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Posts posted by remos

  1. Actually tl, Luke *IS* being the man in the relationship because for the most part what Tracy is doing is what a woman does, run around cleaning up after their messes. Luke is a legendary cry baby (running from funny1 - eek) especially lately.

    Don't get me started on Claudia again... She has some chutzpah calling Tracy matronly when she looks like a man in drag! SERIOUSLY!!

    Oh soooo true, so true. Tracy is the caregiver for sure.

    I can't wait until Tracy realizes Claudia is her spawn. They are leading up to something with these two. I actually find myself enjoying Claudia when she is with the Q's. Just keep her away from the overexposed-three, and she's a good character.

  2. Mornin', just bumping the thread. Another day of cleaning and Guide work for me.

    There is a decided lack of LuNacy spoilers. I'm hoping that this means we're in store for some really good stuff - considering the best LuNacy we've ever had wasn't spoiled. *think positive, think positive*

    I was watching the clips on youtube from yesterday, and Tracy looks as un-matronly as she can get. Claudia is trying so hard to push all her buttons and Tracy isn't having it. I hope Luke is worth while today and doesn't tear down Tracy for her concern. At any rate, I'll be around to recap again.

  3. Okay, here's the recap. There were so many amazing performances by our favourites (Tracy and others) that I have to include everyone.

    Nex... Tracy scenes are #3,4,6 and 7

    Bobbi: Sees Carly and hugs her, telling Carly her Mama is there for her. Later goes to H.S. and demands a drink from Luke. Bobbie rants. She knows Michael will never wake up and she thinks his dying might actually be easier. Talks about BJ and how grieving for a hurt child is like poison. Then says how she warned Carly that Sonny's life would be harmful for a child but that Carly couldn't/wouldn't listen and now Michael is paying the price. Luke tries to say that no one can predict the future and Bobbi shoots back at him that he would feel differently if Lulu were the one shot and in that hospital bed. (No mention that Luke went through it with Lukey.)

    Alexis: Awake all night looking for safe place to take the girls and run. Ric says he will support her and wants her to take Molly with her. She says perhaps they aren't bad parents afterall. Jerry tells her no where is safe enough and that Kristina would come looking for Sonny when she got older if Alexis took her away now. Alexis continues that she deluded herself thinking her daughter would be safe and should have known better than to have a child with Sonny.

    Jason: Was actually in tears today as he spoke to Michael about Africa, the things he wanted to do with him, and demanding that Michael wake up.

    Lulu: Focused on Johnny and trying to get Sonny to understand Johnny wasn't responsible. Not that she was great, but the reaction to her was wonderful... Carly just stared at Lulu in disbelief that Michael was lying in the hospital and Lulu was more concerned with Johnny being hurt (in Lulu's defence, she realized her gaff after Carly walked away). Kate beat Lulu down for being late, and being self-absorbed, ineffective and a busy body.

    Claudia: Moved from trying to convince Luke the Z's had nothing to do with it, to flirting with Edward (calling Tracy his sister), to insulting Tracy about her place in Luke's life. Girl's got variety.

    Luke: Had Claudia's number immediately. He knows the Z's ordered the hit and won't blame Sonny for 'hitting' back. Listened to Bobbi and tried to comfort her, and wondered what Tracy was doing with Claudia.

    Edward: Very concerned with Michael and wants to call Monica to tell her how things are with her grandson. Quite funny flirting with Claudia.

    Alan: Challenged Tracy that she doesn't really care about Monica, easily lied to Edward, and is obsessed with what Claudia and Luke are doing away from home.

    Alice: Full butch mode, wanting to throw Claudia out the minute she saw her.

    Kate and Ric were really good together. I say get rid of MB and see what they can do with these two.

    Jerry and Alexis were intense and enjoyable.

    Q's were humorous in their concern.

    Carly and Jason were heartwrenching in their pain.

    Nicholas and Nadine were cute with Spencer and the horse, giving something else than Michael focus to the hour.

    And now for Tracy....

    Edward is badgering Tracy to call the hospital for an update. Tracy says they won't hear anything different. Edward says Monica has to know. Tracy says Monica isn't being alowed outside contact. Edward keeps badgering so Tracy picks up the phone and says she's calling, then tells Edward to take a walk in the rose garden. Ed leaves and Tracy keeps dialing. Alan calls Tracy a liar saying she's calling Claudia instead of the hospital. Tracy says why does it matter since Monica is probably sitting in a circle, holding hands singing Kum-ba-ya (I love her lines :D ). Meanwhile her husband didn't come home last night because he was guarding the H.S.

    The doorbell rings and Edward answers the door to find sleazy-dressed Claudia. Claud starts flirting with Edward saying she was there to meet his 'sister' Tracy. Edward enjoys that and says Tracy is actually his daughter. Claudia makes comments on the house - all the while twirling her hair - and Edward says he's be happy to give a tour. Alice says Dr. Q said no tours in her absence and that she would throw Claudia out. Just then the door opens and Tracy says Claudia is there for a meeting with her.

    Edward is eavesdropping on Tracy and Claudia's discussion when Alice tells him that what's going on in that room is against the advice of his cardiologist. Edward shoos her away. Inside the den Tracy tells Claudia that her husband has not been well lately, and doesn't want anything to hurt him. She doesn't want an IRS investigation, she doesn't want him staying nights on the H.S to keep it 'safe' and she doesn't want him caught up in the violence that comes with the Z's. She wants to buy Claudia out. Claudia looks straight on at Tracy and says "That's one way to get me out of Luke's lap".

    Claudia asks Tracy how she and Luke got married in the first place - a trick or for the money. Tracy says she will offer 10% above whatever Claudia is paying for the H.S. Claudia continues that Tracy is so out of Luke's league, she's so matronly. Tracy asks what it will cost to get rid of Claudia. Luke walks in at that moment and asks why anyone would want to get rid of Ms. Zachara. Tracy just glares at him.

    Previews: Jason visits Monica in rehab and she asks what's wrong.

  4. Jane was great and so funny between takes. She was knitting while sitting in the courtroom between takes and during blocking. She seemed close to John and Leslie. It was such a funny crowd between Jane, John, Nancy and Carolyn.

    At one point, Tyler had that long monologue about dead Emily and Monica and it ends and is all quiet and the camera is off and Jane yelled, "What about AJ? Doesn'y anyone care about AJ?"

    It was so funny and everyone started rolling in laughter on the set.

    :lol::lol::lol: My kids are wondering what I'm laughing about. I'm not into meeting 'stars' at all, but I really, really want to have tea with Jane Elliot. She'd probably have me snorting in no time. I love it!!! Thanks for sharing this, Hooked.

    Lainey!!! Thought we'd lost you. Are you settled now? How's the new place?

    I'm prepped for this afternoon. Yet another week without LuNacy. The spoilers have them talking to the same people, so hopefully this means they are in the same room together. But it's sad that we can count the number of times they've been on together in 2008 on two hands. Unless my count is off, today is the first time we'll have to take off shoes to count LuNacy moments - and we're well into April!

  5. Some really nice poster at the SD backupboard pm'd me both there and at SD and said she got to meet JE on her set tour with JT/Kmc in March and saw the scenes taped from Monica's trial. She said she is busy doing her taxes now, but she will be happy to give me some stories about how funny and hysterical and wonderful JE was!

    Oh that would be great! I love JE real life stories. She just seems like such and interesting person.

  6. *dealing with a migrane*

    I ventured forth to see if there was anything interesting on the 'puter (that didn't cause my head to split), and found only this...

    A love that began on the Haunted Star will be reunited by the end of May sweeps.

    Now, the generally accepted interpretation is that this refers to JoLu.... BUT...

    Wouldn't it be nice if it means LuNacy... just for once...

    We need them back together NOW!!!

  7. Love your new video Ms. Q! I wish they would remember TQ's birthday on the show this week, but with all the darkness of Michael being shot, I doubt it!

    love your video so much...great transitions and I appreciate you meticulous use of clips to fit the words (love the swallow with Tracy swallowing the pills at Shadybrook!)

    Yeah!!! We can quote again :D:D:D

    Oh... and I echo the sentiments regarding the vidio. It's a nice birthday present to herself.


    Saw these on SZ for this week and next... nothing new, but it's a mention...

    Tracy waves money in front of Claudia, fully expecting to buy her out of Haunted Star.

    Next week: Luke feels good, back in the game.

  8. I agree. Hopefully the whole Claudia thing will shift LuNacy's focus away from what happened in January to what they mean to each other. Guza's an ass, but he did created LuNacy.... lets hope that's one of his 'fixes'.

    BTW, ILTQ can't get in (surprise, surprise) but just emailed me. She's probably on her way to Austin as I write, for her last week there. Then she said something about packing to move out of her apartment. I don't remember the whole story, but she misses us and she knows there is Tracy stuff to catch up on.

    As for our other 'lost' members... Lainey has emailed me but didn't have any news, and Timeless will be 'going dark' for awhile. Hope she gets her telecommunications issues resolved soon.

    Anyone heard from MF?


    This was on SD

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2008

    GH -- Kate puts Lulu in her place; Lucky gains a new understanding of why

    Elizabeth took the action she did; Tracy warns Claudia to stay away from

    Luke. --

  9. I'm almost recovered. The last one was picked up at 10 PM last evening, but I went to bed at 8: 30!

    In total, Funny, I had my 3 boys in the bedroom (although Shiloh snuck out to be with the girls around 4 AM, I think) and 9 girls in the living room. I finally went to bed around 4:30 but I didn't really sleep. Every half an hour I had to remind them that there were little children sleeping and I would NOT be amused if the woke Rusty up. I'm much like your mom, Ms. Q. No real sleep for me.

    The most amazing part was that all of them (except Ruah, who truly showed her "not a morning person" side) were up and literally running around by 8 the next morning. I had to shoo them outside to deal with all that energy. It was fun, though. I will take some sleepless nights if I give my kids good memories of their childhood.

    Sooo... are we expecting Tracy on Tuesday/Wednesday or Wednesday/Thursday? I hope Edward gives them hell, and I hope we are treated to some really good Edward/Tracy scenes. ALSO, I hope Luke is smart enough to realize Tracy loves him and is scared for him, not that she simply wants to control him.

    I think that spoiler suggestion that Tracy is jealous of Claudia will be added to the pile with "Tracy can't deal with Laura's memory". Tempest in a teapot.

    Hooked, I still can't access SD (which is probably a good thing... but I do find it an amusing place to scroll through)

  10. How many kids?


    Shiloh, Zion and Emmaus (who fell asleep on the floor in the middle of the dancing)

    Virgie (who went home before 10 - she can't handle sleepovers, or 'awake-overs' as her father calls it)

    2 Samanthas, 1 Sarina, Elizabeth, Bridget, Sunny, Rachel, Alexis and a partridge in a pear tree.

    So... 13 to start, 1 left and 1 is asleep.


    Painted Fairy houses

    Planted flower seeds

    Dance contest (Zion can really move!)

    General dancing

    Drum concert

    Part of "The Holy Grail" (Monty Pyton, of course)

    Birthday cake

    And now they are doing a Fairy Spa (and girlifying the boys - happens often here)

    Soon we will have popcorn and another movie.

    In the meantime one of the moms went to the LCBO and bought me a big bottle of vino, so I'm good :D

    I'm also almost finished making the fairy muffins for tomorrow morning. WORD OF WARNING to all you bakers: Don't use those mini-muffin pans unless you really, really love the person you are making them for. They are so small it's taken me almost 2 hours to work through one simple batch mix that would normally be for 12 muffins.

  11. Oh.. to have that freedom...

    Well the party is started. The dance music is already loud and I've lost count of who's here. I think we're only missing one or two. Either way I'm already hiding in my office and #$(@*&@(*$&@*(&$@ I forgot to do a liquor run!

    And the pillow fight has begun.

  12. about the only think I can say about this board upgrade is that the site hasn't gone down - yet... This Error message is getting tired, though.

    Okay... in 3 hours I have 9 girls for Ruah's Fairy birthday party sleepover, plus my 3 boys. I'm still baking Fairy muffins for tomorrows breakfast. Lucikly Fairies are vegetarian, so I don't have to worry about doing too much. And I've discovered there is a purpose for those tacky 70's green glass leaf shape plates afterall. (I couldn't believe the dollar store actually had them - but they are prefect for a fairy themed party.)

    So... I will probably be up for a chat for a very long time tonight.

    Hooked, the Diva loved the shoutout.

    Glad to see in the spoilers that Eddie is taking the C's to task over Michael. The Q's might have give "Alan Q. III" a twisted sense of loyalty, but there wouldn't have been any bullets involved. I hope JI is allowed to thunder like the Edward of old.

  13. OY... SON's cure is worse than the illness. I hope they can get this new bug fixed - it's really annoying when you want to respond to someone else.

    Anyway, the post from awhile back about Edward, Claudia and Tracy seem to be for next Wednesday (9th) and Thursday (10th); Luke and Bobbie also share a drink and discuss Carly/Michael/etc. Tracy's only mentioned for the 10th, though.

    Also this: Alan scolds Tracy.

    First one from SD, second from GHH2 - both can be known for their fiction, but they get it right a lot of the time...

  14. nuthin', ILTQ

    Okay, was Tracy on in the first 10 minutes, 'cause I was late getting home? If not then she wasn't on (and I watched the whole show needlessly...although Claud is growing on me).

    The only thing worth telling is that Claudia isn't satisfied being a silent partner (which she assumes she is b/c she and Johnny are a 'team'). She tells Luke she hopes Lulu doesn't wind up dead because of any involvement with Johnny, and Luke assures her he doesn't have any interest in Lulu's love life nor any problem taking Johnny's money. BUT if anything happens to Lulu he doesn't have any problem killing Johnny, either.

    Honestly, if you want to miss today, you won't miss a thing.

  15. There's a glitch in the posting - as everyone can see.

    The way I've worked it out is that the error message comes up, then I just go back to the main menu for SOC and come in again. It's tedious, but when I get back in my postings have always been there. It can avoid the frustrations of multiple postings. Have to mention it to the techies...

    Now, on to the important stuff...

    I hope you're right, Hooked. I noticed a significant shift in the dynamics of LuNacy yesterday. He's not accepting her superior attitude like he was before. I think he will do everything he can to get back into her good graces, but isn't going to be bullied by her. The money for the HS will put Luke at more of an equal footing - which is what they need. Then the involvement of the Z's will probably take away some of the intensity of Tracy only focused on "Luke the Leech" and shift it a bit more to "He's an ass, but he's my ass". Luke has apologized, but it's probably going to take actions for Tracy to get her balance back. At this point I think her anger has even shifted to be more mad at herself even more so than mad at him.

  16. Spoilers from overnight...

    From the IL on SD

    Tracy has a sense of foreboding when it comes to Luke and his partnership with Johnny and the Zacchara money.

    Luke attempts to reassure his wife.

    Luke remains suspicious of Johnny's motives concerning LuLu

    A grand re opening is planned.

    Monica gets more bad news about her family. She reaches out to her son.

    Another person finds out about Jake's paternity.

    On Wubs (Have we seen this wording before? I can't remember)

    Tracey has a few words for Ms. Zacchara.

    My feelings... they are SO obviously going somewhere with this... I just hope it gives JE some meat for awhile. She's amazing at comedy, but it's time to see her dramatic chops again.

    Lynda Hirsch for week 4/7

    Tracy offers to buy Claudia's shares of the Haunted Star.

    My feelings... to save Luke or to bury him???

  17. You know, I was reviewing both interviews again. Those folks still refer to ewcbo as his leading lady - but if anything, he made it clear that JE was his leading lady. I think TG is more than ready to move on from those years, it's just the LnL fans and the idiot interviewers who won't let him.

  18. Just listened to TG talk about JE and LuNacy. Do my ears deceive me or did he really say that Luke and Tracy are perfect for each other? Squee. :wub: BTW, I like that he kept going after asking that caller's question. She was like, "Oh, thank you [for responding]," but he went on, talking about JE. :D

    Oh I caught that and chuckled. They were obviously looking for a different answer to that question.

    Guess what people... SHE is NOT his favourite.... OUR GIRL IS!!!

    I almost wanted to tell them to shut up and let him continue waxing poetic about JE.

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