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Everything posted by NothinButAttitude
FADE IN: INT. SPAULDING MANOR - DAY - DINING ROOM (Picking up where we last left off) Alan: What is going on? Why are you two looking like deers in headlights? AM: N--No reason. Alan: OK... As soon as you two get over whatever has come over you both, come in the parlor and join us for a drink. Hope: Will do, Alan -- I mean Mr. Spaulding. Alan, still weary, walks out the room. AM: How could-- Hope grabs him by the arm and drags him into the KITCHEN where she looks around to see if anyone is present. No one is. Hope: Baby-- Alan Michael: No! Don't even try it! Don't even try to justify what you did. Do you know how much we have mourned you? Hope: Alan Michael-- AM: And to think you have been here the entire time... THE ENTIRE TIME!! Hope: Sssh! Calm down. AM: Oh please. If I ever do anything right in my life, now is the time. I should go into the parlor and tell Dad-- Hope: You can't! AM: Why is that? Hope: You just can't... and I know you wouldn't. AM: Don't be so sure about that, Mom -- or Caroline? Hope swiftly slaps Alan Michael across the face. Alan Michael rubs his face in pain. Hope: Now don't you go starting to back talk me boy! I'm still your mother and you will respect me. AM: Yes, Ma'am. Hope: Now I am sorry but I figured that me returning would do you more harm than good. AM rolls his eyes. Hope: You may not believe me now but you will. Do you think if I was Hope that I could help you? I think not. Being Caroline was a way for me to help you. AM: And you did. But MY MOTHER would've been more help. Hope: I understand that. Phillip (OC): Caroline! Alan Michael! Hope: Keep quiet. Phillip enters in the kitchen with two wine glasses. Phillip: Aren't you two gonna join us? Phillip hands both of them a glass. Hope: Sure. In a second... Phillip: OK. Phillip exits. Hope is about to take a sip when Alan Michael takes the glass from Hope. Hope: What was that for? AM: Alcohol, remember? You're an alcoholic. Hope: I know that. AM: You act as if you've seem to have forgotten. Hope: Well I didn't. AM: Mmm hmm... whatever. Hope: I didn't. Now that we are going to go out there and act like nothing ever happened. OK? AM: Sure. Whatever you want... Caroline. Alan Michael storms out. And on Caroline, sighing FADE OUT COMING UP ON TGL - Shayne family Thanksgiving - Reardon/Chamberlain Thanksgiving - Many reveals and surprises
447: People are going 2 DIE!!
NothinButAttitude commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in Life in Salem
Anything with Vivian and Kate is wonderful. And Jan & Lucas scene with them fighting was wonderful. Love it. Keep up the good work!! -
#123: Pasadena Mourns Kevin!
NothinButAttitude commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in S.T.E.A.M.
LMAO!! Bravo! Loved it. Ria & Rufus are a trip. Sister Patterson always has me tuned in and Mona... don't get me started on her. Cannot wait for the next episode. I know the funeral is going to be a mess. -
INT. SPRINGFIELD UNIVERSITY DORMS - DAY - TRISTA & DAISY Trista sits at her desk blasting music while typing up her article. Sitting on the floor next to her is a huge mail sack of letter. Trista occasionally reaches down and grabs an envelope. KNOCK! KNOCK! Trista takes off the headphones and opens the door, revealing James Spaulding. The sight of James just irritates her. Trista: Now what? James: (peeking past her) I was just seeing if you were-- Trista: Doing the job? Well I am. Unlike you, I complete all my tasks regardless how much I loathe them... and the person that gave them to me. James: Come on. Loathe? That's a tad bit too strong. Trista: With you? I don't think so. Quite justified if you think about it. But then again I'm sure you don't have think when you're loaded. Someone is bound to do it for you, or you can just buy your way out of it. James: Ouch. Good one. I give you that. Trista: No I earned it. The only thing you give me is DAMN migraine. James laughs. Trista fumes even more. Trista: Look, can you leave? I'm trying to finish in time so I can join Rocky and his family for Thanksgiving. James: The Coopers? Trista: Duh. Trista starts to close the door when James pushes his way inside the room. Trista: Listen, moron, if you did not know before, boys are not allowed in the girls room after 5 PM. James: I just wanna see how you are doing. Trista starts to push James out the room. Trista: You'll see it when I am done. Until then stay the hell out of my room and my way. James: But-- Trista: Goodbye!! Trista slams the door in James face. Trista: Dumb ass... She locks the door and then goes back to her computer, resuming her work. HALLWAY James stands on the other side of the door with, basking in his triumph. CUT TO: INT. HARLEY'S KITCHEN - DAY Harley moves rampant through the kitchen opening and closing drawers. Harley: Where is it? Where is it? Frank watches on as Harley continues to move in a panic. Frank: What are you doing? Harley: Looking for the paddle attachments for the mixer. I need to make a cake. Franks frowns. Frank: A cake? You're... making the cake? Harley: Of course. Frank: But I don't that its necessary. I mean Dad is suppose to be bringing a few cakes over -- I mean there is no need for you to make one too. Harley: Frank, what are you saying? Frank: Nothing. Harley: You are. I can read between the lines. You are indicating that I cannot cook. Frank: Come on! I never said that. Harley: But that is what you are doing. I have you know that I can make a good chocolate cake dammit! Frank: That you can. I always said you can put your mind to anything you want too, but... cooking is not one of them. Harley grabs the oven mitt off the counter and tosses it at Frank. Harley: Get out! Get out now! Frank laughs and head back down the hallway. Harley: (laughing) Idiot... DISSOLVE INTO: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=w_er72QbMpk PRESS PLAY MONTAGE -- VARIOUS CHARACTERS -- INT. BAUER HOME --> Rick and Ed set the table while Holly stands at the stove cooking. Clarissa sits on Kevin's lap in the living room watching TV. Jason sits nearby on a sofa doing schoolwork. Blake goes to the door to open it. It's Mel and Leah. Blake is surprised to see them. Both Mel and Leah look weary to come in. Ed joins Blake at the door and greet the two inside. Leah glances at Rick. He glances back for a second and walks away in disdain. On Leah hurt, .... --EXT. CHAMBERLAIN PATIO --> Vanessa and Nola are arguing as usual. Nola places the cranberries the table. Vanessa, disagreeing, picks them up and positions them another way. Nola mouths "Bitch" to Vanessa. Vanessa briskly walks past Nola showing no reaction. Nola stands still biting her lip, angry --INT. O'NEILL HOME --> Reva stands at the door greeting Hawk and Rusty. A woman and her young daughter come up behind Rusty. Reva looks at them weirdly. Rusty holds up the woman's hand to reveal a ring. Reva screams in joy and hugs Rusty. It's apparent this is his fiancee. She pushes them inside when Josh, Shayne, with Henry come up. Reva kisses Shayne and Henry and pushes them in. Reva and Josh share a smile as he shows her the pie he made. Jeffrey watches on in the background not too happy. --INT. HARLEY'S--> Marina, Lillian, Buzz, and Harley get the food situated. Harley then reveals her cake to them. They all force a smile on their faces as Harley places the cake in the center of the table. Harley exits. Buzz, Marina, and Lillian scramble to get the cake off the table. Meanwhile, Frank, Rocky, Jude, and Zach sit in the living room dressed in matching jersey watching the game. Their team scores a touchdown and they hop up in down in joy. --EXT. MAILBOX--> Christina opens up a letter that is from "John Hopkins Medical School." She quickly opens it and reads it. A smile comes across her face and she hops up and down in joy. Then it hits her... What about Remy? --INT. SPAULDING HOME--> Alex, Alan, Beth, and Phillip share a drink in the parlor. Alan Michael helps Caroline set the table. Caroline: We are missing something... OH! The dressing! I think I left it in the oven! I'll be right back. Alan Michael: OK. I got from here. As Caroline walks into the kitchen, her watch falls off onto the floor. Alan Michael: Wait-- Alan Michael picks the watch up and scams it closely. Engraved on it is the initials "HB" A-M: I've seen this somewhere... FLASHBACK -- YEARS AGO Alan Michael hands his mom a watch. A-M: Happy birthday, Mom. Hope tears up at the sight of the watch. Hope: It's -- it's so pretty! I'll never take it off! I swear! (hugging her son) I swear! END OF FLASHBACK A-M: Mom...? A-M falls into a daze staring at the watch. All of a sudden Caroline (Hope) reemerges from the kitchen to spot A-M holding the watch. Caroline: What are you doing with that?! A-M: ...Where did you -- You can't -- Ugh. Caroline: Alan Michael -- I -- A-M tears up. Hope is speechless. Then Alan enters. Alan: Hey you two -- (reading their reaction) what is going on? And on Hope devastated, http://www.youtube.c...h?v=tTSq_-s8JxM
Loving Kate and Vivian. Classic DAYS. Just classic.
Sister Pat vs. Miss Jenkins! # 122
NothinButAttitude commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in S.T.E.A.M.
Loved it! From beginning to end. I cannot wait to find out how Kevin's death will impact the cast. And Sister Patterson... a TRIP. Love her. More of Sister Patterson. LMAO. And Kevin leaving that final message ("Bye Bitch") to Sister Patterson was hilarious. -
FADE IN: INT. MEL'S BEDROOM - DAY Mel lies in fetal position amongst the darkness. She is still -- emotionless. Meanwhile, Leah bangs on the door repeatedly. Leah: Mom! I know you are in there. Let me in. Please. Come on... Leah breaks down and props her head on the door. Leah: Mom, please... I'm so, so sorry... The doorbell then rings. Leah staggers down the stairs to the door. She opens it and reveals Remy, Clayton, Christina, and Felicia. Leah: (wiping away the tears) Grandma and Grandpa? Uncle Remy? Christina? What are you all doing here? Felicia: We came to see how you and your mother is doing. Leah: I'm fine. It's Mom I'm worried about. Felicia: How is she? Leah: Still locked in the room. She won't come out. She hasn't eaten for days. I'm worried. Christina: Poor Mel... Clayton kisses Leah on the forehead and then continues past her up the stairs. Felicia: Clayton? What are you doing? Clayton: Saving our daughter. That is what I am doing. Felicia: Clayton-- Clayton: No, Felicia. She is a Boudreau. She needs to get it together and now! Felicia: Clayton! She just lost someone dear to her! Remy: Yeah. A criminal. She shouldn't be surprised it ended like this. Christina: Remy!! Christina socks him in the arm. Remy: Well it's the truth. Felicia: You better not go up there, Clayton, acting like a fool. Clayton: I don't wanna hear it. Clayton continues up the stairs while Felicia still calls out: Felicia: Clayton! Clayton! Dammit, Clayton! (to Remy) Go and stop him. Remy: Mom-- Felicia: NOW!! Remy is does as he is told and runs up the stairs. He makes his way down the end of the hallway where he spots Clayton beating on the door. Clayton: Mel, this is your father! I want you to open this door at once! No answer. Clayton: Mel! Open this door now! Now answer. Remy: Dad, enough. Come on. Clayton: No. I am not going anywhere. I am the father and I want this door opened now... Remy: Dad, maybe she wants to be left alone. Clayton: Remy, when you have children then you can tell them what to do. Till then, buzz off. (to Mel) I WILL BREAK THIS DOOR DOWN, MEL IF YOU DON'T OPEN IT NOW! Remy clutches his lips together, holding back his words. Footsteps are then heard coming up the stairs. It's Harley and Blake. Harley: Clayton, maybe we can help. Clayton: I doubt that I am her father. Felicia: (O.C) Clayton, get down here now and let Harley and Blake speak with her! NOW! Clayton: Fine. I'm going to give you ten minutes to talk to her and if she does not open that door by then I'm going to come up and burst the door down. Got it? Blake: Ten minutes then. Clayton and Remy descend down the stairs. Blake gently knocks on the door. Blake: Mel... Please come and open the door. Harley: Watch out. Blake: What? Harley slides Blake out the way and pulls a card out of her pocket. She slides the card into the latch and the open slowly opens to reveal Mel still lying on the bed in a daze. Blake: Oh God. Harley and Blake enter the room. Harley gently closes the door behind her. The two then join Mel on the bed. Blake reaches out to touch Mel and then stops, second guessing herself. But this is her friend. Blake starts to stroke her hair. Blake: Mel, I understand what you are going through. I really do. Harley: (grabbing Mel's hand) Me too. Blake: And we aren't going anywhere until you talk to us. Harley: And you know when Blake says something she means it. Blake and Harley chortle until they notice Mel isn't reciprocating. Blake: Remember when I lost Ross and I shut myself off. You bugged me until I came around. You felt so guilty because Rick was your husband and you had part of the blame. I cherished every day you came to sit me. Harley: And you did the same with me when Gus died. Tears stream down Mel's face as she tries to fight them. Harley: I may not have approved of you and Cyrus being that he and I parted ways badly but I never questioned his love for you and vice versa. Blake: I guess we all assumed that he was just using you. Mel: He was... He kept Grady being alive from me. Harley: And I agree. Him keeping that from all of us was wrong, but their bond was always so strong. Mel, you knew that. Mel: I did. I just don't get how he could not have trusted me with, Grady. I mean we could've taken legal actions to get him off. And now Grady is gone not be found while Cyrus is lying in the ground dead. STUPID BASTARD! Harley and Blake tear up at the pain coming from Mel. Mel: I never knew that losing something would be so HARD. I thought when Rick and I separated was hard but this so hard! I still see Rick. I will NEVER see Cyrus again. Blake: Don't say that. There is always-- Mel: The afterlife. I know, I know. But that could be years from now. And whose to say I'll even see him then. Harley: Then you should keep faith alive that you will. Mel: I can't do this. I can't do this! How am I suppose to worry about Leah and this baby?! How?! Harley and Blake are stunned. Blake: ...Baby? Mel: (laughing through her tears) Open the top drawer, Harley. Harley opens the drawer and pulls out a pregnancy test. Harley glances at it and smiles. Harley: You're pregnant? Mel: Yep. Blake: Oh my God!! Oh we so have start planning for this baby! Harley: I know! The shower, paints and stencils for the room... Mel: I'm not going have it. Blake and Harley: WHAT? Mel: I said I am not going to have it. I'm getting an abortion. No need in bringing this child into the world only to suffer. The father is dead, and he father was looked down upon, I cannot put a baby through this. Blake: Mel! Mel: No, Blake! I don't have time. Plus I have Leah's accessory charge to worry about -- I don't have time for a baby. I don't. Harley: And have you asked the rest of your family how they feel? Mel: No. They'll never know. You guys are the only ones who are going to know also. Harley: Mel, that is not right. Mel: So what. It's my baby, my body. I'll do whatever the hell I want. And you two are going to keep quiet out of respect. Got it? Suddenly Leah peeks her head into the room. Leah: Mom... is it OK to come in? Mel: Yeah. (wipes tears) Tell everyone to come on in. Everyone comes in one by one. Mel gets up and hugs her family members. She shoot a look of warning at Harley and Blake. And on Harley and Blake feeling guilty, FADE OUT COMING UP ON THE THANKSGIVING EPISODE -The town gets together to celebrate Thanksgiving -Rocky and Trista admit their feelings and James is not too pleased -Nola & Quint are surprised to see their son, Anthony J and nephew, Tom in town -J & Tom have ties to someone in Springfield -Rick learns of Mel's secret -Caroline is exposed -Hawk & Reva learn the truth about Trista
Horton hears a WHORE!! #445
NothinButAttitude commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in Life in Salem
LMAO. Good episode, Marlin. But we have to get this blog back to getting readers. It's not much fun when you get the same feedback from fellow writers instead of readers. -
NothinButAttitude commented on NothinButAttitude's blog entry in TGL: The Guiding Light
Alex and India's hatred goes back from the show. Alex was India's stepmother and India blamed her for all that was wrong in her life, hence India marrying Phillip to get back @ Alex. -
INT. BEACON HOTEL - NIGHT - MAIN LOBBY Cassie guides the paramedics through the main entrance. Cassie: (pointing) The ballroom is in there. The paramedics enter into the: BALLROOM where they rush up to Ed, who is still overlooking Phillip. Paramedic #1: How is he, Dr. Bauer? Ed: Still faint. Paramedics 2 & 3 lift Phillip up and places him on the gurney. A full life face mask is placed on Phillip's face. The paramedics lead Phillip out with the Spaulding/Raines clan (minus Alan) not to far behind. Meanwhile, Leah stands off alone, spirit destroyed. Ed takes notices and gently places a hand on her shoulder. Ed: Leah... Leah: Give it to me. Ed: Give you what? Leah turns to face Ed with tears in her eyes. Leah: Chew me out. Come on. Give me what you got. Hell everyone else is. Ed: I didn't come over here to kick when you're down. Leah: You might as well. Everyone else is bound too sooner or later. I -- I just can't believe that I was so stupid to fall for it. Ed: People make mistakes all the time. Leah: Not in assisting a maniac. Ed: Come here, pumpkin. Ed opens his arms and Leah falls into them, sobbing. Leah: He tricked me. He tricked me... CUT TO INT. BATHROOM STALL Alan stands in the stall with a phone to his ear. Alan: No, no, no. I need this to go down. I want them dead. You hear me? Nothing less...I DON'T GIVE A DAMN HOW YOU KILL THEM! JUST GET THE JOB DONE! Alan ends the call. He is consumed with rage. CUT TO EXT. MAIN STREET - NIGHT Grady charges down empty, open street. Cyrus is not too far behind. Cyrus: Grady! Grady, stop! Grady: Sorry bro, I can't. Cyrus: Grady! A round of loud shots ricochet into the night air and Cyrus falls to the ground. Grady turns around to see the flashing lights from a group of cop cars. Grady: Cyrus! Cyrus breathes his last breath and goes cold. Grady: (crying) Cyrus! Cyrus! A couple of more rounds go off. Grady kneels down quickly and kisses his brother on the head and then fades into the night never to be heard from again... FADE OUT NOTE: This cast shown is closing doesn't coincide with my cast. Only using the audio.
INT. BEACON HOTEL - NIGHT We pick up where we last left off with Phillip consuming the drink. Grady watches on eagerly anticipating the outcome. As Phillip downs the last drop, he falls for the floor, convulsing. Then motionless. Beth lets out a loud scream. Beth: Phillip! The sight of Phillip sends the crowd into a frenzy. Beth kneels down next to Phillip and feels his pulse. It's faint. Beth: Mother! Rick! Someone help him. Rick and Lillian join Beth next to Phillip. Lillian starts to perform CPR on Phillip while Rick takes a whiff of the glass. Ed emerges from the crowd with his doctor bag in tow. Ed: (to Lillian) How is his pulse? Lillian: Faint. I've never seen anything like this before. Alan watches on numb and destroyed. Ed: What happened? Beth: I -- I don't know. He was just fighting with Cyrus and then I gave him a drink and he passed out. Leah slowly moves over towards Grady. Leah: (whispering) What is going on? Grady pulls out a little bottle and tosses it to Leah. The bottle reads: THALLIUM. Alex: What is wrong with Phillip? Ed, what is wrong with my nephew? Alan Michael kneels next to Ed, who is now performing CPR. A-M: You need me to do anything? Ed: Just keep everyone far back. (to Lillian) How far is the ambulance? Lillian: (holding the cell to her ear) They say about two minutes. Hang on, Phillip! Alan: (to Ed) You better make sure my son doesn't die or its your head... A-M: You need to stop with the threats. He's trying to save Phillip. Now get back. Alan: Damn you-- Alan grabs Alan Michael by the shirt, shaking him. Alan: Don't you tell me what to do! I'm your father! You will respect me you little bastard! Alex: Enough! Alan, let him go! Suddenly, a loud gunshot is heard. Everyone's attention is turned to Grady, now holding a gun. Grady: Everyone shut the h*&^ up! Now! Rick: Leah, what is your date Erik doing? Leah doesn't respond. Grady then rips the mask off to reveal himself. Grady: The name is Grady, Doogie Howser. Gasps are heard throughout the audience. Daisy: Grady! Grady: Hello sweetness. Miss me much? But then again, I doubt that. You've been dancing with pretty boy over there. Lizzie: But you are -- you're suppose to be-- Grady: Dead? Sorry, honey. Daddy's plan failed again. But he did give me this. Grady pulls his hair up to reveal the grizzly scar. James: He's the one that handed me the drink. Rick: Leah, what is going on? Grady: Payback. Alan tries to go for Grady but Grady points the gun at him. Grady: Wait a second there, Gramps. I won't hesitate to shoot you of all people. (to Harley and Frank) And you two, get over there with Phillip. I wanna keep an eye on you. Frank and Harley eases over near Phillip. Frank: Grady, you don't wanna do this. Grady: Oh shut up! Don't try that cop talk with me. It ain't gonna work. Plus why would I listen to you? You hated me. Cassie: He had good reason. Grady: Screw you. Daisy: Why? Why, Grady? Grady: Why? (losing it) WHY?! That bastard tried to kill me by tossing me over the cliff. That is why. When he found out that I was the one who kidnapped Lizzie, he tossed me over a damn cliff. One thing about it is that he should've been smart and came to check and see if I was dead. But he didn't. Sucks for him though. That thallium I put in his drink if going to kill him for sure. Ed: Thallium? Dear God. Where is the ambulance? We need them now. We don't have that much time. Rick: You're sick! Leah: No he is not! He's did the right thing... and I am glad I helped. Rick is shell-shocked. Meanwhile, Mel and Cyrus reenter the room as she holds a cloth to his face, wiping the blood from his mouth. Leah: I'd do it again. Rick looks at Mel and Cyrus as well. Rick: Let me guess, you were in this also? Mel: What are you talking about? Grady turns around and waves at Mel. Mel: Grady? Grady: Hello, Mel. Longtime no see -- well for you. But I've been seeing much of you. Thanks for letting me crash at your pad. Well then again you never knew that. So maybe I should thank my brother. Thank you, Cyrus. Mel looks at Cyrus for an answer. Cyrus looks away not wanting to look at her, as if he is embarrassed. Mel: Cyrus...? Remy: I knew it! I knew it! I knew he was up to no good! Lizzie: Leah, how could you? My father is your Godfather... Leah: (laughs) Godfather? Some Godfather he is then. Especially when he blew my life to hell. My parents had the perfect marriage until this bozo ruined it, and persuaded my idiotic father into helping him escape the country. HE RUINED MY FAMILY! (to Rick) WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HELP HIM?! Rick is heartbroken at his plea. Kevin: Leah, I -- I can sympathize with you too. He ruined my family too. But you didn't have to do this. I mean revenge isn't the way to go about it. Leah: Revenge is the way to go about it. Grady did us all a favor. He killed one part of the evil that hovers over this town. Phillip Spaulding brought hell to us all when he went on that rampage and yet everyone is so easy to sweep it under the rug like its nothing -- nothing at all! The sirens grow louder as the come closer. Grady: Sorry to have to cut this short but we have places to be, people to meet. So sianara, Springfield. Grady grabs Leah by the hand. Grady: Ready darling? Leah: (a beat to ponder, then) Yes. More than ever. Rick: LEAH! Mel: You are going nowhere with him! Mel breaks the two hands apart. Grady aims the gun at Mel. Grady: There ain't no stoppin' us woman. Now I would hate to have to shoot you, Mel. Now move... Mel stands in place for a sec and then willingly moves out the way. Mel: You can go... but alone. Not with my daughter! Leah: Mother, I am grown! Mel: I don't give a damn! You aren't going with him. Leah: Oh yes I am! Mel: No the hell you are not! Girl, I made you and I can break you. Leah throws a fit and smacks the punch bowl off the table. It shatters on the floor. Leah: Mom, why are you doing this me? I have to go. I am in too deep now. Mel: No you are not! He preyed on you. Don't you see that? Leah looks at her mother for an answer and then Grady. Leah: Not true, right? Grady and Leah stare into each others eyes for a period. He then leans over and kisses her on the head. Grady: Goodbye, partner. Grady flees out the building. Cyrus: Grady! Grady! Cyrus runs after him. Mel: Cyrus! Leah: (tearing up) He used me... He used me... AND on Leah distraught, FADE OUT COMING UP ON TGL: THE FINAL HALF: - Alan calls in a favor with some shady cops - One of the brothers dies via firing squad - The other one goes on the run
INT. BALCONY Driven with anger, Alex drags Alan behind her up the stairs. Alan finally breaks away when they reach the balcony. Alan: What now? Alex: India?! India?! Of all people you put in charge of public relations, you put India in charge! Alan is enthusiastic and pleased by Alex's rage. Sort of as if he is high off it. Alan: Of course. Who better than India to do public relations? Alex: HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DAMN MIND? Alan: Now, Sis-- Alex: Oh don't try too butter me up -- not now! You have revived a monster. And the sad part about is that you never consulted me! I thought we promised that we were going to run Spaulding as a team! Alan: Alex-- Alex: Oh why am I surprised? Why? I mean this is you who I am dealing with -- not someone logical. More tyrannical is what you are. What about Phillip? Have you consulted him? Alan: No. This why my decision to better the company. Spaulding Enterprise is suffering dearly and what better way to rejuvenate than by having someone like India helping us. Alex: Oh please. That woman is going to drive us into the ground with her incompetence and arrogance. Alan: You're being bias. Alex: Damn right I am. I can be biased when it comes to India. I know that girl from inside out. She is no good. Alan: Deal with it. India is here to stay. She already signed the contract. Alex: Then we'll break it. Alan: And she'll be able to get a hefty settlement out of this. Alex: Good for her. I am glad she'll be happy with that. I'll go give her the good news. Alex starts to walk off, but Alan grabs her by the arm stopping her. Alan: I'm not going to let you fire India due your prejudice towards her. Alex: Alan, stop! This coming from a man who've done every dirty deed there is in the business world trying to teach me morality? Alan: She is staying. Alex: Fine. But I'll just stage a board meeting to have her removed. Alan: And you'll be opening up a can of worms. Alex: Good! Alex storms off. CUT TO DAISY where she stands next to the punch table. Leah and "Erik" (Grady) approach the table. Daisy: Hey Leah. Nice costume. Leah: Thanks. Yours is nice too. Daisy: And who is the date? Leah becomes anxious. Leah: Umm -- he -- Grady: (southern accent) I'm Erik. Grady grabs her hand and gently kisses it. Daisy: Nice to meet you, Erik. Daisy is impressed by him. Leah manages to ease up. Erik: Shall we dance, Leah? Leah: Yeah. Leah nods to Daisy and takes Grady to the dance floor. Daisy watches on smiling for beat until she notices something weird about "Erik." His walk, too familiar to her. Daisy: If I did not know any better... (dismissing it) No. It can't be. It just can't be... CUT TO BACK ON THE TERRACE Trista stands alone away from the boys. She is a bit unnerved. The boys look at her in worry. Kevin: Your secret? Trista: I don't know how to say this, but... my father. He is the reason I came to Springfield. Kevin: Your father is in Springfield? I thought your father was dead? Trista: I lied. Rocky: Do we know him? Trista: Indeed. Kevin: OK. Well who is he? Trista: Rusty Shayne. Kevin & Rocky: RUSTY SHAYNE?! Trista: Yep. Rocky: Wow. Trista: That is why I came to Springfield. To find my father -- well his family. I knew he was in Tulsa. But I know that majority of my family is here. I mean what better way to get to know him then through the people that know him best. Rocky: So that is why you were so stunned to see him. Why didn't you tell him the truth? Trista: Because now is not the time. We hear a loud crash (the sound of glass crashing) in the background. Rocky: What is going on now? The three turn their attention towards the inside CUT TO DANCE FLOOR Phillip has Cyrus jacked up against a wall. Mel, Beth, and Rick try to grab Phillip off. Dancing ceases as everyone has their attention on this situation. Mel: What are you doing! Phillip: Mel, go away. Me and kangaroo boy have some things to discuss. Mel: I'm not going anywhere. You let him go! Beth: Phillip! Phillip, what are you doing! Phillip: Getting rid of the trash. Mel: Phillip, get off of him now! Rick, stop him! Rick: Why should I help? I for one support Phillip in beating the pretty boy up. Mel: (to Rick) STUPID BASTARD! I'm not the least bit surprised. You're just as deranged and Phillip is. Grady and Leah at this time make their way to the front of the crowd. As Grady is about to head over there, Leah stops him. Leah: Let me go. You go and prepare for the finale. Grady nods and stays while Leah advances to the situation. Leah: Mom, what is going on? Rick: Leah, get back. Leah: How about not. Mr. Spaulding, let Cyrus go now! An ominous glimmer in Phillip's eyes takes over. Cyrus grins, knowing he has brought the dark side out of Phillip. Cyrus: Come on silver spoon... kill me. Lizzie: (O.C) Dad! Stop! Mel and Beth continue to try and yank Phillip off. Phillip won't budge. Leah: (to Rick) Aren't you gonna stop him? Rick just stands there. No emotion. No response. Leah: Not the least bit surprised. Bill and James walk over and manage to pull Cyrus off. Cyrus dusts himself off. Meanwhile, Beth and Mel run to their respective others, checking them for scars. Mel: YOU ANIMALS! You people act like damn savages. What has Cyrus done to you all? Phillip: Breathed. He's scum just like his brother. Scum that needs to be rid of. Cyrus: You'd know about that, huh? Beth: My God you two stop! James, get your father a drink. Grady, now standing on the end of the punch table where the punch is located, pours something from a flask into a glass. When James approaches the table, Grady hands him the glass. James: Thanks man. Grady: No problem. No problem at all... James scurries back and hands it off to Beth. Beth hands Phillip the glass but he dismissive of it. Phillip: I don't need a damn drink! What I need is a shotgun! Alan emerges from amongst the crowd. Alan: That can be arranged but not tonight, Son... Mel grabs Cyrus and walks off. Beth: Here, Phillip! Drink this now! Phillip tries to fight her but give in and takes the glass. He guzzles down the poison. From a far, Grady watches on in delight. Grady: There you go. Down the poison. Down the poison... FADE OUT COMING UP -The Finale...
EXT. TERRACE Rocky stands alone drinking punch as Kevin and Trista come off the dance floor sharing a laugh. Trista: That was great! And you had the never to say you couldn't dance. Kevin: But I can't. Trista: You were fine. Rocky: You looked fine to me too. Kevin: Thanks, man. I really enjoyed myself. Rocky: Only the best for my best friend. Rocky turns away looking off into the night. Trista: You're not mad are you? Rocky: (turning back) Me? No. Trista: Something is bothering you. What is it now? Rocky: Spaulding boy. Both Trista and Kevin toss their arms up in defeat. Rocky: What? Kevin: Dude, you have to get over James and Daisy being with each other. Rocky: This coming from the guy who happens to like Daisy. Kevin blushes in embarrassment. Trista: If James is bothering you so much then do something about it. Punch him. Sock him. Kevin: Trista! Trista: What? I don't care. He ticked me off when he demoted me to the advice column. Hmph. Just jealous because he knows that I AM a better writer than he is. Kevin: (sadly) At least you're happy with what you're doing. Rocky: What is that suppose to mean? Kevin: Nothing. Just act like you never heard it. Kevin starts to walk inside. Trista gestures Rocky to stop his friends. Rocky dismisses her plea until Trista grabs him by the arm, swinging him up to Kevin. Rocky: Come on. Tell what is wrong. Kevin: I'm surprised you can't tell what my problem is. Trista: If it is about Daisy-- Kevin: It's not Daisy! It's me! I'm not happy. You guys constantly brag about how fun you are having in college while I am not. Trista and Kevin are puzzled by Kevin's confession. Rocky goes to interject when, Kevin: I hate my major! I don't wanna be a lawyer. But you know what, I have to be! Why?! Because my mom want me and Jason to be just like my dad. A lawyer. And I hate it. I just hate it! I can never be as passionate about the law as my dad was. Jason, yes. Me, no. I hate law. Trista: Then change your major. It's not that hard. People do it all the time. It's part of the college. (laughing) Hell after James demoted me, I might consider changing my major to get away from him. Kevin: (irate) It's not the same! Trista: I apologize then. Kevin: Don't. Rocky: Then what is it that you wanna do? What do you wanna be? What major has your passion? Kevin: You can't tell?! Trista finally gets it as she closely examines Kevin's costume while Rocky is still clueless. Rocky: I don't? Trista: (overlapping, murmur) A doctor. That's it. Rocky: What? Trista: A doctor. That is why you were looking the med lab that day I found you. The longing look you had in your face. Kevin nods his head. Trista: So you wanna be a healer? That's great! Kevin, you should totally do it! Kevin: It's not so easy when you have a mother like mine. Kevin, tired of it all, drops his face into his hands. CUT TO INT. POWDER ROOM India stands in the mirror fixing her hair when the door gently opens and in comes Alex. An ominous grins is all of a sudden wiped upon India's face. India: Why hello, Stepmother dearest. Alex: What do you want, India? India: Nothing. Can't a girl just say hello to her favorite stepmother? Alex: I'm your only stepmother. Get to the point. India: Why do you always assume that here is ploy when it comes to me? Alex: Because there is. India-- India: Look, Alex, I'm just being cordial. That is all. Alex is doubtful of this and just plays along. India: Can't we just get along? For once? Alex: Why? India, back then I had no choice to put up with you due to Leo but now-- India: You have no choice because we have to work together. Alex: Work together? India: Why yes. Did you not hear? Alex: Hear what? India: Alan gave me a job at Spaulding. Alex: HE DID WHAT?! India: Yes. He put me in charge of public relations. He said that I had that "special thing" that will bring publicity to this company. Alex paces back and forth, livid by this. India: Mommy, dear... you have no choice. I'm not going anywhere. See you at work. India closes her clutch purse and walks out the bathroom, very pleased. Alex: DAMMIT ALAN!!! And on Alex kicking the stall door in sheer anger, FADE OUT COMING UP ON THE NEXT HALF - Daisy suspicions arise - Alex give Alan a piece of her mind - Trista shares her secret - Phillip and Cyrus square off - Phillip is poisoned
EXT. BEACON HOTEL – NIGHT Leah looks as at Rick while searching for an answer. Rick: Leah, I asked you who you were talking too? Leah: I -- umm… I was talking too— The loud rustle of the leaves is heard and then all of a sudden, Grady hops out the bushes dressed in his phantom costume. Grady: (in a deep southern accent) I was, Sir. She was talkin' to me. Rick is perplexed by the presence of Grady. Rick: Do I know you? You look very familiar? Leah: NO! You don't know him he is new? Rick: (unsure) Are you sure? I've seen him somewhere. I can almost be certain… Leah: You have not met him. Rick: Oh really…What is your name young man? Grady is speechless. Leah: Dad! Have you ever heard of introducing yourself first? Rick: I'm talking to him, Leah! What is your name, Son? Grady: Erik! My name is Erik! Rick: Erik. OK. (extending his hand) Nice to meet you, Erik. Leah: I'll meet you inside, Erik. Grady nods his head understandingly. He scurries on the inside. Leah: (agitated) Why did you do that? Why? Rick: Do what? Leah: Oh so now your oblivious? You just badgered my date. Rick: I'm sorry but I just have to know who you're here with. Leah: You don't! Last time I checked I was an adult -- meaning I can do anything I please. Rick: Now I don't know about that… Leah: Leave me alone! Leah storms off leaving Rick at a loss. CUT TO INT. BEACON HOTEL BALLROOM – NIGHT Trista advances toward Kevin, who is posted up against the wall sipping punch. Trista: Are you ever going to come off that wall? Kevin: Why would I? Not like I have anyone to dance with. Trista: There's always me. Kevin is appreciative of this gesture. Kevin: Thanks. But I could not ask you to do that. Trista: But you could. I'm offering. Kevin: And Rocky is OK with this? Trista: He has no choice plus he agrees that I should dance with you. Kevin: I don't know… Trista: Kevin… Kevin sits the glass down on the table as Trista drags him onto the dance floor. Kevin: I'm warning you now that I am not a good dancer. Trista: Who cares. Let's dance. Kevin and Trista begin to dance. Looking on from a far is James slow dancing with Daisy. James looks on longing. DREAM SEQUENCE – JAMES' DAYDREAM Trista and James are intertwined on the dance floor slow dancing, arm in arm. No else is there but the two of them. Trista: Who knew you were romantic, James. James: And who knew I would have these feeling for you. Trista and James eyes interlock and the two slowly ease in for a kiss and as their lips are about to touch… Daisy: (V.O) James… END OF SEQUENCE James shakes his head coming out the daydream. Daisy looks concerned. Daisy: You OK? James: (pulling her back closer) Yeah. I'm fine. The two start to dance again but James just can't keep his eyes off of Trista. ON THE BALCONY Phillip is still scopes out the crowd. Lizzie: (O.C) Dad, hey you. Phillip turns around to see Lizzie and Bill (dressed as Catwoman & Batman) standing behind him. Lizzie: Why aren't you dancing? Phillip: (chuckles) No reason, sweetheart. I'd just rather stay up here and watch everyone else enjoy. (takes notice of the costume) Nice costume though. A bit risqué but nice. Lizzie lassos her whip and hits the floor with it making a loud CRACKLE. Lizzie: Thanks, Dad. Now excuse me and Bill while we— Phillip: Boogie? Lizzie: Eww no. Dance. Dad…(pats him on the back) enough with the old people lingo. Phillip: Old people! Lizzie and Bill head off laughing. Phillip, still laughing goes back to scoping out the crowd. Phillip: Old people. That silly daughter of mine… Amongst the crowd, Phillip notices something -- someone weird. He and Cyrus, who is dancing with Mel, meet eyes. So tense. So deadly. FADE OUT COMING UP ON THE GUIDING LIGHT - Leah sneaks Grady in as her date & Daisy is suspicious - Kevin shares his secret with Trista & Rocky. - Alex & India square off over her new position at Spauldings, laying the foundation for a Spaulding civil war. - Trista reveals her secret to her two friends as well - Rusty squares off a Senator prompting him to make a decision - Rusty is shocked...his fiance is here! - The Foley Brothers plan to poison Phillip - Alan calls in a favor - The night ends bad for someone KNOW YOUR GUIDING LIGHT: CLASSIC CLIP http://www.youtube.c...h?v=fE4yEorY100
INT. BEACON HOTEL - NIGHT - BALLROOM Alan and Phillip stand on the balcony overlooking everyone below dancing, conversing, just plain enjoying themselves. Phillip is dressed up as Centurion and Alan, George Washington. Phillip: It was a great idea to throw this party, Dad. Alan: Thanks, Son. Been awhile since Springfield has thrown such a party like this. Caroline (dressed up as Burlesque dancer) forms a wedge in between Alan and Phillip. Caroline: Sorry, Mr. Spaulding but I have something that came for Mr. Phillip. Caroline hands Phillip an envelope that reads: READ ALONE. Alan: Who is that from? Phillip: Don't know. No return address. Alan takes the envelope and is about to open it when Phillip takes it back. Phillip: Dad, it's for me. And it says READ ALONE. Meaning for me, not for you. Caroline chortles but Alan looks side eyes, reprimanding her to stop. Phillip: Dad, ease up. Go and dance with Caroline. Caroline: (joyous) Well that sound great! Alan: I don't-- Caroline drags Alan off to dance. Phillip, now alone, opens up the envelope to pull out a letter. The letter (in red ink) reads: "TONITE IS THE NIGHT...THE ENDING OF YOU..." Phillip places the letter in his pocket and agitated, scopes the room out. ON THE DANCE FLOOR Caroline finally drags him there and the two start to get down. Nearby is Trista (dressed as Scarlett O'Hara) and Rocky (as Rhett Butler) dancing. Rocky: Are you OK? I mean the way you were when you saw Mr. Shayne. Trista: I said I'm fine. Rocky: You sure? Trista: Positive. Guess I was just upset about the article still. Rocky: Well you shouldn't let Spaulding boy get to you. Rocky gazes over at James (dressed as Marc Antony) and Daisy (dressed as Cleopatra) dancing close. Rocky: What does my niece see in him? Why is she even here with him? Trista: Why are you so fixated on what they are doing? I thought I was your date for the evening? Rocky: You are. Trista: Then shouldn't your attention be on me? Rocky looks at Trista lovingly. Rocky: It should be. I apologize. Trista: Good. Rocky: But-- Trista: But what? What now? Rocky: Kevin. Kevin is who I wanted Daisy to come with. I just wish he would've had the balls to ask her. Trista: You know he is shy. As a matter of fact, where is Kevin? Rocky points across the room to Kevin (dressed as a surgeon), who stands up against the wall alone looking out at everyone. Trista: Poor Kevin. Maybe I should ask him to dance. Rocky: Maybe you should. But just ONE. You're my date. Trista dances away from Rocky. Trista: And you know it. Be right back. Trista heads off towards Kevin. Meanwhile, Mel and Cyrus come down the stairs arm in arm dressed up as the Monster of Frankenstein and his Bride. DJ: (on mic) Now entering, Mel Boudreau and her date, Cyrus Foley. Mel gleams at the sound of the applause from the crowd. Cyrus: Nice crowd tonight, eh? Mel: I say. Mel and Cyrus reach the final step met by Christina and Remy. Mel: Remy! Remy: Hey big sis. (coldly) Foley. Cyrus: Remy. And hello to you too, Christina. Christina: Thanks. You guys look great. Mel: So do you -- (confused) how are you two suppose to be? Christina: Ike and Tina! Duh, Mel. Mel: Oh my. How cliche. Remy: I agree. I would've rather been Whitney and Bobby. Mel is stunned by this. Cyrus: I happen to like them. Christina: Thanks. Despite the fact that Ike was a woman beater, he gave the world a precious gift...(spins around) TINA TURNER BABY!! Mel: (to herself) Jesus take the wheel... Remy: What was that, Mel? Mel: I said I need a drink. Mel chases after the waiter, who has just wandered by. For a beat, there is an awkward silence between Remy and Cyrus. Cyrus: So... Remy: Have you seen, Leah? Cyrus: She was right behind us outside, but I think she met up with some of her friends outside. Remy: Oh. Well maybe I'll get to see her before the night is over. CUT TO EXT. BEACON HOTEL - NIGHT Leah, dressed up as Christine (Phantom of the Opera), sneaks over to a bush nearby the entrance. She tosses the bag she is carrying into the bushes. Grady: (O.S) Ouch. Leah: (whispering) Sorry. We hear the sound of the bag unzipping. Leah: So -- do you like it? Grady: What the hell is this? Leah: It's Erik. Grady: Who? Leah: (moans) Erik. From Phantom of the Opera. Don't tell me you've never read it before. Grady: No. Did you forget that I grew up in an orphanage. Leah: So what. Many astute people were orphans. Grady: OK. But, the orphanage I grew up in was POOR! We didn't get books. Hell they didn't even care about schooling. Leah: My bad. I'll give you a copy of it before you leave after tonight. Grady: (sarcastically) Great...can't wait to read it. Leah: Listen you-- A touches Leah on the shoulder. She screams out and turns around to spot her father, Rick standing behind her dressed as Charlie Chaplin. Rick: Leah, who are you talking too? And on Leah searching for an answer: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=nvEiM5AUIb8 COMING UP TODAY'S EPISODE - Phillip grows uneasy about the letter - Leah sneaks Grady in as her date & Daisy is suspicious - Kevin shares his secret with Trista & Rocky. - Trista reveals her secret to her two friends as well - Rusty squares off a Senator prompting him to make a decision - Rusty is shocked...his fiance is here! - James wishes he was here with Trista - The Foley Brothers plan to poison Phillip - India shocks Alex when she reveals the new position Alan has given her at Spauldings. - Alex wants full control of Spaulding Enterprises and nothing less. - Alan calls in a favor - The night ends bad for someone...in a blood bath!
SPOILER ALERT!!! READ @ YOUR OWN RISK (HIGHLIGHT THEM) Two more Reardons are headed to Springfield John Hu arrives soon causing trouble Alan Michael learns the truth Kevin's secret sends Blake into a fury and Rick is involved Mel is pregnant Olivia still want vengeance but at the cost of her own relationship Mallet and Dinah are still drawn to each other Marina still wants Shayne When Lizzie chooses Alex's side over his, this causes him to call in the big dogs. Trista continues to get closer to the Shayne clan Hawk is first to learn about Trista Quint and Nola are in for the shock of their life Bill surprisingly sides with Alan causing turmoil between himself and Lizzie Phillip wants something more and Beth ain't got it.
INT. CROSS CREEK - DAY Marah enters followed by Shayne with Henry. The two hang their coats on the rack. Marah: Mom! Mom, where are you? Reva: Come in the living room, kids. Shayne and Marah come into the living room to spot Reva standing in the center of the room with a grin on her face. Marah: Mom, what did you want? Reva: I have a surprise for the both of you. Shayne: A surprise? From you? (to Marah) ...I'm scared. Reva pops Shayne on the arm. Reva: Oh funny. You're such a jokester. Reva takes Henry and puts him in the play pen with Colin. Reva: Seriously, I have a surprise for the both of you. You're gonna love it. Marah: Unless its a time machine that can spin back the hands of time then I don't want it. Hawk: (O.C) Then will Father Time do, dear? Marah and Shayne are giddy at the sound of the voice. Hawk pops out the closet. Reva: Surprise! Marah becomes emotional and falls into her grandpa's arms. Hawk is speechless at Marah's action. And he consoles her by caressing her hair. Hawk: Marah, honey, why are you crying? Marah: Just happy. So happy to see you. Hawk: Well so am I. But I am no one special to cry over. Marah: I doubt that. Hawk leads Marah to the couch where they sit. The two lock hands, like the bond they share. Marah: Oh Gramps, I have missed you. Hawk: Well worry no more. I have more good news for you. Shayne: (sitting on the arm of the couch) And what could that be? Hawk: Your Uncle Rusty is here-- Marah gasps. Hawk: And we've decided to move back Springfield -- just for now. No long terms but just to try and bring the family back together. Marah: That's great! -- (downplaying her joy) I mean OK. What about Aunt Roxie. Hawk: Roxie, unfortunately won't be able to join us. But she sends her love. She and Johnny are going to stay in Tulsa so she can be near her doctors. But she does promise to come and visit, hopefully for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Marah: Good. Reva starts to tear up at the sight of her family together. Hawk takes notice. Hawk: Oh, Sister! You too?! Reva: Dad, I'm sorry. Just seeing four generations of Shaynes in this room makes me wanna cry. Hawk: Oh brother... CUT TO INT. COMPANY - DAY Frank stands at the counter drinking coffee when Rusty comes up and taps him on the shoulder. Frank: What the-- Rusty? Rusty: In the flesh. The two hug it out. Frank: What are you doing here? Rusty: Dad and I decided to come back Springfield for awhile -- to kind of help out with the family. Frank: Good. Glad to have you back. Maybe we can get you back at the police station. Rusty: I don't know about that... Frank: Oh come on. Rocky and Trista enter, arguing. Rocky: See I told you. I told you about those Spauldings. Trista: You don't have to tell me twice. He had the nerve to demote me to the advice column. Rocky: Typical Spaulding. Wielding his ample power when feeling threatened. Trista: Who you telling. But I am going to go into the bathroom to switch into my uniform. I'll be back out shortly. Trista runs off to the ladies' room. Frank peeks around Rusty to see what the commotion to see Rocky and Trista. Frank: (to Rusty) I want you to meet someone. Hey, Rocky! Come here. Rocky advances towards Rusty and Frank. Frank: You remember, Rusty don't you? Rocky: I do. (shakes Rusty hand) Rusty: My have you grown. Last time I saw you was-- Rocky: Around the time my mom died. Rusty: Yeah. Trista comes out the bathroom now in her uniform. Rocky: Hey, Rusty, meet my friend, Trista. Rusty spins around to face Trista. At the sight of Rusty, Trista become a deer in headlights. Stunned, motionless. FLASHBACK SEQUENCE -- TRISTA'S ATTIC Trista (around 4) goes through a chest filled with pictures, clothes, etc. She pulls out a dusty photo of a young Laurel and Rusty. (NOTE: After he left the show back in 1989). Trista hands it to her mother, Laurel. Trista: Mommy, who is this? Laurel: Honey, that is your father. Trista: My daddy? You mean I do have a daddy? Laurel: Yes baby. Trista: Then where is he? Why isn't he here with me. Laurel: Baby, its complicated. But one day when you are older I will tell you the truth. Promise. Trista: Promise? Laurel: I promise... END OF FLASHBACK Rocky: Trista! Trista are you OK? Trista: I don't know. But I think I am now... And on Rusty smiling, and Trista in a daze, FADE OUT NEXT ON TGL -- Halloween in Springfield this year comes to a grizzly end as the Foley Bros. leave Springfield in an unforgettable manner. -- The Foley's demise lays the groundwork for a Spaulding feud for power CLASSIC TGL SCENE OF THE WEEK: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=zMbnF0KzACc NOTE: THESE CREDITS DON'T GO WITH MY SHOW. JUST USING THE ENDING THEME http://www.youtube.c...h?v=M2V-WdVbZlQ P&G/TELENEXT MEDIA PRODUCTIONS, 2009 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=6K1N-RQI_Cc INT. COMPANY - DAY Harley sits in a booth alone sipping on coffee as Mel enters, glowing. Harley looks from behind her paper to notice Mel. Mel smile at her and Harley waves for her to come over. Mel walks over and joins her at the booth. Mel: Hey you. What is going on as of late? Harley: Nothing much. Just slowly settling back into life in Springfield. Who knew leaving here and coming back would be so hard. Mel: Well life goes on. Harley: That is does. It does so much that you've got a new man. Mel tenses up. Mel: So -- So you know about me and- Harley: Cyrus? Yep. Rick told me about you two. Mel: He did! Harley: Mel, calm down. It's fine with me. Mel: No that is not the point. He has not right to tell you. If anything you should've heard about it from me. Harley: Hey, hey, if it makes you feel better, Rick only mentioned it while he was having a rant. A jealous one at that. Mel: I don't care about what he was having. He needs to mind his own damn business. When he signed his John Hancock to the divorce papers, I was wiped cleaned of him telling me what to do. The only thing we have in common now is Leah -- only Leah. My personal life is off limits to him. Harley: Now, Mel-- Harley looks over at the entrance where now Rick enters looking around. Harley gestures Rick to leave but Rick stand there confused. Mel spins around to see Rick. Mel: Oh no. Call him over here now. Harley: Mel... Mel: No. Call him. Mel waves for Rick to come over. Rick does as he is told and joins them. Rick: Hey everyone. What is going on? Harley: Nothing... Harley anxiously sips her coffee. Mel: Well apparently you told Harley about me and Cyrus. Rick searches for an answer. Mel: No need for you to come up with some excuse. You've been caught. Might as well fess up. Rick: Mel, regardless you are the mother of my child and anything that affects Leah affects me. Mel: (laughs) Funny. So funny. Now if you care so much about me when we were married and you were screwing Beth... Harley rises up. Harley: Maybe I should leave... Mel pulls her back down. Mel: How about not. You're in it now. Thanks to this nosy bastard. Rick: Nosy? I wouldn't have to be so nosy if you weren't sleeping with Foley. Mel: I can sleep with whoever the hell I want?! Everyone in the restaurant watches on. Mel: (getting up) And may I add, last night I had the most incredible sex with Foley. Better than anything I had with you. The man oozes passion and loyalty -- something you to learn from him. He is a real man. Rick: A real criminal. Harley: Dear God. Mel, please sit down. Rick, stop. Mel: Oh no worries. I am about to leave anyways. Gotta date with Cyrus. Another rump in the sheets. Adios. Mel exits. Rick sits in silence, raging hot mad. Harley: That was so my fault... Rick: Of course. CUT TO EXT. COMPANY - DAY Mel skyrockets down the sidewalk and in a blind rage bumps into Cyrus. Cyrus: Ouch. (noticing Mel) Hey what is wrong? Mel: Let's go. Cyrus: But I thought we were going to eat at Company. Mel: Not to today. Rick is in there. And he has been telling people about you and me. Cyrus: ...And the issue is? Mel: It's none of his business. Can we just go? Go to Towers. Cyrus: It's not gonna matter. You can't escape him. It is not like you can escape him unless you leave Springfield. Mel: Do you wanna do that? I am all for it. Cyrus: No. We are not gonna run from Rick. We'll just deal with him. OK? Mel looks into Cyrus' eyes for solace. He smiles at her reassuring her things will be just fine. Mel: OK. I trust you. I trust you. Cyrus: Good. I'm glad you do. Cyrus and Mel hug. And on Cyrus' smile turning into uncertainty, FADE OUT COMING UP ON THE FINAL HALF: - Hawk reunites with his grandchildren. - Rusty meets someone that affects his future ON THE NEXT TGL: -The Foley Bros. time in Springfield comes to an end with Alan and Phillip at the root of it all. - Alex makes a move to resume control over Spaulding, starting an all out Spaulding war with lines drawn.
FADE IN: INT. CROSS CREEK – DAY – CONTINUATION Rusty and Hawk sit on the sofa playing with Colin when Reva comes in the room with a pot of coffee. Hawk: My has he grown! He just keeps getting bigger and bigger by the second. Must be that Shayne gene in em’. You know Rusty and Reva, all three of you were big babies too. Reva: (jokingly) I beg to differ. I was small and petit. Hawk: Oh whatever, sister. They all share a laugh. Rusty: So where did Jeffrey go? Reva: Who cares. I don’t. Hawk: Uh oh. What now? Reva: Nothing. Hawk: Nothing my behind. Reva, now you tell your daddy what is botherin’ you. Ya’ hear me now. Reva: Pa ain’t nothin’ wrong. Hawk: You lying, Reva. Reva: Daddy! Hawk: Well fine. I won’t ask you anymore. Reva: Good. Let’s drop it. We have better things to talk about beside Jeffrey. Rusty: Like you getting your old job back at Lewis Construction? Reva: (pouring coffee in their mugs) How did you know about that? Did Joshua call you and tell you? Rusty: No, Billy did. Reva: That ole loud mouth. I wanted to share the news with you all. Hawk: Who cares? I wanna know why you and Jeffrey are going at it and I wanna know now! Reva & Rusty: Pa! Hawk: Oh don’t you two think you are going to gang up on me. Not gonna work. Back then, yes. But now, no. Rusty: Pa, she said to drop it. (sips his coffee) Take the hint. Hawk: Well that is thing…I don’t take the hint. When I wanna know something, I get to the bottom of it and Reva – you should understand that all the meddling you do. Reva: (taken aback) Me? Meddlesome. Hawk: Yes you. Reva: You’re not going to drop this until I tell you, won’t you? Hawk: Nope. (slides forward in his seat) Now get to talkin’ sister. Rusty: Dad, please. If Reva doesn’t want to tell you about Jeffrey trying to help Olivia toss Marah out the funeral then oh well… Reva: How did you know that! Hawk: (overlapping) What! Rusty: Oops… Reva: How did you know that? Joshua? Billy? Cassie? Rusty: No, Frank. Reva: Uggh!! Can’t people in this town keep their mouth shut for once. Hawk: Forget that, sister. I can’t believe that O’Neill tried to have Marah tossed out the church – I should’ve tossed him out on his keister when he was here -- (coming the realization) and why didn’t you say anything till now, Rusty boy? Rusty: Dad, it was none of your business. Hawk: Like hell it wasn’t. How about when you have kids and they get in trouble – then you tell me it’s not your business. CUT TO: INT. SPRINGFIELD U – DAY - NEWSROOM Trista approaches a door that reads “THE COUGAR TELEGRAPH.” She opens the door to enter inside the school newspaper office where her fellow peers work about on the paper. James stands at the helm of the room overlooking everything and quickly notices Trista sliding into the room. James: You’re late, Tucker. Trista: By a minute! James: And a lot can happen in a minute. Now you whined about me letting you get onto the staff and you can’t even do a single thing such as showing up on time? Trista: Someone is being very melodramatic… James: Call it what you want but I want our school to lead other schools in the state when it comes to the news. Apparently you don’t have the same drive. Trista: I do. James: Then why are you late? Trista: I had to help a friend? James: Who? Rocky? That boy— Trista: Oh shut up. It wasn’t Rocky. It was Kevin. James: Kevin? Kevin Marler? Trista: Yes, Kevin Marler. You know the guy who happens to be your cousin. James: I know that. But what is wrong with Kevin? Trista: He wouldn’t tell me. James: Then there was probably no problem. See if you had that initiative to figure out what is wrong with your friends and aim that at the paper— Trista: Oh shut up, James. Trista walks away from James to her station where she flicks on her computer. James: You know you are going to pay for this. Trista: You running your mouth and barking out orders is punishment enough. James: That is not what I am talking about. James reaches over and grabs a big mail sack and tosses it on Trista’s desk. Trista’s jaw drop because she knows that James is about to do. Trista: YOU’RE DEMOTING ME TO THE ADVICE COLUMN?! James: As editor of this paper it is my duty to demote anyone that gets out of line and done not pull their slack – so yes if that answers your question. I am demoting you. Have funny, Trista – or should I say Abby? James walks off laughing but Trista is not going to stand for this. She chases after him. Trista: Why? Why are you doing this to me? I should tell Daisy! James: Tell her. Not like she’s going to change my opinion on this. You’re doing the advice column and that is it. Deal with it. Trista slams her fists on the table. Trista: No! Oh no! I’m one of the best damn reporters on the staff. Better than you might I add. James: Oh really? Trista: Really! We all know you only got appointed to the position because you’re granddad sits on the school board. Everyone knows that a SENIOR should be editor. Not a freshman. James: My granddad had nothing to do with me getting this position. Trista: Oh please. You can fool Daisy with that drivel you spit out but not me. Not Trista Tucker! James: Get to work. James sits at his desk. Trista: Fine. I’ll do the damn advice column, James, just to show you that I am not only a better writer than you but versatile as well. James: Good. Then do it. Trista storms off. Scott, James’ friend and fellow journalist advances toward him. Scott: Here you go. Scott hands James his article. James snatches it. James: She has the nerve—did you hear her allegations? My granddad helped me get on this paper. Get real? Scott: James… James: What? Scott: Now we have been friends since we went to Lincoln Prep together and I have been nothing but honest with you, right? James: Where are you going with this? Scott: I think you like her. James: (buried in the article) Who? Scott: Trista. James shoots a menacingly look at Scott. James: Are you on crack? Scott: No…Just calling things the way I see it. James hands Scott back his article. Scott walks away leaving James, uncomfortable. James: Me? Like Tucker? James looks over in Tirsta’s direction. Trista, not noticing James watching her, pours the bag of mail on her station. The mass of mail causes her to moan. James: …Nah. James looks back at Trista and forms a smile on his face. A loving smile. FADE OUT
INT. SPRINGFIELD UNIVERSITY - DAY - HALLWAY Trista scurries inside when she notices Kevin sluggishly moving down the hallway. Trista slows down watching Kevin. Kevin peeks through a classroom window, a lab. Trista approaches Kevin and taps him on the shoulder. Kevin jumps up in fear. Kevin: God you scared me! Trista: What are you doing? I thought you had constitutional law now. Kevin: I do. Trista: And you're standing here because...? Kevin: I wanted to skip class ok? Kevin starts to walk away. Trista peers into the window Kevin was looking into and then follows him down the hallway. Trista: Then why were you looking inside the medical lab? Kevin stops, forming a grin on his face. Kevin: Are you always so nosey, Nancy Drew? Trista: Ha. Ha. Funny. Nancy Drew has nothing on me. But seriously, what were you looking at? Kevin: Nothing. I was seeing if my friend was in class. Trista: (not convinced) Mmm hmm. Yeah. Kevin: You don't believe me? Trista: Nope. My journalistic and womanly intuitions are telling me otherwise. Kevin: Then you might want to have them checked out. Kevin takes off down the hall again. Trista: By who? You? Kevin stops and turns to Trista. Kevin: What is that suppose to mean? Trista: For some odd reason, I am getting this feeling that you aren't happy or satisfied with your major. Kevin: Guess what? You're wrong. I happen to love studying law. Kevin takes off. Trista: (hollering down the hall) Then why are you skipping class? Kevin: Goodbye, Trista. Trista stands alone not convinced, and CUT TO INT. CROSS CREEK – DAY – LIVING ROOM Jeffrey sits on the couch reading the paper as Reva, carrying Colin, comes down the stairs. Jeffrey looks away from his paper at Reva, who apparently is ignoring him. Jeff: So are we still not talking to each other? Reva ignores Jeffrey and places Colin in his play pen. Jeff: So that is how it is going to be for now on? Reva cuts a mean glare at Jeffrey and goes into the kitchen. Jeff: Fine, Reva. Fine. Two can play that game. Jeffrey tosses the paper on the floor and grabs his briefcase. Jeff: I am going to the office where I know I am appreciated. Jeffrey goes over to the play pen where he leans over and watches Colin teething on his teething ring. Jeff: You love me. Don't you, sonny boy? Jeffrey winks at Colin and heads to the door. Jeffrey opens the door reveal Hawk and Rusty standing in the doorway in their cowboy attire. Jeff: Hawk? Rusty? Hawk: O'Neill! Hawk hugs Jeffrey, who is astonished to see them. Reva: (O.C) Pa! Pa is that you? Hawk: Sister! Sister, where are you? Reva runs to the door pushing Jeffrey out the way. She rushes into Hawk's arms. Reva: Aww, Daddy! I am so glad to see you. Rusty waves at Reva. Reva: (breaking free of Hawk) Rusty!! Reva hugs Rusty tightly. Reva: What are you two doing here? Rusty and Hawk look at each other and then their bags on the ground nearby. Reva follows their glances, placing the pieces together. Reva: No… Hawk: Yep. We are-- Reva: You guys are moving back to Springfield?! Rusty: (holding his arms out) We're back. Reva: Thank you, God!! Reva hugs Rusty and Hawk, and we FADE OUT COMING UP: -Reva, Rusty, and Hawk reunion continues -Mel & Harley discuss Cyrus with Rick getting annoyed -James and Trista argue (with a hint of flirtation) over the school paper -Rusty meets someone that will affect his future forever
I have been informed & have seen your comments but the issue is that you all cannot see them. There are so many issues with this blog that I am currently addressing with the mods when they decide to answer to back. Bear with me. And finally, please pass the word around readers about the great shows here on SON. There are so many talented writer but so little readers and writers. Please pass the word along if you post on other boards with huge amounts of posters and guests. We have to keep this place rejuvenated with fresh readers and stories. -Brandon
INT. LEAH'S BEDROOM - DAY Leah stands in front of the mirror gently stroking her hair with her brush. Her mind begins to drift off on what happened last night... FLASHBACK SEQUENCE - LEAH & GRADY Leah: Let me go! Let me go, Grady. Please. I -- I will give you anything you want. You want money, I have money. Grady: I don't need any money from you. I have my sources... Leah: Then what can I do to help you. I'll -- I'll do anything. You tell me. Grady's ponders for a second and then his face lights up. Grady: You. You -- I can use you to help me with Spaulding. Leah: What? Grady: I can use you to help me get one over on Spaulding. Leah: You mean Alan? Grady: No, Phillip. Leah is puzzled by this statement. Leah: Why are you so adamant about Phillip? Grady pulls back his hair to reveal a scar to her. Leah cringes at the sight of the grizzly, !@#$%^&*] scar. Leah: What happened to you? Grady: Phillip Spaulding and that is all I can tell you now. Leah: But if you want me to help you, you should tell me everything. Grady: How about you just shut up and do as I say. Leah: Ok... Grady releases her and pushes her away from him. Grady: And plus this should be what you want. Leah: I want? What do you mean what I want? Grady: Vengeance. Leah: For what? Grady: If it wasn't for Phillip, Rick would not have lied to your mother about helping Phillip escape the country. Leah starts to fume at the reminder of this. Grady walks up behind her and whispers in her ear, assuming control. Grady: This your chance to get one over on him. Your chance to pay Phillip back for the misery he has caused you. Come on Leah, join me. Join me... END OF FLASHBACK FADE OUT http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Tip-lmQA13o THIS EPISODE: -Kevin finds love in another major that Blake won't approve of -Harley and Mel talk about Cyrus with Rick learning about the night before -Phillip is threatened -Two more Shaynes come home with one having a secret
INT. MEL'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Cyrus kicks the door in while carrying Mel. The two passionately kiss, devouring each other. Cyrus lies Mel on the bed gently and stand above her, examining this goddess. He is in awe at what he sees. Cyrus: My God. I have never seen something so beautiful in my life. Mel: Then make love to me. Take me now. I am yours. Mel willingly stretches across the bed. Cyrus turns away, dejecting her. Mel notices this and his hurt. Mel: I thought you said I was beautiful? What is wrong? Cyrus: I don't know -- are we moving too fast? Mel, should we be doing this? Mel: ...Umm YEAH! I have not had any in a long time and I desperately need it. Mel grabs Cyrus by the hand, turning him back to her. Mel: Cyrus, we can't deny our passion any longer. We just can't. Cyrus gives in and rips off his shirt. He climbs on top of Mel and they two kiss again while pulling each other clothes off. CUT TO: EXT. TERRACE - NIGHT Beth is curled up in the backyard swing, sipping a glass of wine. Worry plagues Beth. She is then startled by Caroline, who touches her shoulder from behind. Beth: You scared me. Caroline: I'm sorry. I just wanted to see how you were doing. You seem a little down. Beth: A little? Try a lot. India returning has totally brought my day down. Caroline joins Beth on the swing. Caroline: What is it about this...India woman? Who is she to Alan -- I mean Mr. Spaulding? Beth gives Caroline a friendly pat on her leg. Beth: You really care about, Alan. Don't you? Caroline: Why -- uh yes. He is my boss. I have a right to care, don't I? Beth: You do. But you shouldn't. Now that India is back in town, Alan is going to use this to his advantage. And that woman -- (starts to seethes) That woman! She is going to wreak havoc on us all. India is nothing but trouble. Everything she does is either motivated by money or vengeance. Caroline: But she claims to love Phillip and Alan. Beth: Yes, their money. Let me tell you about India. She came to town to get one on Alex and ended up marrying Phillip in the process. She tried everything she could to get Phillip to get over me but her plan failed. Then she went for Alan and they become lovers but it never went further than that. That woman is just sick. Watch her. I mean WATCH her. And on a disturbed Caroline, CUT TO: INT. MEL'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT It's pitch black dark but through a window we see a car light as it pulls in. A door slams. Leah: (O.C) Bye, Mia. Call me when you get home. The sound of a key opening a door is heard and enters Leah. Leah: Damn its dark in here. Mom! Mom are you here! Leah flicks the light switch on next to the door. She tosses her coat and bag next to the door and closes the door. Leah: Guess she is sleep. Leah makes a b-line into the kitchen where she sighs at the sight of no food on the stove. Leah: Great. So she did not cook either. Mom, what is going on with-- WHAP! BANG! Leah jumps in fear at this loud crash. Leah: Mom... No answer back. Leah starts to panic. BANG! Another sound is heard. Leah squats down on the ground, distraught. Leah: Ok. So I know it came from the basement. Leah creeps over to the counter and grabs a knife. Leah: Please let this be Mom. Leah opens the door to the basement and INT. BASEMENT flicks on the light where she stands at the top of the stairs. Leah: Who is there? No answer. Leah: Aww damn... Leah slowly makes her way down the stairs breathing heavily. She clutches the knife tightly to her side with dear life. She stops at the bottom of the stair and flicks on another light switch which lights up the bottom half of the basement. Leah: Who is in here? Grady, leaned up against the side bookshelf, watches on. Then a book falls from the shelf. Leah aims the knife at the shelf. Leah: Come out dammit or I will -- Grady: You will do what? Grady comes from behind the bookshelf. Grady: Gut me like a fish? Leah: Who the hell are you? She eyes him down and suddenly her face drops as she remembers who he is. Leah: You -- you're Grady... Grady: (in a game show host voice) CORRECT!! Grady grabs Leah and draws her in near to him. He takes the knife from her and holds it to her throat as he places his hand over her mouth. Grady: Looks like you got yourself into some trouble, sweet pea. And on Leah panicking, FADE OUT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZPviD6kdrI P&G/Telenext Production 2009 All Rights Reserved
INT. SPD - DAY - HOLDING CELLS India and Dorrie sit in silence as they hear footsteps coming down the hallway. India gets up and squeezes her head down the hall to notice an officer and a man in a trench coat and hat walking towards them. The man looks up at India to reveal its Alan. India: Alan! I knew you would come to save me. I just knew it. Officer: You have ten minutes, Mr. Spaulding. Alan shoos the officer away as he reaches through the bars, grabbing India's hands in a comforting manner. Alan: Could you ever really doubt me? India: Not for one second. Dorrie: (in the background) Is he going to get us out of here or what? It's disgusting and vile back here. Alan: No worries, I will have you out in a few. Alan releases India's hands and head to the front of the police station. He smiles at her to give her some hope. INT. CRIMINAL PROCESSING The room is bustling with a crowd of officers running about doing their usual duties: writing reports, booking criminals. Alan interrupts Frank who is conversing with another officer. Alan: I need to speak with you. Frank: Don't you see I am busy. Frank heads off towards his office with Alan tailing behind him. Alan: I don't care. Frank: Alan, if this about India, the proof is in the pudding. She committed a crime and now she has to deal with the consquences. Alan: It was a simple mistake. Just call up that Gary guy and we can settle this here. Frank: I don't think so. If you are thinking about bribing him, you can forget about it. Alan: (scoff) I cannot believe you said that. Frank: I did. Frank enters his office, turns around and slams the door in Alan's face. Alan: You will pay for this, Cooper. Suddenly, Alan's attention is caught by an officer and a man (Gary) standing at the counter. Officer: Mr. Gary, we have your limo parked in the cage if you want an officer to go and retrieve it for you. Gary: That would be so nice. Officer: Wait here. The Officer walks off. Gary waits patiently as Alan stalks him like a lion to a gazelle, waiting for the right time to attack, well approach him in this case. Alan: (approaching him) You must be Gary. Gary: Yeah. And you are? Alan: Alan. Alan Spaulding. Gary: Of Spaulding Enterprises?! Alan: Yes. Gary takes Alan's hand and shakes it aggressively. Gary: So nice to meet you, Mr. Spaulding. Alan: You too. Now I need you to do me a favor. Alan gestures Gary to follow him to a corner where Alan says some words we can't make out but when Alan whips out a check and the expression of Gary's face fills it in for all of us. Frank emerges from his office to find Alan and Gary together. Frank storms over to them. Frank: Alan, what are you doing! Gary: (putting the check away) Nothing. We were just talking. Mr. Spaulding was just requesting my expertise for when the next Spaulding board meeting. He needed some limos to ride the board members in and I couldn't say no. Frank: Alan... Gary: Oh and Mr. Cooper, I need you to go and drop those charges against the Von Halkein women. Frank is speechless. Gary: I see no real harm was done and the limo I am sure is in fine condition. Alan: And if it isn't you can call me for repairs. Gary: I will. The Officer reenters. Ofifcer: (handing keys) Here you go, Mr. Gary. Gary: Thank you. You all have a blessed day. Oh, and Mr. Cooper, you can fax me any paperwork that I need to sign about dropping those charges. Good day everyone. Gary walks out. Frank is livid and this point while Alan is happy that once again, money solved another problem. Alan: You can go and release them. Frank: (to Officer) Draw up the paperwork and have another officer go back there and release India and Dorrie. Officer: Alright, Sir. The officer walks off doing as they are told. Frank: So you win again. Alan: Till next time. Frank walks back into his office and slams the door. Alan: And who says that Franklin could never solve anything... FADE OUT COMING UP ON THE FINAL HALF Beth and Caroline have a heart to heart about India Mel and Cyrus have sex Leah meets Grady
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWcf9IQgnmg FADE IN: INT. MEL'S BASEMENT – DAY Cyrus and Grady ease down the stairs quickly and quietly. Cyrus: Hurry. I don't want Mel to catch us. Grady: (stops) Does it even matter? It's not like Mel is actually going to turn me in. Cyrus: Don't be so sure of that. (grabs Grady by the arm) Now come on! Cyrus drags him down the stairs when the door opens from the top of the stairs. Cyrus swings Grady off to the side out of sight. Standing at the top of the stairs is Mel. Mel: (coming down the stairs) Hey you. Cyrus: Hello to you. (panicking) Umm…don't come down here! Stay where you are at. Mel is mystified by this. Mel: Why? Is something wrong? (rushes down the stairs) Is something wrong? Cyrus rushes back up the stairs where he meets Mel. He places his arms out to block her. Cyrus: I don't want you down here due to I am about to place mouse traps down. I don't want you to get hurt. Mel: How could a mouse trap hurt me? I think I can spot one. Cyrus: Yeah but I also sprayed down here too and I don't want you to inhale the fumes. Mel: Well then you should not be down here either? Grady rolls his eyes. Cyrus: (agitated) Mel… Mel: What is going on here? It's as if you are hiding something from me. Cyrus: (boastful laugh) What? Are you kidding me? Me? What do I have to hide? Mel: I don't know. You tell me? Cyrus' impatience runs out and he plants a deep, passionate kiss on Mel. Grady watches from within the cracks of the bookcase. He cringes at the sight of this. Mel breaks the kiss, confused by this action. Mel: (gently rubbing her lips) What was that? Cyrus: A kiss. Did you not like it? Mel: No! No! It was nice. I'm -- I'm just taken back by this. Cyrus: I am glad that it was good. I want to show you more. Mel: (holding her hand out) Then let me lead the way. Mel guides Cyrus up the stairs. Grady and Cyrus exchange looks before Cyrus closes the door. Grady: Lucky bastard… CUT TO INT. DINING ROOM – DAY Alex: Last time I checked, the boys were out on the terrace. Alan: (getting up) Maybe I should go and check on them. Alex pulls Alan back down. Alex: How about you stay in your lane and don't worry about them. See that's your problem, you always worry about everybody else situation but your own. A-M: (O.C) I agree. Alan Michael and Phillip walk back in the room with their arms on each other shoulders. Everyone watches on overjoyed. All but Alan. Phillip: Sorry we are late. We had a heart to heart. Alex: No problem. Just glad to see you two getting along and not at each other throats unlike other siblings I know. Alex cuts her eyes at Alan. Beth: (gesturing) Join us. Phillip grabs a seat next to Beth while Alan Michael sits next to Alex. Caroline starts to walk out the room when, Lizzie: Caroline, aren't you going to join us also? Caroline: Oh no. I'm sure there is some filing that needs to be done. Alan: There is. Alex: Then too bad because Caroline is going to join us. (to Caroline) Have a seat. Caroline does as she is told and has a seat next to Alan Michael. Alex: See now. Even though we are dysfunctional, we all can sit down have a dinner together. Alan: (groaning) Oh please. This day just keeps getting worse and— India and Dorrie barge into the room to the delight of no one. Alex stands up bewildered and frustrated. On the other hand, Alan is delighted by the sight of India. Alex: India! Beth: Looks like this day has been shot to hell… Alan: No, I think it has just gotten better. India pants heavily. We can tell that her adrenaline is still running high. India: Stepmother dearest, how are you? Alex: India, what is going -- oh -- what -- ooo girl, what are you doing here? India: Well can't your favorite stepdaughter— Alex: My only and not so favorite— India: Ok then. Can I just get a hello? Alex: Hello. Now leave. India: Oh you're not serious. India gracefully sits in a vacant seat at the table. Alex: As a heart attack. India: (chortles) Then someone is about to have a heart attack because I have news for you all. Phillip: Oh God… India: Phillip, come on. I thought we were on good terms. Phillip: You thought wrong. India: Fine then. You all are just going to have to deal with me more now that I am moving back to Springfield. Alex clutches her chest in pain. Alex: Dear God. He is punishing me. Why, why, WHY!!! Alan: Oh stop, Alex. Alan snatches her hand away from her chest. Beth: India, why is your motive? What do you want now? Phillip? Alan? Money? Caroline: (leaning into Alan Michael, whispering) Who is this woman? A-M: India Von Halkein. One of Phillip's many ex-wives and Alan's lovers. Caroline: (jealous) Oh… India: (to Beth) Everything I do does not have to be money motivated. Beth: I doubt that seriously. You are nothing more than a gold-digger. Dorrie: I will not let you talk to my mother like that! India: Oh Dorrie, ignore Beth. She can call me anything she wants but she knows at the end of the day I have more class than she will on her best day. Beth Raines is nothing more than a piece of trash from the wrong side of the tracks. Alex: India! James: (overlapping) Hey! Lizzie: (overlapping) How dare you! Phillip: I will not allow you to sit at this table, India and talk to the mother of my children that way. India: Put a cork in, Phillip. Beth should be use to being called trash. Alex: I want her out! I. WANT. HER. OUT!! Dorrie: (tugging at India's arm) Let's go, Mother. India: Fine. My daughter and I will leave this house but we won't leave Springfield or Spaulding Enterprises. Phillip: You have no position at Spaulding Enterprises. The foundation had cut backs and we know for a fact that you were released. India slowly paces around the table. India: So true but that isn't the only position I have at Spaulding. Alan grins from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat. India positions herself behind Phillip's chair and leans in close to his ear. India: Have you forgotten that I still have seat on the board? Alex: Heaven help us. India: Which means that I still wield some power. The only way you will be able to get that seat back is if you buy it from me at my price. And I am sure you all don't want to buy me out at the high price I am willing to sell it for during this horrible recession. Alex: Try me. How much do you want to sell the seat for? India: 15 million! The room goes into a ruckus. Phillip: 15 million! What? India— Alex: Never. I will never pay for that. We find another way to get you off the board. India: And I will sue you. I gave you my price. Take it or leave it. Hilda the Maid enters. Hilda: Mr. Spaulding, I am sorry to interrupt but Mr. Cooper is here. Alan: Buzz? Hilda: No. Mr. Frank Cooper. Alan: Let him in. Hilda nods her head and gesture Frank to enter. Frank is followed by two other uniformed cops. Frank: Sorry to interrupt this dinner but we have been contacted by Gary's Limo that a limo of his has been stolen. India and Dorrie's eyes widen as they share a glance. Alan: I'm sorry but all of my limo's are owned by me. Frank: I know. But the limo that India arrived in was not. Frank smiles at a tense India. Frank: You wouldn't've stolen a limo would you, India? India: No. How dare you make such an accusation? Frank: India…they presented us with a bounced check, along with the limo number you took and its license plate. Just happens to be the one in the drive way. India: So what? Anyone could've put that there. Alex: Someone is a bit of a kleptomaniac. Frank: (pointing at India) Get her. The cops whip out their cuffs and walk over towards India and Dorrie. India: This -- this is a mistake. Frank: Read them their rights. India: Do you all know who I am! My father was the Baron of Andorra! Dorrie: Mother, shut up. The cops cuff India and Dorrie. Cop #1: India and Dorrie Von Halkein, you are under arrest for grand theft auto. Dorrie and India: WHAT?! Cop #2: Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of the law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't provide yourself with one, one will be provided to you. India: This is a travesty! I am innocent! Phillip: Sure, India. Sure. Frank: Take them to the car. The cops escort India and Dorrie out. India: (O.C) Alan! Alan, help me! Frank: Sorry to interrupt, you all may go back to doing what you were doing. Alex: Thank you, Frank. Frank exits. Alex: Grand theft auto. Beth, you are a lawyer, how many years is that? Beth: 3 to 5. Alex: Good. According to the Spaulding Board Members handbook, a felony equals automatic expulsion from the board. Alan: If they are found guilty. Plus the expulsion is up to the present CEO of the company, which is me. Alex: What are you up to Alan? Alan: I happen to like India. And I want her to stay on the board. Alan gets up and heads for the door. Alex: Where are you going? Alan: To bail out India and Dorrie before a media crisis happens. Lizzie: Grandpa, are you kidding me? Alan: No. Phillip: Dad, if you bail that woman out I will never speak to you again. Beth: Me too. Alex: I second that motion. Lizzie & James: Ditto! Everyone looks at Bill, who sits in silence. Lizzie: Bill! Bill: Alan and I already don't talk so what would be the difference? Beth: Alan Michael? Caroline? Caroline: He's my boss. Alan Michael: I have no seat on the board anymore. He took it before I left town the last time. Phillip: Then it is settled. Us or India? Alan: (laughs) Do you all think you can blackmail me? And how many times have you all said you will never speak to me again but you always do? Alex: But this time is different. Alan: We shall see. Now I am going to get India and Dorrie. Goodbye. Alan walks out. Phillip runs to the door hollering, Phillip: You have made your choice and know you must live with it! Alan gives him a "thumbs up" and hops into his limo, driving off. FADE OUT Coming up on the final half: -Alan saves India and pays Gary to drop the charges against India -Leah and Grady meet and she is instantly attracted to him -Beth clues Caroline (Hope) in more on India -Mel and Cyrus have sex