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Posts posted by remos

  1. Oy! Not feeling too great this morning...one glass too many last night at this client xmas dinner. It is funny to try to "chat" when you are not all there--ha ha.

    Well, good morning sunshine! CAN YOU HEAR ME DOWN THERE???

    You were definitely having your own conversation last night.

    I like your idea of the proposal being today. If I were a betting person, I would give fair odds that they are on today. They can't just jump into the surgery on Monday without some prep. (well, they can, but they've been giving LuNacy a lot of fodder lately, so I don't think they will)

    BTW, don't worry about the article. It might not sit well on your current stomach. :P


    oh looky, looky, page 499 wow, that was fast


    Okay, I am about to hurl....

    Anyone else see this?


    Comments continue about how gracious, how thoughtful, how classy.... How manipulative!

    Ya know, when I used to work as a Foster Parent, we had to deal with this type of passive aggressive behaviour constantly. It was always aimed at getting sympathy and playing people. And it usually worked unless the people involved knew better. Then the b**ch came out. There is something seriously off with this individual.

  3. OMG, that is too funny. And you're right about who's kissing Scott. Wow, wonder how they are going to juxtaposition this. Tracy having her dramatic fit (rightly so) at Monica and everyone for not listening to her, and "killing" her husband, and Luke verious of heaven/hell. Next week looks REALLY good. :D


    Here's the little gift (that Lainey hopefully likes): http://www.sendspace.com/file/1tr40d

    Loved this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are SO good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Today's show...

    Tracy walk into the hospital room with documents, telling Luke he was going to love what she had. She kept talking, and eventually told him he was being rude ignoring her, because she knew he snored when he was actually asleep (that was so funny). She quickly realized something was off, pulled back the covers to see the pillows, and threw the documents on the bed, and stormed out.

    Meanwhile Luke, drunk with something in a paper bag, comes stumbling around the corner in the park were Lulu and Johnny are talking. Lulu tells him he shouldn't be there, yada yada, and he gives the whole shpiel about independence. He clutches his heart and falls into Johnny.

    Apparently L/J take him to the ER personally, because next thing we know Luke is being wheeled on to the 10th floor. Tracy asks what happened, and is told the ER did a proceedure to stabalize him. Lulu and Johnny walk in behind his gurney. Tracy keeps asking Epiphany what happened, and finally Piph. tells her she's going to be a widow if she doesn't let her (Piph.) through. Tracy backs off.

    Dr. Julian has been paged through all of this, and comes to give Luke what for. Telling him the only reason he survived is because L/J brought him to the hospital personally. Any other way he would have been DOA.

    Tracy says some stuff to Luke, but honestly the kids were in my way, so I can't tell you what it was.

    Lucky arrives and asks Tracy how he is. Luke says " 'He' is right here." Lucky: "Yeah, but you lie." and then turns to Tracy again. Tracy tells Lucky again about the surgery, moving to stand beside Lucky. Then she says Luke just doesn't want hospital rooms and walkers to be the last thing he sees, and she can't blame him. Lucky is trying to hide a smile, but understands as well. Before he leaves, Lucky squeezes Tracy's arm in support. (I tell you, they're building to something.)

    Tracy turns back to Luke who has witnessed the whole scene, and says, "okay, I'll do it". Tracy asks, do what. Luke says he'll have the surgery, as Tracy's eyes get wide. Then she says something snarky like this will break the records, Luke acquiesing to anything. Luke's response: "besides, I hear they give you great drugs." Tracy just smiles in relief.

  5. Ya know..... I was just thinking (in my conspiratorial brain)...... about the JE/TQ spoilers for the next few weeks....

    I wonder if TPTB are intentionally giving JE her Emmy reel this year. It's widely acknowledged (even grudginly by the EWCBO supporters) that JE can rock it out of the house with everyday material. But they've spent the better part of two months building up TQ and the relationship between LS/TQ, just to have it threated briefly (which we all know will be brief, courtesy of Guza's own admissions). The openings are there for the character to really let lose. Add to that the apology to MQ, which internet buzz mentions as one of the greatest moments out of Emily's death.... AND the number of voices (none of which are ours, incidently) that say she's due.

    (It would certainly taste sweet to those of us with a certain political position on the timing. Don't think we'd be seeing TG barely able to swallow the bile if it came to pass.)

  6. Happy Chanukah and greetings on this Feast of St. Nicholas

    Yes, it was my present to all of you. Thank you so much for your comments.

    (*Turning to Lainey on bended knee*, sorry I didn't wait for you. It felt like an itch that needed scratching, so I turned to Hooked. Forgive me????)

    On Xmas Eve, we have the kids at Midnight Mass, so we are often waking them around 9 or 10 to open presents on Xmas morning. Feast of St. Nicholas, however is a different story. They woke me up at 5, and the b**ch of it is I was actually sleeping. So here is me, my kids eating chocolate in the living room, and I'm going back to bed!
  7. Word from a supposed insider backstage person is that Tony Geary is incredibly unhappy. Who knows. What doe he have to be unhappy about. Makes all kinds of money and gets six months off.

    I just hope that he doesn't leave only because there would go JE's airtime. Funny how Guza is quoted as saying "Tony and JE are having so much fun with this storyline." Hmmmm. Just got home and have to run out again for tennis lessons for my little one. Be back later. Crazy afternoon...three rounds of carpool to various activities. I am tired already.

    They did seem to just drop that at SD, didn't they. No explaination at all. The insinuation is that he's unhappy with his story and about to walk, but what if it's something else. His contract comes up this February, I've heard, so the rumors are going to be flying fast and free.

    I hope he doesn't leave for JE's sake as well. They've waited to work together for this long, surely they won't end it anytime soon.

    Don't you just wish you had an insider that you could trust?!

  8. EDIT 2:REMOS! You are ivy kendall?! I was reading them and thinking hmmm... she is really good, too bad I don't know who it is. You are GREAT at writing! I need to start reading fics. I never do, I don't know why, but I should start.

    Thank you, Colette, that is quite a compliment.

    And please read. That's how I first got connected with this group. The writers here are amazing - and you've already ventured forth. Here is my favourite link:


  9. Okay, my day so far.....

    - Wake up to a Lainey lusty fic (excellent, by the way)

    - Get kids to do the laundry (yes, all 4 do the laundry from start to finish, I just supervise)

    - Yelled at by the church lady who thinks I don't know how to educate my kids (insert rant here)

    - Call from cutie Frank (my insurance agent), who says he'll miss me when our business is over

    - Get a chance to read the new fics in the drabble-thon

    - Read spoiler re: Luke's death, and speculate

    - Take kids to music lessons

    - Return in time to post drabble of my own

    - Pick up kids, and listen while they discuss what would happen is "zero" didn't exist (yeah, these are the same kids I don't know how to educate)

    - Get home in time for the littlest one to tell me he is going to be "yellow" (only a 3 year old can imagine being a colour)

    - Watch Ms. Q's latest video (baby girl, you are so good at this stuff)

    Okay... what's next?????

    BTW, anyone have a copy of the latest SOD that they can scan? That edition doesn't seem to have gotten to this side of the border yet, and I'm getting impatient. Does this one have both "Most Entertaining Couple" and "Luke Dies"?

  10. They've been doing pretty well by Tracy lately, and Skye is literally doing her "swan song". In many ways, Skye was the transition person that allowed Luke to be ready for Tracy - she was the only one of Luke's previous lovers who DIDN'T know EWCBO personally. I think it's fitting that she be his guide, if that's how they're playing it.

    In other news, which of you lovely LuNacy darlings left this on SD for the poor LnL pookies?

    Luke loves Tracy now. Laura who?

    Seriously. Luke never had anyone to come home to before, remember?

    *yawn* get over it. I swear the LnL fanbase complains more than anyone.

    And NO , that fanbase hasn't been crapped on more than anyone. They just like playing martyrs.

  11. Another spoiler posted at wubs.net...can we say TG vacation time??

    **Luke's recovery won't be easy. Will a "relaxing vacation" be in order?

    I think it's expected, but there is still nothing about a leaving date in anything I've seen or read.

    It's the logical ways to go, but the "how" will be interesting.

  12. Love you drabble Remos!

    Thanks. These are fun to write. Everyone, into the water!!!

    I want that avatar screen cap you have on your live journal with them in the hospital bed. can you email that pic to me or TL if you have it.

    It's sent. Should be in you inbox as I write.

  13. SO then the girl was like should we write letters and Barbara Walters said do you want to go back to daytime? She said "No I don't want to go back to a soap opera now." So then the host was like okay don't write letters.

    See.... Barbara Walters is a secret LuNacy supporter (being of a certain generation that appreciates a good love story, as opposed to endless regurg.), and she doesn't want any pro-LnL stuff coming to her network! :P

    Ms.Q, glad to hear your day went well. I hope you receive the outcome you want, and quickly.

  14. I am thinking about doing a Best of Tracy Quartermaine this year. I wanted to do something similar last year (but never went through with it). In any case, ideas could be "Best Dramatic Episode," "Best Comedic Episode," "Best Speech," "Best Hair" (I had to!!!), that sort of thing. If we needed help remembering, I could post some nominations. Or we can all post nominations. Just something to keep the thread moving along (especially if we don't get a lot of Tracy this month). Anyone up for it?

    You mean I'll have to think????

  15. Question: It's fine to put a resume on regular computer paper, isn't it? My dad wants me to go to OfficeMax and have copies made on this fancy, expensive stuff, but it almost seems pointless if the resume is just gonna end up in a folder somewhere in a filing cabinet...But what do I know? :unsure:

    Ms. Q, one of my stints was in HR as the person who processed resumes. Trust me on this one, the simple, boring, looking like it's thrown together resume doesn't get attention.

    Set it nicely, lots of open space, clear sentences, make sure all the tenses are correct as well as spelling (yeah, I know, this coming from the person who can't spell), and DO get it on linen or resume paper. Lainey's right, the weight does matter. Also, paper with a hint of blue/grey/slate is always good. It stands out against the mass of white, but it's conservative - which means you took your time to do this and didn't just throw it together.

  16. To all the Christians on the board....

    Happy New Year!!!

    We've off to Advent celebrations, but had to stop in to say hi.

    Added my piece to the drabble-aton last night. Hope you like it.

    Kids have a concert this afternoon, so I won't be arround. Lets hope they have some spoilers for us before the day is out!

  17. Okay. I stopped that image like 20 times.

    Is she wearing the same jacket she's wearing when they wheel Luke into hospital, and Epiphany tells Tracy 'your husband had another heart incident' (or something like that)?

    IF SO, I think she comes into the room while he's out, sees it's empty, and has that fit.

    It makes the most sense, but..........

    Somebody else slow-mo or freeze the damn thing, and confirm this is true: It looks like there are a pair of legs sticking out from the blanket (on right). If so, Luke IS in the bed. In that case, she could throw a fit AFTER he is wheeled back in, and placed in bed.


    I FLOVE that we're going to get a "Tracy is angry" scene. You know how much I LOVE those!!!!!!!!!

    I can't get the ##*(& thing to slow-mo enough, but I think it must be after he's returned. In the other promo, Tracy seemed genuinely surprised that Luke was being wheeled back in from the elevator. I wouldn't be suprised if she opens a can of whop-ass after he gets back into the room.

    knh, thanks for the downloads

  18. remos, it's speculation. The original post seemed to pop out of nowhere, and Carrie was just speculating a possible scenario.

    I realize it's speculation, and that SD has a considerable pile of BS through it. I was just wondering where the idea originally came from....

    ...added to the fact I still think Scott was way too passionate when he yelled at Tracy that Luke was using her.

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