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Posts posted by remos

  1. From Cindi R: Tracy sues Monica for malpractice over Luke’s botched surgery. Monica and Tracy have a catfight in the middle of the hospital while everyone watches. The next day Tracy discovers Monica has frozen all of her assets.

    How does Monica have the power to do that? Tracy has money in her own right, and is working as CEO. Perhaps they are coming back with the lawsuit re: Alan's will after all.

    Hey, remember way back when it was spoiled that

    Tracy and Monica would get into it, Tracy would make a move/misstep and it would have huge consequences.

    Looks like another Tracy spoiler is coming true (be still my beating heart).

    And being kicked to the curb by Monica... perhaps they will move her into her own place - a Tracy house. About time considering she hasn't owned her own place ever.

  2. Oh, and did everyone catch the Monica dig and glare? Yeah, Tracy is going to be SOOO supportive of Monica.

    Man, I can't wait until Luke returns and sees her. Honestly, like I wrote on SOC, how many women get a make-over when their guy leaves? It was classic - and she looks so together.

    Oh, about the opening, I heard it was in the wings but not when it's supposed to be released. Wher e they position Tracy will indicate a lot about the future of LuNacy.

  3. So, we have a return-to-air date... that is good. We now know LuNacy will at least be on the 31st. What else does SOD tell us, Hooked?

    The Diva was wondering what I was doing, so I told her (expecting her father's looking down her nose at me), and her response was "Cool, can I write to the one who lost her sister?" When I told her KS was actually homeschooled, that sealed the deal. So, from TO, 2 for the price of 1! I told her we could write to 'Maxie' after we finished the one to 'Tracy', to which she readily agreed. Ah, a fourth generation of Suddard women watching GH. Makes me so proud.

  4. I saw this overnight as well, Hooked. And while I don't believe it for a second (who are they going to then pair their leading man up with? Monica? Diane, who is Tracy-lite?), I think you are absolutely right to call for action. LuNacy is not a vocal fanbase, they are a widely appreciated couple which doesn't receive as much direct attention from the fans. It's time to tell TPTB that we are here and we have some expectations.

    Something else on SD last night was the results of a survey a few weeks ago. The majority of their viewship according to the survey = educated women betwee 18-50. Sound like us or what? I realize that's a pretty big category, but we also aren't the type of people who draw attention to ourselves or kick up a fuss when something on our soap opera goes against our desires. (After all this is entertainment, this isn't feeding the world's hungry children.) I think now might be the time to change that a bit. Tracy and LuNacy need some support.

  5. Here are the comment lines....I said I would post them today.

    If anyone has free cell phone minutes, I would call and start saying we want Lunacy to still be together and not break up...they count each call as fan mail for either the character or the couple you call about...

    GH fan mail line 323-671-4583

    ABC daytime line 818-460-7477, Follow the prompts...I think it is press 2, then 4, then enter the code they tell you for GH.

    Only cellphones? What about landlines? Or is this one of those "Duh... yes I am a natural blonde" questions.

  6. Yes, but the incident none of us want mentioned from last year, included a *cough* actress who wasn't on the screen.

    Honestly, just my vibe from everything I've read about JE.... she's got her Emmy, everyone knows she is the best... she probably wouldn't seek that kind of attention at this point. I just hope she's pushed into it, 'cause she could mow under the competition.

  7. She is supposed to give him the cold shoulder and he will work to try and defrost her. But apparently he doesn't understand how badly hurt she is

    You know, seeing this actually makes me feel better about Luke leaving. He is selfish, no doubt about it, but he is also dumb. He just doesn't understand what he did. It would be a whole lot worse if he understood and did it anyway.

    Thanks for the Best of 2007, Ms.Q. That was a lot of work, and you did it admirably.

    Miss Jane, funny you should ask about mail to JE. I just mailed my first fan letter since I was a child. (That one was mailed to the real Maria von Trapp - and she's been dead quite some time.) I printed off all the birthday greetings on SOC and sent them to her. I just briefly told her I thought she would like to know about the birthday greetings, about us and the Trivia party we had in her honour. So Hooked, if you mail the Best of.. she will have at least heard of us. (Well... depending on how long it takes for a letter to go from Toronto to LA.)

  8. Tracy Trivia in the breakroom last night was fun....who won???

    I think on any given day of the week, Ms.Q wins. No one can touch her.

    Very quiet day. I'm doing paperwork, cleaning.... BORING...

    NO Tracy spoilers, nothing listed for this coming week or next. I hope that's just because it's spoiler business as usual and Tracy will indeed be on.

    We need that Insider with dates, cause this drought is getting bleaker as the days pass.

  9. Oh...oh...oh.... I get it. Didn't he say the shipment was coming from Canada ('cause we're such a big, bad country and all the bad stuff comes through us). Remember how Americans were buying drugs from Canada 'cause ours were cheaper and the news was actually suggesting that Canadian drugs were substandard (we're a 3rd world nation in health care, apparently). That's what Jerry is bringing in. Cheap Canadian aspirin!

    BTW, BR isn't letting me back in... sob....

  10. Yes, it's fabulous, isn't it? Only there is one thread *ahem* that many have overlooked and I found it on page 3 at SOC ... Happy Birthday Jane Elliot (Tracy Q. Spencer) 1/17

    Yes, I believe there were two birthday threads!! Someone even thought there was a typo and thought Jane couldn't be much past 50. She wanted to know the name of the surgeon who Jane used. How can you look at Jane's face and assume anything other than mosturizer has touched it?

    Thanks for the wubs tidbit, remos. When all is said and done, she just BETTER take him back!

    They will, TL, it took them over 30 years to get this story, they love each other and working with each other, and neither of them want to see the end of it now. This is all to teach Luke a lesson in love.

  11. Wow, the Tracy threads are still going strong on SOC, and none of them have been merged. At one point yesterday I counted 5 on the main page alone. There is a whole lot of Tracy love out there. I really hope someone is telling JE (who says she is technically illiterate).

    Saw this on Wubs this morning....

    Tracy's had it with Luke, can she forgive him?

    I hope we get some really good scenes out of this. Tracy angry is always powerful to watch. I also can't wait to see Luke's face when he realizes he's not returning to a hero's welcome.

  12. I'm totally on board with that Hooked. I think you are right. The push/pull has to include a break-up at this point, just to maintain the integrety of the relationship. The only thing constantly being said is that Tracy does all the work in this relationship. Now perhaps they are setting the stage for Luke to do the work. It's about time for someone to woo her, anyway.

    I can't see them changing the essence of Luke, but if the soap boards are any idication of the comments TPTB are hearing directly, Lukey has got to start manning up. This teenager in a 60 year old body routine is tired.

    Spoilers and rumours have to be taken with a grain of salt (if not the whole shaker), but they are fun to throw around. Especially when we are entering yet another Tracy drought.


    Just read your edit, Hooked. That sounds even more tantalizing. He's already shown that he wants the entire canvas as active as they can be. Jill and Wolfe seem to be pulling this baby out of the fire. I'm almost more intrigued by the backroom stories than that goings on up on the screen. B)


    Confessions... the seventh


    Confessions... the eighth



    Yet again from SD...

    Do you know if that LUke/Tracy ELQ stuff is true or them breaking up in Feb is true to create some conflict? Or do you just have scrubs info?

    I'm fairly certain the Luke/Trace ELQ stuff is true. I don't know about the break up because I don't have details for February yet. I don't think anyone really does at this point.

  13. I really hope they're true as well, Hooked.

    One thing that did stand out for me (by way of credibility) is that is was clumped together in the IL, but I had to go looking through the regular post to find each one written. They weren't clumped together then. The Scrubs and Liason discussion was mad, of course, but this LuNacy stuff was dropped in at various points. They were also very insistent that Kristina wasn't kidnapped, just wandered off. And yeah, our couple isn't ever thrown in there to bait anyone. Let's cross fingers. Theoretically all this stuff could happen in February, because they aren't doing a big event, just lots of little ones. And they have been making an effort to tell a story per every fanbase.

    {Speaking of fanbases *she snarks* notice who ISN'T being demanded back on SOC?}

    As for the Jarly fans, I actually feel their pain (for once). Ingo picked a bad week to be gone, but I guess that's real life for you - rarely convenient.

    BTW, Ms.Q., I know you are super,super busy and I'm not going to add to it in any way, but were you serious about photoshoping a 'fix' to yesterdays Trax cuddle?


    Okay, this just came up on SD: Look for Tracy and Luke to break up in February (at least is dosen't say "break up for good"; I hope this now means Luke has to win her back because he did nothing the first time)

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