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Posts posted by remos

  1. Morning all.... as I was doing my morning constitutional through the soap boards, I've been having some thoughts.

    I looded at the like in SD that says "Luke breaks Tracy's heart. Tracy turns to someone unexpected." It wasn't grounded with any other spoilers/insider comments. I'm thinking someone is trying to blow smoke based on the Mediapic for the week of the 7th. Some still believe that Luke actually gets out of that hospital bed and leaves with Skye, and then it would explain Tracy with Coleman. Both pictures are off, but there are quite a few who assume Luke is Skye's exit. I don't buy it.

    As for TG being gone over Feb. Sweeps, we were told that quite some time ago, so that isn't news. JE being offscreen so Tracy can be with Luke was also something that was suggested awhile ago. Possibly back in March/April or not until May if he doens't get what he wants - that to me suggests a 'red herring'. I doubt he is so unprofessional that he would hold the writers hostage for a better storyline like that. I believe he doesn't like 'decrepit' Luke, but he still did it. I think Luke's recovery will be handled offscreen, and he'll come back healthy. The Bickersons will not be funny if it's all about Luke's health.

    If he doesn't come back until May, however, he can't possibly be taking a long summer vacation. He will have already used up most of his weeks, and he is under contract.

    Haven't we been told that TPTB are sending out false information in order to identify the leaks? I think some of it got mingled with this information. I just don't think 2 professionals with 60+ years between them on GH wouldn't know a thing or two about how to play with the team. As inexpendable as TG is, he isn't that inexpendable.

  2. Hey Hooked, I see you on SD trying to get info. on Tracy. Man, it's like pulling teeth over there. Why nothing, I wonder. And personally, I don't give a rat's ass when Sam/Lucky find out what. I saw their breakdown, and I hope the writers aren't going back to 5 days of Jason/Sam/Lucky/Liz with a side of Carly/Sonny/Kate again. There are so many other stories they could tell. Like TRACY'S!!!

  3. Knew you couldn't stay silent, Hooked :P

    Lainey, you will love todays preview for Wednesday - All LuNacy, Diane and Alexis (Tracy looks at Luke and says "I know you're up to something"; shows him being smuggled in the cigars)

    Today's show wasn't bad. Nothing in your face. I think it's totally appropriate that the younger couples get NYE.

    Laugh out loud line of the day:

    Carly to Jerry - "do I have to watch the vault or something"

    Jerry to Carly - scoffing, "Oh Carly, that was soooo last year"

    Now off to read the NY fic...


    Hooked, that was great. I loved the closeness you showed. You can really get into their hearts.

  4. Edit again--

    1200 posts! What a nice round number!!! 100 a month average for me--ha ha! 25 a week, 3.5 a day--OY! My new year's resolution should be to GET A LIFE--LOL I can't post anymore today to keep my nice even number up for the year end!!!



    BTW, has anyone noticed the thread at SOC re: favourite 20 couples of all time. There are the prerequisite LnL love, of course, but not as much as you'd think. The interesting part is how many people are naming LuNacy - and some of these posters are taking it right back to pre-Steve and Audry.

  5. There is not enough NeoCitren in the world, my friends....urgh....

    Thanks for the link, Hooked. I heard about the promo but couldn't find it. I'm really hoping it will be worth our time, and lead to some conclusions for Luke. So far it just seems these hell/heaven/pergatory trips are just to showcase TG and his different abilities. And while I admire his skills (and anyone who does Sinatra gets my vote on principle), I'm not seeing that it's anything other than holiday filler. It also seems that pergatory is relagated to 2 scenes on Thursday while they try to revive him. I'm sure it will be entertaining, but it's time to move on.

    Wonder why Tracy is still seated - perhaps she's the one who won't convict him because her sins are as great. And of course, there's that whole love thing....


    Ms.Q. I've always liked Skye. (I'm part of the cohort who can remember her early years on AMC, cough, cough, gasp... reach for oxygen mask...) They could have done so much with her, and they didn't. I just don't like her recent flirty [!@#$%^&*] with Luke. Otherwise, I loved the whole Rae (Linda Dano, always a favourite)/Alan/Skye thing. GH just blew it all over the place.

    2nd EDIT

    That's too funny. When I wrote, I actually spelled out "flirty sh-t", but above is what got automatically posted.

  6. Okay.... TOTALLY OT - time for a Mama bragging moment....


    click "play" the link for CTV 6 pm evening news

    It will start playing the news; pull the time dot (you know, that thing that goes along the bottom of the screen to tell you have many minutes and second have played); go to 12:50. You will probably need to click play/pause again.

    The Diva is the one screaming as she goes down the hill; and in the back of the sled singing "White Christmas". Shiloh is in the two-toned blue snowsuit just after they finish singing, Zion is in red at the bottom of the hill, and when Dorothy (my friend) is being interviewed, that's me kneeling behind. Poor Rusty has his head cut off, but is standing behind his sister while she sings.

  7. That news about RC/Skye came from an anonymous person; it's unconfirmed.

    Same person is now saying NLG is gone - Days made her an offer. (Can't see it myself, who would she play? That age/gender category on Days is really well supplied.)

    Lainey, if rumors are to be believed, JE, TG, RiH, and SR went to the Executive Producer with complaints about how things are running now. hooked might be able to make it clearer.

    Lainey, it's part of a wider backstage discussion of what has been going wrong and what they can do to fix it. Heavy hitters, writers, etc. are going to an unnamed higher up to give their opinions. JE and TG were mentioned, side by each, as going to TPTB to give their suggestions/critique. There was no mention of LuNacy, their individual stories, or where LuNacy might be headed.

    Maybe TG's vacation is like 2006? When he didn't leave 'til mid January and was back late January? I hope so...

    I imagine if he is taking his winter vacation, they will do it after Luke is through his surgeries and trying to recover. Then, when he returns, he can be in better shape for whatever they are going to throw him into. At this rate, I'm expecting Luke and Tracy are off on that second honeymoon he suggested, during sweeps in February. Then they would be back in time for any fallout from sweeps that effects Lulu and Lucky. (It would be nice if I could include Dillon and Ned's names, but... you know...)

  8. Darn--I used to be the pollyanna/spin doctor around here Remos--but you my friend have the new title of Miss Positivity! I am therefore, jumping on your bandwagon! Sorry for the negativity...I am not in the happiest of states right now--:)

    You around to chat for a few? 4:30 central time.

    That's too funny. Lainey just gave me that title on SOC earlier today. I will wear my tiara and sash proudly!

    Just let me feed the screamers, and I'll pop in, Hooked.

    (Lainey, did you ever receive my email? Not looking for a response - cause I want you to take your time, just wondering. I don't feel the itch with that one.)

  9. Okay, hu..hu..hu... *clearing my throat*....

    We have seen the spoilers for Heaven, so they are going to happen for Xmas Eve and Boxing Day.

    Luke did NOT learn his lesson being in Hell, so he probably won't learn his lessong in Heaven.

    Pergatory, in the properly bastardized modern version, is the "holding" ground between Heaven and Hell, where the souls wait out the decission on their fate. It is usally the place where others intervene (generally through prayer, but ya know...it's a soap). If they're going to do it, might as well do it all the way. Either way, it's going to give JE and TG some campy stuff that will be funny as hell to watch.

    JE and TG have both said numerous times they like what they're doing. I can't see them asking to be seperated after asking to be together for 3 decades.

    JE, TG, and a number of other smart, seasoned actors have been approaching TPTB with suggestions, ideas, feedback, etc. There are continued rumblings that TPTB are realizing they have a problem that is bigger than a patch job, and are wanting to fix it entirely, while they are still fairly high up in the ratings.

    AND, I've never seen such a group of insidious, callous, insulting, doomsday predictors as I have on SZ and SD (the boards responsible for afore said information). You'd think the entire place was about to implode.


    Glad you had a good vacation!

    remos, last night/evening, we definitely had blizzard like conditions. We ended up with 10 inches of snow on the ground. I suspect that is what you're experiencing right now. :o

    One of the really cool things on this board, is that you get the weather 12 hours before I do, it then goes to Lady A. and I know in advance what's coming. It works for me! :D

  11. Saw a bit of GH in the hotel, but would be VERY grateful if someone can send me links for the last two weeks of clips (the last clips I have are from 11/28). Oooh, I learned how to burn DVDs on my computer so I can watch them on TV. I think I'll make a Music Video CD for fun!

    Hey Deb, welcome back.

    We're got a blizzard going on outside, so I'm staying nice and toasty with my 'puter. These are the clips:

    December 6th


    Clips provided by Izzy, edited by Nex

    December 7th


    Clips provided by Izzy, edited by Nex

    December 10th


    Credit goes to Izzy, edited by Nex

    December 11th


    Credit goes to Izzy, edited by Nex

    December 12th


    Credit goes to Trudy at Hella Good, edited by Nex

    I don't know how much else you've missed. Stacy gave us two new videos:

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/1tr40d (Sex-o-matic Venus Freak)

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/2rcrsd (Her Eyes - I think)

    There are a few new stories on the TQ Fanfic

    LuNacy has been burning it up over at SOC

    Spoilers going forward, suggest major battles for LuNacy as Luke tries to adjust.

  12. Here are some spoilers from soapzone for the week of the 17th...but I don't know how they can be right as the Scene Insider said Monica is not on this week.

    Lulu and Skye implore Luke to have another operation.

    Monica begins suffering the same fate as Tracy when Alan died.

    Luke wishes he died after he gets a daily dose of the post-surgery lifestyle, the antithesis of what he stands for

    Considering Luke's surgery isn't finished until the 26th, these spoilers could very well take us to the end of the month. The Monica spoilers make sense, if that's the intent.

    And Ms.Q.....

    Palmam qui meruit ferat

  13. I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist over those spoilers. The other day Tracy demanded Luke tell her what his plans for his health were, so she could "decide whether or not to take the ride". We've had almost two months of lovey, emotive LuNacy. While that's nice and romantic for the holidays, it's not these characters. Luke is just as scared of being a burden to Tracy as he is not being in control of his own destiny. You know he wasn't going to accept any of this easily.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Tracy threatens him with divorce (heaven's, I've done that myself when I've been beyond irate), but they both know to actually follow through would cut them both deeply. They need the tension, or else this whole heart attack storyline would have no purpose or teeth. As soon as something external comes along, they will pull together tightly.

    All of that aside, how many dooms-day predictions for LuNacy have their been through 2007? And yet, they're leaving this year stronger than they've ever been. Spoilers are meant to get a gut reaction from the audience. I'm just going to sit back and watch the show, 'cause you know Tracy is at her best when she has a cause to fight for.


    Ms. Q, what's the weather? We're getting what you have now. (It goes from you to Lady A, to me. I just want to know what to expect.)

  14. Mornin'....

    I've seen the new GH 411 for Dec. 24 recap/25 preview.

    It starts with Luke in surgery, then goes to a really sweet shot of Tracy looking worried and Dillon rubbing her back.



    Also, I think it's the Cdn. TV Guide (not positive, though) that says Luke's surgery is finished on the 26th, so that's twice Xmas week.

    OT: Would you believe it's snowing again! This is so strange. TO has had green Christmases 10 of the 11 years I've been here. Harness up the sled, we might need it to get through these mounds of white.

  15. Wednesday

    Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley, Scott, Monica & Skye (Waiting Room)

    Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley, Scott, Monica, Lulu, Logan & Skye (Waiting Room)

    Luke, Skye & Scott (Dream)

    Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley, Scott, Monica, Lulu, Logan & Skye (Waiting Room)

    Luke, Skye & Scott (Dream)

    Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley, Scott, Monica, Lulu, Logan & Skye (Waiting Room)

    Luke, Skye, Leo, Epiphany, Nadine, Andy & Regina (WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS ONE?)

  16. And I cannot believe there are people online blaming Tracy for planting the thoughts about Emily into Monica's head... :mellow:

    They WHAT??? That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Monica isn't that mentally weak.

    BTW someone posted that Luke/Tracy/monica/scott will have no role in feb. sweeps at all at soapdish. People all think they were fake lists because how could they not use TG during sweeps. He is always on Feb sweeps. Plus what are they paying him for then???

    Perhaps that's when he's taking his vacation. And if Tracy isn't on, then she's with Luke somewhere.

    So what today...his heart was too damaged to fix?

    This part was really unclear. Leo said he couldn't fix his heart because Luke didn't have a heart. I don't know if they couldn't fix his heart at all. But now that they are talking about it, getting a new heart from Georgie would make sense. If his old heart is too far damanged, and he would have to radically change his lifestyle, it would radically change Luke. A new heart would give him a new license on life.

    Wasn't one of the scenes supposed to have Leo, Tracy, Luke, etc. in it? That wasn't on today. I really hope they throw a couple of those into tomorrow. They really left it hanging today.

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