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Posts posted by remos

  1. l_4fdb69266bb4a4c375ffde59d76e1a63.jpg

    Lordy, she really is short without those heels. :P

    Tracy Quartermaine drabblethon on the Ficathon

    Love it!


    Just saw this on SD. WTF???

    Anonymous wrote:

    I can't believe that Scott is going to kiss Tracy. I wonder if GH is going to do a Luke/Tracy/Scott triangle, it should be interesting. Has anyone ever fought over Tracy?

    Whoa where did that come from? Is this new scoop?

    Yeah, really, where did that come from?

    And Coleman/Luke kind of fought over Tracy, but it was brief. Luke was jealous that Tracy chose Coleman over him.

    Is this just made up? I haven't seen anything anywhere about Scotty kissing Tracy. She would slap him silly if he tried!

    Maybe luke dreams that and it makes him agree to the surgery--ha ha!

    My comment: This would be good. Hope it's not a falsehood. Scotty did strike me as a little too angry about the bliss in Tracy and Luke's marriage, before Luke had his heart attack.

  2. Remos, it was definately Dec.4 ABC Soaps In Depth (unless I just wrote the abbreviation wrong, which is more than possible.) I could not find the strike picture in it.

    I believe the poster on SD said it was the Dec. 17th edition of SID, or something like that. Not the one that had the 2 page spread about Lunacy (we have that on the shelves right now), but the one that just came out. We haven't gotten any of the new mags. up here yet - can't wait to see the SOD.

  3. Happy Friday everybody!!!!

    I wanted to first start off with Remos, I loved your new story!!! MinervaFan, I also enjoyed yours, I laughed out loud at my desk here at work.

    I wanted to share this with you guys it comes from that person Marlena Delacroisxs' blog, its about Lunacy: :)

    In my last column, I blasted the plotting of General Hospital’s Black and White Ball as schlocky and superficial. The overall main story was presumably done by the head writer. That doesn’t mean all of the scriptwriting for the month was awful; it takes a lot of different associate writers to write the scripts for a whole month of a daytime soap. There actually were some decently written scenes, one of which I will examine in depth later. It’s this kind of good work, done by dialogue writers, which makes bad soaps a lot more watchable.

    What also often helps to make bad soap storytelling better is the very hard and creative work of actors who must bring the scenes to life. Here’s an examination of the three performances and one standout scene during the Black and White Ball which really elevated the awful overall plotting.

    Anthony Geary and Jane Elliott (Luke and Tracy Quartermaine Spencer ). What a treat for you young ones who weren’t around to see either of these actors in the late 70s and 80s when their originally villainous characters first became legends. The many many scenes leading up to and following Luke’s heart attack at the Ball. at Wyndemere offered a rare chance to see how dynamic, talented and creative they were.

    We always thought Luke and Tracy’s was a marriage of convenience, but during these scenes of sudden illness, the pair displayed the deep and marvelously mature love that had somehow grown between them. ”You dragged me out of the past (with Laura, et. al) and propelled me into my future,” Luke confessed to Tracy.” Wowsa! Their scenes together were so unexpectedly and richly romantic!

    Question: Was the development of the real deep love displayed by Luke and Tracy in the wake of his heart attack in the script or did the actors invent it? Elliot has always been a sharply intelligent actress. Geary is notorious for writing his own lines. Calling Tracy “wife” in all the dialogue sounds both Shakespearean and Geary-ian to me!

    What made the Luke and Tracy scenes all the richer was the fact that we the audience have closely walked down 30 years worth of separate paths with these characters. And here they are sharing a love that is even sweeter since we’ve watched them as separate characters, both rogues, struggle and suffer all these years. I reveled in the Spencers’ depth of emotion. Middle-aged love is never portrayed on daytime anymore! It takes actors of great intelligence to understand and realistically communicate this kind of mature emotion. Brava! Who would have ever predicted that Geary and Elliot would become the Lunts of daytime television? (For you young’uns who may not know: The legendary husband and wife acting team of Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne were renowned to be among the finest stage actors of the first half of the 20th century).

    Here is the link. http://marlenadelacroix.com/

    Wow, wow, wow..... Thanks Nex. I read her first article and knew she was going to talk about LuNacy, but couldn't find her second one. Thank you so much.

    Wow... am I repeating myself? I really hope TPTB read this article and meditate upon it.

  4. Okay, not spoiler exactly, but I've been reviewing the lastest promo for next week. It looks like Luke is outside at night, with Lulu and Johnny, and he clutches his heart as he falls into Johnny. Next scene is Luke in the hospital saying "the suspense is killing me".

    I'm thinking perhaps the escape from the hospital has yet to come. Maybe that will be the incident that finally makes him accept that he needs the operation, since the following week he's in surgery. Monica is said to botch the job on Tuesday, the 11th.

    Watch the promo and see what you think: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq8mkiYSpME

  5. Was Tracy on today?

    Not that I've seen anywhere. She wasn't expected to be. The next time we have a pretty secure date is Dec. 5th or 6th.

    Still awaiting LuNacy dates for next week. The Insider said they had more to post but hadn't finished yet.

    Monica freezes and almost screws up Luke's surgery on the 10th or 11th (sorry, wish my memory was better).

  6. I read somewhere (thought it was this board, but couldn't find it) that in yesterday's scene, TG looks like he lost his place as he watched JE say "... shots at my family."

    I went back to see it, and it really looks like TG needed a few beats to remember what he was supposed to do.

    Just an off question (realizing the bias of the board, but still), it's been noted and often obvious that TG feels JE pulls up his game. Has anyone EVER suggested that JE is off or isn't bringing it home? (I've never seen it, if it has.)

  7. Ms. Q., I've got "Way I Am" on repeat, and have been singing it while I get ready for my Guide meeting tonight. Just heard Ru walk past whistling the tune. Have you any idea how much you have influenced the musical exposure of my children these last number of months?
  8. For some reason I don't think the Qs are Catholic. I would bet Presbyterian if it had to be one of the two...but what do I know...I only know about baby namings and bris ceremonies). Actually I am laughing right now because I am sure nobody ever thought about it on the show before or the actors for that matter...but here we are speculating! :)

    Let's write a letter to SID--ha ha. Guza's response will be "um...the Qs...let me think...now who are they again? Oh yeah, the ones I keep killing off each sweeps!"

    See, aren't you glad you have a theological geek in your midst?! Things you never thought about before.....


    In fact, from what I've read JE say about spirituality, and what's been said about her, I'd guess she was Epicopalian, Methodist or Presbyterian. THAT is the question I really want to ask her.

  9. Re: The religion. Queen of Angels is whatever denomination that GH needs it to be. I don't think the Q's are Catholic. Was it remos who said Episcopalian? As far as the innaccuary with the robes go, this is the same show that said there was a coast of Bolivia. ;)

    And had them buying a "Colonial" hotel in Montreal..... don't think so

  10. Yes they were awesome together Rachel. I would chat but I gotta head out to drive carpool soon and run to the craft store first.

    Remos--Loved your fic! Read it this morning (even though I liked the sneak preview...loved the real thing!!). You had the voices of Robert and Luke down pat. So...now that you made the "mistake" of writing and posting...we are gonna be bugging you for more and more!!!! Great job!

    Yeah, well, figured as much....

    GEEK MOMENT: Okay, you folks are just going to have to indulge me. I've started watching the service for Emily, and the theology is sound, but the liturgical colours are off. The priest (I'm guessing it's Episcopalian or Methodist, give the Quartermaines are old money, New England), should be wearing a white cassock over the white robes - the colour of Resurrection. Purple is the colour of Lent or Advent, and Advent doesn't start until next week. And it's NOT used for funerals.

    Thank you for your time...


    Quickly, 'cause I know you at work are wondering.... Tracy had about 2 seconds with her sons. After the service they came outside. Dillon said something about sorry for the loss, Tracy said "there's no use for greeting card sentiment". Dillon's response was "Well, how 'bout I say I love you and lets call it a day." Tracy: "Sounds good to me". Then Tracy and Dillon have a big hug. Afterwards she turns to Ned and has a big hug with him.

  11. Also wanted to add, when I first heard "step-monster" I was turned off. But it was actually pretty funny, lol. Their relationship has reached the level that they can tease each other, even somewhat harshly, and it doesn't acquire any hard feelings.

    Yeah, me and fashion.... not so much....

    I loved this line coming out of Luke. My gut reaction was that he was trying to pry appart Tracy and Lulu, but using the old term and NEITHER of them bit. It was definately worth a few chuckles. Lulu has definately grown where Luke/Tracy are concerned. It's nice to see.

  12. Remos, Re: your email.... LOVE IT!!! Post it! :D

    btw, Banner updated :)

    Thanks, TL. I gave it over to Lainey and Deb to do with as they wish.

    Banner looks good.

    Colette, double thumbs up to you. Great recap, and record breaking speed!!!

    Some of my thoughts (few, considering I had to leave part way to take the screamers to piano lessons)

    Lulu's hair looks like it came from The Monsters. Sorry, the hairstyle doesn't do anything for me. Sweet that she was concerned with Tracy, bringing the cell to her, and not allowing her to accept responsibility for lying to Luke re: Lucky. Also standing up for Tracy with Logan (I returned just as Lulu was doing that, so I have no idea what Tracy said).

    I'm really pleased the way Lucky and Lulu are flanking Tracy this week. Hopefully it will be the start of much more.

    Tracy, beautiful as ever, has Luke's number. She knows he's up to something, but I doubt she suspects he's going to try to sneak out of the hospital. I'll bet there will be hell to pay come tomorrow when she finds out.

    Scene between Monica and Tracy was great. Tracy has long had the reputation of being the family's one tone bitch, but she is really so much more. Saying how she resented Emily because she was always compared to Lila made me start to think.... a few boards are saying Tracy has lost her edge, but I think TRACY is getting to be more like Lila. We never got to see Lila in her early years, you know....

    Anyway, my few cents for what they're worth. Gotta get the kids. Snow squall just blew through a few minutes ago. We might actually have a white Christmas this year - oh, and Frank called, he has my chocolates. :P

  13. My son's perstering me to get off the computer, but I thought this gem of a comment might be appreciated here..... (then I'll get off, Zion, I promise)

    Seriously. If we're going to bring up Tracey's past mistakes, let's bring up EVERYONE'S. Like how Laura killed David Hamilton and really, several others. How Luke is a rapist. How Edward is a baby seller. How Monica is a multiple adulterer. Come ON. The heart pill thing is ancient history, and even if it wasn't, I think Tracey's grown since then.

    People complain about how Guza doesn't allow growth for characters... really the fans don't recognize growth either.


  14. Just having my usual middle of the night insomnia, so went surfing. Wow, wasn't just SZ that blasted our girl, some on SD were pretty nasty as well. Obviouly TQ touched a nerve/cord yesterday. She's not periphery anymore, at any rate.

    I'll leave the real info to Hooked and Ms. Q, but there is word that she will be on Dec. 6th at least. And still nothing on a TG winter vacation. Interesting....

  15. Also, the person providing the episode counts said yesterday that

    Cameron would be wearing a shirt with a puppy on it. He was today. However, people are still doubtful since Kali (Kristina) has no tape dates up on her site, and as mentioned earlier, the Dever girls are NOT Molly anymore...

    Guess we'll see...

    I wouldn't put too much concern into this. The other day I went to tony-geary.net, and they still have information about his upcoming vacation - summer 2007. Volunteer/Family run websites aren't always up to date. As I said earlier, those are the general averages we've been getting for TQ for some time. It's all good.

    Went back and emerced myself in today's eppi again. The look on Luke's face at the end, when Tracy is holding him up is amazing. He looks so lost and uncomfortable with the reality that he's not controling this one.

    I called Monica going to town on Tracy re: who's family is dead/alive. I'm calling it: tomorrow, Luke disappears while Tracy is at the funeral. He's found and then the proposal on Wednesday end of day. B)

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