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Everything posted by beebs

  1. Who is spying on Todd and what is with this document. That's what I wanna know! Great work again with Todd, I love the humour and you can totally see Roger Howarth playing that up. Also loved the scenes of Dani and Sam talking about Todd, wonder if Sam was finally able to get through to her or if she's just paying lip service. Ben is after Luke. That boy is thirsty. Great job bringing that to life too, I wonder what Ben really wants out of Luke. Is it just sex? Doubt it. Marah going into business with Lily should prove exciting. I enjoy that this is bringing the P&G people together like this. There's a lot of potential story for all of them. Very excited at where it's going. Wonder who's spying on Josh & Reva. Probably Blair, let's be honest. Haha. GREAT work!
  2. HOOO "I got plenty for you to eat", girl you takin' a page off Rob Ford with that [!@#$%^&*]. LOVE it. Yeah, we knew that was going there. Luke gone get plowed now. HAH. Wonder what this Ben thing is going down. Ben is not who he claims to be, i think. Very shady customer. Todd and Reva and Josh and Blair is a hilarious mess. Great drama, but also great comedy. There's so much great stuff there and I could see it play out. I figure this is just gonna escalate from here. Eartha and Morris seem so good at this game. Years of practice help. Great repartee between them, and the tension is thick. Wonder what skeletons are in Morris' closet that are so disturbing to Eartha! GREAT work!
  3. Now that an ENDING. I bet you Neil comes out of this, but it'll be hard for him when he comes out. Will be able to walk? Hopefully. Dru is BACK! I love love love how you're having these family moments around all these chaotic scenes, and I REALLY love that you're dragging out the suspense of who survived the blast. VERY well-written, and incredibly good pacing. You're awesome at this. Your stories are moving and this has been an excellent read that TV Y&R hasn't given me in a LONG time. Love Scotty and Rafe and their tension. Scotty isn't ready for anything but sex, and he needs to take that journey to accept himself. I know you'll be able to write that whole process well. One of my favourite scenes of this episode. ALL of it moved and it was excellent. GREAT work, ML!
  4. EPISODE 74 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson At what is for now Titan TV, Nick smiles smugly while lounging in a chair opposite Nicole's desk. Grabbing his laptop bag as he pulls out his tablet, he taps and slides his finger across the screen before showing Nicole footage of their exchange up to now. NICOLE: You....what? NICK: I have it all right here. See, I've got eyes, Nicole. Everywhere. You know, once you master the art of hacking, you really can do anything! It's crazy! The colour drains from Nicole's face, as Nick puts his tablet back in his bag, and pulls out a flash drive from his bag, placing it on the desk before a stunned and terrified Nicole, who was just caught by Nick's surveillance equipment admitting to hiding the documents proving Eric was drugged. Nicole gulps audibly before responding to him with as strong, but cool a voice as she can muster, which comes off more upset and wavering than she'd like to believe. NICOLE: What do you need me to do, Nick? Nick nods, still smiling as Nicole squirms, hating cowtowing to her blackmailer's increasing demands. NICK: Much better. Everything you'll need is on that flash drive. Just remember to destroy it when you're done. Have a great day, Nicole! Nicole holds up the flash drive, looking it over as Nick grabs his bag and leaves Nicole's office. Nicole holds it firmly in her fist, silently cursing Nick. She sits down at her desk and thinks aloud. NICOLE: There has GOT to be a way to trap that little rat in his own game. But he's on the side of the good guys...how the hell does that work? Nicole shakes her head as she puts the flash drive into her computer and waits for it to load. --- Will walks down the hallway towards his new office at EnerNext, holding a coffee mug in his hand, before stopping at the door. He turns the doorknob and steps in, jumping back upon seeing Alex standing inside. ALEX: AH! Will! I was looking for you. Will stands at his doorway, keeping a goofy smile on his face, stunned by Alex's presence in his office. --- Laura walks off the elevator at University Hospital and stops at the nurses' station. Maxine greets her immediately with a warm smile. MAXINE: Well! Good morning, Dr. Horton. How's it going? Laura smiles, but with a tension in her face that Maxine can't quite put her finger on. LAURA: Oh, just fine, Maxine. Uh...you haven't seen Dr. Jonas around anywhere, have you? MAXINE: No, he's taken a late start today. In fact he's requested to work evenings all week. Should I have him get ahold of you when he comes in? LAURA: Yes, if you don't mind. Thanks! MAXINE: Anytime, Dr. Horton. Oh! And, uh, by the way, there's a very improtant meeting at 10:45 in the board room. Laura looks up from her mail, a bit surprised, but smiles Maxine's way. LAURA: Oh. Alright, thanks. Any idea what it's about? Maxine shrugs dismissively. MAXINE: I dunno, usually it's about not wasting paper in the photocopier and boring budget updates. I wouldn't worry too much. LAURA: Heh, alright. Thanks again, Maxine. MAXINE: Have a good day, honey. Laura steps away from the nurses' station and over to the coffee machine. Pouring herself a cup, she sighs heavily while looking over to see none other than Liam talking with one of the doctors at the opposite end of the room. Laura looks on momentarily, before muttering to herself. LAURA: Alright, Laura. Keep calm, and tread lightly. Daniel may be able to help you keep on eye on Liam, but don't overplay your hand. Jenn and JJ's safety depends on it. --- Brady wakes up, pale and sweaty, to find a tray of breakfast food arranged beside his bed, a note laid down beside his plate of eggs, bacon and toast. Brady rubs the sleep from his eyes and reads the note carefully, his vision still not the greatest. Figured you'd want a nice breakfast. If you need anything, just holler. Anita Brady tries to get up from his bed but quickly realizes he can barely move them, after days of bed rest. As he tries to shuffle over to his breakfast, Anita walks in, hearing the rumbling. ANITA: Oh good, you're up. Here, I wasn't sure if you'd be able to reach the food, but I knew that you'd better eat something or you'd shrivel up and die. Anita rushes in and grabs the tray from the TV dinner table set up beside the bed. She quickly pops the tray on Brady's lap. BRADY: Well, I'm not so sure I'm not gonna shrivel and die yet. ANITA: Don't talk like that. You're looking better every day. BRADY: You know, I'm...I'm still not hungry. I feel so... ANITA: That's probably you coming down from your drugs. Brady looks up, shocked that Anita was even aware of his relapse. BRADY: What? How...? How did you even know I-- ANITA: The doctor told me during his house call. You had a rapid heart beat and dialated pupils. He figured you were high when you ended up in the water. Honestly, from what that doctor told me, it's a miracle you're even alive. Brady looks up at Anita, alarmed by her sombre statement. --- --- Anita sits at the edge of Brady's bed, conversing with him about his situation. Brady looks at Anita with a concerned look. BRADY: What do you mean, lucky to be alive? ANITA: You showed up washed ashore by the lake. Limp as a fish. I thought you'd drowned, but thankfully...I'm a retired nurse so... Brady flops down, exhausted, in the bed. Looking at the ceiling before inhaling deeply and shutting his eyes, trying to soak in each breath. BRADY: Why don't I feel so lucky? ANITA: Probably withdrawals. And your body's probably weak. Lucky for you, I managed to get your body warmed up, or that cold lake water would've killed you before the withdrawal symptoms ever could. BRADY: Great. (sigh) I don't think I wanna eat. ANITA: I'll leave it here for you anyway. You might get hungry later. But you do need to eat. Anita gets up and heads for the door, stopping and turning back, as though remembering something. ANITA: I'll make you a pot of tea, that might help. Brady continues to stare blankly at the ceiling. BRADY: I...sure. Anita stands in the doorway and smiles. ANITA: I'll be back in a minute. As Anita walks out, Brady summons the strength to sit up again in the bed. Looking around the room, he looks out the window overlooking the lake. The images flood back in his mind of the night of his accident. His harsh words for Theresa. The sound of his car speeding into the icy water. He shudders as he relives the moment of panic, recalling the impact. He flops back in bed, squinting his eyes shut, as if shutting his eyes will wipe the memories away. --- Sami stands in the DiMera living room, standing before the desk. She closes up her briefcase after filing away some papers, and putting her tablet inside her purse, as she hears the living room doors swing open. She continues preparing, assuming EJ is at the door to motivate her to get a move on. SAMI: I'll be there in a sec, EJ, just gotta... Sami turns around and jumps back immediately upon realizing Nick is at the door, not EJ. NICK: Oh come on, Sami! I'm way skinnier than EJ. But I appreciate the compliment. He's a looker, that one! Sami looks on, eyes squinting with malice. SAMI: What do you want, Nick? NICK: Just wanted to have a little talk with you. SAMI: Well, I don't have time right now. I have to get to the hospital, as a matter of fact. Sami tries to walk out, appearing busy as she collects her things. Nick grabs Sami's arm to stop her, causing Sami to stop in her tracks, a bit of a shiver as she looks at Nick with an insane contempt. Nick looks back, an arrogant, dangerous nonchalance in his eyes. NICK: Not so fast, Sami. This will only take a minute. And I think it's in your best interests, and Kate's...and Gabi's...if you stuck around for....just a minute. Don't you think? Sami continues to stare him down as Nick retains his firm grasp on her arm. --- Nicole sits at her office desk and looks down at the flash drive Nick's given her. NICOLE: (sigh) Alright. Let's see what dirty little secrets you have locked inside you. Nicole holds the drive in her hand before rolling her eyes. NICOLE: Although, knowing Nick, he's probably just loaded a virus onto this thing to wipe my hard drive clean. Oh well, I'll just expense a new one with my new boss, I guess. With a bit of a laugh, Nicole plugs the flash drive into her computer. She talks herself through the process as though she's at a slot machine in Vegas. NICOLE: Alright, baby, show Mama the money.... Nicole looks on with laser-focus as the document list appears on her monitor. Clicking on the first document, she waits with baited breath as the document loads on her screen. She inhales deeply as she soaks in the information. NICOLE: My God. Victor, you're going DOWN. Nicole smiles a satisfied smile as she reads on. --- Will relaxes a moment, miraculously keeping his coffee cup in tact as he steps inside his office toward Alex. WILL: I...Alex. I...sure, what do you need? ALEX: Come here. Alex opens a folder as Will steps close to him. Alex leans in close to him, causing Will to tense up. Alex begins to show him a document for Will to work on. ALEX: I'm gonna start you off slowly, just to get your feet wet, so...here...is a press release we'll be sending out tomorrow regarding the property acquisition problems we're having. As Alex speaks,Will feels Alex's body move in close to him, his breath on his neck, and every touch, no matter how inadvertent, excites him. Will breathes in deeply to try to relax himself, all the while, so focused on holding himself back, that he barely listens to Alex. ALEX: Okay, so... Will sits himself down at his desk to look over the file, as Alex crouches down beside him. Will sets his coffee on the table and leans in close again, as Alex explains the file. ALEX: So essentially, you'll be editing this for time, and we need this to read more like progress is being made on this front. We can't let the press see that we're stagnant on this issue. Will moves his arm over to point to a piece of this document. WILL: Right, so, here... Will clips his coffee mug as he points over the folder and knocks it off his desk...and all over Alex's shirt. Alex jumps back and Will jumps up from his seat. WILL: Oh God. I'm... Alex looks himself over, holding back a curse as he tries to undo his tie and shirt before the heat of the coffee burns him. ALEX: Ow Ow ow ow ow! WILL: Ahhh I'm sorry, here, here, here, let me get that off...you... As Will jumps over and helps peel Alex's wet shirt off him, they both stop a moment. Will looks down at Alex's body and swallows hard. He stutters as he tries to speak. WILL: I...I'm so sorry. I just...I... Alex laughs a bit, looking at an obviously embarrassed Will. ALEX: Don't worry. I'm...a klutz half the time myself. Uh...look. Let me...go change. I bring a change of clothes usually just in case...a pen explodes...bit of my lunch falls on me... WILL: Some idiot newbie spills coffee on you on the first day. Alex smiles, putting a hand on Will's shoulder in reassurance. ALEX: Nah, come on. Don't be so hard on yourself. Will. I'm not gonna fire you for this. If I was going to, I'dve fired myself last year. Okay? Will nods sheepishly. Alex now puts both hands on Will's shoulders, looking up at Will to try to convince him to look up his way. Will finally does, and their eyes lock. Will's defenses go down and he smiles at Alex, they both laugh gently at their situation, as Will's eyes get distracted by Alex's shirtless body. --- Marlena arrives at University Hospital's board room to find it filled with people from all over the hospital. She quickly walks over to Laura, who looks over and greets Marlena. LAURA: Good morning. I take it you got word about the meeting? MARLENA: Yes, I did. It's unusual of them to ask so many people to one of these meetings, so I'm rather curious what it could be about. LAURA: Sounds serious. MARLENA: It very well could be. Laura looks over to see Jennifer walk into the room with Liam in tow. Laura stares with a deeply troubled look, which Marlena immediately picks up on. MARLENA: Laura...are you alright? Laura holds her gaze a moment longer before responding, looking Marlena's way only as she finishes speaking. LAURA: I'm fine. I'm...just fine. MARLENA: Why don't I believe you? Laura smiles and tries to reassure her friend, but is barely able to reassure herself. LAURA: Don't worry. I'll be just fine. Marlena looks on, deciding to drop it, as the door closes behind a newly arriving Kayla, who calls out to the room for their attention. KAYLA: Good morning, everyone! Let's get started! Kayla walks over to the head of the board room table. She remains standing as she speaks to the crowd gathered in the room. KAYLA: So...you're probably wondering why I've called this meeting this morning. And I do want to thank you all for coming out on such short notice....but I am...officially announcing my resignation as Chief of Staff at University Hospital. The crowd look on, stunned by Kayla's announcement. ---
  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE this. Another FIRE episode, ML! Wow, okay. Let's start. Lauren and Scotty had a good scene. Getting everyone up to speed. Loved Scotty texting Rafe. That boy's a little ho. Excellent stuff! You WENT there. Sister Patterson is FIXATED on Leslie. What does she see in her with that third eye? I'm so curious, it can't be a coincidence. Devon is gonna kill Cane if the blast didn't already. LOL. Good scene there. The revelations keep coming! I love how you're having everyone get their time to learn the truths as they happen. Wise move. I enjoyed Hillary's scene with her father. Humanizes her, and that was necessary. I'm not overly sympathetic to her because her motives were all kinds of selfish, but obviously she isn't all bad either. Good way to remind us of her POV. Wonder if she does something drastic in that tub. AND THAT ENDING. I could just SEE the looks on everyone's faces as Dru came WAILING into the ER. YASS B*TCH! DRU WINTERS IS HOOOME!!! <3 <3 <3 SO excited. This is gonna be GOOD. FABULOUS episode. You brought it this week YET AGAIN!
  6. Great scenes yet again, Nick. I loved the conflict of Jesse giving the news to Natalia that she's off the force. Very good stuff there, and motivating for her. You can see that push and pull between them and it's great. I also liked the windows into the broken home with Greg, and Vin's twisted idea of love for Ali. All very insightful to their characters after the robbery. You set that up very well. I like how you show Vin's untamed aggression. I could see Greg's father ending up dead if he pushes someone too far. Interesting story potential. Kayla, Roman and Steve's scenes were, as always great too. Kayla's so no-nonsense with Roman, and they played off each other well. Wonder how they're gonna get that warrant if they only have their hunches to go on. GREAT stuff again! Really doing good work here, Nick!
  7. GREAT episode. All the scenes moved, and pacing was great. The robbery scenes were very well executed. The tension and the build were fantastic and it's gonna be great to see how it all goes down after this. Jesse and Kayla had a good interaction. Liking where that's going, and there's obviously potential to really get messy, which you know I love! Derrick surprised me with that comment about Brittany and Billy. Gonna be interesting to see how he manages to make that one happen. No idea where that's going, and I kinda like that! The triangle scenes were good too. JJ is, as usual, torn between the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. Gotta love him, he's gonna screw up with Miranda so much and you know it. Wonder why Daniel is so adamant to keep him away, though. HMMM... Fantastic episode. Really great work, Nick!
  8. Liking a lot of what I'm seeing. The Eliza/JJ/Miranda stuff is good.That Eliza is dangerous. Good set up. The BRO stuff is good family conflict, and I loved seeing Emily and Paul's reactions to Henry and Barbara. LOL. The plots are really thickening all around. Liking that Greta is dealing with Stefano claiming to be her father. I'd be more than a little dubious though, the DiMeras are pretty notorious for cooking up nonsense for their own gains! GREAT stories. Everything's moving nicely.
  9. Great episode again, Cary. Devin confronting Carl is gonna be great. I can definitely see the scenes playing out, and you're doing them justice. Can't wait to read that. Joy and Steven are gonna be great too. Lots of dark secrets from the past in your show, and I'm enjoying you filling in those blanks for us. Loving the scuba gear hanging out in Joy's closet. Haha. Vicky's reservations about Joy seem pretty well-founded, especially considering her surveillance of Marley's house. I guess there's more to the story than simply her working for Reginald. Great stuff there. Lorna and Felicia's interaction is also good. Wonder what will happen when Christy's drugs take effect on Felicia. Very tight episode. Simple and great impact. GOOD stuff!
  10. EPISODE 73 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Marlena steps out of the coffehouse in Horton Town Square, cup of coffee in hand as she sits down at one of the tables out in the square. She sits down as her cell phone rings, she picks it up and talks as she rifles through her bag. MARLENA: Dr. Evans...yes...yes, I can be at University Hospital in...20 minutes....Board room? Uh, sure! I'll be there. Bye bye. As Marlena hangs up her phone, she looks around and sees a young blonde woman walk into the square, looking a bit lost. She looks on, a bit of recognition in her eyes as she smiles, looking the young woman's way. Finally, the woman stops upon seeing Marlena and smiles widely. She approaches Marlena, who remains seated. MARLENA: Noelle? Noelle looks back excitedly as Marlena recognizes her. NOELLE: Marlena! Marlena jumps up from her seat, as Noelle and Marlena hug each other tightly. As they pull away, their screams of joy begin to turn to giggles. MARLENA: Oh my LORD, it's so good to see you again! I've missed you. NOELLE: I was amazed you even recognized me, it's been so long. I think I couldn't have been more than...what, 12 when I last saw you? MARLENA: Probably. Marlena smiles warmly as she looks at Noelle proudly. They hold each others hands. MARLENA: Your dad would be so proud of you. I'm so sorry to hear about his passing. Noelle's demeanour changes almost immediately. Her face drops as she steps away from Marlena momentarily before sitting down at the table. NOELLE: Yeah, thanks. MARLENA: I'm sorry to have brought him up. I know it's still relatively fresh for you and your mother. NOELLE: Yeah, well...there's a lot of....adjusting to do. In more ways than one. --- Nicole sits at her desk at her office, staring down Nick, who's sitting across from her, lazily lounging in his chair, a typical cocky look on his face. Nicole tries to posture to appear unmoved by Nick's threats. NICOLE: I need to remind you of something, Nnnnnnick! You need my help more than you're willing to admit. Nick leans back in his chair, sitting himself in a casual position almost mockingly. NICK: Oh this oughta be good. Where's the popcorn? NICOLE: I'm serious. If you and your little minion didn't have me telling everyone in Salem how disastrous this oil sands project would be, no one would give a damn about Percy and his little...owl-watching sanctuary. You'd have been a thirty-second human interest curiosity on one newscast before the Titan spin machine forced the public's hand and the city's, into forcing him to sell his land. And then where would that leave you? Nick tenses as Nicole speaks, the smile slowly fading from his face, but still trying to appear relaxed. NICOLE: Face it, Nick. I have more power than you're willing to admit. And it bugs the hell out of you. --- --- Will steps off the elevator at the Titan Building on the EnerNext floor. He luckily steps off the elevator as Tyler steps into the hallway. Tyler notices Will immediately and greets him with a professional smile. TYLER: Ah! William! Perfect timing. You're looking rather chipper this morning. WILL: Thanks, Mr. Houston. I...had a hard time sleeping last night. TYLER: Well, it certainly doesn't show. Ready to meet everyone? WILL: I sure am. TYLER: Great. Tyler motions Will to follow him down the hallway. Will smiles, trying to hide his nervousness. Tyler looks over, sensitive to Will's uncertainty, and tries to break the tension. TYLER: So I guess I should tell you a bit about what you'll be doing here. WILL: Could help. (laughs) [b[TYLER: Well, you'll mostly be writing press releases, dabbling a bit in advertising copy. We will need you to focus a bit on speechwriting, as I'll want someone who really understands spin and how to avoid any potential...pitfalls. Will nods, understanding what Tyler's getting at. WILL: A bit of...persuasive writing, if you will. TYLER: Precisely. Tyler smiles and puts his hand on Will's back in a father-like way. He motions them forward again as they approach the door to an office. TYLER: So here's where your new office space will be. Will steps into the room, beaming as he examines the lush surroundings.Dark wood covers the walls of the office, with the light streaming in from the window right behind his new desk. Will stands in awe of his workspace, as a young, chiseled man with dark hair steps in from the hallway. WILL: It's...amazing. As Will speaks, the man knocks on the doorframe. Tyler looks behind him towards the door, and sees the young man. He immediately walks over to him and ushers him into the room. TYLER: Ah! William! This is Alex, you'll be reporting directly to him. Will turns to face Alex and smiles immediately. A rush coming over him as he looks him over. Alex extends his hand for Will to shake. Will stands awakwardly for a moment before clueing in and shaking his hand in return. WILL: Oh...nice...to meet you, I'm Will. Alex smiles back, lingering in their handshake slightly longer than expected. Will smiles a bit of a goofy smile and Alex smiles back. ALEX: Pleasure. --- Noelle walks with Marlena across Town Square, both ladies with coffee cups in hand. They laugh as they share stories. NOELLE: (sigh) Thank you for meeting me today. I was...honestly really worried about coming back to Salem. Marlena stops and touches Noelle's cheek gently, moving a strand of hair away from her face lovingly. MARLENA: I know it's difficult moving back here after all these years. And so far from your mother. How is Liz holding up? NOELLE: Oh she's...alright. We've been helping her out as much as we can, but....it isn't so easy from so far. MARLENA: Why doesn't she come back to Salem with you? Noelle shakes her head, shrugging as she continues to look straight ahead, in thought as she speaks. NOELLE: A lot of memories. I think mostly of Dad. Mother couldn't really take it. Marlena stops and looks at Noelle with concern in her eyes. MARLENA: It's been well over a year, Noelle. I mean...do you think it's healthy for Liz to still be so... NOELLE: I think Dad's death and...well, I just think that she's hurting a lot more than she's willing to believe. MARLENA: Is she working? Noelle looks down, laughing almost to keep from crying. She shakes her head. NOELLE: No. She hasn't in months. Marlena, her first performance in two years, and dad was at home dying of a heart attack. She's...she's never forgiven herself for it. MARLENA: Surely she knows it isn't her fault. Noelle looks up to keep from crying, this time starting to lose the battle. NOELLE: Listen, can we....can we continue this later. I...I have to get some errands done today before dinner. MARLENA: Sure. Noelle takes Marlena's hand and squeezes it, smiling warmly her way through her tears as she tries to wipe them away. MARLENA: Listen, Noelle. Just remember, if you need someone to talk to... NOELLE: Thanks, Marlena. I'll call you soon. Noelle walks away as Marlena lingers behind, still looking on with real worry on her face. --- Nick gets up from his seat. He leans over Nicole's desk, trying to intimidate her, but Nicole responds cooly. She remains in place, arms folded on her desk, a calm expression her face. NICK: You think you got this all figured out, don't you, Nicole? NICOLE: I know that you'd be stupid to use what you've got on me unless you absolutely had to. NICK: Don't be stupid enough to think I won't. Nicole leans back finally, laughing in Nick's unmoved face. NICOLE: I don't think you understand this at all. Your plan's worked just fine so far, but what happens if even ONE piece of your little...convoluted plan fails? City council could still allow EnerNext to buy out Percy's land. NICK: That won't happen if you do what you're instructed to. Nicole leans back in, looking menacingly at Nick. NICOLE: I don't take instructions from you, you little twerp. Nick gets back up from leaning on Nicole's desk. He shakes his head at Nicole's insolence. NICK: You really don't get it, do you? I have every document you kept hidden from Eric in your desk drawer safely stored where you can't find it. I can pull it out whenever I feel like it. NICOLE: And I know you won't do that. Nick, you can't overplay your hand here. The Titan executive is gonna get wise to you, and then you and your little plan here are gonna crumble like stale bread. Nick smiles smugly. He responds ever so calmly, yet menacingly. NICK: Not now they're not. Remember that old saying, Nicole? Loose lips sink ships? Nicole still looks on dismissively. NICOLE: I'm sorry, am I talking to the Riddler? Would you just spit it out? NICK: Well, Nicole. Let's just say that no matter what happens around this building, I know about it. Nicole furrows her brow, confused and a bit worried by the implication Nick's making, but disbelieving it simultaneously. NICOLE: How is that even possible? Did you develop ESP or did you hit up Dionne Warwick for a psychic friend? NICK: I wouldn't say that so much as....the walls, Nicole? They have ears. And trust me, you've been so very helpful. Especially now that I have video that shows our little...exchange here about what you did. The colour drains from Nicole's face as Nick smiles a winner's smile. ---
  11. EPISODE 72 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Sonny lies on the sofa in the living room of the apartment, fast asleep until the sound of the curtains being brusquely opened is heard. The bright morning light billowing into the room jolts Sonny out of his slumber, his eyes blinking wildly as he covers them with one arm, trying to adjust to the new light. SONNY: Ugh! God! What the He...Oh my God. Sonny stops, eyes suddenly wide open at the sight of the person standing in front of him. He looks on completely flabbergasted. --- Laura steps into the living room of the Horton house, dressed in her housecoat, a lost look on her face, and deep in thought. Her daughter, Jennifer, steps into the living room, coming from the kitchen, with two cups of coffee in her hand, oblivious to her mother's distress at first. JENNIFER: Good morning, Mom! I heard you stirring upstairs so I got an extra cup of coffee ready for you... Jennifer looks over as she puts the coffee down on the table in the living room. She stops suddenly and looks with concern at her mother. JENNIFER: Mom, you look awful, Are you okay? Laura tries to allay Jennifer's worries, as she tries to rub the sleep from her eyes and stretches her arms and back while she talks. LAURA: Yes, Honey. I'm fine. I just...I didn't sleep very well last night, that's all. JENNIFER: (sigh) You're worried about Abigail too, hm? LAURA: You could say that. Laura walks over to the other side of the sofa and sits down beside Jenn. They both begin to sip their coffee as they talk. JENNIFER: I just...I worry that she's in over her head, working for DiMera like this, it's...it just seems so dangerous, Mom. Laura nods in agreement, putting her coffee cup down as she speaks. LAURA: I just hope this trip doesn't drag out too long. Quite honestly, Jennifer, the longer she stays in Italy, the more worried I am for her safety. Jennifer looks at her mom, surprised by her alarmism. JENNIFER: Mom, what are you saying? Do you know something you're not telling me? Laura looks up at Jenn, her face looking a bit surprised but still painted with the fatigue of worry. --- Sami walks into the DiMera living room, fully dressed, and ready for another day’s work. She smiles as she spies EJ turning toward her, also dressed for the day. EJ: Ready? SAMI: As ready as I'm gonna be. Did you get everything set up? EJ smiles as he hands Sami his tablet. EJ: We can make the announcement by this evening. Should be finalized by noon. Sami beams as she reads the tablet. She looks up at EJ, but hesitates to hug him. Her smiles drops off a bit, as the tension persists between them. SAMI: You are a miracle worker. EJ: Only when I'm properly motivated. Sami looks down a moment, trying to contain herself, but EJ, sensing Sami's guard starting to finally come down, touches her chin, prompting Sami to look back up at EJ. She touches his hand to pull away, but stops herself from gripping his hand. They both pull back from each other, as Sami breathes in deeply and speaks seriously. SAMI: I, uh...I asked Laura Horton if....if we could, uh...do a...umm...a group session together. The three of us. EJ tries to interject but Sami interrupts, anticipating EJ's objection. EJ: Samantha, I don't-- SAMI: ...EJ, we need to do this. Do it for me. If you want this marriage to...hold together or survive in any way...we need to do this. Please. EJ sighs heavily, looking through Sami as he thinks over her request. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Nick bursts into Nicole's office at what is, for now, Titan TV. Nicole is visibly displeased to see Nick, and immediately turns back to her computer pretending to be hard at work. NICK: Knock, knock. NICOLE: And here I thought I was gonna have a GOOD morning. NICK: Ohh, come on now, Nicole. This is easily the low point of your day. Nicole shoots a glare at Nick before returning to her computer monitor. NICOLE: Or a bad omen. Nick sits down opposite Nicole at her desk, undisturbed by her ignoring him. He leans in, a sleazy smile on his face the whole time, enjoying the repartee. NICK: Life's what you make it. Especially now that you're free from your...suffocating ex-employer. No? NICOLE: Oh please. Give yourself some credit, Nick. You've managed to somehow be far more suffocating than even being MARRIED to Victor could ever be! NICK: Flattery will get you everywhere. Come on, you've gotta be at least...somewhat happy with this. Now we can get down to the business we came here to do, right? Nicole finally breaks her laser-focus with her computer monitor and glares Nick's way. She turns to face him, leaning over her desk, almost hissing her response to him. NICOLE: What part of this don't you understand, Nick? I don't want anything to do with you or your sleazy plans. Is that clear enough for you or do I have to draw you a diagram? NICK: I think I hit a nerve. I think I need to remind you of something, Nicole. I hold all the cards here. So I'd suggest dialing that temper of yours back before your little secret ends up the first story you read on the 6 o'clock news. Nicole rolls her eyes, looking annoyed, but knowing Nick has her number. She shakes her head at him, astounded by his audacity. --- Laura turns away from Jenn as they sit on the sofa in the Horton living room. She shakes her head. LAURA: No, no. Darling, I don't know anything more than you do. JENN: Well, then I think we need to take a step back. I mean, I know...I'm as worried about her being in Italy working for DiMera as you are, but sitting here...stewing about it all the time is...it's only going to stress us all out, and we know that's not what you need. Laura gets tense as Jennifer alludes to her mental health. She turns to Jenn with a slight agitation. LAURA: Don't start with that, Jennifer Rose. I am entitled to show concern for my granddaughter. I just can't...I'm getting worried about how close Abigail is getting to the DiMeras and for her own safety, I think that...well...maybe we should convince her to quit once she gets home. I think it would do her a world of good. Jenn looks over to Laura, thinking over her idea, shaking her head in agreement. --- EJ sighs as he steps away, turning towards the doorway to the garden. He finally speaks up to respond to Sami. EJ: Samantha, I don't know that that's such a good idea. SAMI: I know, it's...not exactly what you wanted. But...but it's a good first step, you know? Get all our...awful past out on the table, maybe work out what makes our relationship so...you know...volatile. EJ: (sigh) I just...I don't like the idea of...pathologizing our problems like this, it seems... SAMI: EJ, this is for me...and for...Johnny. EJ turns around, surprised. EJ: Wait, you're not telling me that Johnny's become affected by everything between us. Sami shrugs, defeatedly. SAMI: Are you surprised? He was always...super aware of everything that happens between us. He's a really sensitive kid, EJ. EJ: Yes, but...to this extent? Sami sighs, dreading telling EJ the truth of the situation. She finally speaks up. SAMI: That's not all. He, uh...I've been having trouble when I... EJ: What? What is it? Sami stammers and puts her arms up a moment before walking towards the garden doors herself, hoping that focusing on something other than EJ will help her speak. SAMI: I...uh...I was out...in the garden. Few weeks ago, you know. Just...after our fight. Wanted to (sigh) clear my mind. Sami turns around to face EJ, who looks on, listening intently, seeing the pain Sami's in, and for the first time, seeing her pain beyond his own suffering. He tears up a bit as he listens to Sami speak. SAMI: Johnny ran out to see what I was doing... Sami pauses, looking down. She takes a moment before starting to tear up herself. SAMI: He hugged me. And I couldn't....I couldn't stand the touch of him. I wanted him...away from me. All I could think about was...you. That night, making me...service you so that Lucas could live. I... EJ: Samanth-- Sami interrupts EJ, increasingly agitated as she recalls the situation. SAMI: I thought...I was over it. I thought I'd moved on. That...that we were finally past it, but...but I can't do it, EJ. I can't. You...all the things you have done to me, and all the times I've had to fight back. EJ:Samantha. I love you. And I will spend every...single day of my life...from here on out, making this up to you. Sami cools down again, fighting her anger with every muscle in her body. She breathes in deeply before speaking again. SAMI: EJ. If you want to make it up to me...the first step is to come with me to see Laura. EJ looks down, seriously contemplating Sami's point. --- Will turns around from opening the curtains. Fully dressed in a smart, tailored business suit, he smiles with a hint of smugness as he looks down at a half-asleep Sonny. WILL: Good morning. Sonny looks Will up and down, awestruck. He finally croaks out a response. SONNY: I...you look like...a whole new person. Will raises his eyebrow and smirks at Sonny, in a bit of a pose. WILL: Amazing what a suit and a shave can do, hm? SONNY: Yyyyeah. Wow...you look amazing, Will. WILL: Well, you'll have all kinds of time to ogle me later. I need to get to work. Will grabs his laptop bag. He smiles at Sonny as he walks over to the door. Sonny calls out to him to stop him. SONNY: Uh...Will! Will stops and turns around. WILL: Yes? SONNY: I...did you feed Ari this morning? WILL: Oh! Yeah, it's all taken care of, Sonny. Ah, look. Just because...well, you know...how things are right now, I think we should probably stay in separate rooms again tonight. You know? Oh, but if you had a rough sleep, you can definitely sleep in the bedroom while I'm at work. Will flashes a [!@#$%^&*]-eating grin Sonny's way, while Sonny looks on, brow furrowed, clearly hurt by Will's coldness. SONNY: Will... Will laughs, continuing his chipper charade for Sonny. WILL: Sonny, come on, I'm gonna be late for work. SONNY: Aren't you forgetting something? Will looks himself over, feigning ignorance. WILL: Mmm...got my bag, got my laptop, did my teeth, deodorant...mmmmmmnope! Sonny sighs audibly, slumping down on the couch. SONNY: Will, come on, let's talk about this. WILL: I wish I could, but I gotta go. Bye! Will struts out the door and shuts it as Sonny calls out, trying to object. SONNY: Will, come on, I-- As the door closes, Sonny turns away, upset by Will's lingering anger. SONNY: ...wanted to talk. ... Outside the apartment door, Will smiles and adjusts his posture. WILL: Alright, Sonny. You don't think I can hack this job...time to show you what I can do. Will walks off, pulling out every ounce of confidence he can muster as he heads off towards his car. ----
  12. YES! Christy is making moves! Dastardly plan there in motion. Sneaking something into Felcia's drink to send her over the edge. JUICY! The lead up was so well done, cutting between all the action in pieces. Very dramatic. Just perfect. KC and Eric's date is already looking to be a mess. Kirkland and Charlie already having heated conflict so soon after their wedding. Not a good sign! Wonder where that's gonna go! The merger seems interesting, though unless Amanda can get Iris ousted from KBAY, I'm not sure how good an idea it'll be. Definitely dramatic though, and I love that Amanda is making Iris sweat. Anything to make Iris sweat is good in my books! ALL SO much good going on, very exciting! GREAT work, Cary!
  13. Great aftermath! I love all the twists and turns of this episode. Philip coming to, and Chance going to find Cane is great stuff. He'll be out in Verdon Lou in time, surely. Speaking of Verdon Lou, Avery going blind is a great move, I can see all sorts of possibilities there, a very dramatic scene as well as very well described. I definitely could see this playing out on TV. Loved seeing the slow reveal of Dru coming to after the blast. Classic Dru. Oh Sister Patterson. So dramatic! Haha. Sad to see Neil and Nate being carted off, but it's good that all the family came together in those scenes. Very emotional and well-written. You killed this episode yet again. VERY VERY pleased by how this has all been done. GREAT work, ML!
  14. Great work yet again. I loved right away the connection Jack and Todd share. They share very similar histories and in a lot of ways are similar characters, though Todd's generally been written much darker. I'm glad you've brought those two together, as I feel they'll be able to really share an experience. I loved that Jack is slowly getting those memories back of the DAYSaster. Wonder what happened from there! Malik and Marah may definitely be a thing. I see a triangle with Dani forming already. Very good stuff! The teens are very simple, and I understand since they are mostly new characters to us. Very good job setting those scenarios up, I already like Sam and Trinity. Was also great to have Tea come around and catch up with Blair. I think Blair needs that, a friend to talk with. It'll help a lot for Blair since she seems a bit isolated right now from much of the action. That will obviously change with time, though A great episode yet again. Well set up and good characterizations. Fantastic!
  15. EPISODE 71 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Jordan and Rafe sit down at a table at Club TBD. Rafe tries to prod a smile out of Jordan, who is deep in thought. RAFE: Hey! Earth to Jordan. Come on, what's up? Jordan snaps out of it, though she still looks concerned and distracted. She gives Rafe a half-hearted smile. JORDAN: Ugh, I'm sorry, Rafe. I just...I got so much going on at work, and... RAFE: Aaaand you're not at work. Look, you've been distracted all day. you didn't make it in time for Brady's memorial, and you've spent every moment... Rafe sees Jordan looking away every couple seconds at her cell phone, which is planted face-up on the table. Rafe puts his hand over her phone and slides it towards himself. RAFE: ...looking at your phone. What's going on? --- JJ knocks on Laura's bedroom door. Laura's still awake and calls out to him from her vanity stool, where she's finishing putting lotion on her face. LAURA: Come in! JJ walks in carefully, as Laura turns and smiles to see her grandson. LAURA: JJ! How are you? JJ: I'm alright, Grandma. I...uh...I wanted to talk to you. It's...really important. LAURA: Sure! What is it? JJ breathes in deeply before speaking, a hopeful look on his face as he quietly speaks to his grandmother. JJ: I need you to talk to my mom about Liam. Laura's face drops as JJ brings Liam up to her. LAURA: What do you mean? JJ: Okay...so...when I got to Brady's memorial today? I saw Liam, he was with my mom, but...then he got this phone call. And I...I followed him out into that park by the square? Laura nods in understanding, all the while still intently focused on what he's saying. LAURA: Okay? Then what happened. JJ looks down a moment while speaking, before looking up at his grandmother, a worried look on his face. JJ: I overheard his conversation, and I'm certain I heard him say that he was watching over Abby for Stefano. Laura draws herself up immediately, a wave of panic on her face. --- Daniel walks up to his door to the sound of someone knocking frantically on his door. He's half-naked and clearly not fully awake. The frantic knocking causes him to scurry quickly to the door, if only to make the persistent knocking stop. He opens the door to find Billie standing in front of him. He's surprised to see her at this hour. DANIEL: Billie! BILLIE: Oh thank God, you're still up. Billie walks into Daniel's apartment before Daniel even gets a moment to react. DANIEL: Come...in? BILLIE: I'm SO sorry I'm barging in at this hour, I just...I needed to ask you something. As Daniel tries to object, Billie holds up her finger to stop him. BILLIE: And before you say a word, no, it can't wait until tomorrow. Daniel sighs, giving up. He looks to Billie, arms folded, an exhausted look on his face, eyes half-open. DANIEL: Okay...what do you need? BILLIE: I need you to find a way to get me in to see Theresa. Daniel's eyes squint even harder, trying to process what Billie's proposing. ---- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Nicole sits with Eric at the edge of the river. Visibly upset by what Eric's just told her, she looks intently at Eric. NICOLE: What do you mean, you can't marry me, Eric? EVER? Eric nods, slowly, and with a heavy heart. ERIC: Nicole, my faith means a great deal to me. I...I can't just...turn my back on the teachings of the church because they're convenient for me-- Nicole interrupts, hurt and upset, a rage coming over her. NICOLE: ...Convenient isn't the word for it! Eric, this is what's right, this is not convenience. Damn it, Eric, we love each other. I think there's a reason why we've been...brought back together after...all these years. It's meant to be, Eric. You can call it...God. Or...whatever you want. But would a just God want to deny you the one thing that makes you happy because I married the wrong person once or...a few times? Eric says nothing. Staring straight out at the water. Deep in thought, contemplating what Nicole's saying, and his own perspective. NICOLE: Eric? Still staring out, Eric doesn't even acknowledge that he's listening. Nicole tries desperately to get Eric to respond. NICOLE: Eric, say something! Eric sighs, finally speaking up. ERIC: Nicole, just because it...feels right doesn't mean it is. NICOLE: Why? Why is it not right? Who is it hurting, Eric? Eric sighs again, this time reluctant to answer. Nicole doesn't wait for his answer. NICOLE: There's a reason you can't answer that. Because you know, in your heart...that I'm right. Eric looks at Nicole, a very troubled look still stuck on his face, as he gets up and walks away, leaving Nicole by the river, still tense with anger, and confused and upset by Eric's reluctance to dedicate himself to her. --- Jordan tries in vain to get Rafe to give her back her cell phone. He slides the phone off the table and puts it in his shirt pocket. Jordan tries to reach for it frantically. JORDAN: Rafe, give that back. RAFE: Ah ah ah! nope. We agreed to spend a quiet evening together. Not checking our social media every few seconds. Jordan rolls her eyes before giving up. JORDAN: Okay. Okay. Sorry. RAFE: Well, it's better to at least see something other than the top of your forehead. Jordan squints her eyes, unimpressed by Rafe's humour. JORDAN: Ha ha. Very funny. I was actually waiting for a call from someone. RAFE: And when it rings, I can hand you the phone. It's no big deal. JORDAN: Rafe, yes it is. That's a very important call. Rafe becomes more and more agitated as Jordan becomes more and more frantic. RAFE: From who? Jordan, you're not acting like yourself at all. What's wrong? Jordan flashes back to her last conversation with Sheryl. *** FLASHBACK TO 64 Jordan sits attentively at her desk at the hospital, waiting on Sheryl to fill her in on what the next step of their plan is. JORDAN: Okay. Tell me, what's this great plan of yours? SHERYL: Simple. I made a phone call today, to an old friend of ours. Jordan's brow furrows, as she pulls her glasses off her face. JORDAN: An old friend? Sheryl leans in, smirking confidently at Jordan as she quietly tells her the name of their old friend. SHERYL: Jerome Grant. Jordan leans back, surprise plain on her face as the news hits her. *** Jordan sighs, before rolling her eyes and telling Rafe what he wants to hear. JORDAN: I'm worried about...a friend. RAFE: Anyone I know? JORDAN: Yes. Okay, fine. It's Sheryl. Look, she and Lucas have been...I dunno. He's been so busy with work lately that she hasn't heard a word from him and she's getting a little...anxious. You know? Rafe shrugs, before taking Jordan's hand and looking into her eyes, hoping she'll listen to his advice. RAFE: Well that's for them to worry about. Not you. Jordan looks away, trying to avoid Rafe's gaze, but he holds his hand up to her chin, guiding her gaze back his way, ever so gently. RAFE: Hey, hey. I know you're concerned about your friends. I understand. But you can't fight everyone's battles for them. Sometimes you just gotta...let whatever's happening happen. Jordan nods reluctantly, smiling half-heartedly at Rafe. JORDAN: I guess you're right. RAFE: I know I am. Now...come on. Let's enjoy our evening together. No. Distractions. Jordan finally gives in, smiling warmly at Rafe as he leans in across the table. She gets up slightly from her end as they gently kiss each other's lips. --- Daniel shakes his head slightly, checking to be sure he heard Billie correctly. DANIEL: You...you want me to what? BILLIE: I want you to find a way to sneak me in to see Theresa. Daniel blinks, shaking his head again in disbelief. DANIEL: I...Billie. Seriously? This is all kinds of...illegal and unethical. BILLIE: And doable. Kim doesn't have a guard at the door of that room. And you know full well that if I go in later in the evenings, the hospital will be quiet enough that no one will see me, as long as we're careful. Daniel holds up his hands to object to Billie, but Billie won't hear of it. DANIEL: Billie, I can't-- BILLIE: No buts, Daniel Jonas. I will not have Kimberly Brady trying to concoct some kind of parallel history that denies my relationship with her daughter. Theresa is my friend, and I am one of her ONLY friends. She needs me around her. You know that. DANIEL: Billie, I can't interfere with a court order. I mean...do you understand what you're asking me to do, here? BILLIE: I think I might. I used to be a cop, remember? Come on, you don't have to be any more involved than just...schedule your checkups on Theresa for later in the evening and let me in. Daniel laughs in disbelief at Billie's suggestion. He takes a moment to respond so as not say anything too harsh. DANIEL: You have no idea how my rounds work, do you? It's not that simple, Billie. Billie chokes up a bit as she walks in close to Daniel. She looks intently at him, hoping to appeal to his symapthies. BILLIE: I know it's not simple, but...please. Daniel. I need this. I need to see Theresa. This is the only way I can make this work. Daniel shakes his head as he puts his hands on Billie's shoulders. DANIEL: Do you realize what could happen if we're caught doing this? I could lose my license, and you would go to jail immediately. Billie sighs, looking at the ground before she looks up at Daniel, nodding. BILLIE: I'm ready to deal with that. I don't care, as long as I get to see Theresa. Daniel, people in comas, they hear us. And I know that it'll be good for Theresa to hear my voice. That girl needs to hear my voice, Daniel. Please. Do this for me. Daniel thinks it over a moment, walking over to the window before turning around suddenly to face Billie. DANIEL: Okay. Billie smiles immediately, rushing over to hug Daniel. BILLIE: Thank you. Thank you...oh God. Thank you, Daniel. Daniel holds Billie tightly, but looking out, a concerned look on his face as he contemplates what he's about to do. --- Laura looks concerned as JJ speaks to her, the concerns she's had about Jennifer and Liam's relationship coming out JJ's mouth. JJ: I'm worried, Grandma. He...he was talking to some guy and...I know I heard her name. LAURA: Did you tell your mom? JJ: Yes, but...this is what's really scaring me, Grandma. Liam came out of nowhere and he heard me tell mom about his conversation. He knows I heard him. Laura's now trembling in fear from JJ's comments. JJ sees Laura tremble and takes her hands into his. JJ: Grandma...you okay? LAURA: I...I don't know. JJ: Just...try to relax, okay? Laura breathes in deeply, as she tries to relax herself and keeps asking JJ questions. LAURA: Right. Okay...so...JJ...what happened after that conversation you had with your mother? JJ: Well...they took off, mom and Liam did...and I stayed behind to try to...sort this out in my head...and as they left...Liam...he looked at me...I caught him trying to...like...stare me down or something. But I'm more worried about Abigail than anything. I mean...she's working for Stefano but...Liam works at the hospital, he has no ties to Stefano. LAURA: JJ, I don't...I don't understand any of this. I mean...what business would Liam have spying on Abigail for Stefano, unless... Laura halts midsentence. JJ immediately more tense as Laura's expression becomes even more terrified. JJ: Grandma?? Grandma what's wrong? Laura tries in vain to allay JJ's fears, too terrified herself to relax. LAURA: JJ...I...I have to ask you something. JJ: Anything, Grandma, what? Laura leans in close to JJ, trying to ensure JJ listens carefully to her. LAURA: Don't do anything else. I have a terrible feeling that I know exactly what's going on. JJ: What? What, Grandma, tell me what it is. LAURA: I can't, JJ. If I tell you...I don't know if either of us will be safe. Just...leave it alone. Leave it all to me. I will take care of this. Okay? Promise me! JJ looks on, now terrified for his family, but not sure what Laura won't tell him. He nods in agreement as he gets up from the edge of Laura's bed, where he was sitting. JJ: Okay. I promise. Goodnight. JJ walks out of the room in a daze. Confused by Laura's reaction and petrified by what Laura won't tell him. He closes the door behind him as Laura stares into the mirror, visibly terrified and upset. LAURA: Damn you, Stefano! You better not be up to what I think you are. ---
  16. I'm all about this episode. Again, you handled it tenderly and it flowed SO well. You can just picture it all in your mind how it would play out on TV. Masterful! Carl and Matt was sublime. Discussing their times, good and bad together. It was wonderful and an important little scene, even tying characters in that are off canvas like Jasmine and Lila. Great bit. Cass and Frankie was cute, romantic, and sexy. Great scenes for them. Oh, and it looks like Frankie's premonition was right. Uh oh. Bad news on the Carl front. OHHH the scene with Iris, Rachel and Amanda was BRILLIANT. I could just see Rachel's eyes rolling into the back of her head as Iris went on and on about herself. It's funny, because you can tell the love she has for Mac and how she's trying to relate and connect with Rachel to empathize about Rachel's imminent loss, but it all still comes off so painfully self-absorbed in a way that only Iris can do. Fantastic work there. LOVED LOVED LOVED this episode!!
  17. Christy is amazing yet again. Her repartee with Grant is giving me life. You've nailed all that set of characters beautifully. I love Christy's scheming, and you're really playing to Robin Mattson's strengths too. I wish I could see this on TV. Lindsay and Gregory was another great scene. The anger and disappointment Lindsay feels is very well conveyed. You're doing a great job there, as I felt for both of them. You're doing a great job with that. John and Sharlene working things out. Great move. I'm happy to see them together again. Have a strange feeling there's a lot more to come with that story, though. Maggie is VERY well cast with Lindsay Hartley. Can't wait to see her mix it up with everyone in Bay City. You're making some great changes in this show, and it REALLY feels like a strong, centred show. If only the TV show had stayed so centred. GREAT work, Cary!
  18. Cary, you're so good at these emotional scenes. I'm envious of you. You nailed it AGAIN. That final scene with Carl and Rachel telling Cory and Lizzie about Carl's tumour was brilliant. Great song, great visuals. You nailed it. Kudos! Elizabeth is fantastic already, I KNOW I'm gonna love her. And the dialogue was fantastic all throughout for all the scenes. Really enjoyed Michele and Jake's scene. You could SENSE the rage building slowly in Michele and when it reached its boiling point. Fantastic scenes. Can't wait to see where that heads.
  19. Beautiful episode, Cary. What a great tribute! Very touching and with a light touch. You didn't go overboard with flashbacks and kept the story moving. What a great balance! I loved the scenes with Frankie and Cass. Frankie had a feeling something was off, and I like how you played her 'gift' as being something of a blurry line between being clairvoyant and simply being able to read people's emotions. Just a great little connection. Carl and Rachel and the reveal of Carl's secret son. Good move. Again, not done for shock value, very delicately delivered. Fantastic. I'm glad to see Elizabeth coming back. Gonna be interesting to see her interacting with everyone in this tough time. FANTASTIC show, Cary. Congrats on coming this far!!
  20. Awesome. I'm glad Jack's amnesia is so central to things. It's a very good way to go to bring the drama. Love Elijah and Eartha. Good chemistry between them. Gonna get messy there! The teens were good this episode. Wonder if Anne left her real number though I have to say I missed seeing Reva go after Blair this episode. Ha-ha. Oh well. Loved seeing Holden and Josh connect. You're doing a great job building the friendships. Keep at it. Dialogue keeps getting better and better. You have SUCH a good handle on Todd. I love it. GREAT work!!
  21. EPISODE 70 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Eric sits alone by the river, skipping stones into the river as he stares ahead intently. Deep in intense thought, he doesn't hear as Nicole approaches him carefully. As not to scare him, she simply takes her heels off and sits down with him. Eric finally stops to look and see Nicole sitting next to him before going back to looking out at the water. Nicole hesitates before finally speaking up, speaking gently to not antagonize Eric any further. NICOLE: You're not an easy man to find, you know. ERIC: I hate to say it, Nicole but...that was kinda the goal. NICOLE: I went to St. Luke's first thing and...they suggested coming out here, since you used to head out to the riverside whenever you were feeling lost. ERIC: I'm amazed you didn't know that. Nicole laughs half-heartedly. NICOLE: I guess I was too focused on not...falling back in love with you to notice? Sounds corny, doesn't it? Eric softens a bit at Nicole's words. He looks her way again, giving half a smile before he speaks, then returning to looking away at the water. ERIC: Nah...I understand. NICOLE: Well...I don't. What happened at the square that's got you so upset? You were fine before-- Eric tenses again, interrupting Nicole immediately. ERIC: ...It's nothing. Just...(sigh) Marlena gave me some news and... NICOLE: And? Come on, Eric, what is it? Is everything okay? ERIC: Will and Sonny are getting married. Nicole looks at Eric, confused by what he's saying until she suddenly clues in and reacts. NICOLE: I don't...wait, Eric. What are you saying? Do you have a problem with Will and Sonny getting married? Eric looks at Nicole, an upset and frustrated look on his face, matching Nicole's confused and disappointed look. --- Will storms into his shared apartment, with Sonny following not far behind. Will appears to ignore him, as he walks into the bedroom, leaving Sonny in the living room. Will walks back out with blankets and a pillow, hastily piled together and throws them down on the sofa, his eyes laser-focused on Sonny. Sonny looks at Will with concern and points to the sofa. SONNY: What, you're not gonna sleep out here tonight, are you? Will folds his arms and keeps his eyes focused on Sonny, a cold anger in his eyes. WILL: No. You are. Will turns and walks back into the bedroom, and shouts out to Sonny before the door slams. WILL: Goodnight! Sonny closes his eyes, wincing at the sound of the door slamming. --- Gabi stands in the park with Hope. She stammers, trying to cover herself about her plan for Nick. GABI: I...I meant I...I was so sure because he was...he was...he's been acting... Hope motions to Gabi to spit it out, finally finishing Gabi's sentence for her. HOPE: ...unusual? Like he had been before? Gabi nods, looking up hesitantly at Hope. GABI: Yeah. HOPE: Well, the thing is, Gabi. I don't buy it. Any of it. Gabi looks up, shocked by Hope's rebuttal. GABI: What?! HOPE: Gabi, I spent all afternoon with Nick. He seemed absolutely fine. GABI: No, no no no no, you don't understand. I saw him taking something this morning, I was out with him last night, he was off, he was... HOPE: Drunk, Gabi? Maybe he had a hangover and took an Aspirin. You know, people DO that sometimes. GABI: No, Hope, you don't understand. You need to go back and check his bag again. I'm telling you he's got to be on something. Hope shakes her head, silencing Gabi. HOPE: I can't. I looked, there was nothing. Look, Gabi, I'm worried about Nick too. I'm worried he isn't making the progress I thought he was after this whole ordeal with you and Sonny and Will, but...I can't just go searching through people's stuff on a whim. If I do find something? Gabi, it wouldn't hold up in court. It sure as hell wouldn't help Nick. Gabi looks pleadingly at Hope, petrified that her plan will fall through. GABI: Hope, please! HOPE: No. Gabi, I'm sorry. But until you can find me proof that something is up with Nick, I can't...and I won't go snooping again. I'll see you later. Hope walks off back toward the town square, leaving Gabi behind, shaking with anger and disappointment. GABI: Damn you, Nick. Damn you. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- Billie steps into Club TBD, and, upon seeing Justin waving from one of the corner booths, smiles and heads over to him. BILLIE: Justin. JUSTIN: Billie! Long time, no see. Billie puts her bag down and sits down across from Justin at the table. BILLIE: Ha ha. Glad to see you're still keeping your sense of humour. JUSTIN: Well, we do what we can, even when we're the pariah of the family. BILLIE: I'm sure. Victor must be really livid with you about the divestment deal with Titan TV. Justin shrugs, clearly resigned to his fate. JUSTIN: It is what it is. Victor couldn't hold onto both the station and the oil sands project. I just...forced his hand a little. BILLIE: Well...I'm glad you did. Justin looks to Billie, intrigued by her interest. JUSTIN: Why's that? I mean...I know you voted in favour of divesting, but...I mean, you work with MadWorld, why do you care what happens to EnerNext? Billie looks to Justin, knowing what direction he's taking this conversation, she stops herself and gives Justin a 'gotcha' smile. BILLIE: I don't think you wanna get into that. JUSTIN: Oh, but I'm SO fascinated. Do tell! BILLIE: Let's just say that I want what's best for everyone at Titan. Now, let's get to why I asked you to meet me here. Billie reaches down into her bag and pulls out an envelope, containing the restraining order Kim presented her with earlier. JUSTIN: Is this business or...? BILLIE: Personal. But...I'm pretty sure I know which lawyer my, uh...the other party in this whole...situation consulted, so... JUSTIN: Say no more. So what's this about? Billie hands Justin her copy of the restairaing order. BILLIE: Well...obviously, since Brady and Theresa's accident...I've been visiting Theresa at the hospital for the last few days. JUSTIN: Right. And that...from what I can see here...really displeased Kim. BILLIE: That's...(sigh) putting it mildly. Justin, she hates that I have a relationship with her daughter. She gave some judge a...sob story about me harrassing her and her daughter and he bought it. Justin looks up from the order and shakes his head slowly. JUSTIN: I hate to tell you this, but a restraining order is very easy to put into effect. Billie looks a bit disappointed at Justin. Sighing as she speaks, she responds. BILLIE: And...not so easy to get lifted. JUSTIN: Unfortunately. So...whatever issues you're having with Kim, you may just have to find a way to work around them, I'm sorry to say. Billie nods, pondering over what Justin's said, gears turning in her mind. --- Gabi unlocks the door to the apartment and sees Sonny watching TV on the couch alone, blankets covering him. She looks on, confused, as she speaks softly, trying not to wake Ari. GABI: I...what are you doing out here? Sonny looks up from the TV, a resigned, shamed look on his face. SONNY: I'm uh...I'm kind of in the dog house right now. Gabi looks confused as she turns on the light in the living room. Sonny squints with the sudden change in light. SONNY: Ugh. GABI: What did YOU do to get thrown out of the bedroom. SONNY:Ohhh nothing huge, just...lied to Will about where I was going and then tried to convince my Uncle Vic that he should rescind Will's job offer. Gabi looks surprised and upset by Sonny's confession, nearly blurting out her surprise aloud before catching herself and returning to a soft voice, this time, agitated. GABI: I...you...are you serious, Sonny?? What kind of stupid move is that? SONNY: I know! I know...I should've just...kept my mouth shut. GABI: You don't say. You know I was waiting for you guys to come around at the memorial service and you never showed. I was getting worried something was wrong. Obviously, I had good reason to worry. SONNY: Yeah....and now Will is...so mad he's threatening to call off the engagement and...I...I just feel like a...an ass. So...yeah, sorry we couldn't meet you at the memorial. Gabi gets up off the couch and walks over to the kitchen to grab a drink of water, as Sonny looks at the time and realizes how late it is. SONNY: Oh yeah, speaking of which, that...that was...hours ago...where have you been, anyway? Gabi nearly spits out the water as she drinks it, trying to come up with an answer for Sonny. GABI: I, uh...I was catching up with Will's family. They...wanted to see Ari. Sonny nods, a bit unconvinced, but willing to accept Gabi's answer. SONNY: Makes sense. Gabi walks back around to sit beside Sonny, concerned more for him than her own trouble, she puts a comforting hand on his knee. GABI: So? What are you gonna do about you and Will? You think you'll work through this? Sonny sighs looking down at the floor in contemplation, almost as though Gabi weren't even in the room. SONNY: I'm not sure...I'm just not sure. --- Will stands in the bedroom, staring intently out his window at the moon shining outside. He looks at the alarm clock beside his bed and sighs, knowing he won't be able to sleep, between the pressure of the new day and new job, and his pressures at home with Sonny, Gabi, and Nick, Will has a lot on his mind, as, saying nothing, he closes his eyes, as if to make a wish. --- Eric stares up at the same night sky, by the river, Nicole by his side, upset by his reaction to the news of Sonny and Will's engagement. NICOLE: I mean, you can't be against them getting married. I never took you for a bigot, Eric-- Eric interrupts Nicole, clearly irritated by her implicit accusation. ERIC: ...I don't have a problem with them getting married. I mean...(sigh) It's complicated. Nicole looks on, confused by Eric's statement, she responds more emphatically this time. NICOLE: What's complicated about it, Eric? They love each other. They...they take care of that baby better than I've ever seen anyone care for a baby. There's...so much love in that home...that's the stuff marriages are made of...not that I'd know from experience or anything, but... ERIC: But there's more to it than that. Nicole, I've spent years dedicated to a church that tells me that marriage is a sacred vow under God between a man and a woman. It's about creating children together, and having their love recognized by God under his laws... Eric trails off at this point, clearly troubled by what he's saying. ERIC: ...but I can't look at Sonny and Will and think that their love's any different. And how can I reconcile that with what my beliefs have taught me? Nicole tries, unsuccessfully, to bring some levity to Eric's clearly troubled mind. NICOLE: Well...it's not like you've tried stoning me to death for not being a virgin on my wedding day. Eric looks up at Nicole, a wry smile on his face as Nicole chuckles and leans into Eric, playfully. NICOLE: Come on, Eric. My point is, maybe it's time you stopped following the....silly little intricate rules of the Bible and just...followed the basic outline. I mean...come on, one day...down the road, I'd love to get married to you, and I know you won't let some...archaic rule about not divorcing stop you from marrying me, right? Eric hesitates to answer, making Nicole nervous almost instantly. She looks back at Eric, very frantic, very fast. NICOLE: Right?? Eric looks up at Nicole. ERIC: That's the thing, Nicole. I don't think I can. NIcole's face turns white as a sheet at Eric's revelation. ---
  22. EPISODE 69 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson Nick walks up to the door of Percy's cabin, and knocks on the door. After a short wait, Percy answers merrily, as always. PERCY: Greetings, Master Fallon! How are you doing this fine day? NICK: Just great, Percy! Percy steps out of the way to allow Nick to step inside. Closing the door behind Nick, Nick gets down to business almost immediately. PERCY: So to what do I owe the pleasure, Nicholas? Nick puts his bag down on the table and unzips it. NICK: Well, I have some news, and a job for you. Nick pulls out his laptop and sets it on Percy's dining room table. NICK: Uh...you don't mind if I plug this in at all, do you? PERCY: Not at all. NICK: Thanks. As Nick plugs the computer into the outlet in the wall, he continues to talk to Percy. NICK: So...my news is...ah, there we go...that we finalized the Titan TV sale. The propaganda campaign is off. Percy smiles from ear to ear at the news. He walks over to the dining room table, holding back a bit his glee, in his own, incredibly posh British way. PERCY: I...oh, I am so grateful to you, Nicholas. You have truly saved the day. I...how can I ever repay you for your kindness? Nick sits down at the table in front of his computer, and opens it. He smiles up at Percy. NICK: Funny you should ask. I have a little job for you, as I said. And you won't even have to leave your home to do it. But...for that to work, you're going to have to connect yourself to the world wide web. PERCY: ...I'm sorry? NICK: The internet. Because you, Percy, my friend, are going to be doing some...surveillance. Percy looks on, baffled by Nick's request. --- Sami talks with Marlena, Maggie, and Laura after Brady's memorial has ended in the town square, sipping on what's left of her drink, before hearing her phone ring. SAMI: Oh...uh...I think that's my phone...just one sec. Sami searches through her bag to find her phone as she steps away from the group. Pulling her phone out, she sees that it's EJ. She excitedly answers, while trying to find a quiet spot to talk. SAMI: Hey! EJ! What's up? I'm just at the memorial, it's wrapping up. ... EJ: Samantha. Saw your text. Listen to me carefully. We are making a bid on Titan TV. Meet me at the house immediately. Tell NOBODY what you're doing. You understand me? ... SAMI: Completely. See you in a minute. Sami hangs up and smiles widely. Looking around her to make sure nobody's looking, she talks to herself. SAMI: Ohhh EJ. You did it again. --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7-6YubuS4 --- The crowd returns to conversing at Town Square for Brady's memorial after John's speech. Most if not all still have drinks in hand. Gabi spots Hope in the crowd and waves, trying to subtly get her attention. Hope notices and stops her conversation with John, and excuses herself before heading over to Gabi. GABI: So, did you do it? Hope grabs Gabi's arm and looks around to make sure no one's listening in. HOPE: We can't talk here, Gabi. GABI: What do you mean? Hope looks at Gabi incredulously. HOPE: Are you nuts? There's people we know everywhere. Come with me, now. Gabi stutters to respond before following Hope out of the square, both of them looking around with suspicion as they do. Nicole stands with Chloe, sipping on their sparkling juice and having a chat. Chloe looks uncomfortable, a fact Nicole picks up on. NICOLE: You alright, you seem a little...nervous. CHLOE: Well, wouldn't you be if Victor Kiriakis spent all his time staring you down? Nicole rolls her eyes, dismissively gesturing at Chloe's comment. NICOLE: Oh please! Chloe, haven't you ever heard of 'resting bitch face'? Chloe looks at Nicole, confused. CHLOE: Yeah... NICOLE: Well, it's something like that. Honestly, if I got as worried as you are every time Victor tried staring me down, I'd never get any work done. Chloe shrugs in acknowledgement. CHLOE: Fair enough. I just don't trust Victor when he's mad. NICOLE: Honey, don't let it to you. Look, let's just...celebrate Brady, okay? That's what we're here for. Not dwelling about...whatever bone Victor wants to pick with you. Right? Chloe cracks a faint smile. CHLOE: Right. Nicole raises her glass, Chloe meets with hers as they toast. NICOLE: Come on. Let's go mingle. Nicole turns to walk with Chloe, but spots a sour-looking Eric in one of the seats set up for the speeches. Concerned, she looks Chloe's way a moment. NICOLE: Uh...you go ahead without me a second, okay? Chloe, spotting Eric as Nicole speaks to her, clues in immediately, and nods. CHLOE: Sure. NICOLE: Thanks. Nicole squeezes Chloe's arm as a goodbye before walking over to sit with a solemn Eric. NICOLE: Hey. You gonna join the party or what? ERIC: Nicole. Hey...yeah...I...just give me a moment, okay? Nicole leans into Eric, putting arm around him. NICOLE: I miss him too. Eric stands up, in an effort to shake off Nicole's touch. ERIC: it's not Brady, Nicole. It's...everything. NICOLE: What do you mean, Eric? ERIC: I just...I need to go. Alone. Eric storms off, leaving Nicole sitting in her seat, flabbergasted by Eric's strange reaction. --- Brady lays in bed, looks around the bedroom he's woken up in, trying to decipher where exactly he is, when a woman walks in. An older woman, but it's plain to see she was stunning as a young woman, and has aged beautifully now. She appears pleasantly surprised to see Brady awake. ANITA: Ah! You're awake, finally. I was starting to worry when it took you about a day longer than the doctor expected to wake up. Brady looks up at the woman, confused. BRADY: I...wha...where am I, exactly? The woman smiles and sits down on the bed next to him, she puts a hand to his forehead. ANITA: About thirty miles from anywhere...Hah! You're not even running a fever anymore. BRADY: Wait, what? Who...who are you exactly? ANITA: My name's Anita. I'm the one who found you floating around in the lake. Brady furrows his brow, confused by Anita's statement. BRADY: I...what? ANITA: The lake. We're right by Smith Lake. You are...very, very lucky, I have to say. BRADY: Woah, woah, woah, wait....lucky? What...what happened to me? Anita looks down at Brady, shaking her head. ANITA: That...I could not tell you. --- Gabi and Hope step into the park alongside Town Square. Gabi looks at Hope with a worried look. GABI: Hope...what is happening? Did you... Gabi looks around to make sure no one hears them before continuing. GABI: ...did you find anything at Nick's apartment? HOPE: No, Gabi. That's what I wanted to tell you. Nick's apartment turned up clean. There wasn't so much as a bottle of Aspirin. Gabi looks at Hope, shocked. GABI: That's impossible, I... HOPE: You what, Gabi? Gabi catches herself before saying anything more, but is now panicked, searching for an answer. --- Sami bursts into the DiMera mansion living room, excited by EJ's earlier call. EJ sits at his desk, but stands up quickly as Sami walks in. SAMI: Okay, so what's the deal? EJ walks over to the living room doors and looks out into the hallway before shutting them. He looks back Sami's way and holds his finger to his lips. EJ: Careful, just in case father's lurking. Sami rolls her eyes and whispers as loudly as she can, SAMI: Okay, okay, now SPILL! EJ: I just got off the phone with Chad. We're going to use one of our hidden shell corporations to pick up Titan TV for a bargain right under Victor's nose. SAMI: I had a feeling you were onto something. EJ: Right, now, once we pick up Titan TV, we use that to grow Countess W's advertising base, and end this travesty of an energy project Victor's hellbent on setting up. It's a win-win. Sami looks excitedly at EJ, the tension between them non-existant in this moment. SAMI: I can't believe you've pulled this off. EJ: Well, I haven't yet. But I know that if we hadn't done it, Nick Fallon would have been controlling your lives until the end of time. Sami is crashed back into reality, remembering Nick's blackmail. SAMI: Oh, how could I forget? Do you really think that going so far out of our way to give into Nick's demands is a good idea. EJ: Samantha, the more control we have over this situation, the less Nick can control you, Gabi, and Kate. That's what matters. It's just a little...added bonus that we can use this TV station to stick it to Victor. No? Sami raises and eyebrow and smiles at EJ, the first smile EJ's seen from Sami in weeks. He smiles in kind. --- Percy stands at his table in his cabin, looking at Nick with a confused look on his face. PERCY: I...eh...Nicholas... Nick looks up from his laptop, a smile on his face. NICK: Yep? PERCY: What on Earth do you mean, surveillance? I...I barely know how to use a computer! NICK: Oh. It's nothing. Nick waves dismissively as he stands up from the dinner table, and reaches into his bag. He pulls out a small black plastic box and places it on the table with almost ceremonial care. NICK: This....is an external hard drive. You are going to collect as much data as you can on every...single...member of the Titan executive as you can. Nick pulls a set of papers out from his bag and hands them to Percy. NICK: These are the people you need to focus on. Study them carefully, their faces, their responsibilities. Percy flips through the pages before stopping Nick and looking at him quizzically. PERCY: I'm sorry, Nicholas but...what exactly is the meaning of this? Nick stops, looking Percy's way with a huge grin. NICK: Why, it's quite simple, Percy. Blackmail. ---
  23. I'm so intrigued by all of it, and yet it's all so mysterious. You're doing a great job of building all the mystery here. Kastu seems to be in some majorly shady business. I'm curious to know exactly what it is. Wonder if it's connected to Natalia's coma at all, and the gang violence Jesse was talking about before. Enjoyed the scenes with Greta in England. I quite often forget Greta ever existed. WHOOPS! LOL. Loved Steve's offhanded "back from the dead" comment. So very Salem of him Bo's disappearance is really mystifying, but I'm sure Stefano's involved somehow, like always. Having Henry come back was a good move. Not familiar with the weird family dynamic there but I'm sure i'll figure it out quickly. Paul and Billy was another good scene. Good to get everyone grounded in their histories, especially in soapland, where everyone's addicted, and the show's set in this cess pool of vice! LOL Great show, coming together nicely!
  24. Your show is so different from the others, and I'm so glad it is. You bring a different flavour and I like that you're taking your time to build it all up slowly, This is good as we'll get to know everyone over time. Loving JJ and Miranda. That's gonna be a good pairing for you. Both musical, and both with their own stories to tell. Great move. Greg and Marcino is an interesting friendship. I'm curious to see where you take it. I like that you're making the friendships clear as we get to know everyone, it's small but it helps a lot. The ATWT crowd is great. I know Emily will definitely veto Eliza taking a job at BRO and that's gonna cause even more havoc at home for Emily and Paul. Good stuff. Your domestic abuse story is a good one, and I like that you're involving Kayla in it. Great stuff! Natalia's awake! Loved those moments between Jesse and Angie. Good stuff coming there, and I can't wait to read about it. Still in set up stages, but I see the action starting to build up, which is great. Keep going, you're doing a fantastic job.
  25. OH GREAT, NOW THEY'RE ALL DEAD. Damn Great stuff yet again. I like how it all tied together with Malcolm running into Avery, and then dumbass Cane insisting on taking another hit AFTER FIXING A GAS LEAK. What a fool. I guess James is dead too, I can't imagine anyone surviving explosives in their jackets. My thoughts are jumbled a bit, this is So intense. Nate shoulda known better than to stand in front of Malcolm's car. He asked to be hit there. Very intense scenes all around, you KNOW how to write a climax, ML. This was one for the books. I loved Sheila and Dru's fight. Loving how Dru gives as good as she gets. All VERY good stuff. Sharon and Dru are a bit of a team, and I enjoyed the recap back to the earlier stories when Dru came back to GC and wreaked all kinds of havoc. Helped fill in a lot for me. VERY VERY good episode. I'm excited to see who survived the blast and what Malcolm does next. WOW!!!
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