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Everything posted by NothinButAttitude

  1. INT. BAUER KITCHEN - DAY Rick stands at the stove, taste testing his homemade BBQ sauce when Ed emerges into the kitchen sporting a white chef's hat and an apron that reads, "FATHER OF THE COOK." Rick bursts into laughter at the site of his father. Ed: So I am assuming you don't like it? Rick: Not really. You look pretty silly. Ed: Well at least I won't be alone. Ed slaps a chef's hat on Rick's head also. Rick: Are you kidding me? I am not wearing this -- this thing. Ed: Of course you are. And you're going to wear it with dignity. Rick: I don't think wearing this monstrosity on my head will make me feel dignified. Ed: But you will. Oh and here. (pulls an apron from his back pocket and hands it to Rick) You are going to need this as well. Rick is speechless and worried what the apron might say. He unravels it and is taken back. He shows the apron to Ed. Rick: Kiss the cook? Dad, that is umm...pretty generic. Ed: Well there is a reasoning behind it. Rick: Please share. Ed: With all these available women showing up at the cookout, maybe one will take you up on the offer and kiss-- Rick: Dad! Ed: Come on, Son. Let's be serious. When was the last time you were with a woman. Rick: Not too long ago. I was married to Beth. Ed joins Rick at the stove overlooking the BBQ sauce. Ed: I wouldn't've call that a marriage. Rick: Whaddya mean? Ed: Nothing. Nothing at all. Rick: You put it out there already. Share. Since you know so much about marriage. Ed: I didn't say all of that. Rick: But that was what you were implying. What was so wrong with me and Beth? Ed looks into Rick's eyes. He is concerned that telling him the truth might upset his son. But, on the other hand, he knows that it has to be done. Ed: The truth is that, there WAS or NEVER will be a you and Beth. Beth will always be in love with Phillip or Alan or whoever else is the man of the hour. Rick: So what? Beth never loved me? Ed: Loves you, yes. Ever in love with you, no. You've always fought to be with Beth but in return she has never fought to be with you. Rick: I thought you liked Beth? Ed: I do. But let's be honest, Beth has really just been using you. And I just never understood how you left Mel to chase a dream you have had since you were a mere teenager. Rick: It wasn't a dream. Beth and I did love each other at that point. Ed: No you weren't. You two were seeking comfort from elsewhere. Beth, from dealing with Alan and you, from dealing with Mel being upset about the Ross accident. The phone rings. Rick: I'll get it because I am over this conversation. Rick goes to answer the phone. Rick: (on phone) Hello?....Hi Michelle! Rick shoots a look at Ed before going back to talk to Michelle. CUT TO INT. SPAULDING MANOR - DAY - ALAN'S ROOM Alan stand in front of the mirror examining himself. He likes what he sees and pops a cigar in his mouth. As he is about to light it, Alexandra bursts into the room. Alan: What now Alexandra? Alex: Just checking to see what is taking you so...(distracted by what he is wearing)...Alan...why are you wearing a tux to cookout. Alan: More like my funeral. Me, in a room with a bunch of Bauers spells disaster. Alex: Well you are still going. Everyone is going to be there. I even heard Mike might make a surprise cameo. Alan: Great. That man gave me hell when I was married to Hope and now I have to deal with him being at the BBQ? Alex: Oh Alan. You are being dramatic. I am sure that Mike's opinion of you have changed since then. Alan: Yeah. I am sure he hates me worse than before. Especially with the feud I had with Rick. Alex: Just be polite...even though that is hard for you. Alex snatches the cigar out of his mouth and tosses it into the trash. Alan is stunned by this action. Alex: Now hurry up. We'll be down in the limo waiting you. Alan releases a big sigh as Alex exits the room. Suddenly the phone rings. Alan: Hilda! Hilda, get the phone No one answer. Alan: Damned hired help. They just don't seem to help anyone anymore. Alan walks over to his nightstand and picks up the phone. Alan: Hello...(rolling his eyes)...slow down, slow down. Now what do you mean he is headed back this way?...But I thought I told you to do whatever it took to keep him from ever coming back home...Don't worry about it, I'll handle it. Alan slams the phone onto the receiver and proceeds with opening the drawer on his night stand. He sticks his hand inside and pulls it out to reveal a .45. He sticks it into his jacket and exit the room. EXT. BAUER HOME - DAY Hidden amongst the branches stands Alan Michael watching Rick and Ed from a window nearby. Alan Michael: Home, sweet home. http://www.youtube.c...feature=related
  2. INT. WSPR - DAY - HOLLY'S OFFICE Holly sits back in her chair, exhausted as Dinah and Blake continue to sling insults at one another. Tired, Holly slams her fist on the table, regaining control of the room. Holly: Ladies! Enough is enough. (pointing the chairs in front of her) Have a seat. Dinah and Blake do as they are told. Holly: Now look, Blake, I thought you wanted nothing to do with WSPR? Blake: At first. But I had a change of heart. Dinah: Of course, when you discovered that Holly was going offering me a position. Blake: Oh Dinah, get a grip! Have you not learned that the world does not revolve around you? Dinah: Unfortunately not. You don't even have the skills to be a good anchor. Blake: How hard can it be to read off a teleprompter? Holly: Ladies. Stop! I've made my decision already...You're both hired. Dinah & Blake: (bewildered) What? Holly: I am hiring the both of you. Blake, you will bring in viewers due to-- Dinah: Being Roger Thorpe's daughter, having that sham of a marriage to my father, and those trashy novels you write. Holly: No...but her fame from her best-selling novels will bring in viewers. And Dinah, your hard journalistic talent will-- Blake: Send people to a competing station when they learn that their anchor married her co-anchor's father for her trust fund, then the son of her husband before killing him in cold blood... Dinah shoots a cold stare at Blake. Dinah: I loved him, Blake. I loved Hart with all of my body and soul. Blake: Yeah but you killed him. So I really don't qualify that as love. Holly: (holding her head) Girls... Dinah: You know what, I am not going to sit here and let you dictate my feelings for Hart. Because if you wanna get dirty we can get dirty. Your history is no cleaner than mine. Dinah gets up and head for the door. She stops for a second and turns around to add one more thing. Dinah: Holly...I want you to know that I accept the job. I'll be in tomorrow. Dinah rolls her eyes at Blake before slamming the door behind her. Blake sits in the chair fuming. Blake: (to self) Damn her. (to Holly) YOU CAN'T HIRE HER! Holly: Too bad I only take what you say so lightly. Blake: Mom, Dinah Marler will drop the credibility of this station down. Holly: No she won't. If anything, you two together will draw in huge ratings. Oh and when you two join up Reginald, the male anchor I hired, the ratings will zoom through the roof. This is going to be a good year for WSPR. And on Blake annoyed, FADE OUT
  3. IN In an interview with new the new head writer, Brandon Fluellen, he says, "These two characters will shake the canvas to the core. Nichols will play John Hu, a leader of drug syndicate who has ties to many of Springfield's citizens. Barr on the other hand will play Cecilia, who will come to take Billy off Vanessa's hands. But she too has a past with some fellow Springfielders..." OUT When asked about why the recent release of Karla Mosley and Murray Bartlett, executive producer Ed Scott had to say, "They don't fit into my vision of TGL. I want anything of the Kreizman/Wheeler era stripped of MY show! There are some of their charachers that can be saved but these two just have to go..." SOD asks, "Is there a possibility for a return in the future?" Head writer Brandon Fluellen reports, "Anything is possible but I would not hold my breath." Short Return SOD: "What is the purpose of Grady's short return?" Fluellen: "Part of Cyrus's exit. Grady is very much alive and seeing Cyrus' exit will thrust him into hiding agan."
  4. COMING UP ON GUIDING LIGHT Buzz receives another surprise when Rocky returns Edmund works his magic that may benefit Dinah Alan is annoyed with Cyrus' threats on his family and has him dealt with in the worse way Alan Michael comes home when bad news for the Bauers arrives A Coop doppleganger hits Springfield sending the Coopers into turmoils Cassie comes home and is drawn between two men: Frank & Edmund Josh and Reva can't deny their feelings Jeffrey is jealous of Reva's new job at Lewis. Josh isn't the only new man in Reva's life. Olivia receives devastating news and Marah is at the root of it Vanessa chooses to reconcile with Matt, sending Billy back to the bottle and into the arms of a new woman Nola & Quint return and it AINT for a visit Jason grows more and more like Roger and plots vengeance on those involved in Ross' death. Olivia goes back to being stone cold and Natalia finds love elsewhere Mallet gets the shock of his life; Marina falls out of love with Mallet and in love with Shayne again A new generation of Springfielders come to town bringing all new drama Frank helps Cassie search for her biological dad and Edmund is jealous The Spauldings clash over powers (Alex/Lizzie V. Alan/???) A Tamerlain-Spaulding comes to town claiming his fortune and forming an enemy...or ally with Alan Alan has Lizzie followed in hopes of gaining full power; he also plays on Alex's sanity as well Hope comes to Springfield but resumes another alias. Beth is reunited with an old love...well sort of... Bill and Lizzie hit the rocks when she finds excitement in a new man...J Chamberlain! Rusty runs for Governor of Illinois Blake meets her match; Dinah gains a #1 fan A friend of Phillip's friend (and an ex of Harley's) with shady ties comes to Springfield, rocking the town to its core *Share your comments....
  5. INT. COMPANY - DAY The usual busy lunch crowd. Buzz is in the kitchen flipping burgers while Phillip sits at the bar sipping a cup of coffee. Cyrus awkwardly slides into room, grabbing a seat next to Phillip. Phillip glances over at Cyrus, clearly annoyed. Phillip: What now, Foley? Cyrus: I know what you did to my brother. You're gonna pay. Phillip: (facing Foley) What are you talking about? Is this some new scheme of yours to try and scam someone? If so, you might wanna go back to the drawing board. Cyrus: No scams here. Just solid evidence. Phillip: Really? Then shoot. The two lock eyes. An unbearable silence overcomes them. The tension is so thick it can be cut with an knife. Suddenly, the door opens and in walks Harley. Phillip & Cyrus: (stunned) Harley? Buzz, not paying attention, comes from the kitchen whistling Dixie, carrying a plate with a burger. Harley: Dad... Buzz, noticing Harley, drops the plate on the floor. Buzz: Harley...is that you? Harley: In the flesh. And on Buzz shocked: FADE OUT OPENING CREDITS http://www.youtube.c...feature=related INT. COMPANY - CONTINUED Buzz rushes up to Harley pulling her into a huge bear hug. Buzz: Sweetie, I missed you so much. Harley: Me too, Dad. Me too. Buzz pulls away from Harley with a look of concern. Buzz: Where are the boys? Harley: They are with Rick. Phillip (joining them): How are they? Harley: Good. Happy to be back home. Buzz: Home? So does that mean you're back for good? Harley: (heavy sigh) Unfortunately. Buzz: Harley!! Harley laughs. Harley: I'm joking. Just joking. A belligerent customer storms up to Buzz. Customer: Hello? I asked for a burger like ten minutes ago. I thought the service was speedy. Phillip: Well can you wait! The man's daughter just came home. Damn! Buzz: (mediating) It's ok. He is right. (to customer) I'll be with you shortly and this will be on the house. The customer heads back to his booth. Buzz: (to Harley) Later? Harley: Later. Harley kisses Buzz on the cheek. He lights up in the face and heads back into the kitchen. Harley: (to Phillip) So what did I just walk in on? Phillip: Nothing much. Harley: Yeah... Cyrus joins in the convo. Cyrus: Harley...umm...how are-- Harley: I'M FINE. Thank you. Cyrus: Well if you two would excuse me. Phillip: Bye. Cyrus exits. A tad bit of awkwardness between Phillip and Harley. Phillip: Do you wanna talk? Harley: Might as well. You weren't going to quit bothering me until I said yes anyways. Phillip guides Harley to a booth nearby where they have a seat. CUT TO INT. WSPR - DAY - CONFERENCE ROOM Holly sits at her desks, going over the budget when a KNOCK is heard on the door. Holly: Come in! Dinah peeks her head and Holly is thrilled to see her. Holly: I was wondering when you were going to arrive. Dinah: Sorry I am late. Shayne and I got into a bit of an argument. Holly: You ok? (points to the seat in front of her) Come, come sit down. Dinah grabs a seat across from Holly. Dinah: I'll be fine. So what did you want? Holly: Since your mother signed over the position of general manager back over to me, I was wanting to make some changes. I want WSPR to go back to being the hardcore news station we use to be. What I am trying to say is Dinah -- I want you to come back and be an anchor for the show. Dinah. I don't know... Holly: Dinah. You have what it takes. You have that pizazz, that spunk that will draw crowds in. I am trying to build a strong team of anchors and I want you to be one of them. I won't take no for an answer. Blake: (off-screen) Mom-- Blake barges into the room and all the attention is turned towards her. Blake: (snarky) Dinah. What are YOU doing here? I thought you wanted out of WSPR when Vanessa signed things back over to my mom? Holly: That's the reason she is here. I want Dinah to join the new team of anchors. Blake: What?! Holly: Yes. Blake: Mother, are you crazy? Dinah is all shades of controversy. Do you think the sponsors really want to invest in a two time killer? She killed Hart and now she is on trial for killing some Edmund look-a-like. Holly: She is innocent until proven guilty, Blake. Blake: Guilty my behind. I can tell you now that gun wielding Dinah was behind this man's death. Dinah: Can you two just stop for a second? Holly: (to Dinah) Hold on a second, honey. (to Blake) Why don't you think Dinah is good enough for the position? Do you know someone who could do it better? Blake: Actually I do. Holly: Who? Blake: Me. Dinah burst into laughter. Dinah: Are you serious? Blake: As a heart attack. Blake and Dinah argue amongst each other like the old times. Holly watches on grinning from ear to ear. I think Holly might be onto something.... And on Holly grinning, FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT http://www.youtube.c...h?v=f8GocilwNWM
  6. From the writers that gave you the short live soap opera, "The Pride and the Prejudice," bring you TGL: The Guiding Light. The Light has been renewed, now joining the SON network for the remainder of its 72nd and 1st half of 73rd year. The story will begin a day before this year's "final" Bauer BBQ. There will be twists and turns and you will fall in love with the story I have developed like you did GL in it's best years. Stay tuned as cast & production lists will be revealed.
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