading Jennifer while she's enraged in Anne's office. ANNE: Now now, Jenny! Is that ANY way to talk to someone in a professional setting? Jennifer slams the door to Anne's office shut behind her. JENNIFER: Cut the crap right now, Anne. I know you did something to cause my daughter to quit last night. Let me guess, you railroaded her into it? You found some magical loophole in her contract that she hasn't followed so you think you can just...throw her out? ANNE: I did no such thing. I approached her with a concern, and we both came to the mutual decision that it would be in everyone's best interest if she stepped down from her position with us. JENNIFER: Oh, give me a break. I know my daughter and I know she would never quit a job like this, it means way too much to her. Theresa and Anne begin laughing as Jenn talks about "knowing her daughter". ANNE: Ohhh Jenny. You keep telling yourself that over and over until you're blue in the face. Because that would be the first time I've seen you work hard at anything, and I would enjoy that very much. JENNIFER: You know what? You and your little minion here can be as miserable and vindictive as you want, but I will find out what you did to my daughter, and when I do, I will end your careers here. BOTH of you. I will make your names so bad neither of you will be employable by anyone outside of a fast food window. So you best watch your backs. ANNE: Is that a threat? Because I'm trembling in my boots. JENNIFER: Good day to both of you. Jennifer walks out of Anne's office, visibly angered and confused. Inside, Theresa and Anne wait a moment to make sure Jenn's gone. Anne is still unsure, so she runs to the doorway and closes it quickly before running back to Theresa. ANNE: Okay, so here's the scoop. Anne leans against her desk casually. THERESA: Oh this better be good. The suspense is killing me. ANNE: Okay, so I went down to sweet little Abigail's office last night, and what should I see? Our dearest worker bee engaged in a heated little argument with one Elvis Junior DiMera. Theresa looks intrigued, but confused. THERESA: Wait, why? ANNE: Because someone has been having a very steamy little affair under all our noses. Theresa nearly jumps out of her chair in excitement. THERESA: Oh REALLY! ANNE: Oh YES, Honey. EJ DiMera's been screwing Abby on the side. Theresa nearly screams out in joy at Abby and Jennifer's expense. She leans in towards Anne with anticipation. THERESA: Please PLEASE tell me you got proof of it all. ANNE: Theresa, honey, who do you think I am? Of course I did. It's all recorded. Anne holds up her phone. Theresa smiles widely, and claps quietly for Anne's quick thinking. THERESA: So wait, you confronted her with it and blackmailed her into quitting? That's it? ANNE: (laughing) Seriously? Of course that's not ALL. Abby isn't gonna go telling anybody what actually happened, or else this recording goes straight to Mommy, and to Sami Brady. Now, naturally, a true professional bitch does not show her entire hand at once. So I'm gonna hold onto this baby. I know it's gonna come in handy later. Theresa smiles even brighter. Shaking her head in amazement at Anne's awesome skills in bitchcraft. --- Nick steps into his lab, and sets his laptop bag on the desk. He unzips the bag and pulls the file folder out. He slowly opens it to ensure the files pertaining to Percy's case are inside. Instead, he finds files with regards to Kristen DiMera's meetings with Dr. Chyka. He looks through the files, confused, flipping through them all quickly, he realizes that the files detail a drug cocktail that explains Eric's well-publicized actions at the hotel in the Capitol. NICK: Powerful aphrodisiac...woah, these masking agents are...amazing. Nick looks through the papers, fascinated by what he's reading. He quickly realizes that these files would exonerate Eric in the eyes of the church, allowing the shamed ex-priest to wear the collar again. NICK: And if he had the choice of going back...ohhh DAMN, Nicole. (laughs). Ohhh you bitch! Nicole and Percy step into the office behind Nick, who is facing away from the door. NICOLE: Quit the funny business. We need to talk, you little worm. Nick looks up from the folder, shutting it slowly. A smug smile flashes across Nick's face. He replies calmly without once turning around to face Nicole. NICK: Sure, Nicole. Let's talk. ---
  20. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 29 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Billie and Kate stand off to the side of the chaos, Billie realizing that Jordan and Sheryl probably are nowhere to be found. BILLIE: They're not here. KATE: How do you know they didn't plant Nicole to ask those questions and whoop everyone up into that frenzy? BILLIE: Think about it, Mom. If they knew it was gonna go down here, wouldn't it make more sense to use it as a distraction to do some damage somewhere else. KATE:...Like Titan. BILLIE: Exactly. KATE: Go. BILLIE: I'll keep you posted, Mom. Billie runs off to Titan HQ to find Jordan and Sheryl. Kate looks over to the crowd, concerned that the chaos will increase. Percy steps over to Kate while she looks on, though Kate pretends not to notice him, hoping he'll go away. PERCY: Greetings! Kate rolls her eyes, continuing to look out into the crowd. KATE: Good day. Enjoying the pandemonium? PERCY: My dear, if this will assist me in retaining my homestead, I shall do as neccessary. KATE: Is that an admission of guilt? Should I be pointing a finger at you and Mr. Fallon? PERCY: Take it as you wish. But I wouldn't speak so loudly as to be heard by those above your station. The consequences could be rather dire. Kate finally turns to face Percy. A sour, embittered look on her face, rife with suspicion. Nicole snaps out of her trance, with Victor still looking on from the stage right at her. She shakes her head and mouths to Victor "I had no idea". Victor remains unimpressed. Nicole turns abruptly and heads right over to Percy. A woman on a mission. NICOLE: Where is he? PERCY: Whom, m'dear? NICOLE: You know exactly who I'm talking about. Nick Fallon. Where is that snivelling weasel? --- Nick stands in the executive office at Titan, laughing at Sheryl and Jordan, who are seated at a desktop computer, where they shouldn't be. He waits for Jordan to tell him why they're there, though expecting she won't. JORDAN: You see...Sheryl had to find some files for Kate for an upcoming presentation, and her computer wasn't connecting to the cloud server so-- NICK: Baloney. JORDAN: What do you mea-- NICK: Baloney. I know exactly why you're here. And I am going to help you do it. Sheryl and Jordan look at each other before looking to Nick, with worry and confusion. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- JJ, Rory and Bev are at the Brady Pub, chatting over some food after school. Daniel walks in, catching JJ's attention immediately. JJ: Daniel! DANIEL: Hey, JJ. You and I need to talk. JJ: I know. I'm sorry, but I had no choice but to tell my mom about-- DANIEL: Don't. I know why you did what you did. I wanted to apologize to you. I went about this all wrong. And now I think it's too late for your mom and I. JJ: I'm...I'm really sorry, man. Really, I thought this would fix everything, and it just made it worse. DANIEL: Look, as long as it stays between all of us, you're in no danger of going back to prison. Just keep your nose to the grindstone, do that community service, and everything will work out just fine, okay? JJ: Thanks. I appreciate it. DANIEL: Alright, I gotta get back to the hospital. I'll see you later? JJ: Yeah, man. See ya. JJ sits back down at his table, as Daniel runs from the pub. On his way out, he darts around the corner, and bumps right into Billie, who's also rushing to get to Titan HQ. DANIEL: Oo! OW! Sorry. BILLIE: Oh crap! Yikes. I'm...sorry. Hi Daniel! DANIEL: Billie! It's been awhile. Billie smiles a bit. Her tension and hurried pace take a momentary leave. Though she's on her guard since she can't quite remove the mistrust she has for Daniel after how he's slept his way through her family. BILLIE: Yeah. it has. DANIEL: Did you...just get back to town? BILLIE: Today, in fact. I'm gonna be here for awhile, working with mom at MadWorld. DANIEL: Excellent. I just popped in to talk to JJ for a sec...I'm heading back to the hospital, did you...you looked like you were in a hurry. Did you want me to take you anywhere. BILLIE: Oh...I wasn't going far, just to Titan. DANIEL: Well, that's fine. It's on my way to the hospital. Why don't I drop you off? BILLIE: I'd love that but I'm parked just the other side of the street so I will have to raincheck. But look, if you're free sometime, we should grab a coffee at the new club. DANIEL: TBD? BILLIE: Yeah! DANIEL: I am totally down for that. BILLIE: Fantastic. So... DANIEL: So... BILLIE: ...I guess I'll see you...sometime. DANIEL: Yeah! For sure. BILLIE: Okay...bye! Billie watches Daniel walk off for his car, Billie shakes her head. BILLIE: Oh snap out of it, Billie. You can do better than that. Billie shudders a bit, and continues on her way to her car. --- Nicole is nearly nose-to-nose with a slightly terrified Percy, when Brady steps over to her, grabbing her by the wrist and turning her to face him. BRADY: What in the HELL was that? NICOLE: I was set up, Brady. I had no idea you guys were involved in this EnerNext deal? BRADY: Really? You didn't think to do a little research on it before? NICOLE: No! I...I focused on the environmental impact and that...I was assured that Titan wasn't invovled. I even looked into it a bit and...I didn't see anything connecting you guys. BRADY: Oh, right. And I'm supposed to believe that. Are you seriously that lazy a journalist? NICOLE: No one told me Titan was invovled, Brady. How was I supposed to know you guys wanted a fluff piece talking about how great it was that the local air colour was going to be turning a unique shade of grey? BRADY: Right. Well, just for the record, we can't fire you for this. We have journalistic integrity to maintain. But you're definitely off this story, and we're going to suspend you for the next 3 weeks, with pay, until we can figure out what to do with you for causing this...madness. NICOLE: But...Brady...wha...I didn't mean to... Nicole's demeanour changes from a feeling of deflation to a burning rage, she turns to Percy, fire in her eyes. NICOLE: You're gonna come with me and you're going to get Nick to meet us at my office, NOW. Nicole grabs Percy by the arm and they storm away from the square. Brady looks on, anger and disappointment in his eyes. Kate looks on, a wry amusement across her face. KATE: Well, that was more entertaining than any press conference I've ever been to. BRADY: Save it, Kate. KATE: Now, now. Just remember. It looks bad now, but you have the media control. You can spin this into gold from here on out. BRADY: That's the thing, Kate. I don't know how much longer we'll have Titan TV to do that. KATE: What do you mean? BRADY: Conflict of interest laws. Plus, Titan's in financial turmoil. We may need to sell the TV station. KATE: Well, you certainly can count on my vote to keep the TV station in your hands. BRADY:Appreciate it. Look. I gotta get back to Grandad and Tyler. I'll see you at the office. KATE: Absolutely. Kate looks on, a plotting look in her eyes. KATE: I just know this is all connected. But how? --- Jordan gets up from the chair she's sitting in, confused by what Nick's referring to. JORDAN: Help us? NICK: I think we both have the same goals here. See, I have good hearing...and a really really good memory. SHERYL: Would you stop being cryptic and tell us, what the hell you're talking about? NICK: Oh now, where's the fun in that? You know, I like to keep tabs on international news. A lot of people around here don't bother, but I love seeing what's going on from a global perspective. I find it makes my work that much more compelling. Don't you think? JORDAN: Sure. NICK: And so...when I saw the two of you for the first time...I knew I recognized you both from somewhere. And then it hit me. I did. The newspaper. Take away your glasses, and cut your hair off and dye it pink and voila! Kaylie Matthews, Siobhan McKinnon. Jordan and Sheryl look at each other in a bit of terror, but Sheryl holds it in and tries to take dominance back from Nick. SHERYL: So what? Now you're gonna blackmail us to help you do God knows what? NICK: Oh come on! I hardly have to do anything to you guys. We're on the same side. JORDAN: I don't get it. NICK: The EnerNext plan. Titan is buying out EnerNext, and Victor and Brady are going to be running it. Ergo, you guys, like me, want to take Titan down. And I think three heads, are definitely better than one. Don't you agree? Sheryl and Jordan are still unsure, but look to each other, pondering Nick's idea. NICK: Ponder it, ladies. But just remember, I know who you are, and that could get you in a lot of trouble. Nick winks at Jordan and Sheryl and walks out of the office, a smug smile on his face. Jordan looks over to Sheryl, concern all over her face. JORDAN: Great. Now what do we do? ---
  21. Really enjoyed this. There's a lot of good stuff coming together and I loved that Michael is defacto head of Newman now. Excellent stuff. Dru, as always, gives me life. The Cane story works for me, I'm enjoying it. Don't worry.
  22. Good episode. I can't wait for this wedding. I really like the bonding Jake's doing with Steven and Kirkland. Awesome stuff. You're doing a great job with the characters. WHO IS THIS BOSS?? lolol. Another great episode.
  23. VERY good episode, Cary. LOVE LOVE LOVE Vicky and Jake's fight. And THANK YOU for bringing Marley's rape up. AW wanted to sweep that under the carpet before, so I'm glad you're acknowledging it. I also loved Vicky asking Jake if he'd ever done something he needed a second chance for. It's SO vivid in my mind that she'd say that. Brilliant. Donna and Michael, just how I remember loving them. BRILLIANT scenes together. You get them both. I can't wait to see more of what Joy's up to. FANTASTIC episode. You've done a GREAT job.
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