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Posts posted by remos

  1. Anyone around for a quick chat? hooked? remos?

    Sorry BSG, I had my Girl Guides here tonight doing their Music Fan badge. I'll hopefully be around later once the screamers are down.

    Interesting aside... I just had the opportunity to watch the faces of 8 little girls being introduced to Ravel's Bolero. It doesn't take much socio-economic critique to see which families have exposed their daughters to the 'banquet of life'. It was kind of sad watching a few of them look at the others to see if it was okay to like/dislike the piece. Sigh...


    Tony recently had knee surgery and per his doctor's order he is unable to attend the event.

    Think Jane really smashed his knee by accident in the scene? LOL!

    That is funny - painful - but funny. If they could incorporate his banged head into the story, I'm sure they will include his knee. Of course, this means Spanky has to take care of him again...

  2. oh great (being sarcastic) another day without LuNacy. i didnt even bother to watch. im fighting this cold, and to top that off a wtf moment was when the schools air conditioner was on a cool brisk 70ish and it is in the mid 50s. i know u u dont feel sorry for me because of where i live but come on the air condidtioner on!!!!!!! :angry:

    that's one way to get me to get some kind of flu. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    We rose to one degree today :P .

  3. *blinks innocently* why remos, surely you're not saying someone on GH can't act. :) btw, if you are, I agree, but I won't say who..... B)

    *waves to Deb*

    Yeah, I get why they're doing the product placement but it's a little annoying.

    Well, to be fair, I was refering to the heart surviver patients... but if you want to open THAT particular can of worms, we might need a new thread....

    and the rest...

    Scotty drunk, threatens Lulu with attempted murder charges

    Lucky is still the great guy/brother we expect

    Spixie - cute

    Claudia/Jason - she knows he's the logical one, she can be logical too it seems

    Sonny contining to be an idiot :wacko: (can't wait for Jason to tell him to f-off)

    Bobbie and Monica at the luncheon

    Cassius tells his history (Hurricane Katrina surviver, watched mom die of heart attack)

    Nicholas remembers who killed Em

    TMK will grab Liz by tomorrow :ph34r:

    I miss Tracy!!!!! :(

  4. I'm hoping for some LuNacy goodness today, as well. Their best stuff is never spoiled, and Wednesday does seem to be the day for the 'others'. *fingers crossed*

    BTW, any of you that had to endure my extreme crankiness yesterday, I hope your scars aren't too deep. I'm happy today - got our income taxes in last night and we're getting something back :D. Money always makes me happy!!!


    Awww, hope you feel better, BSG.

  5. I didn't watch, just got home actually.

    I read SOC's live thread and nada. Seem Scotty is swinging hard with proff that Logan didn't kill anyone, and he laid into Lucky. His opinion: of course Lulu would hit when grabbed, her father raped her mother... so, Logan is in a coma and it's all Luke's fault. :rolleyes:

    I read that they were going to have Scott and Luke go back to their animosity. Hopefully it will be worth watching, but is anyone else over the rape. It was hideous, but it was 30 years ago. Luke has done so much other crap since then. And I don't think Lulu did anything because of that rape, I think her body had the answers that her mind didn't express and she just didn't want Logan touching her. ON TOP of that, he did put his hand over her mouth and yank her away from the front door, saying he was taking her away out the back to a place no one would find them until she believed him. I'd have grabbed the first blunt instrument, too.

  6. Hey, I'm starvin' for fics, we're having a Tracy drought, what can I say? :(

    Gee, thanks.... and here I thought you like it on it's own... my ego will recover... eventually...

    And LOL at the comments about the SD stuff. Yeah, I tend to think anyone who can't spell her name right probably made it up. Although, this person could have heard it somewhere else and they're presenting it as their own, and just didn't spell her name right.

    I'm kinda like you though, I have my doubts.......

    It's the grammar. All the descent spoilers are actually written in English. Perhaps not the Queen's English, but some close proximity.

    -signed, the snob

    I'm watching live. Nada by half-past.


  7. There's a little blurb on SD that (I'm not blacking it out, it's SD, GOS and all that) that Tracy and Claudia will become friendly and that Luke will work for Claudia.

    My thoughts: I guess I can see Claudia and Tracy getting along, I can even see Tracy giving her tips on how to handle some of the "bidness", but I think it's very iffy. I'd much rather have confirmation the earlier "spoilers" about ELQ and the mystery client and the anonymous money in an envelope are true. I just can't see Tracy having a big part in the mob story either way, when the ELQ story would most likely give her a greater POV.

    They've moved it to the IL. But considering they've spelled 'Tracy' wrong, and the grammar is atrocious, I wouldn't put much stock in it.

    Oh and remos I read your updates to your fic "Finding Happiness", I really liked the story a lot. :)

    Thanks, I'm glad you've enjoyed it.

  8. Sorry, chicks.

    You're not actresses, and you don't live in LA or NY.

    Actresses don't dress like that. They don't. They're "artists" -- they dress arty. Even when they dress sloppy, they're arty.

    You guys need to trust me on this. I'm the one with the gaydar.

    I'm off to read Remos' novel now (a novel!! oh boy!! cool -- is there lunacy sex in it?!?!)

    I'll grant you the gaydar thing, Lainey, and if this was anyone else I would bow to your obviously superior knowledge. However, may I remind you this is the woman who said her personal clothing style is 100% cotton from Sears. She's the anti-fashionista.

    Oh, and sorry, no overt sex. I can't write that stuff - that's why I get you to do it for me :P

  9. Um..in regards to the picture...I am looking at myself right now in my schleppiness wearing black velour sweatpants, a white hookdie sweatshirt with a heart patch on the sleeve, and a white black baseball hat all day today---me and Jane are *like this*! Ms. Q--her hair you can tell hasn't been straightened in that picture...the goold old days before the haircut--- Jane PHC (pre-haircut!)

    See... I won't bore you with what I wear usually, but it's along the same lines. The hair kills me, mine is frequently the same, but instead of a baseball cap I have it twisted up in a clip.

    It's 'mom' attire.

  10. It's Jane!

    The sweatshirt..

    The pants..

    The sneakers..

    oy the sneakers..

    The hat..

    The glasses...

    Ohmy god!

    Those of you who know me know what I'm thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (I'm so right. SO RIGHT. I mean check her out compared to the Katharine Bell chick -- i can't remember her real name. sorry.).

    Sorry sweetie, I know where you're going with this... but she just looks like a Mom to me.

    (Mary Beth Evans)

  11. Morning all, just doing my usual constitutional around the soap boards...

    from SD

    Wednesday, March 5th: It's a battle of the titans as Nikolas and Diego fight to the bitter end; Ian takes a special interest in Sam; Luke and Scott have a war of words.

    Luke and Scott's age old war is revived after what Lulu did to Logan.

    Tracy and Luke continue to scheme together.

    And that's it. Serious lacking of spoilers - which is probably good considering the garbage we were fed last month.

  12. I am so so so tired. I can't stay up til 1:30 every night now without one night of catching up on sleep.

    That's why I'm not on as much. Lack of sleep (mine and the screamers') has been hard on me physically.

    Remos---I must talk to you...I got so inspired today.

    I's here...

  13. Oh, is that the deal? She doesn't submit herself anymore? Has she spoken of that in interviews or anything?

    Just curious.

    I don't know the ins and outs, and she's far too private to discuss it in an interview. I can't remember where I read it but that was the reason given when someone was appalled that she is never on the list.

  14. Oh, and for the Diane lovers on this board, CH got a supporting actress pre-nom.

    There have been a few 'versions' of this list floating around, but this does seem to be the most consistent. It would be lovely for a qualifying actress to win it this year. It should be JE, of course, but she doesn't submit her name anymore. I guess once to prove she could, is enough for our girl.

  15. I wonder what that will be. I can't see it involving jail or bail, though. Perhaps it is the end of the Scott/Logan vs. Luke/Lulu story. If they move Lulu on to Johnny then 'Baldwin spawn' becomes a non-issue for Luke. (It didn't really work for me, either.)

    Something I was thinking. In keeping with the discussion in the br last evening, perhaps we should send Happy Anniversary cards to all the folks that count. May is their 3rd anniversary.

    So, what are the chances of some LuNacy today?

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