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Posts posted by remos

  1. Here is a lovely article from EW.COM (Entertainment weekly.com I assume) that someone sent me!

    You guys will LOVE this one on what TG said about JE.

    Now that your children on the show are adults and a lot of the old guard are gone, especially with the recent demise of Stuart Damon [Alan Quartermaine], what's it been like to see this whole changeover?

    Well, I've been very, very lucky in the last five years or so to be able to work with Jane Elliot [Tracy Quartermaine], because I've been a huge fan of her for my entire career in soaps. She and I are both the same age, and I think she was on the show a year before I was. She also came and went and did other shows. But because I have this compadre, this colleague who shares my history and my history with the show, I haven't felt as isolated.... So I've been really fortunate to be able to grow and mature without resentment because it is difficult when you were the focus of the show and having great story all the time to be back-burnered and sort of moved over into the more supporting category, unless you have someone as spectacular as Jane to work with. And that has been really a saving grace for me in the last few years. Plus, you know I've been on the show long enough to demand a lot of time off, so that also helps. [Laughs]

    I LOVE TG!!!


    Here is the whole article if you want to read it. Sure doesn't sound like he is ready to jump ship anytime soon!


    Okay, call me a bitch or just reading between the lines, but look at the difference...

    ewcbo: 'great', 'easy', protective', 'history', all past tense

    TQ/JE: 'huge fan', 'compadre', 'colleague', 'spectacular', all present tense

  2. Geez... what will I do with myself? I don't have anything else to do but sit here and chat all day. I'm going to be lost...

    Recaps might be a moot point.


    I love this....

    Did you know that TG was doing an interview with someone named Cindi Rineharart for the 45th anniversary of GH? (Perhaps you know who that is, but I haven't a clue.) Anyway, one of the questions and answers were as follows:

    Random Fan (on phone): Who's your favorite co-star?

    Tony: Jane Elliot. (basically talks about how awesome JE is...b/c...she is) Finally, they put the two of us together a couple years ago and I've never been so challenged or had so much fun! Awww!

  3. Thank you Remos, but I dont want to drop dirty laundry on anyone. No one here can help, and I dont want my sad, negative mood infecting the board.

    Your call, but you wouldn't be dumping anything on me. I'll just pull one of my various hats on and listen. Sometimes it easier to talk to someone you won't see on the street.

  4. Lukey in previews, c'est tout.


    Fear not, me and my awful awkward fiction and stupid questions and comments will be gone within a week when my phone is shut off.

    ??? what have I missed? You're still having phone problems? I'm sorry to hear that.

    But rest assured, your fiction is not awkward - from what I've read and heard it's incredibly well written and well received.

    Your stupid question? I haven't seen anything of the sort.

    Comments - we all make them, your's are as welcome as mine and anyone elses.

    You're sounding really sad, Bec. :(:unsure:

  5. Vices are fun but can be obsessive, like this damn board. And are you talking to me about the recaps. oh the daunting task of those. but you do them so well.

    Thanks. But I can't recap what I don't see. I need you...

    i'm already a computer ho, a fic ho, this board ho. now you want me to join in the spoiler ho group. damn I'm gonna need a professional when all is said and done. :lol:

    And that's a problem because.....

  6. Off Topic:

    OK I got to work a little while ago and I was cooking breakfast for the family. They have 2 little kids and I often include them in the breakfast prep before they go off to whatever they do all day. Anyway I was letting the 3 yr old stir the frittata mixture, turned my back, and he puked right into the bowl.

    Good Morning to me!

    Happy Spring Break Funny!

    Ah... you gotta love kids!!!

  7. no i dont need another vice remos. but i'll leave most of the spoilers up to you and hooked and ms. q. so is luke on today? being a luke fan and all.

    But vices are fun!

    Not that I know of. But you never know. Luke always seems to need one more day than Tracy. I'll be able to tell you at 4 PM :P .

    BTW, can I tag you for recaps tomorrow (Tuesday)? The screamers have piano from 3:30-4:30, and I won't get to see the entire show.

    *still going Guide paperwork...*

  8. Morning all, no work today I'm on Spring Break. Yessssssss, can't you tell I'm so excited.

    Hey i saw these from wubs.

    Luke says yes to Johnny's idea

    Tracey has a few words for Ms. Zacchara

    Ah... you've joined the ranks of the spoiler whores... addictive, isn't it B) .

  9. Morning guys. Someone was giving out airdates for characters just now and found out our girl is on T, W and TH this week.

    Wow, I'm going to have heart flutters. That's equal to her entire time in March. Don't know if I can take it.

    There is a big montage on Tuesday supposedly for the 45th anniversary. Tracy is in the montage, although I am sure in Q clips or the Ed's Med clips. LnL wedding clip is in there, alan & Monica, etc...

    I'm not sure how I feel about this. I know it's the warm-fuzzy clips, but why can't they shake it up? There was a lot more over 45 years that these actors accomplished.

  10. The very first thing said to me this morning was "Mommy, I think you're having a bad hair day." (Zion, 5)

    I'm trying to explain the difference between "bed head" and "bad hair day", but he doesn't get it. This day can only go up from here!!!!

    I'll be around to recap, but I'm not expecting her goodness until tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great day. :D


    And it continues... this was on SOC spoilers for this week:

    Tracy goes back and forth when it comes to Luke.

    Also, SZ for next week has more Tracy/Claudia confrontation about Luke. You KNOW they're building to something here!

    Perhaps the truth about Claudia being Tracy's will come out at the HS, Tracy and Claudia will have the summer to deal with it while [hopefully] Luke is off trying to find out how it could be true.

  11. Well I love Luke because he loves Tracy. And yes he is BAD at it. And yes he is a f__head. But no one has ever truly loved Tracy for Tracy. Now he will either get better at loving her or not, that's when I decide.

    Remember they are doing this whole marriage backwards. And to say these two came to the marriage with baggage is an understatement. Complicated people have complicated relationships. I look forward to hopefully seeing them (especially Luke) grow. I saw a sprout when Luke proclaimed his fidelity. It's just a baby step, but it is a step in the right direction...for me.

    Yup... more valid points.

    All I can say is I hope if we do get our Lunacy love scene, that Tracy wears a Hazmat suit, because cheaters trend to bring [!@#$%^&*] home you cant cure with asprin.

    As is this...

    I want Tracy to say that the drinking she doesn't like, but she'll try not to get worried about when he's not arround; the flirting doesn't thrill her but she'll try not to get bothered by it; just keep it zipped!


    This was on SD. Not sure if it was an insider, but I like what it implies...

    Luke and Tracy seem on their way back together. I thought they were going to be on the outs for awhile?

    that was the scabs, not guza

    As much as it pains me, perhaps Guza is good for something other than mob... choke, cough (I need air).

  12. Le sigh.


    Okay.... latest on the HS thingy...

    Luke is there alone, Tracy comes with Edward. All I can think of is that Luke is the host so he has to be there, and Tracy is bringing her father. She's not happy about the opening and the Z connection, but she's there anyway. Apparently there is no 'event'. The opening takes place over 9 days, lots of little conversations and combinations.

    One insider did say the significance is not in who the ARRIVE with but in who the LEAVE with (in general, everyone except LuSam, who have another agenda). We shall see.

  13. ARGGGG is right Tracyluv. No matter how much I love Lunacy,..I love Tracy more! This whole scenerio sometimes makes me want to beat my head on the wall. Tracy Quartermaine has always been a woman of strength, and beautiful independence whom wouldnt put up with half of what Luke Spencer has done to her. (better men have burned by her road for LESS then how that lout treats her)

    Remember the speech with Lorenzo at the Metrocourt? This is a fierce woman who would NEVER tolerate being cheated on, lied to and left behind on a regular basis!

    When the other day she reinterated all he has done to her, and he retorted " and you have never been happier" I wanted to pull my effing hair out by the roots! It was not CUTE or true one Iota to Tracy's spirit or standards

    I have absolutly no recollection of things ever beingSO bad, so DESPERATE so low for Tracy Quartermaine, that a man who cheats, and leaves her hanging, over and over, and uses her habitually was better then nothing.

    I hate these writers, they have turned Luke into a spineless dolt, (who when Tracy found him with Claudia,..luke should have reminded HER who SHE was dealing with by way of Tracy!)

    And turned a woman whom is the pillar of strength, and SELF RESPECT, NO apologizes, I am TRACY GD'ed QUARTER 'F'ing- MAINE who gets screwed over by NO MAN, into a needy settling broad.

    I am at my wits end with this show. Tracy wouldnt "settle" for anything less then what she deserves,....I wont as a fan either, and these stories are beneath her as a character and an actress

    My 2 cents for the day

    Legit rant, to be sure...

    SO... why do we actually like Tracy with the f__khead? After this I'm questioning that. Is is simply because when they are on they are breathtakingly amazing together?

  14. I was looking for a place where I could respond to the quiz makers, but I couldn't find what I was looking for (and it was 4 AM here, so can't say my brain was actually working).

    And, btw, it was 30 years ago not 20 years ago...

    You know, just thinking...

    We should write a letter to SOD on behalf of the Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest correcting their answers. Someone would get a charge out of that and might actually publish it.


    Oh, and Luke didn't lure Tracy to Los Vegas directly - Dillon called and Tracy came rushing down. Luke was responsible but Dillon did the deed.

  15. SERIOUSLY! I'm totally with you. Aw, I just watched the clips from this week. Man, JE knows how to bring in. When she caught herself as she told Luke he could move back in....broke my heart. We need some serious Luke groveling/Lunacy lovin. I hope he remembers her b-day this year. :)

    I'm with you on that one. I love it when she starts to whisper then her voice cracks. She doesn't need the waterworks - her voice conveys her emotions. And you know when she whispers it's as raw and honest as she gets.

    TL: Where are you, Mama?! I haven't seen you in forever! I hope everything is ok!

    She emailed me, BSG. She's been feeling under the weather but she'll be back.


    Just spent some time on that weirdness knows as SD. I won't direct quote but this is the jist:

    Edward has a lot coming up - and no, JI is not leaving GH.

    There aren't any deaths expected at the H.S. party - one insider said there isn't going to be anything for SuperJason to rescue anyone from.

    Alan will make at least one appearance - which means so will Tracy.

    Monica is seen at rehab at least once.

    Luke regrets his decision to partner with the Z's.

    Nothing directly talking about Tracy, except what Ms. Q said above - that Tracy's time picks up as well.

    Oh, I will direct quote one of them....

    Is Laura slated to return?

    Quote: Not that I have heard.


    I just found this on SOD's website:

    Luke and Tracy Quiz

  16. What's the spoiler for Tracy on the 2nd? I forgot. :huh:

    That's the day the set visitors said was taping when they were there. Outside of a picture with JE where she's wearing a black suit and pearls (a skirt, no less), I'm not sure we know much. Perhaps that's the day Monica is sentenced...

  17. Hi, everyone!

    So whats the diagnosis on all these rumours that Tracy is being killed off in May? I am getting a little bit freaked out.

    Welcome to all the new people that have sprung up since I was last here! TimelessTQ, QueenTracy... sorry if I missed anyone.

    Wow, I really haven't posted in a while.

    I'm not at all. In fact I hope it happens. *Passing out the oxygen masks and smelling salts while I continue.*

    There is no way JE would leave that suddenly without the legitimate press knowing. May sweeps is only a month away, remember. If there is any validity at all I think it will be as a plot point. She flatlines and they resuscitate her. Luke would then be in the position of taking care of her. This is an opportunity to take care of her for awhile. She's due - and her fans are due seeing how much she is loved and cared for.

    Right now Lukey is all talk because Tracy can take care of everything herself. If she's in the hospital, and even rescued by her hero, that would speak volumes to our girl about how much her husband loves her. One after another of the legit insiders have said LuNacy is the story, and we know TG wants Luke to do more than comic relief. How much better to rescue the person who has heretofore always rescued him?

    Then in my perfect world, Luke takes Tracy somewhere to recuperate while TG is on vacation. We might not see Tracy but at least Luke wouldn't have left her - again.

  18. Morning everyone... just doing my soap spoiler constitutional...

    From Lynda Hirsch for next week:

    Tracy is unhappy when Luke decides to take Johnny up on his offer and reopen the Haunted Star.

    My thoughts: we know Monica and the trial come up, so that's two stories Tracy is a part of next week.

    From tonygeary.net:

    Rumours of TG leaving are greatly exagerated. He's not going anywhere.

    My thoughts: it's a shame that this means good things for JE. Why they can't focus on her is beyond me.

    From soaps.com

    Johnny has a deal for Luke. (April 1st)

    My thoughts: well, this might be a Tracy day considering the above spoiler. We already know Wed. the 2nd is a Tracy day. Nex, you and I have work this week :D .

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