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Posts posted by remos

  1. One more post...from some anon insider:

    So do you know if they are going anywhere with an Anna/Luke fling, or is more of maybe using her as a reason for Luke to leave for the summer on some adventure? Does anyone know if he and Tracy remained married through his summer break?

    They stay married as far as I know. I don't know much else, just that TG and FH wanted scenes together. No clue as to whether it leads to a fling, but I doubt it unless FH stays longer than originally scheduled.

    This should be entertaining, but I seriously doubt a 'fling' is involved. Playing strip roulette (they won't strip that far anyway) while they are drunk and dealing with the crap this past year has thrown at the both of them (Luke: heart attack; Anna: grandmother shock), is a whole lot different then entering into something significantly more serious.

    Interesting that Tracy goes to Robin for assistence. With any luck it can mean for some interesting moments between Tracy and Anna over the summer while Luke is away (another reason why a fling ain't gonna happen).

  2. ^^ Thanks....

    And from SZ for the week of the 28th...

    Anthony comes calling on Luke.

    Tracy is alarmed for Luke's welfare should he be caught between two mobs.

    Luke takes Tracy by complete surprise when he blurts out that he really does love her.

    Alexis uses her lawyerly clout to close the Haunted Star.

    And the following week...

    Tracy uneasily notices a spark between Luke and Anna, and feels threatened.

  3. Oh hooked... and you tried so hard. I didn't notice the story lost, but the meter was improved.

    How did the critique go for the stories you couldn't endure?

    This was on GHH2... Didn't like the first line, but as it continued it got better...

    Luke escapes his keeper.

    Tracy frets about Luke and the Z's. (4/30)

    Luke gets a visit from Papa Z. (5/1)

    Luke declares his love for Tracy.

    Anna confides in Luke.

    Luke and Anna are caught in the act trying to drink each other the table. (5/5)

    Patrick seeks Luke's wisdom. (5/6)

    Anna is called away on a mission before she can fix the mess she made. (5/6)

    When it comes to Luke and Anna, Tracy sees green.

    Anna's expected back in the summer, perhaps with company (me: Robert?)

  4. Will that idiot ever learn...

    May 5

    Robin, Patrick and Tracy walk in on Luke and Anna’s drinking contest and find Anna hanging upside down by a rope. A sore Anna struggles to accept the realization that she isn’t as young as she used to be and admits to Robin her fears of becoming a grandmother.

  5. Thanks TnL!

    *reminds self to catch up on fanfiction*

    OT, but I got confirmation that I did NOT whip the brush at my mother when I was little. Yay. That makes me a little nicer of a kid than I thought I was.

    Okay, friends, here is Version #1 of the nickname video. I intend on changing it around a bit, based on what you all say - provided that I can do with it what you want me to do with it. Make sense? :P



    Edit: Volume at certain parts doesn't match volume at other parts (I tried adjusting, but you know, some clips just have bad audio...) Also, sometimes he would call her "Spanky" or whatever and quickly say something else, so it was difficult to cut it off... Some other nit-picky things like that going on in the video, but hopefully, it's still fun to watch and won't be too much longer 'til, with the help of all of you, I have a more finalized version... :D

    Oh Ms. Q, that was FABULOUS!!! I had tear running down my cheeks from laughing. I never realized he called her "my love". And the not-a-Spencer/Spencer thing was perfect. Going back to watch again...

  6. ^^^ Computer is still evil, but I've been fiddling with the video since I got home...

    Can't wait to see it. What's your ETA?

    I used to scream and whip my brush across the room... Or well, I hope it was across the room and not my mom...But I don't know. I once chased my Dad around at a party with the piñata stick (we used a pool stick instead of a bat), so anything is possible. :huh::unsure:

    Oh baby, just give me the word and I'm sending your pic and info to my kid's godfather!!!

  7. Re: Spoilers

    Sounds to me that Wubs is speculating based on the Soap Opera Weekly scoop. Speaking of...Glad to see that our girl is important enough to get a spoiler mention in SOW. Yay!


    Re: Nicknames

    I will keep Robert out of it, 'cause I want to keep it all to LuNacy. But someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Robert also call Tracy "Sparks" when Luke wasn't around? That seemed more endearing that just mocking Luke's name for her.

    So... how goest it?

  8. Okay.. got to watch live today.

    of course, no LuNacy...

    But there is a Spinelli/Diane scene which is guaranteed to crack you up.

    CH may be my new goddess.

    Lainey... I'm so glad you got to see it. I didn't watch live but I've read that it was a riot. I'm waiting as Cazigirl is uploading now.

  9. Hello...from wubs today..

    **Tracy wants Anna out of Port Charles!

    Good news--maybe some tracy/anna scenes with luke mixed in or without! I am the proud new owner of two millipedes. Lovely--I couldn't have had girls now could I??

    Oh... girls come with their own sets of issues... believe me. I actually prefer the rock and slime collections to the search for the 'right' brush or the melt down when the hair style fails.

    I wonder what load of trouble Anna is going to bring with her this time. If she's getting Luke tied into soemthing with AZ, I bet Tracy will want her gone before she even unpacks.

    We're well over a month (almost two months) away from TG's vacation. Wonder how all of this will play out ('cause they never give it to us straight in spoilers...)

  10. He,y Ms. Q ~

    A few more thoughts on the nicknames...

    During the legendary "You are my escape, Tracy" scene at Wyndemere, Tracy said, "I am not a Spencer. I am your wife."

    If you want to add a little Robert, there was a scene with LuNacy and Robert the episode before the renew vows/Luke jumps out the window, goes to the Markham Islands. (May 2006, but I'm sure you knew that already. ) TR, adlibbing I would bet, was talking to Luke and referred to Tracy as "Sparky Butt". Don't know if that would dilute the LuNacy-ness of it all. Hmmm...

    Yeah... but Robert was just trying to be a sh*t. He was stepping on Luke's nickname territory on purpose - just to piss Lukey off.

  11. I am officially just waiting patiently for JE to retire or quit or whatever. For Tracy to die. Whatever. The sooner the better.


    (although I wish JE nothing but he best in her personal life, I have run out of patience with Guza and this show. I'm done.)

    I get that... I really do. I think many of us have expressed the same sentiment in one way or another. It's hard to root for a show that seems content to tear down what they start to build, and treat strong women like the are garbage.... why do we watch this, again???

    I'm telling you -- I jumped on the LuNacy train before it was "cool."

    And now I'm on the Dax train before it pulls out of the station.

    That whole storyline is to die for funny.

    I'm still not convinced about the Max part, but I agree about the rest of it. CH is wonderful, and has the second best facial expressions on the show (tied with Spinelli).

    I'm really, really hoping for some scenes where Diane, Spinelli and Tracy are together. THAT would be amazing to watch.

    Tracy is jealous of Luke and... Anna?

    Again, curious punctuation. I tell ya, it will be interesting but not what they are trying to suggest.

    Sorry I missed everyone tonight. I had to lie down and by the time I returned, all of you had gone your merry old way. Perhaps tomorrow night...

    Hooked, you're welcome. It really is coming along nicely. If I had a voice I would have just talked over you... it's all good. :D

  12. Ms. Q, I think "Mrs. Spencer" should definitly be included. Tracy thinks of herself as "Ms. Quartermaine married to Mr. Spencer". But just for laughs, you should include the bit before the Metro Court hostage situation where she says "I'm a Spencer"

    I think all of one name in a row would be hilarious. I'm so glad you're doing this - just wish your'puter was cooperating.

    Thanks for the wishes. My voice is gone, and my chest hurts from all the coughing. I even had to tell Hooked to stop talking today because I couldn't respond to her if she didn't give me the space. :lol: I don't like being mute. (And the ass h*le is home from work, insulting me and taking advantage of me not being able to speak... not having a good evening. Hopefully we can all chat later... I'll b*tch then.)


    Okay, somethings in the works...

    This from Wubs:

    Luke stuns Tracy with his words

    Anthony and Luke have a drink and a talk

    And for you, Lainey...

    Max and Diane start meeting on the sly

  13. Gee thanks for the vote of confidance there Remos! You know me too well.

    Eh.... what can I say... :lol:

    ILTQ--This supposed ILY declaration is before the Anna stuff happens. The Anna/Luke scenes take place the week of the 5th. This ILY stuff is supposed to be next week of the 28th, around Wed. I have seen today that Luke and Anna scheme is what they do. Not sex. I read some spec about Anna and Luke scheme to take AZ for a lot of money. Maybe they are leading to that. I saw that Robin breaks down to Mac after talking to Anna on 5/13, so it looks like maybe she is on for her 6 episodes or whatever it is spread out a couple times a week. Could coincide with Tony's vacation. He could be leaving at end of May. Usually the mags spoil his last air date. Haven't seen anything about it nor I have seen anyone have info on it ion the boards.

    I don't think they were ever going to have Luke and Anna going there. It would be gross, pointless and stupid. Besides, that's not the type of relationship they have together. Not every 'hook-up' in soap land is about sex. Now scheming.... that I could see happening any day.

    I also don't think the spoiler was clear that they stole his money, just that they either scammed AZ or took something important to him. That could be anything.

    It also said that FH has extended her time this summer, and quite possibly will be given her own story. It all depends on her schedule. Either way, she will be here long past 5-6 episodes.

    The May 5th SID should have that lunacy question in its reader's poll section about should Tracy take Luke back? It is a little late don't you think??

    Yes - thank heavens. :P

  14. I think we'll get more than just a simple ILY. Significant stuff makes LH's spoilers, not the passing. That double ILY before Luke left the hospital, wasn't spoiled. Luke's ILY before the fake wedding wasn't even scripted. I think everyone has had enough of LuNacy's break and want to establish things are solid before TG leaves. Honestly, we are almost all story tellers - put on your writing brains and think about the story hole they'd be in if TG is gone for 4 months with no solid relationship to return to. That would be almost impossible to pick up before the Christmas break. They have to keep the flow going.

    These things I believe to be true, my friends...

    1. ewcbo will NOT make an appearance before the end of the decade

    2. LuNacy will be increasingly solid as time goes on

    3. TG and JE will not leave before the end of the decade

    4. Spoilers are there to get conversation going, and are almost always misleading

    5. TPTB are learning their lessons and have the potential to turn this baby around

    6. Hooked will freak-out over something before the week is over

  15. You know... we were told it was going to be all Z's, all the time, but the entire preview from Lynda Hirsch is full of LuNacy, Scrubs, Spinmax and LuSam. With healthy helpings of others....

    GENERAL HOSPITAL: Sonny cautions a conflicted Lulu to steer clear of Johnny. Patrick finds himself in hot water when Robin overhears him telling Coleman that he finds Anna extremely hot and sexy. Maxie and Spinelli manage to stop Ian from leaving town by having Spinelli fake an appendicitis attack. Alexis uses her power as district attorney to have the Haunted Star shut down. Lulu washes her hands of Johnny. Nadine and Nikolas enjoy each other's company, but she leaves him alone on the docks in the hopes he'll see Emily again. Nikolas promises Emily he'll live life to the fullest as they share a dance. Sam tells Lucky that her painkillers don't seem to be working any longer. Claudia takes the stand at Anthony's trial. Tracy fears for Luke's health and worries about him getting involved with the Zaccharas. Luke stops Tracy in her tracks when he impulsively tells her that he loves her. Spinelli comes to Maxie and Lulu's rescue, but the two women remain at odds. Maxie discovers that a large amount of money is missing from Crimson's operating account. Lucky reaches out to Elizabeth. Maxie stows away in the cart truck as Jason and Spinelli search for Ian.

    SNEAK PEEK: Jason breaks down.

  16. WHAT?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? That is a nice spoiler to wake up to Remos!

    That's what I thought. :D

    Maybe he gives her back the ring too? Guess that would be next wed!!! The Tracy sees green is the next week of the 5th I believe when the Anna stuff happens. If he tells her that, then why does she get so jealous of Anna?

    Remember, that original spoiler had 'seeing green' in quotes. They are trying to tease us that Tracy is jealous, but somehow that doesn't ring true. Tracy's never been jealous of Alexis, and she has the same kind of friendship with Luke that Anna potentially has. The green part might refer to money, since Anna is gambling with Luke.

    For you, BSG...


  17. I'm home now for the evening. Don't know how long I can last before I give in to the coughing syrup.

    Hooked, you have the dubious distinction of being one of the last today to hear my voice. Feel special? (Good thing I can type to 'talk' to all of you this evening.)

    So... we easily have quorum for the motion. It's been read and unanimously passed. Details will follow, but if you have any ideas or stories just about the summer, I suggest you start stockpiling - we don't want to miss any days!

    Of course... any fics that aren't summer related are expected to be presented upon completion. That hasn't changed.

  18. Okay, all you LuNacy fans, someone at YT requested awhile back that I do a video just putting together the nicknames Luke has used for our girl. I got a whole lot of Pretty Pink Peppermint Popsicle (or just Popsicle) [10 total so far - ay caramba] and Spanky's [7 total so far].

    I also have one or some (3 or less) of the following:

    My Little Corn Muffin

    My Little Komodo Dragon

    My Little Sweet Potato Pie

    My Little Sugar Plum

    My Luscious, Lascivious, Little Lollipop

    My Little [spankybuns]








    Cherry Cheeked Cherub





    Jungle Queen



    Could use more and/or better ones of "Mama," "Baby," "Wife," and "Sugarplum."

    Still have to add Babe (I can just remember the time in the courtroom for that one), Cuddles, Lifeline, Sweetheart (just have one of this one too, when there were prob. more...) I also feel like he's called her Darling once or twice...

    Feel free to add anymore (and a time-frame if possible).

    And if you have any specific moments that *must* go into the video that involve the names I already mentioned, let me know. :) Gracias!!!

    Ms. Q.... your encyclopaedic knowledge of all things Tracy never fails to impress!

    1. Could I please request the recents "Mama, do you want me kneeling?" as a "Mama" clip, and

    B. He called her 'Sweetheart' this past Wednesday while they were talking before the reopening of the HS.

  19. Remos--SOD says they are quietly looking for a 40 somethingish to play Domenica Zacharra--the HO is getting a mother! Let's just establish the Zs as the cornerstone of GH! BLAH!!!!

    But you have to admit, they are more interesting than the Cs, AND they have already established relationships with LuNacy. I'm not too concerned about this potential character - still plenty of room for Tracy in my scenerio!

  20. Wow, Addie. I'm sorry your trip has been hijacked. That's not fair. Vent away.

    On SD this morning...

    Patrick finds a surprising voice of reason in Luke

    The Haunted Star causes problems for Tracy and Luke

    JE has been assured that when TG goes on vacation she will get a Tracy/Monica storyline.

    Luke urges Anna to overcome her "grandma" blues

    On Wubs this morning...

    Tracey is worried about Luke's mob ties

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