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Everything posted by NothinButAttitude
EP 16 The End of the Good Life (REVISED)
NothinButAttitude commented on NothinButAttitude's blog entry in As The World Turns
I still plan on keeping the familial and othe relationship that were common with the show but I wanted to add some comedy, spice, and grit to the show that lacked the last few years. I'm aiming for a blend of primtime/daytime. -
FADE IN: INT. THE INTRUDER (BOARDROOM) Emily, disheveled and angry, enters. Lining each side of the table consists of journalists that work for the paper. They all stand with confusion riddled on their faces. Emily makes her way to the head of the table, and has a seat. Emily: Anyone know the meaning of this meeting? Random Reporter: Nope. We all just got a call and was told to meet here. Emily: Dear God. Everyone have a seat until I get to the bottom of this. . . They all have a seat. Suddenly, Lucinda enters the room donning shades. She takes off the glasses and does not look pleased. She dons a look like she means business. This causes Emily to look worried. Emily: Lucinda, what are you doing here? Lucinda: Don't I own this paper? Emily: Yes, but-- Lucinda: No "buts." If you're wondering who called the meeting, it was me. Emily: OK. . . why is that? Lucinda: There are going to be some changes with the newspaper. Emily: Such as? Lucinda: Such as I sold the paper this morning. Worldwide no longer owns The Intruder. On Emily stunned, CUT TO INT. HUGHES GARAGE APT (LIVING ROOM) Ryder is in a rush, getting himself together. After tying his tie, he frantically starts to search for something but can't find it. DING DONG! Ryder: (to self) Now is not the time. DING DONG! Ryder groans and heads over the to the door. Ryder: Who is-- Ryder opens the door to reveal his younger sister, CHRISTINA. Christina: (barging in) Hey Ryder. Ryder: Chrissy, what are you doing here? Christina: Moving in. Ryder: Say what?! Christina: I'm moving in. Mom and I had another fight, and I want to get as far away from her as possible. CUT TO INT. OAKDALE MEMORIAL (NURSE STATION) Jami goes over some files. MJ emerges from the elevator and notices Jami. He walks over and taps her on the shoulder, greeting her with a smile. MJ: Hey. Jami: What's up? MJ: Nothing much. Still reeling over that party. Talk about crazy. Jami: (writing in file) Tell me about it. Jami closes the file and faces MJ. Jami: Especially you and Allison. MJ: Me and Allison? Jami: Yes. You two on the dance floor. Remember? MJ: That's something I'd like to forget. Jami: (not convinced) Mmm hmm. MJ reads Jami's face then starts laughing. Jami: What? MJ: Are you jealous? Jami: (flustered) No. MJ: I think that you are. Allison bends around the corner and notices Jami and MJ. A sly smirk comes across her face. She heads over to them. Allison: Hey guys. Jami: Speaking of the devil. . . Allison: You guys were talking about me? Jami: Actually we were. Allison: Really? Do tell. MJ: (anxious) Do we have to? Jami: Yes. We do. (to Allison) We were actually talking about your sister and how embarassing it was for her yesterday. You know. . . being caught in bed with Ryder and Paul finding her. Somewhat similar to your situation with Casey. . . Allison: Very funny. You're a comedian, huh? Just like Monique. Guess birds of a feather flock together. Jami: Guess they do. Allison: (rolling eyes) Anyways. . . Allison turns her attention to MJ. She starts to run her fingers across his lab coat. Allison: So MJ, what are you doing tonight? MJ: I -- umm. . . I-- Jami watches on with fury. She decides to take action. Jami: He's going out with me! Allison: He is? MJ: (overlapping) I am? On Jami trying to sell her latest scheme, FADE TO: FADE IN: INT. OAKDALE MEMORIAL MJ: I am? Jami shoots MJ a look and he realizes what she is doing. MJ: (then, with confidence) I am! Jami: (walking up on Allison, smug grin) So I guess you'll have to find someone else to go out with. There is a tense standoff between the two ladies with MJ standing in middle. Suddenly: Intercom: Dr. MJ Dixon, please report to surgery in room 401. Please report to room 401, stat. MJ: (easing out) Sorry, ladies. I gotta go. . . Jami: Wait! Jami grabs MJ and whispers in his ear: Jami: Forgive me. She plants a kiss on his cheek. MJ lights up. Jami: See you later. MJ exits in a daze. Jami: Such a nice guy. Allison: Sure is. Sadly, he wants to be shackled to you. Jami: Don't you have integrity? He is related to Casey, and we know you're doing this to get Casey's attention. Allison: I happen to think that MJ is a nice guy. Jami: That you just wanna use. Allison: Whatever. Jami rams the file in her on Allison's chest. Jami: Here. This needs to be filed. Maybe while you're finding where this goes, you'll find your dignity too. Jami walks off. On Allison troubled, CUT TO INT. BLC (BREAKROOM) Mo and Carly sit at the table eating donuts and sipping on coffee. Mo is clearly telling Carly something juicy as she has her full attention. Mo: . . .So then Lisa jumped in and started snatching wigs. The woman was fierce! Carly: Snatching wigs? Mo: (sighs) She read Susan and her band of tramps. You missed one h*ll of party. Barbara enters at the end of Mo's comment. She pours a cup of coffee. Barbara: Monique, don't you have something better to do than gossip? Mo: Umm. . . no. (getting up) Let me get back to my office and find something do before Babs goes nuts. Barbara: Monique, show some respect, OK? It's Mrs. Coleman. Not Barbara. Not Babs. Mo: (exiting) Whatever, Babs. Carly chortles. Barbara then shoots her a look. Carly: What! Barbara: You're encouraging her just like Lisa is. Carly: Well I find her charming and she brings good energy. Barbara: Good energy? I would not consider gossiping as good energy. Carly: (rising) I do. (heading to fridge) Especially when you have a newborn, three teens, and husband. I need my gossip where I can get it. Carly digs in the fridge as Barbara stand over, watching. Barbara: Seriously thought, you and Lisa need to stop encouraging her. Put up some boundaries or I am going to have to fire her. Carly: (closing fridge with apple in hand) Too bad you can't. (takes a bite) At least two of us have be in favor and I doubt Lisa wants to fire her. Barbara: Carly! Carly: Barbara, where are we going to find a better intern? Huh? (waits for an answer. . .) I thought so. Barbara: I seriously don't know what you two see in her. Carly: A bit of ourselves. ALL of us. Barbara: Dear God. She is nothing like me. Carly: She's feisty. Barbara: Mouthy is the word I'd use. The door reopens and in walks Monique again. Mo: A hag is here and she is determined to see you. Mo moves aside in and in walks Susan. Susan: Barbara, we need to fix this situation and fast. CUT TO INT. INTRUDER (BOARDROOM) Emily: Lucinda, you can't! Lucinda: I can. Stocks are dropping and I have to let one of my subsidiaries go. Intruder is the one I have to drop. Emily: This has something to do with me and Paul, right? He's the CFO and he's advised you to do so after what happened. Lucinda: What are you talking about? I have no clue nor do I care what goes on with you or Paul's personal lives. This is something we've been deciding for awhile. Emily: So Paul does know? Lucinda: Yes, but this has been a decision in the making for awhile, darling. Emily: OK. Without a primary backer--a publisher, we're screwed. Lucinda: Oh darling. . . You're reading too much into this. Emily: I don't think I am! Emily gets up and starts to pace, frantically. Lucinda: Darling, could you listen! In walks RACHEL CORY HUTCHINS with CASS WINTHROP. Emily: Cass? What are you doing here and who is she? Rachel: The new owner of the Intruder. On Emily taken back, CUT TO INT. HUGHES GARAGE APT (LIVING ROOM) Ryder and Christina are sitting on the sofa. Ryder is clearly annoyed at this point. Ryder: You really need to get over it, Chrissy. Christina: No. Mom needs to let go, but we won't have to worry about that now. She has no choice but to let go seeing as I am now moving here. Ryder: And where are you going to stay? Christina: Here. Ryder jumps from the sofa. Ryder: Oh no. H*ll no! Christina: C'mon, Ryder. Only for awhile. At least until the next semester starts at Oakdale U. Ryder: No! And while we're on the topic of school, what about Berkley? Christina: What about it? Ryder: So you're not going to school? Christina: Not now. I took the semester off. Ryder: Have you even figured out how you're going to pay for school? Huh, Chrissy? Christina: Yes. I have the college bonds from Grandma Nancy that I haven't cashed yet. I can use those to pay for the upcoming semester, and apply for scholarships for the remainder of my time. If you're trying to imply that I need Mom or Dad, I don't. Christina gets up and opens the door and grabs her suitcases. Christina: Now where is my room? On Ryder astonished by her boldness, CUT TO INT. INTRUDER Emily: You? Who are you? Do you even know anything about the newspaper industry? Rachel: I do. Probably more than you. (extending hand) Rachel CORY Hutchins. CEO of Cory Publishing. Emily: (to Lucinda) The Rachel Cory?! Lucinda nods. Emily takes Rachel hands and shakes it firmly. Emily: (eager) So glad to meet you. So glad to be working with you. Rachel: (doubtful) Sure you are. . . Now that the introductions are done and over, let's get to business. Emily: Let's! (pull out chair) Have a seat! Rachel: No need. What I have to say is short and sweet. Everyone is rapt in attention. Rachel: I'd like you to meet your new co-editor, Samantha Cory. Emily does a double take when Rachel announces this. In walks SAMANTHA CORY, daughter of Blaine and Sandy Cory. A bright, smart, beautiful Columbia University grad--just the match for Emily. Rachel: She'll be assisting you, Mrs. Ryan as we transition the Intruder from a smut rag to an interactive newspaper that will trailblaze all news and media into the future. Emily's jaw drops. On Samantha being stoic and determined, FADE OUT: COMING UP ON AS THE WORLD TURNS - Henry's sister, Clark, emerges and causes trouble. - Jami's secret is discovered. - Emily continues to lose it all - Scott is reunited with his not so thrilled family - Bonnie returns to Oakdale - Mo's brother realizes the girls are lying and comes to Oakdale - Lisa & Tom are at odds - Tom will do anything to win - Jack is still plagued by his mother's death - Adrienne and Holden continue to get hot & heavy, much to the chagrin of Emma
EP 16 The End of the Good Life (REVISED)
NothinButAttitude posted a blog entry in As The World Turns
FADE IN: INT. PAUL & EMILY'S BEDROOM Emily lies with her head between Ryder legs as Paul enters. It is clear that Emily is sedated; however, this isn't clear to Paul. Paul: God d*mmit! Emily! What the h*ll are you doing?! Emily: Huh? Paul, what are you. . . Emily notices how she is positioned. She also sees Ryder lying in the bed, still drunk and out of it. Emily: (coming to) Oh my God! Paul, I can-- Susan: (O.C) What is going on here?! Emily! Susan comes from behind Paul and look on disgust. On Emily horrified, CUT TO INT. LAKEVIEW HOTEL (ADRIENNE'S SUITE) Lily stand frozen in the doorway, gazing at a naked Adrienne and Holden. Adrienne, embarrassed, pulls the covers over her body. Adrienne: (to Lily) What are you doing?! Lily: No! I should be the one asking what you are doing! But it's clear that you're doing my husband instead! Adrienne: (to Holden) Husband?! Holden: (correcting) Ex. (to Lily) Why are you here? Lily: I work here! (tearing up) How could you, Holden? How could you? CUT TO INT. CARTER'S LIVING ROOM Carter walks in grinning as Scott, grinning too, sits on the sofa. Carter: Well look who it is. Scott: In the flesh. Scott and Carter share a manly hug and laugh before sitting back down on the sofa. Carter: Took you long to get here. Scott: I know. I know. I just had to wrap some things up in Los Angeles. My focus is all yours now. Carter: Good. But are you still serious about going through with this? Going against your brother? Scott: Of course. Nothing wrong with a little sibling competition. Except I expect to win. On Scott determined and sly grin, FADE OUT FADE IN: INT. LAKEVIEW HOTEL (ADRIENNE SUITE) Lily: How could you, Holden?! How could you? Of all these places in Oakdale, you chose here to frolic around with your little hussy?! Adrienne: Excuse me? Adrienne starts to get rowdy but Holden holds her back. Holden: Seriously, Lily? Lily: Very. Adrienne: Are you two going to seriously do this now? Holden: No! Lily: (overlapping) Yes! Adrienne snatches the top blanket off the bed and covers herself. She makes her way towards the bathroom, but: Adrienne: I'll be in the shower. When you get done, Holden. . . (seductively grinning) . . .you can come join me for rounds two, three, and four. Holden grins as Adrienne exits into the bathroom. Lily: Slut. (to Holden) So where did you meet her? Holden: None of your business. Lily: It is my business when you're causing a disturbance and the neighbors complain. Oh and the fact that you might bring this tramp around of children! Holden: Lily. . . Holden puts on his underwear and grabs a robe from nearby as he gets out the bed. Holden: It's not that serious. We're just having fun. Lily: Yes. Fun. But when I was having fun with Damian-- Holden: Different situation. We were still married. Lily: I thought you were dead! Holden: Fine. Whatever you say. May I just remind you that we're not together? Lily: Your decision. Holden: And I am fine with it. You on the other hand. . . Adrienne: (O.C.) Holden. . . I'm getting really horny! Lily: You're slut is calling you. Holden: Lily-- Lily: I don't wanna hear it! (wounded) Just keep the noise down. Lily rushes out the room as Holden tries to stop her. On a conflicted Holden, CUT TO: INT. FAIRWINDS (FOYER) Paul rushes down the stairs with a handfull of Emily's clothes in his hands. It's clear that he is p*ssed off. Emily is hot on his heels, screaming as Paul opens the door and flings her clothes out the door. Emily: Paul, let me explain! Paul: Explain what? That I found your head inbetween Ryder's leg?! Emily: Paul! Paul grabs Emily and starts shaking her. Paul: How long?! How long have you been sleeping with him?! Emily: Are you serious?! Emily snatches away from here. Tears stream down her eyes. Emily: Do you think that after all we went through to be together that I'd compromise it?! For a fling?! Clearly you don't know me! Paul: Clearly I don't! Susan and a half dressed Ryder come rushing down the stairs. Ryder: Paul, I've never-- Paul: Shut up! I don't wanna hear it! You can take this piece of trash and get out of my house! Susan: Excuse me! Don't you talk to my daughter like that! Paul: I'll talk to her any way that I please. It's warranted! By now, other party guests have made their way in to see the spectacle. Barbara, Allison, Meg, and Lisa make their way to the front of the crowd. Allison: What's wrong? Paul: You're tramp of sister was just caught in bed with Ryder! Lisa: Must be hereditary. Susan: Oh shut up, Lisa! Lisa: I'm just saying. . . You're little clan has been known to run astray. And of course it'd be with poor innocent Ryder! Any man of Hughes relation has to pentrate a Stewart woman. It's like right of passage. The crowd goes into the ruckus after Lisa's insult-- laughing and "ooing." Mo: (to Lisa) Girl, you better snatch wigs! Work! W-E-R-K! MJ: (to Jami) I thought work was spelled W-O-R-K? Jami shakes her head, telling him let it go. Barbara: Lisa, enough! Barbara walks up to Paul, getting control of her son and the situation. Barbara: (to Paul) Are you sure? Paul: Am I sure?! I caught her in our bed with her head between his legs! Everyone gasps. Mo: At a child's birthday party?! That's h*ish! Susan: Could someone shut her up?! Mo: You don't know me you ole' hag. And I did not come from that hole between your legs, so you can't tell me what to do. OK? Barbara: (stern) Monique! Enough! Mo: OK. But that's because you sign my checks. . . and you're crazy. Barbara shoots a look at Mo before turning her attention back to Paul and Emily. A saddness come over her face. Barbara: (to Emily) Why? Emily: Why? Why what?! Didn't I just say that I didn't do anything with Ryder! Ryder: She didn't! How could I when I was drunk! Mo: That ain't stop nobody from getting loose, sweetie. Allison: You look like you'd know. Mo: Actually I don't know but your sister does. Barbara: Monique, don't say another word. . . Mo closes her mouth and gestures like she locking it and throwing away the key. Ryder: Meg can tell you that! I came here with her! Everyone looks to Meg. She stands off to the side, feigining innocence. Meg: You did. But you told me that you were going to the bathroom when we got here--I didn't know that you were messing with her on the side. How could you! Ryder: What?! Meg: I was really starting to like you! And you were using me! Using me to get to this sl*t! Ryder: You're crazy. Emily: You're just now figuring that out? Paul: She isn't too crazy! She's never been caught screwing someone in my bed! Emily grabs Paul and looks him in the eye. She is dead serious. Emily: Paul, I love you. I would NEVER cheat on you with another man. You have to believe me. This was a mistake. I did not sleep with Ryder. Lisa: Of course not, but you were working you're way up before Paul walked in. Emily: Lisa, please shut up! (to Paul) I am telling the truth! I swear to God. I am telling the truth! Paul is conflicted as he wants to believe Emily but the facts are in front of him. Then: Paul: I can't. This is a blow to Emily. She can't believe it. Paul: I want you to pack your sh*t and get out. I want no traces of you left behind. You have thirty minutes. Coldly, Paul walks away from Emily and their marriage. On Emily crushed and stunned, CUT TO: INT. TOM'S CAMPAIGN OFFICE Tom is with his stratagists and volunteers going over the campaign when Carter walks in. Spotting him, Tom folds everything up and sends his crew into the back. Tom: What do you want, Carter? Carter: I just came to stop by and see if you were ready to drop out of the race. Tom: Not a chance. Your flashy, tacky methods work now but they will soon start to wane. Carter: I wouldn't call myself flashy and tacky. I'd just say that I have great support behind me. Tom: Like Lucinda Walsh? Carter: For starters. Tom: Well just know that I have people with deep pockets backing me too. This election won't be an easy feat. Carter: I agree. If anything, I think that things are about to turn up. Tom: Really? How so? Carter: (calling out) Hey! My future Chief Assistant District Attorney, show yourself! In walks Scott with a grin on his face. Scott: Hey big bro. Aren't you going to welcome me home? Tom: (befuddled) Scott. . . what is the meaning of-- Carter: I'd like you to meet my new Chief Assistant District Attorney, Scott Eldridge. You know him, don't you? Tom scowls at Carter. Carter: Now don't be mad. Looks like you'll be pulling an all nighter. (to Scott) I'll give you some time to get reacquainted. Carter exits. Tom: Why, Scott? Why? Scott: Why not? This is strictly business, big bro. All is fair in politics. See you at the debates. . . Scott exits. On Tom verklempt, FADE OUT -
ANOTHER WORLD 93 Jake has a memory flash
NothinButAttitude commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
Loving this Jake/Stacey story. Keep up the good work! -
Leslie: Call Girl, Stipper and Mother!?
NothinButAttitude commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in The Young and the Restless
Loving the Sharon/Dru/Sheila story. And I cracked up at Victor looking at the photos. I could so see that old fart being captivated by those photos of Leslie. -
As the Clock Winds Down. . .
NothinButAttitude commented on NothinButAttitude's blog entry in TGL: The Guiding Light
Thanks for the comments, guys. I've been so busy with classes that I haven't been able to keep up. But again, much appreciated. -
FADE IN: INT. SPAULDING MANOR – STUDY We open up with India on the phone. It is clear that she is anxious. India: Alan, call me when you get this message. This is very important. India hangs up the phone as Dorrie enters the room. She plops down on the sofa. Dorrie: Well aren’t you anxious. You only get this anxious when you’re onto something. (eager) What is it, Mother? India scopes around to see if anyone is looking. She then closes the door to the study and sits next to Dorrie. She grabs her daughter’s hand, grinning. India: I think I might’ve landed my meal ticket! Dorrie: Our meal ticket. And how so? India: Caroline! Dorrie: (snatching away, puzzled) Say what? India: Now listen, sweetheart. . . Dorrie: Mom, I thought were talking about us getting some serious c-notes. A real meal ticket. India: Trust me. We are. Dorrie: Yeah. OK. The only meal ticket I see us getting from her is dinner, (looks at watch) which is about to be served in a while. India: Dorrie, listen. . . Dorrie: Why?! I’ve listened to you so far and where has that gotten me? Nowhere. India: Dorrie, just listen. What I have to say may sound weird— Dorrie: I’m sure it does. India: Trust me. Just trust me. What I have on that woman could have us rolling in the dough for the rest of our lives. Disinterested and over her mother’s schemes, Dorrie gets up and exit. India: Dorrie! Dorrie! Just trust me, baby. Momma’s got a plan. On India stirring with the information that she has, CUT TO INT. HAWK’S APT Laurel and Rusty are mesmerized at the sight of one another. They’re thrilled to see one another but bitter too—such mixed feelings. Trista reaches out and grabs Laurel’s hand. Trista: (attempting to drag her) Mom, let’s go. This stuns Rusty. Rusty: Mom? Wait—Trista is— Laurel: My daughter, yes. Our daughter. . . Hawk comes up behind and places a hand on Laurel’s and Trista’s shoulder. He nods, reassuring Rusty that it is true. On Rusty overcome with emotion, CUT TO FADE IN: INT. HAWK’S APT (MOMENTS LATER) Everyone is now seated and there is tension. Most of it is coming from Rusty. Rusty: (to Hawk) How long have you known? Hawk: For a while now. Rusty: (fuming) I said how long?! Laurel: Rusty! Hawk: No, Laurel! He has a right to know. . . Rusty: I sure as h*ll do! How long?! Hawk: Since she was born! Rusty is blown back by this. He doesn’t know whether or not he wants to sock Hawk or not. Hawk: Rusty, I— Rusty: Pa. . . Laurel: (cutting) I told him and Sarah to keep quiet! It was my decision! Rusty: What?! Ma knew too?! Hawk nods, embarrassed. Rusty: Who else knows? Hawk: Reva’s known for a few weeks. Cassie too. Rusty: What about Roxie?! Does she know too?! Hawk: Rusty, you— Rusty: I’m just saying! Everyone else in this family knows. All except me. But why am I even surprised? This family is known to keep secrets. Trista: I’m sorry. This was all my fault. Rusty: What? Sweetheart, no— Trista: I just wanted to be near you. I wanted to know my father, his family. (tearing up) I know that you’re running for mayor, and it’s very important to you. I wasn’t going to tell you until after the election. You don’t have to worry. I won’t say a word for as long as you want. Rusty grabs Trista and holds his daughter tightly. Trista buries her face into his chest, crying. Rusty: (kissing her forehead) It’s going to alright, my child. It’s going to be alright. Daddy is here. On Rusty looking at Laurel and Hawk with malice, CUT TO EXT. REVA & JEFFERY (PORCH) Reva and Cassie sit in the rocking chairs watching the sun go down. The sip on wine as Olivia pulls into the driveway. Reva: What does she want? Cassie: Probably looking for me. Olivia gets out the car. She makes her way up to Reva and Cassie. Cassie: What now, Olivia? Something wrong with the Beacon? Olivia: No. Cassie: Then what is it? Olivia: I came to see Reva. Cassie is stunned. She glances over at Reva. On Reva amused and stunned (too), CUT TO INT. WSPR (HALL/ALAN MICHAEL’S OFFICE) Holly passes by Alan Michael’s office and notices the door slightly ajar. It’s dimly lit from a lamp, and Holly gently pushes open the door to see Alan Michael working on something. Holly: What are you doing here? AM: Going over some of your notes. Holly enters in the room and closes the door. Holly: Well I can assure you that nothing is wrong with them. I’ve been a producer for years— AM: (snappy) Did I say anything was wrong with them? I was just checking them. It is my job as general manager to check over you. Holly: Excuse me. Let me get back to work before you do find something wrong with them. . . Holly goes to leave when: AM: Holly, wait! Wait. . . Holly: Oh. Did you find something wrong? That didn’t take you too long. AM: That isn’t what I was stopping you for. Holly: Then what, Alan Michael? AM: My mom. . . Holly: (concerned) What now? (uneasy) Does anyone— AM: No. No one knows. Yet. . . Holly: (sighs) OK. Then what? AM: We just got into another fight. Holly: Alan Michael, why? Why are you so hard on her? AM: I’m not hard on her! Holly: I beg to differ. AM: I almost caught her drinking. Holly: No! Not Hope. She told me she was clean. AM: Well she was quick to take the glass of wine when Bill offered it to her. Holly: You sure? AM: Yes. I saw the glass touching her lips and if I didn’t walk in when I did, she would’ve relapsed. Holly reaches for the phone and starts dialing. Holly: Where is she? I wanna talk to her. Maybe I can help her seeing as I know what she is going through. AM: I doubt you’ll be able to reach her at the manor. I fired her. Holly: What?! You have to go undo what you’ve done. AM: If anything, I’m doing her a favor. I’m getting her away from Spaulding manor. That place is toxic. Holly: No! What you’re doing pushing her near the bottle with your constant berating! You should be glad that she is still alive after the tragedy experienced! Alan Michael remains stoic, but the words of Holly are hitting him to the core. He is about to crack when: Lighting Assistant: (peeking in) Mr. Spaulding? AM: Yes. Lighting Assistant: This was taped on your car. The Lighting Assistant hands Alan Michael an envelope. He turns and leaves. Alan Michael rips it open, pulls out the letter, reads it, and his face nearly drops. Holly: What is it? Is it Hope? AM: Nope. But we better find her and quickly. Alan Michael shows Holly the letter, which reads: ONE CAN ONLY HOPE THAT WE HAVE MORE THAN ONE LIFE TO LIVE. I KNOW YOUR LITTLE SECRET. YOU'RE ON BORROWED TIME. . . CUT TO: INT. REVA & JEFFREY (KITCHEN) Jeffrey: Reva! Reva! Jeffrey enters into the kitchen to see that it is candle lit. Reva is sitting at the table wearing nothing but a negligee. She seductively signals for him to come join her. Grinning, Jeffrey starts to undo his tie as he walks over to the table. He has a seat across from Reva. Jeffrey: Where is Colin? Reva: Sleep. Want some wine? Jeffrey: Sure. Reva pours him a glass. Jeffrey: Good. Now I wanna apologize for earlier-- Reva takes his glass of wine and tosses it in his face. Jeffrey: What the--?! Reva! Reva: You slick son-of-a-b*tch! How dare you go to Olivia and try and get her to fire me! What right do you have?! Jeffrey: Reva, calm down. . . Reva: Calm down? Calm down?! Oh I'm just get started. Now answer the question! Jeffrey: What right I have?! Is that what you wanna know?! Reva: Yes! Jeffrey: All the right. I don't want you working the Josh--h*ll I forbid it! Reva: Well no man has EVER forbid Reva Shayne from doing anything and won't! Reva is about to leave when Jeffrey grabs her by the arm. Jeffrey: It's me or that job. Make your choice. Reva thinks about for it a second then: Reva: (coldly) Goodbye, Jeffrey. Reva snatches away from him and sashays up the stars. On a wet and angry Jeffrey, CUT TO INT. HAWK'S APT It is now only Laurel, Hawk, and Rusty. Rusty: (shaking his head in disbelief) I can't be you, Laurel. I just can't. Laurel: I did it for you! Rusty: No. You did it for yourself. Hawk: That's not fair! Rusty: And neither is you and Mom keeping this secret. Keeping my daughter away from me! Laurel: You act like I did it out of malice. Rusty: It seems like you did. May I remind you that you broke up with me? Laurel: I know, Rusty! Rusty: I would've married you and we could've raised Trista together. You've not only robbed her but me too! Laurel: God d*mmit, Rusty! No one has robbed you! You chose your career long before we broke up! I just helped you if anything. And according to this-- Laurel picks up the newspaper and flashes it in Rusty's face. It's a pic of him, his fiance, and her daughter. Laurel: Looks like you aren't too robbed! You've landed another family! Rusty: Don't do that. Laurel: Do what?! Rusty: Throw my fiance in my face. Don't do it! Laurel walks up on Rusty and gets his face. They're so close that it could go either way--blow being tossed or them falling into a kiss. Laurel: I just did. Laurel whips her, smacking Rusty in the face. She grabs her purse and coat and heads to the door. Laurel: Enjoy your daughter while you can because as soon as her semester ends, I'll be taking her back to Georgia. Rusty: Over my dead body. She's staying here! Hawk: OK! Enough you two! Laurel: (opening door) Goodnight, Hawk. Rusty, I meant what I said. Enjoy your time now. The clock is ticking. Laurel exits and slams the door. On Rusty pacing the floor realizing he is on borrowed time, FADE OUT