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Posts posted by remos

  1. Thanks for the news, Addie! I cast all my votes for Tristan Rogers. The last thing we need is another salary-sucking, airtime-hogger which is what I think we would get with VM. Also, with Tristan Rogers, we could revive the Tracy/Robert flirting and give Luke something to worry about for a change. Mr. Luke needs a wake-up call...BIG TIME.

    He would be my choice as well. Last time he was around, LuNacy was still a rouse on the outside and Luke and Tracy hadn't admitted their true feelings. Now they are so much further along. Then the whole "grandpa" thing would be fun to watch.

    BTW, party has started in the BR...

  2. If only! If only! Every Lunacy oversight, every Tracy missed opportunity, anything and everything that's gone before it would be forgiven to *finally* be rid of the wig once and for all. (And we could avoid the merry-go-round of stress and panic every time the wig threatens to attempt a musty redux.) This would be the May sweeps to end all May sweeps.

    And, Lainey, we love and appreciate you, too!

    Oh... so well put...

    The end of the wig... a wish to behold...

  3. God help us all.

    My gut tells me this is untrue. I'm choosing to go with my gut.

    Your gut sounds good to me.

    Hey all -- sorry I mentioned the darn nail thing in the thread. I should have just sent Becca an email. I didn't mean to start anything here. I love and appreciate you all, my fellow Tracy lovers.

    Nail thing? What did I miss? Oh... manicured vs. unmanicured?

    You know, the way I see it, I can openly talk about homeschooling and not hide my dislike for the public system on a board that boasts a few teachers. Those of you who are lesbians can talk openly about your preferences even with all of the straight folk here. Timeless, TL, Hooked and I can wax poetic about our children in the face of those amoung us who would rather cut off their left arm then give birth. Nothing was started, Lainey. I love the fact that we are all so different yet so similar. Speaks to the uniqueness of JE and TQ. It's a nice place. I like it here...

    I felt cheated by today's show.

    So what?!?! She just lets him back in now?

    No kiss?

    No ring exchange?

    No nuthin'?!?!

    It's not right, it's just not right.

    See... now I would have felt cheated if they had done that. I don't think TQ is ready to let all her walls down. She's beginning to, but she's the kind who gives "once bitten, twice shy" a whole new level of meaning. Luke know that - notice how he didn't push her. The catch in her throat when she speaks says volumns. It's coming, and it will be all the sweeter because she's being drawn out gently. Too much rush then what would be the point. She's just not that kind of character.

    Okay.. I have a story line for May Sweeps. Ready? Haunted Star goes down May 20 at the height of a giant party. Lots of people in the frigid water struggling for life. Among them - Tracy and LAURA! Tracy has been the hostess that evening, and Luke has just "married" her and returned her rings on may 19, their third anniversary. It's where he promised her in front of family and friends that she was his one and only - his heart, his soul, his everything. Now here he is having to make a split second decision -- likely he has time to save only one. So...... which one does he save?!?!?!

    Oh man--- you know it's Tracy. Laura goes down! People are motified and tune in like CRAZY for the long drawn out hospital wait and the funeral. GH gets it's May sweeps ratings and Lainey gets one of her greatest wishes: LAURA IS DEAD.

    Isn't that a beautiful May Sweeps proposal?!?!?! :lol::lol::lol:

    LOVE IT!!!! If they don't do that you write it, k???

  4. April 2nd is their next appearance as far as I know. There's a spoiler for the 9th about Tracy being out for blood regarding the Zaccharas. I believe that's Claudia specifically. By the way, isn't there some soap law that states when two women hate each other, and one is at least 16 years younger than the other, they are guaranteed to be mother and daughter?


    Oh please, oh please, oh please.... I want this one so much. Tracy and Tracy jr. would be amazing to watch. (And considering Guza's decided lack of imagination having Claudia relive Carly's early years, this is very possible as a redo of Carly/Bobbie.)

    Tracy's birthday would be a perfect time to remind Tracy that she's the smartest choice he's ever made.


  5. I soooo love the diversity in this room!

    Nope, I don't know squat about many things, and nope, I do not know Jane.

    BUT I have heard lesbians say "the right man could take them away" before, ...either to keep their anonimity, or just beacuse they were JOKING.

    JUST like I have seen and heard VERY VERY STRAIGHT women, straight as arrows say, "Men Suck, and maybe I need a good woman" and that doesnt make them lesbian, anymore then the latter makes anyone straight.

    No biggie, we all like our Tracy/Jane buttered how we want her to be, and to each is own.

    I like my bread with preserves.....butter will clog your heart

    BUT, and someone has to say it, so let it be me,...being a lesbian,..I know what LONG MANICURED nails can do to the inside of a woman :)

    Haha!! LOL....and quite well put, dearest.

    And oh its true, butter is harsh, abrupt, and ultimately leaves you wanting more...I prefer the softer, sweeter, more delicate and delitcable and oh-so-delightful taste of...preserves on my tongue... ;)

    Too much information...


    That info on ewcbo on SOC is suspect. It would have shown up somewhere else first, and the only thing I've heard from reliable insiders is that the conversation is not even happening. There are a few who think Laura and Brenda hung the moon and will fix all the problems - even though past experience shows they did bum-kiss. Every now and then one of these bluffs makes its rounds. I refuse to bite this time.

    Today was good, but I'm in agreement with the fact that it wasn't enough. Those two can do more with a look and a catch in the throat then many of the less-seasoned actors.

    I'm assuming tomorrow will be LuNacy free. So when is the next sighting? I hope we don't have to wait until Wednesday, April 2nd.

    Oh, and another thought I had - the past two years Lukey has remembered Tracy's birthday and celebrated it with her. I wonder if they will remember it this year. It would be a good move on his part... but will the writers remember...

  6. Today's recap.... I've just got to say, outside of LuNacy, Claudia and Spinelli were amazing. The scene was short but it was a whole different side of Claudia.

    2. Luke tells Tracy and Edward that he is staying right there, then turns to Alice and asks about Russian caviar. Ed says he gets nothing, to which Alice says if Luke goes the staff goes.

    4. Edward calls Alice's bluff. Tracy wonders why the staff woud care. Turns out Luke has been playing poker with the staff every Thursday night in town. Edward gets annoyed that he was never invited, and Luke quickly says he's welcome any time. Tracy says it's not about cards, it's about her marriage and that Luke steals from her, lies to her and cheats on her. Ed turns to her and asks why she doesn't divorce him if he's so bad. Luke smiles and says "because she loves me, don't you Popsicle". Tracy just looks down but doesn't deny it.

    6. Tracy follows Luke into the den where he sits down after pouring himself a drink. He swears he hasn't been unfaithful to her in months. She says how could he since he was flat on his back most of that time. Just as she likes it, he accuses. And she smashed his knee to bits so that he couldn't do anything. That didn't stop him with the street walker, she fires back. That was Claudia Zachara, Luke says, Mob Princess and psycho. He didn't do anything with her. But he wasn't fighting her off either, Tracy counters. Luke continues that she knew what he was before she fell in love with him, why is she expecting anything different now? She quietly says he can stay but it's according to her rules. She takes the glass away from him and covers it with her hand to make the point. (They are playing 'Their Song' in the background during most of this discussion.)

    Nothing in previews.

  7. Good morning all, I see you've been very active in my absence.

    Halee, SD is a weird, weird place. We mostly go to the Insider's Lounge for possible scoops (although the fabrication on that board could create a new soap all by itself) or use the search feature. The new board doesn't seem as user-friendly, which is probably a good thing.

    Lack of manicured nails??? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Until you sit down to have tea with herself, and she tells you which side her bread is buttered on, you don't know squat.... and we do have a quote where she said the right man could take her away from all of this. :P

    I'm liking the spoiler for today - about taking him into her home but not her bedroom. I think it's right and just so to do. There are still major trust issues on Tracy's part. At least they are in the same house now, which means their interactions will increase (mind you, none to one wasn't hard to do). Mediapics show that Lukey is working out, so perhaps he will tow the line Tracy lays down.

    I was also thinking about the "Tracy dies" thing. I could see it. We've had Luke die and Carly die, why not Tracy? May is only two months away - the big news (ie. JE's departure) would be out by now in other reliable sources. It would give JE and TG a story that wasn't comedy, and Luke would have to be Tracy's hero for a change. I could go for that. Haven't we said we want to see Tracy in the hospital being cared for, for a change?

    Timeless... the trophy case door is a little hard to open, but once I do the statue is yours.

    Thanks Nex, for the clips.

    Yesterday's show was unbalanced. We had really great stuff (Maxie/Robin; Tracy/Claudia/Luke; Monica/Tracy; Diane/Alexis), then there was pitiful stuff (Jason, Carly, Nicholas, Ian, Nadine, Kate). I really liked Maxie with Robin yesterday. It was a great nod to history that Maxie faked a pregnancy. The girl's got it going on between the ears. No moss on her. Kate was a bit much to her, though. She had been sweetness and light with Jax, then treating Maxie like the dog's breakfast. I understand the fashion business is cutthroat, but they're in PC, can't she be a little kinder?

    Ah... since I started typing, the screamers have arisen and school work is calling. I'll be around throughout the day... the day has begun!


    More spoilers, this time from CBS SID...

    Tracy gets protective of her marriage on April 9th


    Wow, you guys weren't kidding about SOC being up in arms over Tracy's potential demise. They are NOT happy. Good to see. The other thing I noticed is how everyone's bothered by Lulu drinking. That's just funny. My kids drink with me, and they are more than underage. What's the Puritanical reaction all about? Is this particular to US culture, 'cause it didn't fizz me in the least? You KNOW Lukey would have been introducing his kids to alcohol when they were young, and doesn't everyone drink at a Rave?

  8. I think, in a word, JE just doesn't. We all know she has definite opinions about NOT doing love scenes. I think she's from the old school of acting where emotion wasn't necessarily synonymous with tonsil-hockey. A few times she's said "I'm from the old school of acting which..."

    I don't think she even slobbered with Paul in that bedroom floor scene...

  9. Thank you for recapping, Remos. The Amityville Horror, a novel turned into a movie, was about a haunted house that oozed slime from the walls. Very attractive. Based on a "true story", the family ran screaming from the house and never looked back. Love the analogy!

    Now I know that the writers must read SOC. Several weeks ago, when we were all pondering where Tracy might live after being kicked out of the Qs, someone mentioned the wig's house. I replied that Tracy would rather live in The Amityville Horror than "her" house.

    That is too funny. I'm sure the LnL crowd will throw back their heads and howl that something negative was said about 'that' house, but I was smirking at the way they were dissing the place. Now that I get the context, it was down right hilarious.

  10. 1. Claudia slinks in to HS. She knows who Luke Spencer is and introduces herself. Then asks if Luke is interested in an agreement of "mutual exploitation".

    2. Monica is lying in the hospital bed when Tracy walks in and says "Well?" Apparently Monica has asked her to come, apologizing for everything she has done and said to Tracy and others over the years when she acted above reproach, and says she acted too hasty in kicking Tracy and her family out of the house. Tracy asks why she is going to confess, there isn't any evidence. Mon says she's doing the right thing and doesn't accept Tracy's offer of a lawyer.

    Meanwhile at the HS, Claudia rehearses how much she knows about Sonny and tells Luke she want details on what Sonny is doing with his days now. She suggests that she can help Luke out.

    3. Tracy asks Monica why she's taking responsibility now, just as Lulu walks in and overhears that Monica his Sam. Monica tells Lulu she and her father are free to move back into the house. They have to leave when the doctors come to check on Monica. Once outside of the room Tracy tells Lulu she always thought Monica wasn't good enough for her brother, but sometimes.... then just walks away.

    At H.S. Claudia tries to flirt with Luke but he's having none of it. He tells her that everyone who tries to take out Sonny ends up dead. Luke sees that her weakspot is Johnny. Claudia then gets angry and says he has to choose sides, while Luke looks at her in disbelief.

    4. Claudia continue to pour for Luke. Luke says she's too much trouble because he can see a woman scorned and they're too much work. Claudia gets into his face to come on to him again, as Luke tries to back away (he's sitting in a chair). Tracy walks in at this point and says "Well, at least you're consistent". Luke just groans and looks away.

    5. Tracy kicks Claudia out but not before insulting her as a cheap hooker. Claudia plays the part, talking suggestively to Luke and saying she's better than what he's got - giving Tracy the once over. When Claudia's gone Luke gets up really concerned for Tracy because she just insulted Claudia Zachara. Tracy doesn't react to the name at all. Luke's worried she could get herself killed but Tracy thinks it's better than watching him kill himself. She turns and runs out of the H.S.

    6. Lulu walks in to H.S. and takes Luke's bottle and glass from him. She says Monica has let them back into the mansion, that Lulu has already moved their things 'home', Alice is thrilled and Cook is making a lunch of his favourite foods. Both talk about wanting to get out of 'that house' and Luke compairs it to the Amnityville Horror (I've never seen that, could someone please explain the metaphor?). The two clink glasses as Luke says "the Spencers are moving home".

    7. Luke and Lulu come walk into the mansion. Luke yells "is there a Dominitor in the house?" Tracy (changed into a new outfit) walks down the stairs saying they don't have to yell. She turns to Lulu and says "Sweetheart, your room is ready for you as soon as you take your father back to where he belongs". Luke looks displeased and that's where they left it.

    Previews: nothing

  11. Little TL, did you ever get your avi identified? I think it was when Tracy discoverd Lulu and Dillon in the boathouse together. The second time I remember that jacket (taking a pause, that I remember something based on clothing...) was when Lukey returned in Sept. 2006.

  12. Okay--so this is not so reassuring...I call my brother who is coming in to watch my kids while I am away. I tell him I will see him tonight. He says, "yes I get in really late." I was like "no you don't, you get in at 7:49pm. He said "Oh my gosh, so glad i spoke to you. I was looking at that time as my departure time and not my arrival time. I just missed my flight from Costa Rica last week doing the same thing".

    This is my brilliant, attorney brother who has travelled the world many times over! OY! I can see him saying.."Oh i thought school started at 3pm, not ended at 3pm for the kids"

    Oh well....who cares right if they miss a day or something. I will be on a rocky mountain high!!

    Men are idiots.

    Enjoy your trip, Hooked.

    I wonder what the dynamics will be with Luke/Zaccharia money/Tracy. She still owns the HS so she's got to come into play somehow.

    I'll be watching today to see if there is any build-up for tomorrow.

  13. Greetings all,

    I've just dropped in to say hi, and then I'll drop right out again. I'm in the middle of preparing the Diva's grade 5 programme for next year, and finding the holes that have to be filled before September. In a word - it's tiring. At least she's in good spirits about it all and doing her work without much complaint (complete opposite of last year at this time, I can assure you).

    I'm glad this LuNacy drought is about to come to an end, but I'm still pissed it too this long. I hope Wednesday and Thursday are worth hype and it's not another blow-through like we've been getting with them individually lately.

    Sorry I'm not up to date on the fics. I'm trying...

    Hope all of your are well. Hooked, enjoy your trip and I will sent you the recaps by email. Outside of Ms. Q (who gets them that way anyway), anyone else want recaps by email this week? If not, they will be here to read as soon as I can post. (One of the secret pleasures of homeschooling - I'm teaching the Diva to write recaps... they're dictation afterall :P ).

  14. hey all wishing everyone a happy easter. i hope the weekend was great for every one. remos i went to sunrise service @ 5am. i had to get up at 4ish in the morning. oh my what the early morn does to my body. well believe i took a nap when i got home.

    i wrote some new fics if anyone wants to read.


    Oh... I miss sunrise over the Atlantic... We used to watch it rise over the icebergs and Quebec's Gaspe Peninsula. Memories...

    I didn't have a nap, and I'm exhausted. I've gotten the kids to their beds but sleep remains illusive, sigh..

    Your stories were great, Funny, I've just read them. One link isn't working, though... (Question)

    Geering up for a week with Tracy/LuNacy. About frackin' time, I tells ya!!!

    I hope everyone enjoyed their day.

  15. Morning all... it's just before 6 AM, it's -7 degrees outside with -11 windchill. The sky is clear and we should have a glorious sunrise service. Not quite the same as my childhood where we watched the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean, but the Great Lakes will do for now (not real water, though).

    I just wanted to wish everyone a glorious Easter and happy Purim (not sure what the technical greeting is, sorry). We will be at church most of the day, going from sunrise service to breakfast, to home to get dressed and back to church for our full Easter service. I might be on later today.

    All of the Tracy spoilers sound great. I can't wait to see her this week. So far 2008 has not shaped up to be the LuNacy year we were expecting. Sigh...

    I hope that one about Alice and the staff threat is true. That should be good for a few laughs. Then we have that picture of Alice making Luke work out - wonder how all of that came to be and if Mr. Lukey has realized he has to make more of an effort about his health for his wife. I'm sure it's just a prop to keep TG off his knee as much as possible, but I'll take it.

    Anyway, we're off, my lovelies. Enjoy your day.

  16. Greetings everyone. My kids had finished most of their school work today, when they realized the 'school' kids had the days off. Ha ha ha.... I love my life!!!

    I've mixed feelings about Michael being the one to get replaced. I was actually hoping they would treat him like they did Robin, so we'd have some history with a kid who can really act. But alas, he was the natural cap keeping all the kids form being SORAS'd.

    BUT I'm glad to hear it isn't Lucky or Nicholas - they were the only two I could figure fit the bill for 10+ years character, 5 years the actor. I was worried that now that tiic had depleted the Q's, they were going after the Spencer's with a vengence. (I think JI is already recurring, btw.)

    Thanks for the JE quote, Hooked. It's been said by her before, but it's still nice to hear. Jane really seems to respect people and history - love that about her. She's not at all caught up in the individual commercial appeal that seems so prevalent in Hollywood.

    So... how many days do you think we'll actually get next week? I'm guessing 2.

  17. Good to know thanks for posting the spoilers! :) At least there are some to post.

    Yup, this is usually a good sign that things are heating up for TQ. Some of her best stuff is never spoiled, but the days/scenes around it often are.

    At least Tracy is finally getting over her anger and letting her heart rule her head a little bit more.

    Personally, I think all bets were off with TG's knee. If the knee we saw after Tracy hit him was his actually make-up free knee, then I think the surgery came upon them fairly quickly. Most knees that need replacing don't look like that if the surgery is planned far in advance. Besides he's Danish, and they have a health care system like Canada's. It would have behoved him to plan to have the work done there.

    But now he's up, and since tiic didn't plan for anything else for Tracy, she went on vacation. Hope JE enjoyed it.

  18. This is pathetic...from CH's webite about the 45th party!

    Hey there! Well, it wasn't really a party per se. as Jill FP said, "this is a photo op!" The whole thing lasted about half an hour and took place during the lunch break that day. We all just milled about, talking with the various press reps there...Tom Stacey is my personal fave. I absolutely adore that man. And he's cute! And, of course, I devoured the cake. And you know Sarah B had her camera out, you've already seen those pics...

    But that was about it. Except that Tom Stacey's mom and aunt were there, interviewing some of the actors for the mag. As adorable as he is...they're better. Love, C

    GH is lower than the dirt on a snake's ass to quote TQ!!

    Wow... are they really that out of touch with reality? Some of us can mark significant moments in our lives shared with the characters of GH. My children's birthday parties are more elaborate than that.

    I hope there is a changing of the guard soon. It's just too obvious that the people doing the job right now don't understand the meaning of the term 'Soap'.

  19. Finally, SD has something for us...


    Do you have anything at all for Tracy or should I just hang it up seeing her onscreen anymore for the next few weeks?

    Ok this is the last one. You guys always pull me back in.

    Claudia goes to see Luke. She knows a lot about him. Wants him to spill what he knows about Sonny for her. He declines. She is trying to flirt with Luke to get her way and Tracy arrives, starts bitching her out and calling her names and then tells Luke he will not have her cheat on her. Very funny stuff.

    Also Monica and Tracy forge a truce. Monica tells Tracy to move back in. Tracy offers her help and support.

  20. We are not old, we are just the more "seasoned" around here! LOL!

    Like Tracy likes her men more "seasoned" rather than cabana boys! I could go for a cabana boy right a bout now though-- LOL!

    Cultured, darling... we're Cultured. I can reference Mozart too - and the first person that suggests I'm 500 years old...

    Now, as for cabana boys - they go with any age, n'est pas???

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