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Everything posted by NothinButAttitude
NothinButAttitude posted a blog entry in As The World Turns
INT. THE INTRUDER – DAY Open in Emily’s office. A tight shot on Emily as she stares down at some papers on her desk. She marks them with a red, and is gradually becomes displeased with what she’s reading. Emily: No . . . No . . . No! Emily slams her pen down on the desk. Emily: This is abysmal! Samantha knocks on the door and then peeks in. Sam: Everything all right? Emily: (hostile) No. Everything is not all right. (then) You know what, something is wrong—who green-lit this story on the district attorney’s election? Sam comes in and closes the door. Sam signals for Emily to hand her the document. Emily passes it to her. Sam skims over it. Sam: I don’t see what’s wrong with it. Emily: (rolling eyes) Of course you don’t. Sam: Why the attitude? I just asked you a simple question. Emily: Then let me answer it . . . the story is boring. Point blank. That’s not going to sell any papers or bring us hits on the site. Sam: But it’s the truth. Emily: And it’s boring. Let’s spice it up some. Put some scandal into it. Something! Sam sighs. Emily: What was that for? Sam: Emily, we’re supposed to writing stories that are true and have integrity. I don’t see any scandal in the Hughes v. Wallace race. I just don’t. Emily: Of course you don’t because you’re green. Now let me school you on how the media industry— Sam: School me? Honey, who has the degree in journalism? Emily: And your point is? Clearly you missed the class on how to sell a proper story. Sam: No I just chose to skip that class because I believe that a paper should be foregrounded with the truth. Not centering a story around smut and scandal, but if you had proper training in journalism— Emily: (raising up) Proper training? Honey, I’ve been running this paper for well over a decade. And pretty d*mn fine before you came waltzing in here taking over . . . You know what, ever since you’ve gotten this job, you think you run the place. Sam: Whatever. Sam tosses the document on the desk. Emily: So now what? You’re going to go call grandma and let her know that we’re at a standstill? Sam: Nope. Run it. Emily is stunned that she’s won this round. Emily: Did you just say— Sam: I said run it. Change it. Edit it. Do what you want. Just don’t be surprised with the backlash. Emily: Oh it wouldn’t be the first. Sam: I’m sure it won’t. Off Sam’s exit, Emily smiles, pleased with herself. She then reaches and grabs the phone and starts to dial. She then waits for a second, then: Emily: Gary, hey. I need you and the rest of the guys at the printer to be ready. This story I’m about to send will be the headline . . . Yes, I know it will be rushed but make it happen. I want this story out before noon . . . Thanks. Bye. Emily hangs up the phone. She then goes back to work, churning out a story. We get a glimpse at the marked document on her desk; however, our eyes are drawn to three names on it: Tom Hughes, Carter Wallace, and . . . Scott Eldridge. CUT TO INT. TOM’S CAMPAIGN OFFICE His volunteers are working the phones, doing flyers, etc., but we pan back towards Tom, who is with some of his team as they go over some strategies in the background. Tom sits back and takes in their suggestions, attentively. Volunteer1: So Mr. Hughes, we need you to be on point at the first debate. We don’t need a knockout for certain, but we need you on point. Volunteer2: Yes. This first debate just needs to be what you plan on achieving if you win, and you debunking the ideals that you’ll have another mid-life crisis during your term. Tom: Trust me. That won’t happen. Volunteer2: I hope not because there are a lot of people in this town that are still upset about the last time you were D. A. Bonnie (O.C.): That won’t be a problem now that I am here. Everyone turns to see Bonnie coming in. She makes her way up to Tom and gives him a hug. Bonnie pulls back and looks Tom straight in the eye. Bonnie: You ready to go to war? Tom nods. Tom: More than ever future Assistant District Attorney. On Bonnie and Tom sharing a smile filled with determination, FADE OUT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2VgH3loFZs FADE IN: INT. TOM’S CAMPAIGN OFFICE We pick up where we left off—a determined smile between the two. Then Bonnie breaks away, reacting with the interest about their campaign office. She digs it. Bonnie: Good estate. Right in the center of town, near the police station and town hall . . . just perfect. Tom: That’s the reason why I chose this place . . . Putting that aside, when did you get back in town? Bonnie: Last night. Tom: How’s Duncan? Bonnie: Doing better. He has his off days due to the chemo but he doing so much better. Tom: Glad to hear that. I’m still stunned when Jessica called us with the diagnosis—that Duncan had stage two prostate cancer. Bonnie: Me too. But we’re taking it day by day. I think it also helps that Mom is over there taking care of him. Shannon stopped by to see him . . . Beatrice pops in and out to see him. Tom: I’m bet he’s enjoying that, being surrounded by all the women he loves. Just shows how tragedy can bring loved ones back together. Bonnie: Tell me about it . . . Now, who is this Carter Wallace? Off Tom rolling his eyes, CUT TO INT. MONA LISA – DAY We open up on Carter flirting with Lisa, as they share a drink at the bar. Carter: So glad that you decided to join me for a drink. Lisa: I’ve never been one who turns down libations . . . Lisa seductively strokes her glass. Lisa: . . . especially when the person offering them looks just as good as the wine tastes. Carter: Mrs. Grimaldi, you wouldn’t be hitting on me, would you? Lisa: And if I were? Carter: Then I say cheers. Carter picks up his glass and he and Lisa have a toast. Lisa takes a sip of her wine all while keeping her eye on Carter. She likes him. Carter: So, Mrs— Lisa: Call me Lisa. Carter: OK, then. Lisa, how are things at the fashion house? Lisa: A mess. However, that is expected in fashion. Carter: I see . . . so when am I going to be invited there to see your fashions. Lisa: (modest) Carter, must you forget that you’re the enemy. I can’t take you around time showcasing you. I’d never hear the end of it from Tom. Carter takes Lisa’s into his and stares into her eyes. Carter: But just because Tom and I are at war does not mean we have to be. Lisa: (grinning) True . . . Carter: Plus, how will I know if you’re good enough to design my suit once I win the election. Lisa jokingly slaps Carter on the arm. Lisa: Very funny! You doubt my boy, but you forget that he has a bit of me in him. Carter: Well I hope it’s not your sexiness because I don’t nor will ever look at Tom like that. Lisa: I hope not . . . But resilience, resilience is what he inherited from me. He won’t lie down and take a beating easily. Carter: And I don’t expect him too. Carter’s phone interrupts him. Carter: Excuse me, Lisa. Carter turns away from her and answer it. Lisa waits patiently. Carter: Hello? . . . So they know? . . . (sighs) That’s fine. Better now that it comes out then later . . . All right. I’ll talk to you later. Bye, bye. Carter hangs up and turns back Lisa. Lisa: Now that, that is over . . . Lisa’s is preoccupied by something. Her glass drops out of her hand and shatters on the ground. Carter: Lisa, what’s— He follows where she is look at the other end of the restaurant is Scott. A waiter points him into the direction of Lisa and Carter. He tips the waiter and advances towards them. Lisa: . . . Scott?! Scott plants a kiss on the cheek and hugs her. Scott: Hey, Mom . . . Carter. Lisa looks at Carter. Lisa: You know my son? Scott: Of course he does. Meet Oakdale’s future Assistant D.A. and Carter’s running mate. On Lisa at a loss for words (for once), CUT TO INT. TOM’S CAMPAIGN OFFICE Bonnie and Tom are now in an adjacent office shut off from everyone else. Continuing where we left off with them. Tom: He’s some flashy attorney from Monticello. Bonnie: OK . . . so why is he running for D. A. here? Trust me, the crime rates are extremely high in Monticello. His expertise is needed there more than here. Tom: I said the same thing. Bonnie: But again, it doesn’t make sense. Why here? Monticello, Chicago, Somerset, Springfield, Bay City, and Salem—those areas should provide wet dreams for anyone running for D. A. Tom: I’m guessing the mayor. What’ve I’ve heard is that the two became golf buddies a few years back at the Governor’s charity golf tournament in Henderson. Bonnie: Did he try to run there too? Tom: (laughs) No. (stoic, but nervous) But I have been looking into his history and he has a stellar track record for his time in Monticello. Bonnie: How stellar? Tom: Way better than his predecessor, Mike Karr, and he was one h*ll of D. A. A Volunteer peeks their head into the office. Volunteer #3: Mr. Hughes, we need you out in the main room fast. Something has come up. Tom: (concerned) OK. Bonnie and Tom exchange looks. They both then rush out into the main room where everyone is surrounding a computer and holding paper newspapers in their hands. Bonnie: What is it? Another Volunteer hands Bonnie a newspaper. Volunteer #4: Take a look. A close-up shot of The Intruder, and the headline reads, “Brother V. Brother: Battle Lines Drawn.” There is a shot of Tom on one side and Carter and Scott on the other. Bonnie: You’re brother? Tom snatches the paper from Bonnie and flings it across the room. Tom: D*mmit, Emily! Bonnie: But what damage can it do? Everyone has probably known that Scott’s been back in town, right? Tom: No. Bonnie: Tom! Tom: I know, I know. I was hoping to convince him drop out the race before they made a public announcement or it went out to the presses, but I’m not surprised that big mouth Emily found out before everyone else. (paces the floor) But I can fix this, I can fix this. Volunteer #5: (at computer) I wouldn’t say that just yet. Volunteer #5 slides aside to show the same story online. Tom: She put it online too! Bonnie: Tom, that’s not the point. Look! Bonnie points to the side of the screen where Emily has a Twitter box embedded on the site, and it shows a feed of all the other newspapers across Illinois linking to her story. Bonnie: Sh*t just got real. Tom: F*ck! Tom flips a chair over before calming down. Tom: I’m going to kill her. On Tom enraged, FADE OUT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR1jFxeam4s- 1 comment
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NothinButAttitude posted a blog entry in TGL: The Guiding Light
INT. LEWIS CONSTRUCTION TRAILER – DAY Josh and Billy enter giggling and joking with one another. This moment ceases once they realize Reva lying on the sofa in a deep sleep. Josh: Reva? Josh walks over to her and gently shakes her to awaken her. Reva: (groggy) Bud? Is it morning? Josh points to a portable clock on the desk nearby, which reads “9:00 A.M.” Reva: Colin! Reva jumps up and starts to collect herself. Josh: Is he here? Josh scopes the room. Reva: No. He's still at the house with Jeffery. Billy and Josh look on confused. Josh: Then what’s the problem? Reva: (covering) Nothing . . . I just need to go and get him. Billy: Is everything alright, Reva gal? Reva moans. Reva: Far from it. Reva starts to charge for the door when Billy stands her in way, blockading her. Reva: Billy, not now! I have to get home to my son. Billy: That can wait. Reva: Are you serious! Billy: Yeah. I'm sure O'Neill has things handled. What's going on? Reva: Didn’t I just say nothing? Josh goes and has a seat at the desk. He reads her expression and knows that she is lying. So does Billy. Billy: You’re lying. Reva: What! Josh: We’d know. Reva: Then you clearly don’t know me! Josh and Billy exchange a smirk then glance back at Reva. Reva: Alright then! We had a quarrel last night. Billy: Quarrel? Reva, you don't do quarrels. Josh: Exactly. A knock down, drag out is more your style. Reva: Very funny. Now move, Billy! Billy: No. Reva shoves Billy out the way of the entrance when Dylan enters. He creates another barrier that prevents Reva from exiting. Reva: Great. Is it pick on Reva Shayne day? Dylan: Hardly. But I have been looking for you. Reva: Well here I am. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take Colin to daycare. Dylan: (crossing over towards the desk) No need. Marah dropped him off a few minutes ago. Reva: She didn't have to do that. Dylan: She didn't. But Colin was with her last night. They stayed at Shayne's last night . . . since you decided to dump water on your husband's head. Reva: It was wine. And I tossed it at him. Billy: Is there really a difference, Reva? Reva is stunned that they are all taking shots at her. Over it, Reva: Why are you all giving me the third degree about my marriage? Josh: We're just worried about you. Reva: Why? You should be happy, Bud! With Jeffery out the picture, you can try and win back my heart. That's what you want anyways. Huh? On Josh's reaction CUT TO INT. COMPANY – DAY Trista is waiting on some customers. Laurel slides in unbeknownst to her daughter. Laurel watches on smiling. As she is about to turn around and leave, she rams into Rocky, who is coming from the kitchen. The plates in his hands scatter and break all over the place. Laurel: I'm sorry. Trista’s head snaps back. She sighs, deeply annoyed by her mom’s presence. Rocky: It was my fault, Ms. Tucker. I should’ve been watching where I was going. Rocky kneels down and starts to pick up the mess. Laurel: Call me Laurel, and again it was my fault. Laurel kneels down and starts to help him. Meanwhile, Trista approaches them. She catches the end of their convo. Trista: Always is. Laurel: What? Trista: It's always your fault. You keeping me away from my father. But this time you want to take me away from not only him but my man too. A shot of Rocky with a slight grin. Trista: It's your fault. Laurel: Let's not do this here, Trista. Trista: Then when is a good time for you? Another twenty years? Laurel: Trista, don't give me lip! You're going back to Georgia after this semester and that is the end of it! Trista: Not chance in h*ll. Laurel rises back up pops Trista in the face. Trista gasps. Laurel: Don’t you ever talk to me like that! I don’t know who the h*ll you think you are. Rusty (O.C.): Laurel! Rusty comes running over to Trista to make sure she's alright. Rusty: (to Trista) You alright? Trista nods. Rusty: (to Laurel) Have you lost your mind! Laurel: Not yet. Laurel pops him in the face too. Rocky: Well d*mn. Laurel: That’s for trying to turn my child against me! On Rusty stunned and holding his bruised face, FADE OUT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xuvhh0CkZfw FADE IN INT. BEACON HOTEL – DAY Cassie and Olivia are tending to the front desk, which is piled with customers. However, Jeffery seems to weasel his way through the crowd to the front. Jeffery: Where is she? Cassie: What? Jeffery: You heard me. Where is she? Cassie: I have— Jeffery: Reva! Reva! Where is she Cassie? Cassie: Do I look like I know where she is? I’m not her keeper. Jeffery: I’m not so sure about that. Cassie: Anyways . . . Cassie throws up “the hand” to Jeffery. She then goes back to checking in guests, ignoring him. Olivia: Jeffery, now is not the time for you to do this. Jeffery: I thought you were on my side! Olivia: Jeffery, I— Jeffery: You betrayed me. You promised that you’d fire Reva! Olivia: No I didn’t! Jeffery: You did! Olivia: You asked me to fire her, and I said I’d see what I can do. And as you can see, this a democracy. This not an autocracy. I just can’t go firing people without Cassie’s consent and vice versa. Jeffery: Oh please! That’s never stopped you before! You hate Reva! This should’ve been easy for you. Olivia: I don’t hate Reva. I can’t stand her, yes, but that does not give me a reason to fire her based on personal reasons. She comes to work, she does her job and well, and she goes home. Why would I want to fire an employee like that? Jeffery: Because of Josh! Cassie butts back in: Cassie: Uh hello, she’d still be around Josh as she works part-time for Lewis Construction. She holds stock in the company too. She has kids with man . . . Jeffery: And they’re grown . . . Cassie tosses her arms up in defeat and goes back to tending to the customers. Olivia: And they’re still their kids together. Like Ava is ours. D*mn, Jeffery, didn’t you learn from me? From Cassie? You don’t step into the tornado known as Josh and Reva or else you’re gonna blown, battered, and tossed aside. It’s a waste. Jeffery: It’s not a waste. She’s my wife. Olivia comes from behind the counter and pulls Jeffery aside so no one can hear them. She has a heart to heart with him: Olivia: And she has ties to an ex that won’t unbind. Stop fighting it. Jeffery: I can’t believe you . . . Olivia: Look! If you wanna keep Reva then you’re gonna have to learn to accept her and Josh. The more you throw these tantrums and make demands, the more you draw them back together. Been there, done that. This sinks in for Jeffery. Olivia: But you’re always going to need to start preparing yourself for the worst. Jeffery: Huh? Olivia: They’re fickle. Josh and Reva are fickle. You and I and everyone knows that. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but “Bud” and Reva are going to reunite. You just need to enjoy your time now, but be prepared when the trigger is pulled. Olivia walks off. On a crestfallen Jeffery, CUT TO INT. SPAULDING MANOR – DAY Hope clears out her room when India, unnoticed, slithers in with a grin on her face. India: Hello there, Hope—I mean Caroline. Hope’s head snaps back. India: Gotcha! Hope: What are you talking about? India: You what I am exactly talking about, Hope Bauer. India slowly advances towards Hope, and circles around her, examining her. Hope remains stoic, trying to let on India. India: You have to tell me who did you’re face-lift because they did one h*ll of a job for a dead lady. Hope: You are sick, in here making slanderous allegations. Alan-Michael’s mother is dead. India: Oh really? Hope: Yes, really. India: Ok. Fine. India starts out the room then stops. India: You’re father, Mike would be embarrassed for what you’re putting your family through. Hope: (snapping) You know nothing about my fath— Hope covers her mouth while India lights up. She’s caught her prey. India: (turning back around) I knew it. Hope rushes over to the door and slams it. She then charges up to India and grabs her by the arm tightly. India: Unhand me! Hope: No! You evil tramp, you better not utter a word to anyone. India: I won’t! Hope: Say what? India snatches away. India: I said I won’t . . . (sly grin) For a price. Hope: Is that all you care about? Money? Is that what it’ll take for you to shut your mouth? Fine! Hope goes for her purse and start to pull out her wallet when India stops her. India: That’s not what I want. Hope is totally confused. India: Silly fool, I don’t want a couple of hundreds. I want a gold mine. Endless cash and you can help me. Hope: I can help you? India: Yes. You and Alan Michael . . . See I heard you two arguing earlier. Your son accusing you of drinking and firing you . . . Hope drops her head, as she knows India has got her. India: I need your help. I need you to help me bag Alan. Hope’s head snaps up with eyes widened. This strikes home for her. India: Yes . . . Yes, Hope! Or should I say Caroline. You’re choice. Help me become Mrs. Spaulding again or risk losing everything. Either way, I’ll get what I want. Because when I go and tell Alan, he’ll scold me at first, but it’ll eat him for a while. He’ll be plagued by my claim that you’re Hope, but he’ll take the bait and have to investigate only to discover the truth. He’ll toss you and your son out, and I’ll be there to pick up the pieces. Hope: Such a vile woman. India: Say what you want but I’m going to come out smelling like a thousand bucks . . . well maybe a couple of billions. You can either unite with me or lose it all. Your choice . . . Hope starts to tear up as she struggles with her decision. India leans into her ear, and: India: Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of Alan. Better care than you could have. India sashays out the room in feat. And on Hope distraught and torn, FADE OUT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz7jGfl6ERU -